~Chapter Four~

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Jack's POV

He started driving and no surprise, it was really fast. I was still kinda scared burying my face into his back looking down. I refused to look up cause I new if I did I would not last. Although I have to say being like this...I kinda liked it. Being this close to Mark and ridding with him, wearing his helmet. He's so strong and has muscle but it's all great for a hug and.... Wait Jack what you thinking ?!

You barely met the guy. You can't be falling for him already or are you even falling for him ? I sat there thinking not even realizing that we had made it to the place.

"Earth to Mr.SpaceManJack do you copy ?" Mark asked waving his hand in my face with a chuckle.

"Huh What !? Oh yeah just thinking about stuff." I said a bit embarrassed.

He laughed and took off my helmet fixing my flower crown as well. That was nice of him. He helped me off the motorcycle and I looked up to where we where eating. "Pizza Mayhem " it said in blinking blue and red lights. The place itself looked big and kinda filled with people. The walls where red and has a little roof on the windows that where white and green stripes. Their logo no surprise again a giant pizza but in pepperoni it said the restaurant name.

He said helped open the door for me witch I thanked him for and walked through as he followed behind be. The walls where white and there where tables and booths everywhere most where filled. Most with kids form our school and others just some random people. A guy came up to us putting us in a booth and handing us the menu. He took our orders on what we wanted to drink I got Orange Fanta (haven't had that in a while) and Mark got Root beer. (idk what to give them) We started talking and making jokes, being loud and obnoxious most likely. As me and Mark where laughing at a joke we made I looked up a bit and see some people form our school stare at us. In a strange way. I got nervous and say that they where whispering to each other and looking back at us every so often.

I tried slouching in my seat so I can't be seen but Mark saw and asked what's wrong.

"I think people are talking about us.." I mumbled a bit looking down. Mark saw that I was worried so he looked up and gave them a glare saying "Mind your own damn business" Witch made them all stop and look away. "Thanks Mark" I said smiling a small bit.

"Ok so what do you want to eat ? Get whatever you want." He was already looking trough the menu as we both wanted a half and half. (Just in case you don't know what a half and half is it's one half is for example cheese and the other is pepperoni)

"Well I guess I'll get pineapple on my side"

"Pineapple really ? Out of all the things you can get, pineapple is your go to ?"

He said with a smirk.

"Yeah pineapple is great on pizza you're just to lame to understand."

"Oh am I ? How lame am I to you ? Cause I can assure you I'm pretty damn cool"

"Careful Mark you're head is already big enough. If it gets any bigger it's gonna pop"

We both started laughing at my little comment. God his laugh, I could listen to it forever and not get tried of it. His smile too. Made me smile as well.

"Ok then "Mr.I'mtocoolforpinapplepizza"what are you getting on your end ?"

"Well obviously something BETTER than pineapple."

"And that is ?"


"Mushroom and Pineapple are on the same level !" I stated jokingly.

"You wish."

We laughed and then ordered what we wanted. What seemed like hours of waiting (witch was just like 10 to 15 minuets) we FINALLY got our food. We dug in eating more talking getting to know each other more.

"Hey Jack let me try one of your pineapple slices."

"Ohoho so NOW you want it ?! Is it finally cool enough for you ?"

"Oh shut up I just want to try it. See if it's actually bad like people say it is."

" *gasp* How DARE you talk about this beautiful thing like that ?!"

"I know right it's a shock how people can talk shit you and me when we look so good. Well me especially."

"I think I see your head getting bigger !"

"Oh haha just let me try."

I did. I handed him a slice as I "stole" one of his to eat since I had to give up my tasty slice to this man. I shall never forget him. I'm sure he was a great man. You will be missed. As we ate Mark got my chin lifting it gently wiping away a pice of mushroom that was on my face.

*Timeskip to them leaving and paying and getting back on Marks motorcycle*

I didn't want to go back to school. I wanted to hang out with Mark some more. He's much more fun that school. I try to savor the moment as we drive back to school. As pure usual he helps me off the motorcycle and helmet.



"I don't wanna go back to class. I wanna hang out with you more."

" I do too but you gotta get back to class. I think I had you for long enough."

"But..if you really DO wanna talk more I could give you my number." He pulled out his phone and opened the contact list. Getting a profile ready as he handed it to me. I typed my name and my number. I kinda looked through his contacts and saw "Phil" in there. I knew it was him cause of the picture. Everyone in his contracts has a picture.

"You know Phil ?"

"Im assuming you know Dan ."

That was true I did know him. He's friends with me and Ethan. The funny thing is me and Dan where the ONLY pastel in the hole school. He got me into it since I have been friends with him since 3rd grade. His boyfriend is Phil. I've talked to him before and he's also a punk. There are punks in the school and they all hang out with each other.

"Yeah since 3rd grade."

"Huh, well yeah I know Phil good friend of mine ."

"Oh Jack move back a bit. To where the tree is ."

I did as told standing under the tree looking at him.

"Now what ?"

"Smile ."

He pulled out his phone and I did. He took the picture letting me see it. He set it as my profile picture for my contact.

"You look so good in this picture ."

"Oh shut up."

We walked to our classes but I didn't really pay to much attention. I kept thinking about Mark.

Hnnnnnnnnggggg hello there person reading this. How are you. Great that's awesome. Anyways this one is kinda long but I thought you would like it cause I've been gone for a while. So yeah hope this is good. OH BTW um the text that "looks like this" is Mark. But I write these stories in notes first then bring them here. Should stop doing that. So that's why some of the text are like that and others not so much. I was gonna rewrote them all but got lazy so. Yeah. Anyways Marks looks like this

"Hi I'm Mark."

"Hi I'm jack" that's what his was supposed to look like. But like I said notes so. Hope you like this love you.


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