Chapter Thirty-Two: Grisham Lake

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Without a second thought, Noah flung the door open and pulled Cole through it after him. Mara made a start for them but instead turned around and ran outside to Anthony. He looked away from Naomi and Paul to see what she was screaming about. "What's wrong?"

"They took our baby!" she cried. He made a look of confusion.

"Who stole Amber-Lynn?"

"Noah and Cole!" He shot a disdain expression at the others and took off to the door. As he passed the other three outside, Kacey stuck her foot out and tripped him. Anthony lurched forward and fell to the concrete, rolling over into the pool with a large splash. Kendall started laughing and pulled the two girls next to him towards the sliding glass door. They needed to get out of there. They pushed past Mara and headed outside to their car.

"Let's get out of here, guys," he yelled back at Paul and Naomi. Not needing to be told twice, he clutched his stomach and made his way to the door. Mara snatched Naomi by the forearm and yanked her back.

"Anthony's gonna kick your boyfriend's ass," she hissed venomously. Naomi brought her hand back and slapped the other girl across the face. Mara yelped.

"Bitch, don't ever touch me like that again." She ripped her arm free and started for her again. Paul interfered, taking her by the wrist.

"Baby, we have to go. You can fuck her up later." As badly as Naomi wanted to get Mara by the hair, she knew they didn't have the time. Right now, they needed to get out of their house and get back to Cole's place. She sighed and walked with him to the front door. Just before leaving, she turned back and called out to Mara.

"You fucked with the wrong bitch, Mara! I'll see you at school on Monday!" With that, Paul and Naomi headed for her car. When they climbed inside, Kacey sat in the back, texting at a rapid pace. "What're you doing?" Paul took a seat in the back next to Kacey. He was in no condition to drive.

"I'm telling Cole to bring me Robert," she said.

"What for?"

"Look who's chasing after us!" Naomi glanced out of the window and her stomach dropped. Anthony's friend Bryce was climbing into his car. Out of everyone who did Anthony's work, Bryce was the one who did it with the most vigor. He was as ride or die as they came. There was a loud banging on Kacey's window and they all three jumped in surprise. Kacey rolled it down and brought in Robert. Cole leaned close to the window and said,

"You wait until he's chasing us before you head back to my place, okay? I put my house keys in the diaper bag. If my parents ask what you're doing, just tell them I'll be home as soon as possible. Stall them, okay?"

"We can do that," Paul said.

"Thanks, you guys."

"Don't mention it," Naomi smiled. Cole grinned as well then disappeared, running up to Bryce's car. He tapped on the window.

"Did Anthony tell you to come get us? Because if he did, prepare to be told to give him a blowjob, too. That's what he does with all his bitches." Before the other boy inside could respond, Cole took off back to Laura, Kendall, and Noah. He hopped into the backseat and slammed the door shut. "Go!" he exclaimed.

"Gotcha," Kendall replied, switching gears and slamming on the gas pedal. They lurched forward. Noah handed the baby over to Cole and turned to look out of the back window of the car. He saw Bryce's truck pull out and turn towards them. Within seconds, he was behind them, way too close to appear like any normal driver. It was clear that he wanted to hit them.

"He's right behind us, guys," he said nervously. He sat back down and looked at Cole.

"We're gonna be okay," Cole assured him. He took Noah's hand in his and gave him a slight squeeze. Noah didn't say anything but it made him feel just a bit better.

"I don't think we should have split the babies up. What if he starts crying?"

"I put the babysitter bracelet Anthony was using in their bag. We're okay."

"It's just..."


"It's just that I haven't gotten to take care of him, yet. I haven't gotten any time with him and it's been my week. I wanted to. I wanted to take care of him a little bit before we had to give him back," he said somberly. Cole had no idea he wanted to take responsibility for Robert. Throughout the first week, he'd complained about having to take care of it. He'd spent all of his time talking about how much he wasn't looking forward to it. Just like he'd spent all of his time avoiding being around Cole.

And then, it was like Cole had been punched in the stomach. Noah wanted to be with Robert. Noah wanted to be with..

"Noah, I'm sorry."

"You've said that enough for tonight," Noah replied, looking out of the window to his right. Cole didn't let the subject go.

"No, I'm not saying it about the past. I'm saying sorry for right now. For Robert. If... if I hadn't been such a bad person to you, then Robert wouldn't have been taken. You would've gotten your week with him. But because of our fight - because of me pulling away from you when you kissed me - because of how badly I talked about you... You didn't get your time with him. It's not fair. It wasn't fair of me to take that away from you, too." Every time he thought about their past, he realized more ways of how badly he'd messed up their relationship. When Noah tried to repair it, like kissing him in the parking lot, he'd pushed him away.

And then he'd complained how horrible Noah was. It made Cole feel sick to his stomach. Noah had been trying. It was him who hadn't been putting in any effort. Noah watched Cole's face as he sat lost in thought, shaking his head slowly. He could see how bad the boy felt, and just before telling him that it was okay, he stopped.

He couldn't keep up the same pattern. Relationships didn't work that way; one person couldn't always give in to the other. They needed to give and take from each other. It was his time to take from Cole. Even the night they'd met, Noah had given to Cole. Not that he was complaining about how he'd given it to the boy.

"I know you're sorry. And it's not okay. Not yet. But make it up to me, okay? Show me that you're really sorry. Prove it, and we'll see what happens." Cole looked up at the boy and nodded. It was what he deserved. Cole opened his mouth to say something when they were hit from behind. Cole nearly dropped the baby but managed to keep Amber-Lynn close. Noah's head snapped to the back window and he covered his eyes. The headlights on Bryce's truck were brighter than ever. He was probably only inches behind them.

"Did this asshole just hit my car?" Laura exclaimed. "Oh, hell no." She reached forward and pulled two the two milkshakes she'd got for the stakeout from the cup-holders in front of the radio. She turned and handed one to either boy in the back. "Give me the baby," she ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Cole replied, handing her the carrier. After she placed Amber-Lynn on the floor in front of her seat, she reached across Kendall and used the automated buttons on the door to roll down Cole and Noah's windows.

"I want you two to throw those cups at his windshield. Blind him." They grinned mischievously and shared a look.

"On it," Noah replied. He and Cole turned around in their seats, knees planted into the cushions.

"Count of three?" Cole asked.

"One," Noah said.



They stuck their heads out of the window and took aim, throwing the old shakes at the window. They soared through the air and smashed against the glass, their frothy interiors exploding everywhere. Like predicted, Bryce freaked out and swerved just enough to lose his proximity. Cole and Noah sat down in the car, laughing loudly. Seizing the opportunity, Kendall sped up and shot around the corner. It was dangerous to move through a neighborhood so quickly but they didn't have much of an option. There was no way they were letting Bryce catch up to them so that he could take Amber-Lynn back.

Eventually, Bryce cleaned off his window and started back up for them, but by then they had a sizable lead on him.

"What's the plan, Cole?" Kendall asked, looking at the boy through the mirror above the windshield. Cole wracked his brain, unsure what they were going to do next. They couldn't shake him off without getting Bryce into some sort of accident. He wouldn't stop until he got Anthony's baby back. Cole figured they'd have to make him back off.

"We have to scare him off. Threaten to destroy Amber-Lynn like we thought he would do to Robert." Kendall nodded, lost in thought. Then it hit him. He turned the car to the right and moved through the streets without hitting a single red light. Laura put her hand on his shoulder and turned to him.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said softly, glancing at her. She nodded and took his word for it. Kendall followed the road for three miles until he spotted the lake in front of them. Without hesitation, he hopped the curb and drove across the grass. Laura clutched his shoulder in fear. Kendall slammed on the brakes and turned off her car, unbuckling his seatbelt and hopping out of the driver's seat. "Everyone out," he ordered. The three of them followed his lead. When they were all outside, he took off towards the pier, positive that they would follow him.

"What are we doing?" Cole yelled as he ran after Kendall.

"We're doing exactly what you said! We're scaring him away." The group made it to the end of the pier before Kendall turned around and took a seat. Noah looked at him as if he was mentally insane.

"This is your plan? To just sit here and wait for Bryce to come get us?"

"Sit down, guys. He's not coming to get us." Kendall looked at Amber-Lynn and took her out of her carrier. He patted her back and coddled her, watching for Bryce's truck to turn the corner and spot Laura's car. Cole and Noah reluctantly took a seat.

"I don't understand what -,"

"Just watch," Kendall insisted. A moment later, Bryce sped around and parked his truck. The milkshakes had been cleared off the front window but were still obvious on the hood of the vehicle. It served him right. Bryce cracked his neck and stalked forward, ready to cross fifty yards to get to them. Before he set foot on the pier, Kendall quickly dialed his number and turned on the speaker phone. Bryce paused and dug his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm gonna kill all of you," he threatened.

"C'mon now. If you set foot on this pier, we'll throw baby Amber-Lynn in the lake. She'll sink to the bottom, and Anthony and Mara will never see her again." Kendall smirked when there was silence from Bryce's end of the line. "What you're gonna do now is -,"

"I'm not gonna do shit for you. I don't take orders from you."

"Well you better start or it'll cost Anthony hundreds of dollars," Laura jumped in.

"Look here, bitch," Bryce growled. Kendall's jaw clenched and he lifted Amber-Lynn up by her head. He then dangled her over the edge of the pier.

"No more of that, Bryce. Call Anthony. Tell him to get down here. We're going to have a discussion. Once you call him, let me know then go home and go on about your night. This isn't between you and us. This is between all of us and Anthony. Call him and tell him that we'll kill her if he doesn't get his ass down here in thirty minutes."

Bryce hung up the phone in frustration. Kendall placed his phone on the wood and looked around. Judging from Cole and Noah's reaction, he'd done pretty good. Laura smiled and leaned in to kiss him. They sat in silence for a minute until Kendall's phone rang. He answered the call.

"Did you call him?"


"Good! Now go home, Bryce. Enjoy your three-day weekend."

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