Chapter Twenty-Four: Invitation

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Cole’s mind was clouded with nothing but the idea of revenge.  He needed it more than he could believe and it was such an intense longing that he sought nothing but giving Brent a taste of his own medicine.  He knew something not even Kelsey knew and he couldn’t wait to throw it in both of their faces.  Once he arrived at their apartment, Cole climbed out of his vehicle and stormed up to the front door, banging loudly on the wood.  He crossed his arms over his chest while he waited.  When they didn’t answer, Cole stood on his toes and grabbed the key sitting on top of the door frame.

The apartment was silent as he entered, all the lights and electronics turned off as well.  He closed the front door and turned on the lights, heading to the bedroom to see if they were asleep.  That too was empty.  It was clear that nobody was home.  Cole sighed and kicked over one of their fake plants.  Of course they wouldn’t be here when he had figured it all out.  Of course he couldn’t rub it in their faces when he wanted to the most.

But he wasn’t going to give up that easily.  He finally had all the pieces to the puzzle.  He knew everything.  After being humiliated and tossed aside, used, drained, and physically injured because of Brent, he had what he needed to cause the same amount of pain to Brent.  Cole cleared his head and began searching for any clues as to where they might have gone.  He opened the fridge to see if they went shopping for food.  The fully stocked refrigerator told him otherwise.

He then headed into the closet, sifting through their clothes.  Kelsey’s side was organized by the type of clothing and he noticed that there was an empty hanger in the section of dresses.  A peek in the bathroom let him know that she had taken a shower as well.  From that alone, he knew they had to be somewhere important.  Unfortunately, those were the only clues he had.  Feeling just a bit dejected, he headed to the front door to leave.  He paused to look at the table where they kept their keys and noticed an open envelope.

Cole pulled the slip of paper out and read over it.  An invitation to a formal dinner with the school’s football team.  He looked down at his outfit and grimaced.  He was in no shape to crash a dinner in his current outfit.  He tossed the invitation back on the table and headed home to change into something nicer.

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