Part 1

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"A Real Woman Can Raise A Child All By Herself But A Real Man Would Never Let Her"

"Papa!" The baby in Madhu's arms said in a soft voice.

"What?" Madhu's eyes grew wider as she brought her baby forward & looked straight only to find the baby smiling sweetly... A victorious smile for successfully saying the first ever word.

"Oh my baby! Did you say something? Come again darling?" Madhu was so surprised to hear her one year old baby talk for the first time. She had been giving her baby training to talk some simple words like Maa, Di, Boo... But till now her baby couldn't utter a word other than making some unintelligible sounds.

"Baby! Once more please?" Madhu pleaded. The baby got too shy being the center of attraction & refused to say the word again but had a mischievous smile which mirrored of someone's smile whose face Madhu wanted to forget in her life.

"What was the first word?" Madhu wondered as she couldn't quite catch it but was sure her baby uttered the first special word which she missed to hear properly.

"The baby said 'Papa'..." A familiar voice spoke from behind. Madhu clutched her baby so close to her chest fearing the man behind her might snatch the baby from her. But what would he want to do with her baby?? she thought. Madhu tried to ignore him but he blocked her way & smirked at her. She glared at him angrily. He would be the last person she ever wanted to see. The monster who shattered her life. RK/ Rishab kundra, The Superstar of Bollywood industry!

"Hey! Babe. We meet again." Rk slipped his hands around her petite waist & jerked her forward crushing the baby in between them.

"You still maintain your sexy figure hun! Not bad!" He nuzzled her hair. She flinched. Then he leaned down to kiss her & when she crunched her eyes in disgust, he landed his kiss on top of the baby's head.

"Cute baby." He ruffled the baby's soft hair but Madhu swatted his hand away. She didn't want him to contaminate her baby.

"Whose baby?" He asked too innocently. Of course he very well knew it was HIS baby. His blood & flesh but he had the nerve to ask his own baby as whose? Shame!

"Mine!" She said through gritted teeth.

"Ohhh... Then who is the father?" He asked shooting up his brow.

"Did you miraculously get pregnant without you know..." he traced his finger down her cheek. "...being touched?" he asked.

"What do you care? And who are you Mister to ask me all such nonsense?" She shouted at him.

"Me? The world knows who am I & you are one in this world so you do know, don't you, sweetheart?" He asked her grinning wickedly.

"I don't know! And move out of my way." She growled.

"Nah! Not so soon... After so long I got to meet you... The best company on bed I ever had" he said in a husky tone making her body shiver as she got the images of their intimate moments & then she looked down at her baby in her hand, the result of the sin they committed several months back.

"Papa" the baby said again making Madhu's eyes wet. She was happy to hear her baby speak but definitely not the word 'Papa'

"There! There the word again." Rk smiled, a genuine smile. He was thrilled to hear his baby call him "Papa". He couldn't explain the strange warmth engulfing his chest.

"Is the baby a she or he?" Rk asked Madhu in confusion.

"She" Madhu muttered in a disinterested tone.

"A baby girl. She is so beautiful like you" he said as he gently caressed the baby's cheek.

"Was that her first word?" Rk asked excitedly.

"No. Second"

"No. I am asking about the first 'Papa'... Seems like she likes her dad more." Rk said playing with the baby girl's puny hands.

"Likes? Only if she knew how unwanted she was to her father... Then she will never utter the word ever again in her life" Madhu said sarcastically. Rk felt a strange tinge of pain hearing that. Yes, I am not a father material & I don't do this 'baby daddy' thing. He declared to himself.

He stepped back from the baby but the baby lovingly stretched her hands for her father to hold her.

Madhu turned the baby to the other direction & tried to distract her by showing colorful dresses in the showroom. She was in a mall with her daughter & heading to a kids wear shop but stopped in track by seeing the person whom she dreaded to meet ever in her life.

Suddenly the baby girl cried a piercing cry as her father refused to take her in his arms.

"Baby darling, stop crying" Madhu cooed her but she started crying even louder. Being rejected by her dad didn't go well with the little one as she never failed to attract anyone with her charm. She was a charmer like her dad. Well, the poor baby didn't knew she was rejected even before she was born by her dad. She was an unwanted piece of shit to him.

Rk couldn't see the little one in tears. He never felt this way. he never cared for other's feelings. He never liked kids. He never had any close bonding with anyone. But this little girl's tears hurt him more like he was hit by a wrecked ball... he could feel a strange connection to her & yes, that's because he was also a part in making the beautiful innocent baby whose eyes now pleaded him to show her his love.

He got the sudden urge to take her in his arms & soothe her, which he did ultimately.

"Hey! Give my child" Madhu protested. He ignored her & bounced the baby girl in his arms. She felt so soft & so little in his arms. He loved the feel of holding her. His daughter! He kissed the baby on her cheek. The baby's cry miraculously ceased as she dazzled him with her heart stopping baby smile.

"" she sang for him making him laugh in merry. Madhu had tears in her eyes seeing the growing bond between her daughter & her father but she quickly wiped off her tears before anyone could notice. She didn't want to show herself weak in front of the man who destroyed her life.

"Don't hurt her." Madhu whispered. Rk frowned at her.

"I am not a monster to hurt this innocent baby, Madhu" he said angrily.

"I sincerely doubt that" she said & turned her face. He is indeed a monster. A beast who spoiled her happy fun life. She thought.

"What's her name?" Rk asked as he patted the baby's back who had settled her head on his shoulders, may be feeling contented of being in her father's arms for the first time.

"Ruhi" Madhu whispered.

"Ruhi Kundra! Nice name" Rk said with a wide grin. Madhu glares at him. Kundra? My foot!

"Give her to me, Rk. We are getting late. We have to go home and I need to feed her & put her to bed." Madhu said hoping he would see the reason & let them go.

"Wait! Let me get something for my little girl"

"She is not yours!" She retorts.

"Oh really? Still I can get her something.. May be a dress." He said & entered into the kids wear shop. Madhu followed him knowing full well arguing with him will be a futile effort.

"See, you have dressed her like a boy. I got confused. Let me get her some beautiful frocks" he said & looked around the frock section.

"What color you like baby girl?" Rk asked the little munchkin.

"For heaven sake! She is only one year old." Madhu mumbled to herself.

"She doesn't know colors." Madhu commented but to her surprise her little girl touched a pink frock & smiled at her father showing her choice.

"You like pink color darling?" Rk asked. Ruhi laughed not even understanding his question. She was overjoyed today.

"Get me all pink color frocks that suits... Um..." He looked at Madhu to tell the exact age of the baby.

"One year" Madhu answered. She really didn't like the idea of Rk getting cloths for her daughter but she had no option. She cant change the fact of him being the father of the child.

"This is too much. One dress is enough" Madhu stopped him when he was about to pay for the twelve frocks he had chosen for his baby. He ignored her again & paid the bills for the frocks & collected the dress bags in one hand & in another he held his baby girl protectively. Madhu offered to take Ruhi in her arms but he refused to let his baby go but passed few bags to Madhu to hold.

"Rk, thanks for the dresses. Now give her to me. We are getting late!"

"Why such a hurry? Is your boyfriend or husband waiting?" Rk asked testing her. Hearing that her eyes blazed in bleak & that answered his question. She is single!

"It looks like raining. I will drop you both."

"No thanks! I have my car."

"Okay. I will walk you to the car." He said & walked past her giving her no option to protest. Once they reached Madhu's car, Rk kissed Ruhi's cheek & she kissed him back & gave him a sweet baby smile which tugged his heart. He wanted to hold his baby girl close to him but he knew better that Madhu won't let him. You don't deserve her, Rk! His inner voice spoke. Then he helped Madhu to keep the shopping bags at the trunk & he placed Ruhi on the car seat & locked the belt.

"Take care" Rk whispered, his eyes transfixed on the baby girl who was looking at him yearning to be taken back in his arms. She even hopped up but her seat belts didn't let her to move & jump into her father's arms. Her lips started trembling & eyes got moist for missing him.

"Good bye!" Madhu said & drove the car as she didn't want her child to start crying & give him an excuse to come along with them till her house.

Rk stared at Madhu's speeding car & in that fraction of second he made his mind. He wanted his girls back. He hurried to his car & followed them to their house.


Madhu unlocked her house main door & went in with a sleeping Ruhi in her arms. She had slept in the car. Madhu walked straight to her bedroom to put Ruhi on her crib.

"Don't you like your momma, Ruhi?" Madhu asked her sleeping beauty.

"Will you leave your momma & go with your father, Ruhi?" Madhu voiced her life time fear. She was happy without even letting Rk's shadow touch her or her baby but he was back in their lives. What worried her more was the sudden bond growing between her little girl & Rk. Will he take my daughter away from me? She panicked

"Ruhi! Momma loves you so much. I can't live without you. I will die." Madhu cried & knelt down beside her crib & rested her head on the crib.

"I won't take her away from you, Madhu" Rk promised in a soft tone. Madhu looked up to see him standing by the bedroom door.

"What are you doing here?" Madhu asked angrily.

"Um... Madhu... I..." The first time Rk ever felt short of words.

"Get out, Rk" Madhu ordered.

"I want to spend some time with Ruhi" Rk clearly said his intention.

"No! You can't. And anyways, she is sleeping." Madhu said looking straight.

Rk turned his gaze towards the crib where his baby girl sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Rk couldn't help but smile at her too. He felt contentment wash him over.

"She is so beautiful" Rk whispered as he gently caressed Ruhi's cheek making her stir but she didnt wake up.

"Can I stay the night with her?" Rk asked. Madhu frowned suspiciously.


"I don't know why but I feel like staying with her. Please!" Rk pleased. Pleading Rk is novel. She thought.

Without saying anything Madhu walked to her dressing room to change to night clothes.

When she returned back changing into a cotton shirt & pants, she found Rk still gazing at Ruhi.

Madhu walked to the crib & gently picked up her daughter in her arms without walking her, she walked to her bed.

"Hey! Why is she sleeping in your bed but not in her crib? Are you scared of me that I might get cozy with you in bed? Don't worry, I don't have any such intentions. I just want to see my daughter all the night. I really missed a lot of time we both could have spent together." He sighed feeling remorseful.

Madhu glared at him but didn't say a word. She just wanted to kick him out of her house but he was showing her baby as reason. Ruhi, her baby girl really deserves her father's love which she didn't get before & when she was about to get that she didn't want to snatch it away from her but she can neither relax nor feel happy with Rk's come back.

Madhu really had no idea why Rk appeared so suddenly in her life? He promised he won't take her daughter from her but can she trust him?

"Hey! Get off the bed!" Madhu shouted when she noticed Rk climbing on the bed on the other side.

"Relax! I am fully dressed" he said with a smirk. Madhu flushed in anger. She lied down next to her daughter & patted her little tummy. When Rk placed his hand on top of hers, she quickly snatched her hand away. Rk ignored her & started patting little Ruhi.

Madhu before going to sleep prayed to God for her baby's well being & leaning forward to Ruhi, she softly whispered "May God bless you, baby" & placed a kiss on Ruhi's forehead. Then holding her little hand, she went to sleep while Rk watched all this in fascination. "She is so young, just 20 yrs old but still so matured, caring, loving & a wonderful mother to his child. Lucky Ruhi!" Rk thought & holding the other hand of Ruhi, he too went to sleep.

By midnight, Madhu woke up hearing Ruhi's soft cry. It was her routine to cry in the midnight for her feed. Madhu cooed her daughter & took her in her arms & breast fed her.

Rk stirred & patted at the empty bed where Ruhi was sleeping just sometimes back. When he couldn't get hold of his little girl, he sat up with a start & relaxed only when he found Madhu sitting on the bed with her head rested on the head rest & Ruhi in her arms.

Rk wondered what they were doing so he switched on the side lights & found Madhu feeding Ruhi.

"Er... Sorry" Rk muttered when Madhu opened her eyes & stared at him questioningly.

"I didn't know... I was searching for Ruhi..." He said & his eyes landed on Madhu's milky white breast. He could still remember how her breasts perfectly fit in his hands when he cupped them while making love or how delicious they tasted when he sucked them one by one. Her tender nipple get harder when he gently pulled it with his teeth. God! I missed doing all that too her & more.

If I ask will she let me taste the taste of breast milk? Kinky thought, right?

Madhu catching his intention she quickly covered her chest with a towel.

"She is one year, right? You still breast feed her?" Rk asked shaking off the erotic imagination.

"Only at night times" Madhu replied disinterestedly.

"Why? Are you too lazy to go & prepare her baby food?" Rk asked teasingly. Madhu gave him a murderous stare.

"Breast milk will strengthen her bones. She is weak & has immune deficiency, okay?" Madhu harshly answered him disturbing the little girl's sleep and she started crying.

"Ale ale baby... calm down... Please, sweety" Madhu rocked her baby in her arms & put her back to sleep.

"Why is she so weak?" Rk asked. He hadn't noticed till now how lean his daughter was.

"She was born premature." Madhu answered & placed back Ruhi on the bed.


"I had complications in my pregnancy & went into labor when I was seven months pregnant with her. It was sheer luck we both survived..." She paused as her voice choked & eyes stung with tears. "My strong little girl struggled a lot to breathe... She was in incubator for nearly a month... I am glad she survived & is with me now... Or else..." She couldn't even contemplate the other possibility. "My doctor advised me to feed my milk a little longer which will help her grow stronger. Besides she is habitual of sucking my... Um..."

"Yeah yeah... I know. You have got quite sweet tits" Rk said grinning though his mind was screaming at him for what he had done to Madhu & his daughter. And now shamelessly he was sitting beside them when he was responsible for all their sufferings.

Madhu shook her head irately before lying down on the bed & going back to sleep, hugging her daughter.

It was so clear to Rk that Madhu's life revolved around Ruhi & now his life will revolve around Madhu & his daughter. He knew he cannot plead for forgiveness as he didn't deserve one but all he can do now was to look after them & provide them with all the luxury & protect them in the shelter of his arms, and with that determination he too went to sleep, placing a protective arm over his baby girl, Ruhi!

... To be continued!!!

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