Part 11

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When Madhu had left him in the park taking Ruhi with her Rk sat there for a while wondering what had just happened. How their pleasant trip turned so unpleasant? "Oh wait! She is new to this place. She don't know the language too. I don't want them to get lost." Rk thoughts and quickly raised up on his feet & ran behind them. He found Madhu on the side of the road looking for a taxi, bouncing a cranky Ruhi on her hip trying to calm her down. "Madhu, come, I will take you home." Rk said taking her hand in his. "Leave my hand." she flinched at his touch. He immediately dropped her hand. "I am not coming with you." she spat at him. "Try to understand. You are new to this place." he reasoned her."Shut up and get lost.""Don't create a scene in public. Just walk with me to our car." Rk ordered her. "Oh please. Just don't show your face. I hate to see it." she turned her face away. "We will fight when we get back or you can simply shut yourself in your room so that you don't have to see my ugly face but just let me take you and Ruhi home. See, she is getting agitated. Let us go to the hotel room and put her to bed." Rk said suggestively. Madhu looked down at Ruhi who was thrashing in her arms. Then she walked past him to the parking lot where their car was waiting. Rk sighed and followed them. Madhu sat in and placed Ruhi in the middle of the rear seat and Rk clambered in the other side and asked the driver to take them back to the hotel. Ruhi looked at her momma and then at her Papa both were looking out the window lost in their own thoughts. Ruhi grabbed her parents fingers on either side and held them tightly. When Rk and Madhu turned and looked down at her, Ruhi flashed them a beautiful smile. Rk and Madhu leaned down at the same time to kiss Ruhi's head resulting in hitting their heads. "Sorry!" Rk said softly. Madhu ignored him as if he wasn't existing and present in the car. When Madhu kissed Ruhi's cheek Ruhi kissed her momma back and laid her head down her lap and in minutes she fell asleep. Rk watched his sleeping beauty and smiled. He took Ruhi's shoes off her feet without disturbing her sleep and softly massaged her feet, her calves, and her knees. Ruhi being a naughty and active kid she used to run here & there & play all day & at night time she cry in leg pain. Either Rk or Madhu had to press her legs gently or rub baby oil and give a massage to ease her pain & make her sleep peacefully."I never thought you will adapt to this role this well that too this soon" Madhu said without realizing she said that out loud. Rk sharply turned to her side to check whether she was talking out loud to herself or really talking to him. He really doubted the latter. "You are talking to me?" Rk asked for confirmation."Um... Yeah! You are doing this role well.""What role?" Rk asked confused."Being a father to Ruhi." Madhu said & Rk smiled but the smile faded the very next second when she continued "After all you are an actor nah? The superstar Rk!" She smirked sarcastically. "Two things! If you are meaning to say my fatherly love for my daughter Ruhi is an acting then you are highly mistaken, Miss. Madhubala. Second, I am no more 'The superstar Rk' just Rishab kundra, Ruhi's dad." He said sternly and looked out the window. The rest of the journey back to the hotel went in utter silence. "I will take her?" Rk offered to take sleeping Ruhi off her lap once they reached the front of the hotel. "No, thanks. I can manage." Madhu didn't let Ruhi go. She wanted her daughter to make her feel better. Rk didn't press as he knew she wanted her own space & time. Oh and she wanted their daughter to soothe her pain. Rk stood by her room door and watched her put Ruhi on the soft comfy bed. Ruhi quickly turned to her front hiding her face in her sleep. Madhu too slipped in onto the bed & wrapped a protective arm around her, she closed her eyes. If Rk wasn't wrong he saw a tear drop rolling down her cheeks. Rk couldn't take the sight anymore so he turned and headed to the room opposite to theirs.


Rk walked out of his suite bathroom after taking a hot shower. He was wiping his hair with a towel when he heard his room door open. It was Ruhi peeking her head into his room leaning against the door, her cheek plastered to the door, searching for her dad. She woke up in her sleep & when she found only her momma by her side & not her daddy, she sneaked out of the bed and came in search of him.She was pushing the door with all her might. The automatic door was pushing her back & Rk quickly rushed to her rescue & opened the door widely and that was a mistake. It led to Ruhi falling head first in to the room. She was on her hands and knees in the doorway."Oyi Oyi Oyi..." Rk quickly scooped Ruhi up in his arms. "I am so sorry sorry sorry, baby." Rk rubbed Ruhi's arms and legs making sure she wasn't hurt. Ruhi didn't cry, thankfully."Stupid stupid stupid me! How could I pull the door like a fool & make my daughter fall?" Rk scolded himself as he slapped his head with his palm."Cupid... Cupid... Cupid" Ruhi repeaded & hit her head with her palm too, copying her dad's action."Its stupid, darling""Cupid""Stu.. Stu.. Stupid.""Cu... Cu... Cupid" Ruhi said cutely pouting her lips.Rk sighed and let her say the word however she felt it right. In fact he was happy she couldn't pronounce the word 'stupid' clearly because he didn't want her to call anyone 'stupid' just like how she called the girl in the park 'chienne' (bitch)"What are you doing here?" Rk asked Ruhi as he made her sit on thr centre of his bed. "Papa, come." Ruhi pointed to the room opposite to his. "Sleep" she wanted her dad to sleep with her & her momma. "No, darling. You sleep with momma & Papa will sleep here in this room.""Papa, puh-leash!" Ruhi pleaded with her cute eyes. Rk couldn't resist her look so he just picked her up in his arms & walked to Madhu's room. She was in her deep sleep. Rk gently placed Ruhi on the foot of the bed. Ruhi crawled and hugged her mother. Madhu adjusted her position in her sleep letting Ruhi to rest her head on her arm & Ruhi threw her left arm around her neck & left leg over her momma's stomach. "Papaaa!" Ruhi screamed when Rk slowly tried to walk back to his room. He didn't want to upset Madhu by sleeping with her on her bed. "Shush! Don't scream" Rk said placing his finger on his lips indicating her to keep her volume down. Ruhi then gestured him to come to her. Rk gently climbed up on the other side of the bed & patted Ruhi's back lulling her to sleep. Soon Ruhi went to sleep hugging her mother & Rk slowly slipped out of the bed not before kissing Ruhi's forehead & went to his room.


Next morning, Rk got up little late than usual as he didnt get much sleep last night. When he stepped out of his room he heard noises from the kitchen. Rk headed straight to greet his baby girl & also to see how Madhu's mood was. If she was still mad at him then he decided to give her some space & go look out their new house leaving Ruhi behind with her to look after. "Hi" Rk said. Madhu was feeding Ruhi & Ruhi was playing with her barbie doll. Both Ruhi and Madhu looked up at him. Ruhi flashed a beautiful smile while Madhu ignored him & continued feeding Ruhi. "You wanna go out & see places?" Rk asked gently."Not in the mood to go out." Madhu said without looking at him."Cool. I will check how the new house is shaping. Hope you can manage Ruhi on your own for few hours when I am gone out. If you need me just give me a call. Please don't go out on your own. This place is new to you. You might get lost.""You saying this as if you have been spending every minute of your life with Ruhi ever since she was born? I am the one looking after my daughter till yesterday, didn't I? So I know to manage her on my own without your so-called help for few hours or even for forever." She spat at him venomously. "Madhu you are getting me wrong... I just... Forget it!" He sighed & looked down at Ruhi and she was giving a curious look. Rk gently stroked her cheek & smiled at her. She smiled back & went back talking with her friend barbie.


"Papa!" Rubi called Rk when she saw him walking towards the main door. He took a quick shower & made a call to bittuji instructing him that he will be arriving there shortly to check on the house. Rk stopped on his track & turned to his daughter. She wobbled to him & hugged his legs. "What, sweetie?" Rk scooped her up & kissed her cheek."Me.. coming... you." She said cutely finding hard to form a sentence."You wanna come with me?" Rk asked not knowing whether to take her with him or not. If he had to take her then Madhu will also accompany with Ruhi as she can't stay without her daughter but then he didnt want her to see the house yet as he was planning to keep it a surprise. "Darling, Papa will take you out later this evening okay? Now you stay with your momma, okay""No!" Ruhi shook her head stubburnly. "Ruhi...""What's the problem?" Madhu asked coming out from her room."Ruhi wanna come with me huh?""Ruhi baby, you are not going anywhere. Stay with momma." Madhu pulled Ruhi from Rk's hands & placed her on her hip. "Momma, puh-leash" "Baby no." "Momma..." Ruhi's lower lip trembled & she started crying loudly. "Ruhi baby, stop crying..." Rk started to console her but madhu cuts him off."You leave. I will handle her.""Madhu, don't be childish. See, she is crying. Give her to me. I will take her out with me." "You don't come between me & my daughter. Ruhi! Stop with your crying crap! You are irritating momma." Madhu scolded her & that made Ruhi cry more & she threw her barbie doll down & stretched her arms for her father to take her. "Don't take that tone with my daughter." Rk said in menacing tone.Madhu was stunned hearing his angry voice. Rk scooped down & picked up her barbie doll & gave it back to Ruhi but she threw it down again, angirly & jumped out of her momma's hand went to her Papa. "Ruhi, I am sorry..." Madhu pleaded. She felt hurt for making her daughter cry and also scolding her. "Look Madhu, I know you hate me with passion but your hatred should never dart at Ruhi.""I'll never hate my daughter. I love her!" Madhu said getting offended with his words. Rk sighed. He knew that was true! A mother can never hate her child. "Even if she doesn't want her momma I will be there for her." Madhu said looking away as a tears rolled down her cheeks. "What nonsense you are talking, Madhu?" "She wants only you." Madhu cried. Her insecurity and fear of losing her daughter to the man she hates the most resurfaced."Oh for heaven sake, she wants both of us!" Rk growled. "No, she don't! You have put some spell on my daughter & turned her to your side!" She accused him. Madhu could see how Ruhi was clinging to him, always."Oh don't be so childish!" Rk threw his hands in the air in disbelief. "God! please don't cry now." Rk placed his hand on her cheek & brushed her tears with his thumb. He couldnt take her cry anymore. It hurt him badly. "You are just feeling insecure of losing her to me but I don't get what makes you feel so? I promise I will never do that... She is your daughter as much as she is mine...""Why you came into our lives? We were happy without you right?" Madhu asked tearfully as she pulled her face from his grasp. "I was her world & she was mine but now you... you are slowly taking her away from me..." she cried even louder covering her face with her palm. Ruhi started crying again seeing her mother cry. Rk didnt know how to console Ruhi or reassure Madhu."So we are back to square one?" Rk stepped back & rubbed the back of his neck. Of course he deceived her, betrayed her trust and ditched her when he needed him the most, when she got pregnant with his child. She suffered a hell lot of misery because of his innumerable mistakes. He in fact played a prem-game with her just to have her, to possess her body but now he truly regrets his mistakes, didn't he? He was really taking fair efforts to work things out between them right? Then why can't she understand him?"Will you honestly answer only one question of mine?" "What?" Madhu asked looking up at him though her tears."Just tell me, if we were in a loving relationship... well, say like a happily married couple & at that time if our daughter bonds so well with her father, with me... will you feel this way? All jealous & insecure? Won't you feel happy for us? Won't you treasure our cute little moments?" Rk asked.Madhu stood silently looking down at her feet. She knew she could not give her honest answer to his question because she knew she would give her life to see her husband & her baby's cute loving moments."You know me so well, Madhu... you know how ruthless I can be... If I had wished I could have easily got the full custody of Ruhi & kept her with myself but I didn't do that ..." Madhu took a step back shocked. Will he do that to her? Will he put her life in misery again? No he cant do that. He cant take her Ruhi away from her. She is all she have. Without her she is nothing. Her very life will cease to exist if he takes her away from him. No please God no! She prayed silently as more tears made its way down her cheeks.Seeing her panicking Rk quickly said " don't worry...I will never do that, I promise... and you can trust me in that matter." Madhu sighed in relief visibly. "Look Madhu I just left everything... my home, my career, my fans, my everything without thinking for a second & came here only for you & Ruhi. That doesn't mean anything to you? I want to give Ruhi a family. I want her to grow in a pleasant environment. I don't want us to keep on fighting and make Ruhi hate us, her parents. I can clearly see you will never forgive me & give me a second chance at love and I will never force you too but keep this in mind that I will always love you & do everything to keep you happy. I know you want me to stay away from you but I cant help. Ruhi is neither letting me do so. She is drawing us closer knowingly or unknowingly so atleast for her sake we should try and be civil. See, our daughter is really intelligent & she can understand even complicated things for her age so once she grew up a little more she will easily find out her parents are not like normal parents. Happy and loving! That will really affect her childhood. I dont want that for her. So what I am asking is why can't we atleast be friends? Friends with benefit?" "Friends? With you?" She smirked mockingly. "I hate you with every fibre of my being. I will never befriend with a man like you.""No love! No friendship! No other relationship! Then how we are gonna work this out?""Leave it as it is!" "And let our daughter get mentally traumatized seeing her parents fight daily?" He asked back with a smirk. Madhu stood silent not knowing what to say back. She knew he was right. She let him back in their lives only for Ruhi. Ruhi's happiness was all matter to her so she will do anything for her to keep her happiness in tact."I cant be your friend. But I can pretend. Pretend that we are one happy couple infront of Ruhi. What say?""How long you will pretend? Don't you think she will find out?""We will think of a way then." She said."Okay! Whatever you say! I just want this little one to have a peaceful life. She deserves it." Rk kissed Ruhi's head. Ruhi had slept in between their heated conversation."Here! Take your daughter in. I will go see the new house and come back in two hours.""You can take her with you." Madhu said softly looking down at the floor. "But...""When she wakes up and finds you have left without taking her with you she will start crying again. I hate to see her cry.""So do I." Rk said wiping a stray tear from the corner of Ruhi's eye."Well, then I will take her with me. Evening when I return you can play with your daughter & I won't come between you two then.""Bye.""Take care."

... To be continued!!!

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