Part 13

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Rk stepped out of the car first and went around and opened the door for Madhu. Madhu picked her dress up so that she will not trip on it and slowly stepped out of the car and then helped Ruhi to clamber out of the car. When Madhu turned and looked at the building in front of her, her eyes went wide and her mouth parted slightly in surprise. Rk grinned contented seeing her expression.

"What's all this?" Madhu asked after recovering from her surprise. She vaguely had an idea of what was coming up but still she wanted to hear it from him.

"What's written over there?" She asked pointing to the silver metal plated letters stuck on the glass windows of the building. The front side of the building looked as if it was made of glass.

"La tour de Ruhi" Rk read it loud for her.

"Means?" she asked.

"Ruhi's Tower."

"This entire building is Ruhi's?" Madhu asked still stunned looking at the gigantic building in front of her. There was a glass pyramid on top of the building showing it tall and giving a tower effect

"Of course" Rk shrugged. Madhu kept looking at the building dumbstruck.

"Just four floors, okay! No need to get so worked up." Rk said hoping Madhu will close her parted mouth.

"Four floors? But it looks so big and majestic!" Madhu said amazed.

"Bienvenue! Bienvenue!" (Welcome! Welcome!) Madhu was surprised when a tall, curly haired lady engulfed her in her arms giving her a bone crushing hug.

"Vous regardez jolie, ma cher" (You look pretty, my dear) She said with a wide smile holding Madhu at arm's length. Madhu didn't get a word but still she smiled politely.

"Bonjour, Roma. Cela est Madhu... mom amour!" (Good morning, Roma. This is Madhu, my lover) Rk introduced Madhu to Roma as his lover knowing full well Madhu can't understand French.

"Madhu, this is Roma." Both the ladies hugged again. Madhu noticed Bittuji standing behind Roma and outrageously drooling at her. He seemed so smitten on her. Madhu simply rolled her eyes for how Bittuji was behaving like a teenager.

"Chercher, qui nous avons ici?" (Look who we have here?) Roma cooed looking at Ruhi. When suddenly all the attention turned towards Ruhi, she got so shy and hid herself behind her momma's legs covering her face with her momma's dress.

"Baby, say hello' to aunty" Madhu encouraged Ruhi to come out.

"Mama, no." Ruhi softly said shaking her head.

"Ruhi, you want chocie?" Rk asked tempting her. Ruhi peeped out and looked up at her dad.

"Then come here." Rk held out his hand for Ruhi. Madhu gave Ruhi a gentle push to step forward and Ruhi slowly walked front looking nervously at Roma.

"C'est mom fille, Ruhi" (This is my daughter, Ruhi) Rk said with so much pride.

"Jolie Princesse, vous etes belle" (Pretty Princess, you are so beautiful) Roma scooped Ruhi up in arms and surprisingly Ruhi didn't protest for her dress being ruined as she was curiously checking Roma's curly brunette hair.

"Papa, noodles" Ruhi bunched Roma's hair in her fist and showed it to Rk. Rk burst out laughing. Like father like daughter!

Madhu looked down at her feet to hide her laughter and embarrassment her daughter caused to her. Then they all heard a subtle cough from the back. It was none other than Bittuji. He got offended when Ruhi called Roma's hair Noodles' just like his chief.

"Bittuji, you should accept it. Her hair looks like noodles only. I'm sure Roma herself is not offended then what bothers you?" Rk teased while laughing. Roma too joined laughing.

"Nothing like that, Chief" Bittuji said and coughed again pretending he really has cough and cold.

"So shall we start?" Bittuji asked. Rk nodded and taking Ruhi from Roma's arms, he walked them to the main entrance. Bittuji tailed Roma, she flipped her hair back and walked ahead with attitude.

"We are not going to our house?" Madhu asked looking curiously at what looked like a bouquet shop.

"Don't you want to check all the floors before we go to our penthouse?" Rk asked. Madhu nodded not sure what was in store for her. She was sure he had planned something big.

"Here, cut this ribbon and step in." Rk passed Madhu a scissors.

"What? Why me? "

"Our shop inaugural and without further question, please cut the ribbon, we are already late."

Madhu reluctantly took the scissors from his hand and also took Ruhi from him and made her daughter hold the scissors too as they both cut the ribbon and the glass doors slid open and they were hit by the fragrance of freshly scented flowers.

"Momma..." Ruhi squealed in her arms seeing the colorful flower bouquets. There weren't only flower bouquets but also chocolate bouquets. Lots of chocolates and candies where stalked up on the aisles at the farther corner.

Roma grabbed a white lily and a dairy milk chocolate bar and gave it Ruhi making her so happy and in return Ruhi gave Roma a kissy on her cheek. Bittuji gave a white rose bouquet to Madhu welcoming her. Madhu took it with a smile and then passed it to Rk to hold it.

"Roma will be looking after "Ruhi's bouquet" shop." Rk said and lead Madhu to the spiral glass staircase in the centre of the bouquet shop which will be taking them to the second floor.

"Amour Cafe?" Madhu asked reading the name of the coffee shop.

"Love cafe. You know Paris is famous for two things one, love and two, coffee so I came up with this name." Rk said grinning sheepishly. "Lovers who come to this coffee house can buy some flowers for their beloved from our bouquet shop and do romantic proposals here."

"Excellent idea, Chief." Bittuji piped in mentally making a note that one he should propose Roma in this coffee house.

"Bittuji will be handling this coffee shop." Rk patted Bittuji's shoulder. Suddenly, Madhu noticed someone at the counter. The person looked somewhat familiar.

"That's our barista, Miss. Sofia" Rk said before she could ask.

"She is?" Madhu wondered whether she had met the girl before.

"You have seen her before, in the park." Rk said hesitantly. Sofia was the same girl they met in the park where a guy ditched her and left her crying.

"Oh yeah, right. By the way what she is doing here?" Madhu asked.

"I told you already she is the barista, here." Rk said calmly.

"But why her?"

"What do you mean?"

"You could have opted... forget it" Madhu didn't know what exactly she wanted to tell him.

"Madhu, she worked in this cafe even before I bought this place. She makes fine coffee. I have tried it and she is too good at her work so I thought to retain her in her job." Rk said with a casual shrug.


"Yeah, oh! I actually remodeled this place. Roma had a small bouquet shop outside this building and on both first and second floor the cafe was running. There was a gym in the third floor..."

"We have a gym?" Madhu asked excitedly.

"Nope! I converted the gym to a... you will see shortly."

"What you have converted it too?"

"Make a guess?" Rk winked at her. She slightly colored up.

"A book stall?"


"An art gallery?" Madhu asked. Rk was good at painting so she thought he could have set up an art gallery projecting his paintings.

"Nice idea but no!"

"Then?" Madhu asked impatiently.

"Just a cup of coffee, then we will go see." Rk said with a smile and taking Ruhi back to his arms, he gestured Madhu to take a seat.

"I love this view." Madhu said looking out the window.

"The look will be even better once you see it from our house. You could get a clear view of Eiffel tower."

"Really?" Madhu asked, her eyes lighting up like Christmas.

"Bonjour, Monsieur!" Sofia greeted Rk with a warm smile. Rk smiled back and they chatted a little in French while Madhu curiously watched them.

"Make your order, Madhu." Rk passed the menu card to Madhu.

"Whatever you have make it two" Madhu dismissed not even glancing at the card.

Rk quickly ordered two espressos and a glass of milk for Ruhi.

"What you two were talking?" Madhu couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, I just asked about her health and told her not to overwork. You know she is pregnant." Rk said.

Madhu looked utterly pissed. He wasn't there for her when she was pregnant with his own child but he was carrying for another girl whom he met a few days back.

"You okay?" Rk asked noticing the sudden change in her.

"Yes" she hissed and looked at Ruhi who was dosing off.

"Baby, don't sleep. Your milk is here." Madhu picked up Ruhi from her chair and helped her drink her glass of milk. Ruhi's order was served first as Rk instructed so.

"Roma seems like a nice lady to me." Madhu muttered.

"Yes, she is."

"So you purposefully moved her bouquet shop into this building?"

"Yeah..." Rk grinned cheekily.

"To hook up bittuji with her?" Madhu asked shooting her brow up.

"Yeah!" Rk looked little embarrassed. Madhu just smiled.

After a minute, Sofia placed their coffee cups in front of them.

Madhu looked at both their cups and gritted her teeth. There was a leaf design on her Espresso and a heart design on Rk's cup. "What's this girl implying by it? Does she have any feelings for Rk?" the very thought ragged Madhu with fury. The Bitch! She just had a break up with her lover and now she is hitting on My Rk when she is pregnant with someone else child? Madhu thoughts hatefully without realizing she was getting possessive for her man.

"Don't you think you are going soft in the head?" Madhu blurted out, softly. Why the hell Rk is showing so much of love and affection to all? Who taught him to love truly? Madhu wondered but the answer was sitting on her lap drinking her milk. Ruhi!

"Pardon?" Rk asked not clearly catching her words.

"Um... nothing... Well, actually why heart work on your coffee cup and leaf art on mine?"

"Oh that! I have tried all her art designs and finally gave my verdict that I liked the heart pattern more and asked her to make me that henceforth. Isn't it looking good?" Rk asked showing the heart design to her. "If you want you can try mine?" Rk offered his untouched coffee.

"Both the coffee tastes the same then what's there to bother about the design? I will have mine." Madhu turned down his offer and took a sip from her coffee cup.

"Come, we will take the elevator to the third floor." Rk led Madhu and Ruhi to the elevator.

"In the basement we have a private elevator... It's a direct elevator to our penthouse and can be accessed only by those who have the code. We can park our car in the basement and head straight to our house without entering into the bouquet or cafe or crossing the building at the third floor. This elevator is for public convenience and they can reach up till 3rd floor and for the 4th floor to reach our house a code need to be inputted otherwise the elevator will stop at 3rd floor."

"For safety purpose?" Madhu asked. Rk nodded.

"And for privacy" he added.

Once the elevator halted at the 3rd floor and the door opened, Rk took Madhu's hand in his. She could tell he was nervous. Why? She wondered.

"L'ecole de danse de MB" Just by looking at the huge lavish dancing hall she could tell what was written on the board. On the right side there was a stage which will give room for at least six members to dance and the entire hall can fit at least 50 members to dance spaciously. Madhu slowly walked into the hall in daze, she could hear only the teetering sound of her heels as she walked further on the hard wooden floor.

Ruhi patted her daddy's chest asking him to set her down on the floor and once he did, she ran into the hall and started swirling with her little hands wide open. Rk knelt down on the floor, his hands spread on his parted knees as he adored his daughter dance in merry. She was in her own world, dancing like no one was watching her.

"This dance school is yours." Rk said softly looking up at Madhu hoping she will say something.

"You will be training different dance forms to students; there is no age restriction for girls..." He smirked "but for boys it's below 16 years." Rk said coolly. Madhu frowned. "Bittuji have already started with the admission process. The dancing school will start in two weeks. We will be appointing trainers too so you won't have too much burden on your shoulders."

"Ruhi, baby, stop it! You will get dizzy." Rk stood up on his feet and walked to a still swirling Ruhi and once she slowed down her legs started swaying and Rk held her securely preventing her fall and hitting the floor.

"Madhu, you are so quiet."

"I can't do this Rk." Madhu whispered.


"No, I can't. Don't force me, please." She said without looking at him and started walking towards the elevator.

"Wait!" Rk ran behind her and grabbed her by her wrist.

"Didn't you tell you wanna start a dancing school and train small kids when I asked about what you were gonna do for a living? You future plans?"

"Yes, I remember saying that but I don't want to take your help."

"Help? This is not help, Madhu." Rk sighed. "I really wanted to do something for you."


"Because I... I..." he couldn't muster up the courage to tell that it was not his guilt but his love for her making him to do everything that will make her happy.

"When you started learning dance, Madhu? 4 or 5?" Rk asked taking a different route.

"3 years old." Madhu replied.

"You are trained in 6 forms of dancing, right?" Rk asked. She had told him a lot about her love and passion for dance and dance was her driving force to aspire to become a heroine. That time she had told him all those information which he surprisingly remembered though he didn't pay much attention to her back then.

"Look, you are really a talented girl, Madhu. You shouldn't let go your talent unnoticed."

"Rk, If I ever do anything then it will be on my own hard work. I don't want to use you or your money as a ladder to my success. I once tried that easy route and you know how miserably I failed in it..."

"Can't you consider this as my gift?" Rk cut her off not really wanting to go back there and spoil the moment.


"For agreeing to be my friend?"

"I agreed to be your friend for our Ruhi so no, I can't accept your expensive gift."

"Then fine! Pay me rent for renting you this dancing studio." Rk suggested. Anyway the money will go to her and Ruhi's account. Every single penny he earned so far was invested in the building and the building was in Madhu and Ruhi's name.

"You will rent me this magnificent hall?" Madhu asked surprise.

"Yeah!" Rk said the 'yeah' in a 'doh' tone.

"I guess I like the deal. So how much is the rent?"

"10% out of the profit you make with this dance school."

"That's enough?"

"You are my friend so you will get concession" Rk grinned. Madhu simply rolled her eyes but gave him a small smile.

"Oh one more condition." Rk said. Madhu asked 'what' by raising her brow up.

"I want you to teach my daughter dancing." Rk said patting Ruhi's head gently.

"Ready to learn dance from momma, my baby?" Madhu asked Ruhi, gently pinching her cheeks.

Ruhi smiled sweetly at her momma and nodded her head excitedly.

"So shall we go see our new house?" Rk asked.

"Sure." Madhu nodded and Ruhi stretched her hands up for her momma to pick her up.

"Rk, you take her. My heels are too high and I don't want to trip and fall along with her."

Rk smiled and carried Ruhi in one hand. "If you want you can take my hand." Rk offered with a cheeky grin. Madhu slapped his arm and walked a head.

"Rk, Roma will handle bouquet shop, Bittuji cafe, and me the dance school..."


"What you will do?"

"Oh, I will babysit Ruhi." Rk said proudly. Madhu burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"Why? What's wrong in that? I guess there is no better job than looking after my baby girl" Rk asked, offended.

"Sorry, I... I know you will do that job pretty well."

"You think so?"

"Of course Mr. Pacifier! After all you learned to change her diapers." Madhu laughed again. Rk smiled feeling better to see her laugh. Now, he was more confident that he will bring the old carefree chirpy delightful girl.

"So shall we?" He asked as he felt she had laughed enough at his expense. She nodded and pressed her lips tight to suppress her giggle but it only bubbled out.

"What's so funny?"

"Suddenly one movie came to my mind which will suit our current circumstance."

"What movie?"

"Ki & Ka movie... we are Ri & Ma!" Madhu said laughing holding her stomach.

(In Ki & Ka movie, the hero Kabir will be a homemaker and heroine Kia will be a working wife - I loved that movie. Even wished to write a similar story on Rishbala but then I dropped that idea LOL)

"I'm not going to be a home maker like Kabir; I am just going to babysit Ruhi." Rk said with a pout. He surely was not going to do all the house hold chores. Especially no cooking business!

"But I will be as proud as Kabir if you become as successful as Kia." Rk said genuinely.

"Is this not your plan to keep me busy and take my time from spending with Ruhi?" Madhu asked suspiciously.

Rk rolled his eyes annoyed. "You are gonna work in the same building. Once you are done with your dancing classes you will have all the time in the world for your Ruhi and I won't disturb you two... I just can sit at the bouquet shop or cafe and watch beautiful French girls." Rk said in a teasing tone. Madhu simply ignored the end bit.

"Oh and Ruhi and I will spend most of our time sitting in your studio watching you dance" Rk said with a sly wink. Madhu blushed slightly.

"So the code for our penthouse is 0908" Rk said as he put in the code on the pad.


"Ruhi's birthday date and month"

"Oh!" Madhu smiled.

"Here, you go." Rk passed the house key to Madhu gesturing her to open the door.

Madhu opened the door and gasped loudly. It wasn't a house... it was a mansion... with all the luxury amenities. The interior was fully designed with state-of-the-art technology.

"Just look up." Rk whispered near her ear. Madhu looked up and surprised to see a glass ceiling. Well, not the entire roof was made in glass just in the living room there was a huge circle glass ceiling and right under the ceiling there was a huge water bed.

"If you lie down on this cool bed and look up at the stars at night time you will feel like you are in space." Rk said and placed Ruhi on the water better. Ruhi started bouncing on the bed enjoying the coolness under her feet.

"I never knew you were stinking rich." Madhu said in stunned shock. His mansion back home was nothing compared to this gargantuan extravagant incredibly expensive house.

"I pooled all my assets and invested in this "Ruhi's Tower"..." Rk said in a disinterested tone making clear that money was no more he wished to earn. He wished to earn love, care and affection from her.

Luckily the owner of the building where permanently moving to New Zealand so they were willing to sell the entire building to one single purchaser. Rk didn't mind running a cafe or a bouquet shop but he was keen on not having a fitness center that too for men so he threw them out and made it a dancing studio for Madhu and then designed their house to their liking.

"You wanna rest or want me to give you a tour?" Rk asked.

"Wish I could relax my feet, my high heel shoes are killing my feet but I really want to check out the entire house." Madhu groaned.

"Take off your heels." Rk suggested and Madhu did the same and the marble beneath her feet was so cold. The marble, the sofas, the coffee table, the fluffy carpet, the love seats, everything around her was in white. There was a sparkling white piano on one corner of the living room placed on a raised bed. The cushions and curtains were in purple or pale pink. So lively and mild! Nothing too colorful or too dull.

His Mansion back in India had black marble, black piano, black couches and black bean bags. Everything was black and dark!

Is this yet another proof that Rk has really changed to good? He is no more the man with dark soul? Madhu wondered.

"So this is the dining hall..." a glass table with silver chairs. There was a huge chandelier hanging on top. "...and to the right you will find the kitchen. Everything is stalked up for a month in the kitchen cupboards. If you need anything I will take you to the nearby supermarket till you get acquainted with this new surroundings."

"There are four rooms in this floor." Rk said and showed the first room. It was a play room, obviously for Ruhi. There was a little castle for their little princess, a bouncer, a slide attached to the wall, a swing, a car, a bicycle, a range of toys arranged on the shelves, a painting table with all the painting accessories.

"Oh No!" Madhu moaned.

"What?" Rk asked.

"She will mess with everything and turn this room upside down. I will die tidying up this room."

"Oh! You didn't see Ruhi's bedroom yet. More toys are stuffed there too." Rk said nervously.

"Anyway, you are going to babysit her so you play with her and clean up the rooms once she retires to bed every night." Madhu said coolly and walked out to check the next room leaving Rk worried.

"Papa!" Ruhi poked her head out of her blue color make shift princess castle and smiled happily at him. For this innocent smile he was ready to take all the strain.

Rk took Ruhi to the see the rest of the house assuring to bring Ruhi back to her play room later when she threw tantrum not wanting to come out of her castle.

"So a play room, home theater, a library and only one spare room in this floor?"

"Yeah, that spare room is Bittuji's and one day I hope Roma will share it with him."

"Oh cool"

"Now come, I will show the other four rooms and the swimming pool in the second floor."

"There is a pool?" Madhu asked shocked.

"I love to relax in swimming pool so I built an in-home-pool. And only from there you will get to see the best view of Eiffel tower."

"Then please take me to the pool room first." Madhu insisted.

He led them to the staircase & turned left and unlocked the door. The swimming pool occupied the space of the four rooms down floor. It wasnt too big but a medium sized rectangular pool. Pool water looked blue in color just like the shy. The pool room had a floor to ceiling glass wall so that they could see the clear sky. Oh and the magnificent "Tour la Eiffel" view was breathtaking.

Ruhi got tired with the day's excitement so she wasn't interest to play in the pool but preferred to doze off on her daddy's shoulder.

"I guess we should put her to bed." Rk announced. Madhu nodded.

"Rk, Ruhi is still a baby... She might get scared and search for either of us in the night so I dont want her to sleep on her own in her room... You better put her in my room."

"Alright! She can sleep in her room at day times and at night your girl will be by your side." Rk said with a smile & took Ruhi to Madhu's room. Ruhi's room will be in the middle of her mom and dad's rooms. So it will go like Madhu's room, then Ruhi, then Rk's and then a gym room.

"You like your bedroom?" Rk asked placing Ruhi on the comfy bed & kissed her forehead lovingly.

"It's beautiful. Thanks for arranging everything to my taste." Yet again everything in her room was white paired with fuscia color. She had a TV in her room too, walk in closet, a balcony with glass railing. The house was fully designed in white & glass yet so elegant & calming, not at all boring. Her bathroom was big with a oval shaped bath tub, cubical shower, two sinks, shelves & toilet. Rk said to her that his room was a replica to hers so she decided to check it later and Ruhi's room was also as spacious as theirs but decorated in bright colors and play things.

"I guess I am tired too. I will also take a short nap with Ruhi."

"Cool!" Rk smiled & decided to walk out of her room when Madhu called him.


"Rk... Thanks." She gave him a small smile.

"Please don't! You have nothing to thank me. This is just nothing. I didnt do anything to impress you but to give the best to you and to our Ruhi. Thats it."

"I will pay you for letting me stay in this house just like how you decided to rent me the studio" Her house in mumbai was rented and she decided to transfer the rent amount to Rk's account. She was clear not to enjoy the luxury coming out of his money.

"Madhu, please! Don't insult me. I don't want your money." Rk said with a huge sigh.

"Neither do I. I don't want your money. I don't want to bath in your wealth." Madhu said stubbornly.

"About renting the studio I can see your logic, you wanna a make a career of your own so I reluctantly agreed to collect rent amount from you for the studio but this is home, Madhu. Our home! Didn't you say so? I want us to live here as a family. A happy family! Please try to understand." Rk pleaded.

"Okay" she agreed softly.

"Thanks!" Rk said and quickly scurried out of her room fearing she will put yet another condition. He had enough of conditions from her!

... To be Continued!

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