Part 19

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Ruhi sleepily opened her eyes and looked around to find her alone on the bed with pillows on either side. She sat up rubbing her eyes and slowly crawled to the edge of the bed after climbing up and crossing the pillow wall, she turned her body to her front and holding the comforter she slid down and landed safely on the floor. She ran to the bathroom hearing the sound of shower running and stood outside the door and called "Mama"

She didn't get any response so she again tried, this time a little loud "MAMA" hearing Ruhi's voice, Madhu turned the knob of the shower shutting the water flow so that she can reply to her baby girl.

"Ruhi, baby..."

"Mama, open..." she sounded like she was about to cry.

"Ruhi, Momma is bathing. Please wait for two minutes sweetie."

"Nah... mama... you come" she demanded as her lower lips started trembling and her eyes welled up.

"Ruhi, why don't you go find your Papa?" Madhu suggested massaging her scalp with the shampoo and she quickly rinsed of the lather.

"Ruhi..." Madhu turned off the shower again when she didn't hear any reply from Ruhi. "Baby, you there?" Madhu asked worriedly. She jumped out of the shower and walked to the bathroom door and slightly opening it, she scanned the room. Ruhi was nowhere to be found. She had run to her Papa the moment her momma mentioned to go to her daddy. "Why can't she inform me and go?" Madhu grumbled and went back to clean her body.

Rk felt his duvet slipping off his body as someone pulled it from the side of the bed. Before the duvet could be completely dragged off his body, he held it tightly so that the one who was pulling the duvet can successfully climb up the bed holding it. And he knew who was the one struggling to climb up. Rk smiled and pretended sleeping. Ruhi crawled closer to him and partially leaned on top of her daddy and got settled comfortably.

"Papa's cuddle bug!" Rk wrapped his arms around his tiny baby girl and kissed her head and closed his eyes going back to sleep.

"Papa... wakey." Ruhi sat up on his stomach placing her hands on his hard chest and scooted closer to him. Taking her left hand she gently patted her dad's cheek waking him up.

When he didn't open his eyes, Ruhi with her fingers pulled up his eye lid and stared at it curiously and once she left it his eye lid closed again.

"Papa..." Ruhi poked her forefinger on his cheek waking him up but still he pretended to be asleep. She leaned forward and peppered him with her sweet little kisses all over his face. Rk lips curved to a smile but he didn't give away the game.

"Papa!" she shouted losing her patience and started hitting him with a throw pillow. "Wakey. Wakey. Wakey!!" when he didn't budge to her demand... No strike that... Command, she pressed the pillow over his face almost making it difficult for him to breathe. Her legs were pressed tightly over his neck adding to his difficulty.

"Can't breathe" Rk's voice was muffled under the pillow. When he realized Ruhi wasn't going to loosen her grip, Rk yanked her off him by holding her jump suit and placed her down on the bed and snatching the pillow from her hand he threw it down on the floor as he gasped for breathe.

"You little devil." he tried to keep a straight face but looking at Ruhi's innocent smile after her devilish stunt he couldn't resist smile back at her. He scooped her up in his arms and placed her on his lap and kissed her cheek.

"Papa, you up." Ruhi grinned finally satisfied that she was able to wake up her sleepy dad.

"I was up the moment you entered Papa's room but I was just playing with you." He said tickling her tummy. God! I should never dare to show my acting skills to this little monster or else she will f**king kill me! Rk dreaded at that thought. He never thought his little baby girl will go violent. May be she wasn't aware of the consequences of her action. Rk reasoned himself.

"Papa ... Boo boo..." Ruhi cutely said pouting her rosebud lip rubbing her little tummy.

"Boo boo? Okay come, we will find what your momma has made special for breakfast."

"Papa ish creawm."

"Morning morning ice cream? You want your momma to accomplish the task which you have failed? Killing me?" Rk asked as he took her to his bathroom. He took her baby brush and squeezed some paste on it and gently brushed her tiny teeth.

When Rk was done with her and he took his brush and quickly brushed his teeth and they both headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Madhu had her back to Rk and Ruhi as she waited for the oven to ping.

"Good morning." Rk said as he placed Ruhi on the kitchen counter.

"Morning." She said with a gentle smile and beamed at Ruhi. She walked to her and soundly kissed her chubby cheeks. "My baby" Madhu ruffled Ruhi's hair lovingly and next minute Rk was setting her hair back properly. Madhu shook her head and went back to make chocolate milkshake for Ruhi.

"Madhu..." Rk called. "Hmm..."She hummed as she dished out the contents in a plate. She passed the plate of pasta to Rk and then she started feeding Ruhi her baby food. Madhu always eats only after filling her baby's tummy.

"Why do you think she is not letting me feed her?" Rk asked curiously. Ruhi lets her dad do everything for her liking bath, playing, changing nappies etc. But never had she let him feed her.

"I don't know Rk. Even I am as curious as you. Shall we ask her?"

"Do you think she will answer?" Rk smirked. "Firstly will she understand?"

"Ruhi is smart." Madhu said getting affronted.

"Like me." Rk grinned proudly. Madhu rolled her eyes.

"Baby, why don't you let Papa feed you?" Madhu cooed. Ruhi looked up at her momma giving her a confused look before going to play with an orange she just took from the fruit basket.

When Rk took hold of the spoon from Madhu and brought it closer to Ruhi's mouth but she turned her face away. Rk sighed and placed the spoon back in the bowl.

"Papa, ish creawm"

"No ice cream for you. You ate two scoops last night so no more." Madhu strictly warned her but her look was hardly set on Rk asking him to dare her.

"Will you let Papa feed you ice cream?" Rk tried to negotiate with his daughter. Ruhi gave him a thoughtful look before nodding him a yes.

"Hoo hoo!" Rk fist pump in the air before running to the freezer to take out the carton of ice cream."Rk, no!" Madhu protested. "She will catch cold."

"Please, Madhu. Just one spoon. I don't want to miss this chance of feeding her." He gave her a puppy eyed look. Madhu sighed in defeat.

Rk took a spoon full of Ruhi's favorite chocolate flavour ice cream and held it closer to her mouth but she didn't open her mouth. Ruhi looked up at her dad giving her a pleading look and after taking her sweet time she opened her little mouth and let him feed ice cream. Rk smiled and kissed Ruhi's temple and then he placed the spoon back on the ice cream bowl and took her porridge and tried to feed that but this time she shook her head in negation not letting him feed. Madhu burst out laughing. "Guess, she will only let you to feed her ice cream. Your smart girl is indeed smart because she fooled her daddy" Madhu teased him.

"At least she ate ice cream from me nah? That's a progress." He said twisting his lips not liking being teased.

"Papa, ahh" she opened her mouth for him to feed ice cream.

"Nah, Devil. Nah!" Rk shook his head and took the ice cream bowl away from her and started eating from it.

"Don't call my baby "Devil"... she is an Angel" Madhu chides Rk.

"Me... Angel" Ruhi clapped her hands in glee. Rk and Madhu kissed her cheeks on either side.


"Wassup, Bittuji?" Rk slapped his hand on Bittuji's back as he entered the counter.

"Good afternoon, Chief." he greeted his chief and turned back to Sofia asking her to bring the coffee he asked for. "Sofia, don't forget the heart design on the coffee." he called when she walked to the coffee machine.

"Heart art work?" Rk wondered out loud and he got his answer the moment he spotted Roma sitting in the cafe reading a magazine. There was no much crowd in the cafe or in the bouquet shop as it was almost lunch time.

"She seems tired and I guess she is having a headache. I saw her rubbing her temple twice so I thought to take her strong cup of coffee" Bittuji explained practically jumping on his feet. "Here, you go." Sofia placed the coffee in front of Bittuji and winked at him.

"Merci" Bittuji said slowly learning french.

"Bittuji, wait." Rk stopped when he was about to turn and walk to Roma.

"Yes, Chief?" he asked. Ruhi picked Ruhi up from the floor and shoved her to Bittuji.

"Take her with you." Rk suggested. When Bittuji frowned in confusion Rk briefly explained him "Roma will not walk away when Ruhi is around. You can use the chance to talk with her. Besides my daughter is Cupid in disguise." Rk winked.

"Thank you, Chief."

"Good luck, Bittuji. Darling, show your magic to uncle Bittu" Rk cooed to his girl. She smiled nodding her head as if she got what her daddy was talking. Silly baby!

"Hello" Bittuji smiled and sat on the chair opposite to Roma.


"I know you speak English so why you torture me by talking in French when you clearly know I don't get a damn thing you utter?" Bittuji asked pissed.

"Ittu uncie..." Ruhi held his chin and patted the table asking him to place her on it. "Hey cutie pie." Roma twitched Ruhi's button nose making her giggle.

"Coffee" Bittuji pushed the cup to her.

"No thanks."

"Puh-leash" Ruhi cutely pleaded. Roma reluctantly took the cup and sipped the coffee making both Bittuji and Ruhi happy.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Rk asked.

"Rk, two minutes. I will be back." Sofia said and walked out of the counter. Rk noticed her walking to a table were a good looking French guy was seated. She sat opposite to them and the guy took her hand in his as they started talking softly. Rk shook his head and averted his gaze to Bittuji's table and chuckled when his daughter took a red rose from the vase kept on the coffee table and passed it to bittuji. Bittuji passed it to Roma with a bright smile. Roma took it from his hand and gave it back to Ruhi and Ruhi passed it again to Bittuji as the trio continued playing pass and pass game.

"Ruhi, you played you part well and good. Now time to leave the two alone." Rk thought and called "Ruhi... Come here, darling." When Bittuji stood up and picked her up to bring her back to the counter Rk stopped him. " Put her down and let her walk." Rk said leaning on the counter top. He didn't want Roma bittuji's moment to break. When Bittuji set Ruhi down on the floor she started running on her toes towards him but fell down hitting on someone's legs. Ruhi looked up at the tall man on whom she had run into. He looked down angrily at her and shouted "You little shit! Can't you see?" he snarled like a pig scaring Ruhi. Her eyes welled up and her whole body trembled in fear as she still sat down on the floor with her legs wide spread. When the guy turned around a hard punch landed right on his face.

"Ahh... f**k!" he yelped in pain as the guy cupped his bloody nose with his palm. Before he could recover from the first blow Rk pushed him back on the coffee table and clutched his neck almost strangling it. "How dare you call My Daughter - little shit?"

"Rish, please." Sofia held his hand and pleaded him to release the guy. Madhu rushed up to them from the bouquet shop hearing the commotion and Ruhi ear piercing scream.

"Ruhi" Madhu took her from Roma's hold and bounced her on her hip. "It's okay, baby. It's okay. Don't cry. Momma has got you." Madhu tried to soothe her but she cried inconsolably.

"You found another man as soon as you broke up with me, you bitch?" the guy shouted at Sofia as soon as Rk loosened his grip on him so that he can go check on his baby girl.

"Nicole!" Sofia spat at her ex-boyfriend angrily. Rk turned in force and slapped Nicole hard on his face. His lips burst and blood oozed down his mouth to his chin.

"Rk, stop it. You are scaring Ruhi." Madhu hurried said stopping him from slapping Nicole again. "Get the hell out of here or I'll kill you with my bare hands." Rk growled and Nicole glared at Rk and looking at Sofia he said "This is not done!" then he walked out of the cafe.

"Don't cry for that asshole, Sofia. Go. Go to your room" Rk gave her a gentle push. She nodded her head and walk back to the counter.

When Rk turned to pay attention to his daughter he found Madhu glaring at him fiercely.

"Madhu, give her to me." Rk said as he stepped closer but she took a step back clutching a crying Ruhi closer to her chest and shook her head in no.

Without letting him say further she ran up to their house taking Ruhi with her.

The little one heaved and vomited on her momma as a result of crying heavily.

"Aww... my baby." Madhu started tearing up seeing her little one cry her heart out. "It's nothing, Darling. Papa just hit the bad man who hurt you." Madhu said softly washing Ruhi's face and mouth and dried it with a towel.

"Stop crying, sweetie." Rk walked into the bathroom "I'm sorry, baby" he knelt down in front of them as Madhu sat on the edge of the bathtub with Ruhi on her lap. When Rk took hold of Ruhi's hand her scream got louder and she buried her face on the crook of her momma's neck pushing away her daddy's hand.

"Madhu..." he looked at Madhu helplessly. Never had once Ruhi recoiled from him or feared him. She always loved to be in his arms but now she was scared to come to him.

"How could you be so insensitive, Rk?" her voice was mere whisper but her eyes were blazing with anger. "Is that how you behave in front of a baby?" Madhu asked him in disgust. "You behaved like an animal"

"Madhu, you don't know what that f**ker said... he called her 'little shit'..."

"You could have dealt with him once Ruhi was taken away. You beat him up in front her. She got scared seeing all the fight and bleeding. Just see how she is crying and how much her little body is shaking in terror." Madhu said rubbing Ruhi's back to soothe her.

"Madhu, I am sorry..." Rk brought his hand to caress Ruhi's head.

"First go wash your bloody hand." she pointed to his right hand knuckles covered with dried blood.

"Ruhi... look at your papa, please baby" Rk picked her from Madhu's lap but she started kicking and protesting.

"Rk, give her sometime and let her calm down then she will be back to you." Madhu placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"Will she hate me?" Rk asked worriedly looking at Ruhi.

"No, she won't" Madhu assured him. Ruhi's cry dies down and she settled her head on her chest, her eyes started drooping.

"Okay" he stood up and giving Ruhi one last glance before heading to his room.


"Did she ate?" Rk asked when Madhu came to the kitchen.

"No. I gave her bottle milk and put her to sleep."

"I'm sorry."

"I can understand your anger Rk. Even I am mad at that rogue for what he said... he was so rude. He didn't know how to talk with a small baby but then you shouldn't have lost your control too. You know our Ruhi, she gets scared just if we raise our voice, then imagine how she would have felt when her ever soft and sweet daddy hitting a guy till he bleeds?"

"I know... I just got carried away. For a minute I didn't realize Ruhi was with us." Rk sighed heavily and rubbed his face with his palms.

"Okay leave it. She will forget everything once she wakes up from her sleep."

"You think so?"

"I hope so." she wasn't sure. Ruhi was always unpredictable. "By the way who was that guy? Is he Sofia's Ex?"


"What he wants huh? Was he back to patch up with her?"

"Yeah, she said so."


"Sofia said he was talking all sweet when he came to the cafe. He said he wanted her back in his life as he can't forget her and move on. She was initially happy and thought of going with him but then when she asked about the baby he refused to take the burden..." he paused as he fist his fingers tightly till his knuckles turned white. "He got angry at her and started shouting like a mad man so she forced him to leave the cafe and that's when Ruhi ran into him and that ruthless bas***d screamed at my poor baby."

"Sofia should never forgive him. He is heartless." Madhu said shaking her head in disgust.

"I second you." Rk agreed with her.

"You are no better than him." Madhu threw the words at him.

"So we are back to that again?" Rk growled at her. "You better not compare me with that despicable creature." he warned her as his blood boiled when she thought he was no less than that mother f**ker.

"I have agreed my mistake N number of times and I don't know how to make you understand how sorry I feel for what all I said that day when you told me your were pregnant with my child and how sorry I feel for the pain I caused you by not being with you when you needed me the most." Rk sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm nothing like that sorry excuse of a man, Madhu. I will not even think of raising my voice at our daughter. She is my Angel, Madhu. My Angel who gave my happiness back" Rk said in a soft tone. "Aren't you aware of the fact that I'm repenting and trying my level best to put back everything in place and make you and Ruhi happy? but still you choose to punish me with your words. Why you do that to me?" he asked hurtfully making her look away from him.

"Madhu, look at me." he ordered. She didn't turn her face to him.

"Madhu, just look at me and tell me honestly, do you still think I am a heartless man who will hurt his own daughter?" he asked clenching his fingers tightly.

"No. You are not." Madhu said honestly looking straight at his eyes.

"Thanks" he said and walked back to his room.

... To be continued!!

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