Part 21

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"Ruhi, my darling, I made your favorite chocolate sandwich." Rk said sweetly sitting next to Madhu who had Ruhi on her lap. Ruhi just turned her face other way. Rk sighed.

"Ruhi, look at momma. You are a good girl nah?" Madhu asked. Ruhi didn't reply but just clung to her momma.

"Papa said sorry nah? Now forgive him and play with him." Madhu took Ruhi off her lap and was about to place her on Rk but she started screaming and kicking in protest.

"Mama, nah! Nah..." She cried.

"You are such a cry baby, Ruhi." Madhu said irately and tried to stop her kicking Rk.

"Okay okay. I am not touching you." Rk said to stop her piercing cry and he moved away and sat down on the chair on the table next to them. Rk held his down defeated. Madhu looked back at him and gave him a small smile which he returned, then she went back to feed the chocolate sandwich to Ruhi which Rk specially made for her.

"Why are you doing this, Ruhi? Why you are not letting Papa come near you?" Madhu asked softly.

"Oh... Papa... Bad... Mama..." Ruhi said, her little lips bursting out in a cute pout.

"He is not bad, baby. He just hit the bad guy who shouted at you."

"Nah... Papa ... Papa will hit me."

"Papa won't hit you, darling. You are his angel nah? Then how will he will hit you? Papa, loves you, sweetie." Madhu kissed Ruhi's temple and brushed her hair.

"Nah, mama... nah nah..." Ruhi screamed and angrily pushed the sandwich plate.

"Ruhi!" Madhu admonished her. She didn't want to see this much anger in her little girl at this young age. Ruhi looked at her mama and slowly started weeping.

"Here, goes your water tap leaking" Madhu sighed and wiped Ruhi's teary cheeks. "Stop crying, now." Madhu ordered. For the past three days she was so cranky and crying. Even she was restless in her sleep. She wanted her daddy but scared to go near him.

"Mama..." Ruhi cried more burying her little face on her bosom.

"Okay, I am sorry. Stop crying now." Madhu rocked Ruhi placing her head on her shoulder.

Ruhi quieted down shortly and just stared at her daddy who was sitting behind them.

"Zoommm" a small girl skated on the floor and she was about to skid down and fall but Rk held her back and supported her preventing her fall.

"Careful little lady." Rk steadied her and tweaked her nose. Ruhi watched this interaction with a cute little frown.

"Merci" the little girl said.

"You alone here?" Rk asked as he looked around for that girl's parents.

"Am here with ma mom. She is standing there in the queue to get her cappuccino." she spoke with a heavy french accent.

"You don't want anything to eat?"

"I don't drink coffee, uncle." She replied.

"But we do have chocolates, pastries, sandwiches & ice cream here." Rk said enthusiastically.

"Wow... really?"

"Yes, sweetie." Rk ruffled the girl's hair. Ruhi got pissed and tightened her hands around her momma's neck. Madhu glanced back to see Rk cooing with a little girl and understood the reason for the sudden change in Ruhi.

"Is this your cafe?" She asked in awe.


"Will I get chocolate sandwich?" The little girl asked cutely.

"Oh chocolate sandwich? That's my daughter's favorite." He said and look up to see Ruhi watching them. Rk 

smiled at Ruhi but she turned her head and hide her face on her momma's neck.

"Oh really?" The little girl standing beside him brought back his attention.

"Yeah. Well, I will go get your sandwich but before that tell me your sweet name, baby girl."

"My name is Evanjelin George."

"Such a lovely name, Eva."

"My pet name is Jeli but I like it when you call me Eva." Eva said with a giggle

"And you can call me Rk."

"Rkay! Cool." Eva smiled. Rk made her sit on his chair and he walked back to the counter to get her order.

"Here you go, Eva" Rk placed her order. "Where is your mother?" Rk asked wondering still she hadn't returned and she was nowhere near the counter.

"She has gone to the bouquet shop to get our bouquet. We are going to a party in my dad's office. Rkay, how do I look in this dress?" Eva asked standing up and swirling around.

"Pretty little girl in purple, you look beautiful." Rk kissed her cheek. Eva giggled and kissed him back.

"Now, eat."

"I want my mom to feed me."

"You don't know to eat?" Rk asked. "What's your age?"

"I am 5 yrs old and I know to eat uncle Rkay but I spill a lot. I don't wanna ruin my dress."

"Okay, then if you don't mind I can feed you." Rk offered.

"You will?" Eva asked in surprise.

"Why not?" Rk took out a tissue and spread it over Eva's lap and then sliced the sandwich to small pieces and he started feeding her.

Rk was engrossed in chatting with Eva that he didn't realize Ruhi standing beside him. She had asked her momma to put her down so that she can go to her Papa and madhu willingly set her free.

"Over." Rk feed the final morsel of sandwich and cleaned her mouth and his hand with a tissue.

"Evanjelin!!!" Eva's mother called from a distance.

"I gotta go, uncle Rkay"

"Hey, one sec." Rk took out a notice containing information of Madhu's dance school. "If you like dancing you can join here."

"Wow, I love dance. Will you be teaching dance?"

"Nope but my friend does."

"Will I get to meet you again if I join the dance school?"

"You will get to meet me even without joining the dance school sweetheart because I will be here in this cafe or in the bouquet shop."

"See you then."

"Au revoir!" Rk said bye in french.

"Au revoir" she said back and quickly ran to her mother not before saying her thanks to Rk for feeding her. Rk waved bye to Eva and when he looked down he finally noticed Ruhi standing by his table.

"Ruhi" Rk smiled and shifted his position. Ruhi moved and stood in between his open legs and to his surprise she climbed up holding his waist belt and sat on his right leg and leaned her head on his torso.

Madhu with a happy smile walked to them and sat on the opposite chair. Rk waited for Ruhi to say something but she remained silent.

"Why you... um... eat that girl?" Ruhi asked softly after what seems like an eternity.

"What?" Rk asked, confused. He didn't get her.

"Wo.. wo girl... you eat.. boo boo..." Ruhi pointed her fingers back to the entrance, the way the girl had gone out.

"Rk, she meant to ask why you fed sandwich to that little girl?" Madhu as a mother understood her daughter's unintelligible words.

"Oh that. Now I get where she is going with this." Rk smirked.

He looked down and answer to Ruhi "I fed her chocolate sandwich, your favorite."

"Why?" Ruhi asked angrily yet she looked so adorable.

"Because you are not letting me feed you." Rk said with a shrug. Ruhi looked thoughtful for few good seconds before saying "You eat..."

"Feed... Feed." Rk corrected her. "You want me to feed you?"

"Effeeth.." Ruhi struggled with that word before nodding her head in yes. "You effeeth me." she said, more like an order. Rk couldn't believe his own ears. He had a huge grin on his face hearing her daughter allowing him to feed, actual food.

"Bittuji..." Rk turned to ask Bittuji to get one chocolate sandwich for Ruhi but he beats Rk again by bringing the sandwich in advance. Seems like he actually anticipated this move of Ruhi's.

"You sure?" Rk asked once again. Ruhi nodded her head.

"Will you let me feed from now on?" Rk asked taking advantage.

"but momma?" she asked and turned to Madhu.

"Momma can feed you but will you let me feed as well?"

"Hmm..." she nodded. Rk with a contented smile took a small piece of bread and brought it near to Ruhi's mouth. "Wait a minute." Rk stopped. "Ruhi..."


"Why you didn't let me feed you before?" Rk asked the one question which was haunting him for days.

"To tease you." she said sheepishly and hid her face with her little hands in shyness. Rk gawked at her with open mouth. Her answer was so unexpected. Madhu and Bittuji were laughing at Ruhi's reason. Even he wanted to join them in laughing but he couldn't. He was so shocked that his daughter actually teased him all the time when he literally begged her to let him feed her. She took it as a game. He feeding her and she spitting the food out! Oh shit!

"To tease me?" Rk asked again astonished.

"It was so fun." Ruhi giggled and hugged her daddy.

"You little devil!" Rk said in disbelief and laughed out loud.

"Papa..." Ruhi called holding his chin. Rk so missed her calling him 'Papa' in the past three days. The one single word "Papa" which changed his life upside down.

"Papa, you are mine." Ruhi said softly yet possessively. "Not hers." Ruhi pointed her hand to her back.

"Your mother's?" Rk asked teasingly though he knew she meant the girl who went out of the cafe that way. 

Madhu glared at him.

"Nah nah... that girl."

"Are you jealous, Ruhi?" Rk teased her again.

"Hun??" Ruhi wondered. she didn't know the meaning of jealous.

"Forget it!" Rk said and fed her the sandwich and she ate it happily.

"Papa..." Ruhi cupped his face with her little hands. "You don't beat... you are good Papa... so no beatings." she shook her head.

"Okay, darling." Rk agreed though he didn't promise her. He knew he had to use his strength to protect them from bad people but then from next time he will be very cautious that Ruhi wasn't around them to witness any bloody fight.

"Good" Ruhi said and continued eating.

"I told you right? If you ignore her for a while she will automatically come to you and see that's what happened. You ignored her and talked freely with another little girl which made her so jealous, her possessive instinct kicked in... oh and she kinda got scared that that little girl will steal her papa so she came running to you to seek your attention." Madhu concluded.

"Ahaan! Such a typical girl behaviour. Never thought the all time popular jealousy trick will work on this little one"

"All girls are same when it comes to their loved one, they will automatically feel possessive for them. Age is not a criteria." Madhu clarified him.

"Ha ha ha... now I understood"

"Papa, I love you" Ruhi said and kissed the tip of Rk's nose.

"Attention seeker." Madhu muttered under her breathe. Rk nodded his head agreeing with her because it was so clear Ruhi said that only to seek his attention back to her as he went busy talking with her momma. But then he got to give to her for her smartness and right choice of words.

"I love you too, Ruhi" Rk reciprocated her action and they both laughed happily.

... To be continued!!!

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