Part 26

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"Madhu... " Rk walked into Madhu's room with a gift packet in his hand.

"Shush! Ruhi is sleeping" Madhu shushed him pointing her finger to the bed where their daughter was peacefully sleeping.

"Yeah okay" Rk said in a husky voice and tiptoed to the dressing room.

"I thought I will get ready before Ruhi wakes up so that I can get her ready for the party later" Madhu said as she curled her hair with the curling machine.

"What you are gonna wear for tonight's party?" Rk asked hopping from foot to foot obviously showing his nervousness.

"Haven't decided yet. I will find something in the wardrobe." she said looking him through the mirror and finally she noticed something in his hand.

"What's that? Gift for Ruhi?" Madhu asked with a soft smile.

"Um... Yeah... It's a gift... But for you" he said and cleared his throat.

"Oh." she said in a disinterested tone. "Give" she stretched her hand out for him to hand over the gift.

"You mean... You are accepting my gift?" he thought she will reject his gift but she took him by surprise. She didn't say a word but snatched the gift box from him.

She quickly unwrapped the gift wrapper and opened the gift box revealing a dress.

"This dress?" she asked in shocked surprise. If he wasn't mistaken he saw a gleam of euphoria in her eyes.

Yeah, it was the wine red dress she liked when they had gone shopping and it was the same dress Rk thought Madhu was picking for Ruhi as it was too short.

"You sure you want me to wear this dress for this party?" she asked.

"Actually no. I don't want you to wear that dress..."


"You liked that dress so I thought to gift it to you... I would like it if you wear it only for me. For my eyes. For me to admire your beauty... But no one." he said softly but in a possessive tone.

She raised her brow up. "You think I will wear this dress to please your eyes?" she asked with a mocking smirk.

"Honestly? Yes" he grinned confidently. "If not today... I am sure one day you will. And that day I will have the pleasure of peeling you off of that dress and take you then and there." his words... his husky voice... his intense gaze... his desire... made her squirm in her seat. She crossed her legs tightly and looked away to hide her blush.

"I want you to wear this dress for the party" he pulled out another gift box which he was holding in other hand at his back.

"Another gift?"

"This is my choice. I am sure you will look stunning in this dress."

"Ahaan!" she said with a smirk which mirrored his own. She stood up from the dressing stool and took out the dress from the box. It was a beautiful black mermaid off shoulder dress. "It's beautiful." she said in awe. "Thank you"

"Pleasures mine, m'lady. You surely won't look like a mother of a two years old baby but a hot model" he could so imagine how enticing she will look.

"Rk, don't leave her side tonight or else every man who attends this party will wish to have his filthy paws on her" he warned himself mentally.

"If you knock me up at the age of 18 then obviously I won't look like a mother. Don't forget I am just 21 years old. I am still young and my beauty hasn't disappeared." she said suddenly anger flaring up her nose.

"Do you regret having Ruhi at such a young age?" he asked taking a step closer to her. She looked at her daughter over his shoulder.

"No. I don't." she said honestly. "Not at least after her birth" she added for honesty sake. She regretted being reckless and getting pregnant but after holding Ruhi in her arms for the first time and looking at her beautiful eyes she knew everything happened for a reason. If not for Ruhi her Rk, the man she loved won't be with her now. "Wait! Is he with me because of Ruhi, his daughter? Surely he wouldn't have turned back to me after making his exit from my life if it's not for Ruhi right? or would he? No! He wouldn't. He didn't care for me for nearly two years when things got over between us. He came back in my life for Ruhi. He didn't love me then. But now he claims he loves me. How come he can love me now? He wants Ruhi in his life so he wants me as well because I am her mother. Am I a charity for him? Oh no! I am in deep shit now!" her thoughts went haywire.

Will it always be like this between them? Two steps forward and three steps backwards? No progress? Will they ever get over with their past bitterness? Only time will answer.

"Do you want me to zip up the dress for you?" he asked to change the topic seeing the myraid of emotions cross in her pretty little face and he can say her good mood was going low.

"Do you want a kick from me?" she retorted faking anger.

"Kick? Where?" Rk asked in shock with his eyes and mouth wide open.

"Leg" she said frowning.

"Sigh! Thank fuck for that. I though you will kick me on my... You know... "

"Shut up! Or else I will aim higher."

"Oh please no. I still have to sow magical seeds in you. Don't you remember Ruhi's birthday wish?" he teased her.

"Get out" Madhu shouted in frustration.

"Mama... Mama... " Ruhi woke up startled and started crying.

"You woke her up" Rk accused her.

"Good. Now go calm her down and get her ready." Madhu ordered pushing him out of the dressing room and slid the door shut.

"Ruhi darling" Rk scooped up Ruhi in his arms and kissed her cheek soundly.

"Mama..." she whined. Ruhi got cranky as she woke up abruptly from her sleep.

"Okay... Okay, baby lets go back to sleep" Rk put Ruhi back on bed and laid beside her cuddling her and kissing her soft hair.


"What the? I told you to get her ready but here you are sleeping with her?" Madhu whisper yelled at him. "Get up" she pinched him on his arm making him wince. He shot his eyes open as he sat up on the bed settling Ruhi on the bed who was back to sleep by now.

"Here, pull the zip up" Madhu turned showing her back to him. She said she wouldn't let him zip up for her but the damned zip was so deep and her hands couldn't reach it.

Rk gulped seeing her bare back.

"You what?" his voice croaked.

"Zip, Rk. Zip me up. Didn't you wish to do this?" she asked and swept her hair from back to her front exposing more of her skin to his vision. Rk slowly took his trembling hand and caressed her soft skin.

"You feel so soft" he said in a husky tone nuzzling her neck. He didn't know what he was doing. His mind and his hand wasnt in his control.

"You are saying that as if you are touching me for the first time?" she mocked him.

"Yeah okay" he quickly zipped her up. Madhu turned and sat on the bed to wake up her daughter.

"Ruhi... baby... Wake up darling" Madhu caressed Ruhi's head. "Her swelling is getting reddish" Madhu said in a worried tone. "Why this happened to her? That too on her birthday? I hope she doesn't get fever or get tired easily. I want her to enjoy her party"

"She will enjoy, Madhu." Rk gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "There is still an hour left for the party to start. So I guess Ruhi can sleep a little longer. Let her wake up on her own"

"But I have to get her ready and for that I need time... I want our daughter to look like a princess"

"Even if she walks down to the party in her onsie she will still look like a princess." Rk said adoring his daughter's sleeping form.

Agreeing with what Rk said, Madhu let Ruhi to sleep for a little longer.


Rk was sitting on his Piano bench and playing a soft melodious tune to entertain the guests. (Madhu's dancing school members and staffs and regular customers to their bouquet and coffee shop were invited to the party) They danced with their partner's slowly in the make shift dance floor. Kids were enjoying themselves in the fun-room.

"Papa!" Ruhi screamed at the top of her lungs. Rk, paused his fingers on the keys hearing her loud baby voice. Rk's face splits into a bright smile as he turned his head and looked up to see his daughter standing atop the stairs holding her momma's hand.

"Mama, leave" she insisted her momma to let her go.

"No, Ruhi. You will fall down." Madhu held her little hand firmly and helped Ruhi step down the stairs. Ruhi jumped from one step to another like a baby kangaroo.

"Ruhi! Walk properly. You will trip over and fall down if you keep jumping." Madhu chided Ruhi in a gentle tone.

Rk shoved his hands in his pockets as he waited for them to walk down. He looked in awe at his beautiful baby girl dressed in a pretty floor length fluffy purple gown and she had worn a purple flower crown over her head to hide her swell, looking stunning like a royal princess.

Then his gaze shifted from Ruhi to her momma who was dressed in the black mermaid dress he gifted. My Black Beauty! I so wanna kiss her hard. Rk thought.

"You look gorgeous." Rk whispered to Madhu snaking his hand around her petite waist and kissed her cheek making her blush though she wanted to give him a glare. She subtly from the corner of her eyes checked him out. He was wearing a white shirt and black suit pants and black tuxedo. There was no tie and he had let the first two buttons open. He looked devilishly handsome.

"Papa" Ruhi hopped up and down wanting her daddy to lift her up in his arms.

"Ruhi, what I told you? We are not going to carry you. You are going to walk if you don't want to wrinkle your dress. Okay?" Madhu said in strict motherly tone.

Ruhi pouted prettily and kicked her leg in protest as a result her left leg shoe flung away loosening from her little foot.

"Ruhi, behave" Madhu warned. Rk rolled his eyes. What a two years old baby will know about manners? Well parents should teach their kids about good manners and behavior but isn't it too soon for all that? Rk wondered.

"Papa, my hoo! (shoe)" Ruhi screamed. Rk quickly picked up her shoe and knelt down in front of Ruhi. Ruhi held her momma's hand for support and placed her left leg on her daddy's knee. Rk held her foot and leaning down he kissed the pad of her toe before slipping in her shoe. Madhu watched all this with a stunned expression. The mighty Rishab Kundra going down on his knees, bowing down and kissing his daughter's toe! He surely will be ready to worship his daughter and kiss the path she leaves her foot prints. Madhu thought.

Then Rk and Madhu held Ruhi's hands on either side and walked her to the dias.

Rk thanked the gathering for attending his precious daughter's birthday party in French.

"Papa... Me... Me... Me..." Ruhi wanted to talk something in the mike so tugged her papa's Tux to make him look down at her and pass the mike to her.

Rk gave the mike to her and it was too heavy for her little hands and before she could drop it down Madhu held the mike for her.

"Say "hello" to all and "thank you" for attending your party, Ruhi" Madhu guided what to talk.

"Mama" she said softly in the mike. "Papa" she then said and grinned looking up at her daddy. Rk placed his hand on her head and tapped it with his fingers.

"Ruhi... Ruhi..." she called her name twice in the mike and pushed the mike away as she was done talking.


"I never thought you will accept to dance with me"

"Now I wonder why I accepted to dance with a man who doesn't even know to dance."
"Sorry. I never danced in my life before. Even now I don't know what I am doing."

"You are actually standing hard as a rock! At least try to move your feet Bittuji" Roma laughed. Bittuji blushed.

"I like your unruly hair" Bittuji said as he twirled her curly hair with his fingers.

"Thanks" Roma locked her hands around his neck and stared intently at his eyes.

"What?" Bittuji asked feeling uncomfortable with her steady gaze.

"Why you didn't get married?" she asked out of blue.

"Well, I wasn't interested..."

"But now you are interested? What made you think so?" Roma asked curiously.

"You made me to think so..."

"Me? A divorcee? A lady who lost interest in love or marriage?"

"Well, you are so..."

"I'm so?"

"Funny! So I like you." Bittuji confessed. He wanted to say "I love you" but he didn't thinking it was too soon and he didn't want to scare her.

"Funny?" she laughed. "Now I understood why you didn't get married. If you talk like this then no woman will like you."

"Oh why?" Bittuji asked getting offended. He said the truth. Didn't he? Then why would women hate him?

"You should know to please women"

"I don't want to please women. I just wanna please you." he clarified.

"Oh! Well, Bittuji, you are a nice man. You are funny too. I like you. I tried to ignore you...ignore the strange attraction I felt for you... but I couldn't."

"Then don't ignore me, please. My little heart can't bear the pain." He said placing his fist hand over the left side of his chest.

"You are so cute" Roma laughed as she pinched his cheeks and they continued dancing enjoying the feel of being in each other's arms.


Madhu was talking with her dancing school kids and offering them refreshments.

Rk waited for her to get free so that he can go ask for a dance but before he could a monkey stepped in. Vihaan!

"Hey beautiful, you look gorgeous. Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" Vihaan, Krish's father asked Madhu.

No, don't go and dance with him, Madhu. Rk screamed in his head.

"Sure" Madhu smiled politely and taking his hand she walked to the dancing floor.

"Hey, baby, would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" Krish asked Ruhi.

Why the fuck both father and son are hell bent to steal my girls from me? Rk brooded.

Ruhi shook her head in no as she was busy eating her ice cream.

"Hey, come on, just one dance. See, your mom and my dad are also dancing" Krish insisted pulling little Ruhi's hand. Ruhi got so mad at his audacity so she scooped the ice cream in her hand and threw it on his face.

That's like my girl. Rk grinned proudly.

"Ugh! Look what you have done?" Krish scolded. Ruhi pushed him and ran to her daddy.

"Papa, bad boy" she pointed to Krish.

"Yeah. Even his father is a bad boy." Rk said wiping Ruhi's hand with a tissue so that she won't mess her beautiful gown with the ice cream. "But look your momma is dancing with bad boy. Shouldn't she push him away just like you did and come to your papa?"

"Yes. Me go bring mama" Ruhi said with her hands on her hips and marched to the dance floor to drag her momma back to her papa. Rk grinned victoriously.

"Mama, come" Ruhi pulled her momma's gown making herself some room to stand between Vihaan and Madhu's legs.

"Where, baby?" Madhu asked stepping little away from Vihaan's grasp.

"Dance with me?" Ruhi asked cutely.

"Oh course, sweetie pie" Madhu excused herself from Vihaan and went little away to dance with her little girl.


Vihaan stepped down the dancing floor and walked to his son who looked upset.

"Why are you upset, my boy?" Vihaan ruffled Krish's hair.

"Ruhi, refused to dance with me and she threw ice cream on my face."

"Oh! It's okay. Don't take it to heart. Forgive her."

"But dad..."

"Big boys always forgive small girls"


"Now, come on, cheer up" Vihaan fist punched with Krish's fist.

Rk stood behind them and heard all their talk. He had to grudgingly agree that Vihaan was one good daddy.

"Ruhi is so cute, dad"

"So is her mother." Vihaan adoringly looked at Madhu elegantly dancing with her daughter.

Of course my Madhu is cute but not for you to say, you fucka! Ugh! Wish I could throw him a hard punch on his ugly face. Rk grumbled.

... To be continued!!!

Guys, Party isn't over yet! Lot more to come! I was writing the party scene and it went too long so split the update into two and posting. Hope you all enjoyed the Ruhi's party so far!

I will post the next update TOMORROW!!!

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