Part 28

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NOTE - If you feel this story boring and I am simply dragging it please do tell me. Then I will wrap this story soon!!!

(No time to proofread so excuse the mistakes)

After a long time Rk had a good night sleep having his two favorite girls in his arms. He remembered going to sleep with Ruhi lying on top of his torso and Madhu wrapped securely in his arm but now he felt his chest empty without any weight. He turned to his side to check on his daughter and his lover. He sighed in relief finding them peacefully sleeping. His lips curved to a small smile seeing the way Ruhi was sleeping. She was sleeping diagonally, her head on her momma's tummy and her legs closer to Rk's neck.

When Rk tried to pull her up and put her to sleep comfortably she kicked her legs in the air fighting him for disturbing her so he let her go. Ruhi nestled against her momma bouncing Madhu's boobs with her face and slept in a crawling position. Out of habit Ruhi tried to suckle her momma's boobs but she failed in her attempt of latching her mouth to her momma's nipple as she was fully clothed. Ruhi still tried hard only to drool over her clothes with her slobbery mouth. Feeling the wetness and weight on her bosom, Madhu lazily opened eyes directly to meet with Rk's eyes. He was sitting up and gazing at her with a soft smile.

"What are you looking at?" Madhu asked Rk as she loosely draped her hand around Ruhi's back and rubbed it.

"Of course you two. My darling angels. Well, Good morning." Rk greeted.

"Morning" she said subtly yawning.

"Well rested?"

"Wish to sleep a little longer"

"Then sleep, sweetheart" he caressed her hair affectionately.

She smiled and closed her eyes to go back to sleep again.

"Iss!" Madhu hissed feeling a sharp bite. Yeah, Ruhi had bit her momma's boobie. "Ever since I stopped breast feeding her, she is giving me hickeys" Madhu grumbled making Rk laugh. Hickeys? Seriously? He remembered giving her hickeys while making love to her and also remembered how much she enjoyed it then but now? She was complaining. Well may be Ruhi's hungry bite pained her whereas his love bite aroused her.

"She does that daily?" Rk asked. Rk had seen Ruhi suckling her momma's breast over her clothes few times in the morning but never knew she actually bites her when she gets frustrated of not getting what she wanted.

"Mostly. You have given me a wild daughter" Madhu gently pushed Ruhi's head not letting her to bite her again. Ruhi rolled south and laid her head on Madhu's lap.

"Oh... This time I will make sure to give you a softie baby... Not at all wild who bites you like Ruhi does."

"You won't stop with this? Will you?"

"Not until I get what I want"

"If you didn't get what you wanted then what you will do?" Madhu challenged him.

"I might just do what Ruhi just did to you. Bite you." he said with a casual shrug.

"You both daddy and daughter should live in jungle."

"Ready to live anywhere if my jungli-billi (wildcat) accompanies us."

Madhu blushed and said "Why don't you better make her a bottle?"

"Oh why? I thought I will take you both out for breakfast."


"Since we had a long tiring day yesterday I decided not to let you step into the kitchen today."

"If you insist also I'm not going to do any work today. I am hell tired. I just wanna eat and relax. May be I'll relax in the swimming pool later."

"Do you have any bikinis?" Rk asked with a naughty grin playing on his face.

"Shut up" she slapped his arm lightly.


"Now go make her a bottle quick. I can tell Ruhi is really hungry with the way she tried to suck me... My poor baby... why can't she just wake up crying for food?" Madhu said caressing Ruhi's soft hair. Ruhi's cry was like an indication for Madhu to know whether she was hungry or wanted to sleep but now that Ruhi was fast growing she wasn't crying for food or sleep but to satisfy her other demands.

"If you know she is hungry then she should eat some proper food, Madhu. Why give her bottle milk which won't fill her tummy? You just wake her up and you too get ready quickly. We will have our breakfast in the restaurant two blocks away." They had closed the bouquet shop and cafe and given off to all the staffs for a day as they also had a late night after cleaning up the mess in the house so they couldn't have a light breakfast in their cafe.

"Rk, let us sleep, please." Madhu scooped Ruhi up from her lap and put her next her on the bed and cuddling her she went to sleep again.

"Okay. I will get her bottle then." Rk didn't argue further but walked out of the room deciding to make breakfast for them after making Ruhi's bottle.


"Morning, Bittuji" Rk was surprised to see him in the kitchen.

"Morning, Chief. Want some coffee?" Bittuji asked as he was making a cup for himself.

"Sure." he nodded and placed the milk pot on the stove to boil it.

"So what plan for today, Bittuji?" Rk asked casually but he can tell there was something big planned by Bittuji otherwise he won't be bouncing happily.

"Lunch date with Roma" Bittuji stated and handed over a coffee mug to Rk and held one for himself.

"Lunch date? Boring! Why don't you take her out for dinner? Night time is the best time to set the mood, Bittuji" Rk suggested taking a welcoming sip of the brewing coffee.

"Oh. But I have asked her for lunch. What will she think if I change the plan now? What if she didn't agree to come with me for dinner?"

"She will. If she didn't want to go out with you then she wouldn't have agree to do lunch with you in the first place."

"You are right, Chief. But what I will tell her for cancelling the lunch date?"

"Tell her I have asked you to run an errand for me this afternoon."

"Okay cool." Bittuji whistled liking the idea. "So what plans do you have?" Bittuji asked the same question to Rk.

"My plans? I am gonna cook three meals for my girls. Madhu wants to relax in the pool it seems so I will watch Ruhi for her then." Rk shrugged as if nothing much he had planned for the day.

"Alright! Try to stalk some food made by you in the refrigerator so that I can reheat it and eat tomorrow."

"You can have lunch with us, Bittuji" Rk offered.

"No, chief. I am going out... "

"To get a gift for Roma right?" Rk asked cutting him off.

"How do you know, Chief?" Bittuji asked astonished.

"Dating is new for you, not for me, Bittuji" Rk left out a chuckle. After boiling the milk and letting it cool down, he poured it in a bottle and covered the sipper with a cap.

"I will be right back, Bittuji" Rk said and ran upstairs taking the bottle with him.

When he walked back into the bedroom he found Ruhi up and playing with her momma's hair.

"Hey baby" Rk cooed as he placed a kiss on the back of her head.

"Papa" Ruhi shouted joyously.

"Hush! Don't shout. Your momma is sleeping." Rk said placing his finger on his lips and Ruhi too placed her finger on her lips mimicking his action.

"Here you go" Rk pulled the cap off and latched the sipper in her little mouth. Ruhi was too hungry to make any protest. She leaned her back on her momma's tummy, crossed her legs and drank the milk clamping the bottle on her own with both her hands tightly.

"Done?" Rk asked. Ruhi nodded and threw the bottle away.

"So what my baby wanna do now? Sleep with momma or go with papa to help him in the kitchen?"

"Papa... Me go with you" she stood up on the bed and stretched out her hands for him to pick her up. She knew it wasn't fun to watch her sleeping momma so decided to do some mischief in the kitchen with her daddy.

"Good then" Rk carried her downstairs.

"Papa... " Ruhi held her papa's face with both her hands making him to look at her. "... Nah party today?"

"Ah! Daily my little Princess wants to party huh?" Bittuji teased her and took her from Rk's hand.

"Ittu uncie" Ruhi kissed both his cheeks and circled her arms around his neck.

"You have got the cutest daughter, Chief"

"I know right" Rk smiled proudly and he started making the batter for pancakes.

Once the griddle was heated Rk poured 1/4th cup of the pancake mix on the griddle and suddenly he got an idea. He decided to make the breakfast special for Madhu by adding Madhu's favorite ingredient. He took half a teaspoon of chocolate hazelnut spread to the center of the pancake and covered with a little more pancake batter.

He asked Bittuji to slice the strawberries to put them on top of the pancakes.

"Wow, chief, pancakes are looking mouthwatering. Shall I taste one?"

"No! I want Madhu to taste it first. I specially prepared it for her, not for you, Bittuji."

"Papa... me want that" Ruhi pointed to the freshly prepared pancakes.

"Of course sweetie you can have." He didn't hesitate to give his daughter the pancakes he specially made for his Madhu. "It's all for you." Rk placed one pancake on a plate and decorated the sides with more strawberries and passed it to Ruhi.

Bittuji pouted.

"Put more chocie papa" Ruhi ordered as she took a strawberry and chewed it slowly. Rk added extra chocolate spread and also sliced the pancake into small pieces making it easy for Ruhi to eat.

"Chief, now that Ruhi baby already tasted the special pancakes why you don't give me some too?" Bittuji tried his luck and right then his stomach growled loudly.

Rk sighed. "Okay have and fill your tummy"

"Thank you, Chief" Bittuji grinned widely and immediately attacked the pancakes.

Rk went to make some more pancakes for himself and Madhu.

"Good morning" Madhu said energetically after having an extra hour of sleep.

Rk turned to look at her and got surprised when she kissed him on his cheek. "Thanks for making breakfast for us." She side hugged him feeling grateful.

"I'm so hungry. I will go join them" she ran to the breakfast table before he gets to kiss her back.

"Awwie! My baby!" Madhu cupped both her cheeks in shock seeing the mess Ruhi had created. She had chocolate all over her mouth and some on her forehead too. She looked cute as ever.

"Bittuji, you could have fed her right instead of leaving her to eat on her own?" Madhu scolded him but he was too busy licking his fingers. She couldn't blame Rk for not feeding Ruhi as he was busy in the kitchen.

Madhu shook her head and took a tissue paper to wipe Ruhi's messy hands and face.

"Mama, lemme eath" Ruhi protested by pushing her momma's hands away.

"Leave her, Madhu. I will run her a bath after she is done with her breakfast."

"Okay" she sighed and sat on the breakfast stool and Rk placed a plate full of hot pancakes for her to eat. "You too eat"

"Yeah, sure" he smiled and joined her.

Half way through their breakfast they heard the calling bell. Rk asked their servant maid to go and see who was at the door step. Few seconds later, Vihaan and his son Krish appeared into the dining area.

"Hey! You guys here?" Rk asked masking his scowl. "What business do you have here? If you are here to drop your son in dance class then no, you can't because Madhu is taking the day off. Guess we announced about it last night in the party itself, didn't we?"

Madhu glared at him subtly warning him to behave. He shut his mouth and drew Ruhi closer to him, possessively.

"Hello, Mr. Mehra. Krish." Madhu smiled at them. "It's a pleasant surprise to have you guys here. Please join us for breakfast." She offered.

"Well, thank you, Miss Malik but no thanks. We already had our breakfast. We are just here to inform you that Krish won't be attending his Salsa class for a week from today."

"Oh! May I ask why?"

"I have a business to deal with in Germany so..."

"So you are taking him?"

"Usually I do take him along with me to my abroad trips but this time I'm leaving him here under his nanny's care."

"Oh. Why?"

"I can't take him along with me as I will be travelling to different places on business and he usually gets sick of continuous travelling."

"Oh. Well, if he is not going to Germany with you then why can't he come and attend the dance classes?"

"I won't be here to pick up and drop him to the dance class"

"You are rich enough to assign someone right?" Rk asked mockingly. "Don't you have a driver to do that job for you?"

"Of course I do have a driver but I want my son to stay indoors, safe, till I return home." He said in a worried tone.

"What do you mean by safe?" Rk asked suspiciously. "Is there any problem?"

"Well, yeah kind of. But right now I can't tell you guys anything... I am in a hurry to catch a flight..."

"If you are in a hurry then you could have simply made a phone call and informed about his absence. You needn't bothered to come here and personally inform right?" Rk said with a scowl. He didn't like Vihaan's unwelcomed visit.

"Um... Actually Krish wished to see his ma'am as he won't be seeing her for a week."

"Krish? Oh really? Fuck! It's you who wanted to see my Madhu, you bloody fucka" Rk yelled in his head but didn't voice out.

"Will miss you Madhu ma'am" Krish ran and hugged Madhu's waist.

Madhu smiled and ruffled his hair. "Will miss you too."

"Mr. Mehra, please make sure you give my phone number to Krish's nanny so that she can contact us in the hour of need" Madhu insisted

"Yeah I have already given your number. Krish too knows your number by heart."

"Oh nice"

"So we will take our leave and sorry to disturb you guys"

"No problem" Madhu said with a smile. RK just nodded his head.

"Daddy, wait" Krish stopped his dad from walking out of the house and ran to the table where Ruhi was sitting silently and chewing strawberry.

"I'll miss seeing your little feet dance along with your mommy in the dancing class." Krish whispered to Ruhi and swiped some melted chocolate from the plate with his finger and applied it on her little nose.

"Papa!!!!" Ruhi screamed an ear-splitting scream making Krish run away from her in fright.

... To be continued!!!




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