Part 31

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Hi guys! I am back!

First of all, thank you all for wishing me luck for my exams. Two exams went well but two exams were okay.Very tough those two papers but I managed to write pretty decently. LOL!

Now coming to the main matter... I missed you all!!! yeah I missed you all so badly. I missed reading. I missed writing. I was literally counting the days for my exams to get over. LOL!!!

Now I am back to do what I like to do which is writing stories for you all. Thank you for patiently waiting for me and also encouraging me always. Thanks!

After my exams when I thought of writing anything I went completely blank. (HILY mainly. I forgot the climax scene I planned LOL so I will take a day or two time to write the climax update LOL) I didn't get any ideas for any of my stories expect this one. Now only I realized I can write this one story just like that without any blockage or prior planning. Seriously 'Baby daddy' is so easy to write compared to my other stories. LOL

I really enjoyed writing this quick"UNEDITED" update. Hope you all will do too.

Part - 31

Bittu and Roma were sitting in a park and eating their club sandwich in comfortable silence.

"I know you like me" Roma said breaking the silence as she took another bite of her sandwich.

"And I know you like me" Bittu said confidently.

"So let's get married" Roma dropped the bomb yet again right on his head.

"You serious?" Bittu asked. He didn't expect her to be so blunt. She said something so big and serious thing in such a simple emotionless way just like saying'Let's do coffee'

"Yes, I am. Neither of us is going to get any younger. So why delay? Why not we do things sooner than later?" she asked. "It's already way past your marital age."she said teasingly. Bittu growled at her.

"But we hardly know each other.."

Rom turned to look at him and she frowned at his hesitance. She thought he will jump in joy to marry her.

"You wanted this right?" she asked.

"Yes, of course... but not like this..." Bittu sighed. "I don't know how to explain my feelings to you..."

"You don't have to. I know what you feel..."

"No you don't!" Bittu shouted and stood up and waked a little away.

"What's wrong with you? All these days you were behind me like a love sick puppy..."

"But you ignored me like anything..."

"I just need time... to know you better" she reasoned. "I wasn't ready for another relationship at that time... so I was avoiding you to know you... to trust you that you won't hurt me like my ex-husband"

"Roma... look, I know you had your own reason... I am glad now you even started liking me... but I doubt..."

"Doubt what?"

"Doubt your intention to marry me that too this soon... are you trying to prove your ex-husband that you have moved on?" he asked.

Roma looked down and remained silent for few minutes. "Yes, I wanted to prove him..."

Bittu looked away feeling hurt. He knew she was using him for her own benefit. She doesn't love me! He muttered to himself softly.

"... really wanted to prove him that I found that right man for me. The man of my dream! The man who will make my dreams come true. I... I really love... you... Bittu... you are such a nice man... I... I really tried to resist you... but I could help fall for you... fall for your cute chubbiness" she said with a chuckle as she pinched his chubby cheek.

Bittu was dumbstruck to utter a word.He didn't expect her unexpected confession.

"Excuse me" Bittu said after few good seconds of staring at her blankly and fished out his phone and dialed the number in his speed dial.

"Chief?" yeah he called Rk's number.

"Yeah, Bittuji?"

"She confessed her love... and I am going to faint. You come and take us both back to home..." he fainted even before he could cut the call. Roma tried to support him but she couldn't manage his weight. She just made sure his head didn't hit the ground hard by holding it with her hands and then placing it properly on her lap. She looked down at Bittuji's face and laughed throwing her head back. Oh boy! He fainted hearing my love proposal? She didn't expect this reaction from him.


"Shame on you, Bittuji! Shame! How could you faint like that?" Rk asked shaking his head. Bittuji wasnow lying on his bed in his room and Rk was passing around the room,scolding him. He trained Bittuji so well to handle such unexpected situation but he disappointed him by freaking fainting!

Madhu and Roma stood at one corner of the room silently giggling. Ruhi was sitting on the bed beside Bittuji looking so worried for him. She looked like she will cry any minute.

"I was shocked, Chief"

"You didn't even faint when she said you both are getting married this Sunday to her ex-husband then what happened now?"

"I didn't faint that time because I didn't believe that... I thought she was just threatening her husband..." he said glancing at Roma. She just rolled her eyes.

"I was expecting him to hug me or kiss me and say he loves me too but he bloody fainted..." Roma said to Madhu and laughed. Bittuji pouted at her for making fun of him.

"You took me by surprise by confessing all of a sudden! You should have warned me!" Bittuji accused.

"Cool down, uncle Ittu... cool down"Ruhi said caressing Bittuji's forehead.

"Aww, my darling, only you care for me..." Bittuji hugged Ruhi emotionally.

"Nothing happened to you, Bittuji for us to pamper you..."

"Papa, uncle Ittu sick" Ruhi said softly not liking her daddy scolding her one and only uncle.

"He is not sick sweetie. He is just acting!"

"Really?" Ruhi turned to her uncle asking him whether it was true. He shook his head in no and kept a sick tired face.

"You just shamelessly fainted hearing a damn proposal so drop your sick acting and move your 'ass' off the bed and get back to work!" Rk mocked him.

"Ass?" Ruhi asked. Of all the words he said she picked up that one wrong word!

"Rk!!!" Madhu scolded gritting her teeth.

"Sorry, sweetheart!" Rk mouthed a kiss.

"Papa?" Ruhi called. She was still waiting for him to tell her the meaning of that word.

"It's nothing darling. I just asked him to get up and get back to work"

"Ohhhh" Ruhi nodded.

"You don't use that word okay? It's bad" Rk said.

"Working bad?" Ruhi asked innocently.

"Working is not bad. That word is bad."

"Which word?" she asked in confusion.

"That word... now I used... you asked me for its meaning... you don't remember?" Rk asked.

"Why don't you spell it out loud again, Rk?" Madhu asked giving him a murderous glare. "She herself forgot the word surprisingly but he wants to remind her, idiot!" Madhu muttered under her breathe.


"Papa..." Ruhi crawled to him."What word?" she asked. She really had forgotten the word. Phew!

Rk sighed not knowing how to answer his daughter.

"Ruhi baby, shall we start doing shopping for your Bittu uncle and Roma auntie's wedding?" Madhu asked to distract her.

"Wedding?" Both Roma and Bittu shrieked in unison.

"You want?" Roma asked. She thought he didn't want as it was too soon.

"You don't want?" Bittu asked. He thought she already confessed her love and also wanted to get married but now why she was shrieking hearing about wedding?

"You both said Sunday you are getting married right?" Madhu asked

"Now why this sudden shock?" Rk asked looked from Bittu to Roma and back to Bittu

"Shopp-ing? Me get new dress?" Ruhi asked with her eyes widening in glee.

Everyone looked at Ruhi and burst out laughing. Ruhi too joined them.

"What am I going to do with you,sweetheart?" Rk scooped Ruhi in his arms and soundly kissed her cheek.

"Shopp-ing" Ruhi said cupping her daddy's cheeks with her little palms.

"Sure, baby girl. Guys, we are doing wedding shopping this evening..."

"But we don't even know whether they want to get married or not." Madhu said looking at Roma and Bittujifor their answers.

"They are getting married this Sunday because Ruhi wants to do wedding shopping!" Rk declared.

"I am going to kill you Rk!" Madhu angrily slapped his arm for granting all his daughter's wish at the snap of fingers. She didn't like it one bit! He was spoiling their daughter.

"Mama!" Ruhi protested for slapping her daddy's arm.

"You shout up, little madame!"Madhu said placing her finger on her lips. Ruhi obediently placed her index finger on her lips and hung her head down. "That's better!"Madhu smiled proudly.

"Roma, Bittuji you guys tell whether you wanna get married or not?"

"Yes... but..." Bittuji hesitated.

"What? You don't like me?"

"Oh please Roma, if I hadn't liked you then I wouldn't have bothered to learn French." Yep, now Bittuji can speak fluent French.


"I didn't propose you" Bittuji said slightly blushing.

"It's okay. I know even without you saying it to me. So I take it as a yes?" Roma asked blushing too.

"Yes, but No! I want to do a formal proposal that too in Amour cafe"

"Why particularly in our cafe?" Rk asked curiously.

"Um... I vowed the day we came here that I will propose her in our cafe. In fact you only gave me that idea, Chief"

"I gave?" Rk asked frowning. He didn't remember giving that idea. He was giving lots of ideas to him lately on how to work out his relationship with Roma so he might have forgotten.

"Yes, you said lovers can get flowers from the bouquet and make their romantic proposal in our cafe and at that time I decided to do my proposal there"

"Aww..." Both Roma and Madhu 'awed'

"That's so sweet, Bittu" Roma smiled merrily.

"Are you going to do the old fashion proposal?" Madhu asked excitedly.

"You are going to go down on your knee, Bittuji?" Rk asked and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Madhu asked glaring at him.

"Why you are glaring at me for everything I say?"

"Because you are saying stupid things" she chided him.

"Mama..." Ruhi butted in. She didn't like wherever her momma scolds her dear daddy.

"I told you to keep quiet!" Madhu ordered to Ruhi. Ruhi nodded and silently sat down on the bed.

"You are too bossy" Rk accused her.

"Why you laughed after asking him whether he will do the old fashion proposal?" Madhu asked placing her hands on her hips.

"It's really outdated... besides Uncle Bittu is too old to bend down on his knees" Rk said jokingly and laughed.

"He is uncle to Ruhi not to you so don't call him uncle Bittu, okay?"

"Rightly said, Bhabhiji!" Bittu teamed with Madhu.

"You won't do the old fashion proposal in your life?" Madhu asked crossing her arms over her chest.

Is she expecting me to propose her now? Rk thought.

"I... I..."

"You will or you won't?" Madhu asked.

"I guess I will..."

"Then do it!"She ordered.

"Now?"Rk asked in shock. No! He won't propose her now! Not like this in a simple way. He want his proposal to be grant and unique!

"Yes, now"

"You sure?" he asked. If she wants he can propose her now and make a formal proposal another day as he planned. He thought.


"Okay!" he took a deep breathe and went down on his one knee and held Madhu's hand but she snatched it away.

"What now?" Rk asked annoyed.

"Not to me!"she shook her head.

"Don't tell him to propose Roma. I will do that job better than him, Bhabhiji" Bittuji jumped in not liking his chief proposing his woman. Rk glared him. Not for stopping him to propose Roma. He will never desire to do that. But glared at him for assuming he will do the proposal job better than him. Silly Boy! He can't even kneel down for two minutes and utter two lines of romantic words like I do! Rk thought with a smirk. He had done this style of proposal almost inall of his movies for God sake! So obviously he will be the best in proposing right?

"Not to Roma. To Ruhi." Madhu picked Ruhi up from the bed and placed her down on the floor in front of her daddy. Rk smiled widely hearing that.

"To Ruhi? To my baby?" he grinned widely in euphoria.

"Yes" Madhu nodded as she stood behind little Ruhi holding her daughter's shoulders firmly. She wanted to see how he will propose.

"Oh God!" Rk rubbed his forehead feeling so emotional to make a love proposal to his daughter. He fisted his fingers and put them into his mouth to control his emotions.

"C'mon Chief"Bittuji encouraged. He was ready to take some hints on how to propose your love.

Roma quickly took her mobile phone to record Rk's cute proposal to his daughter.

"Ruhi..." Rk started holding her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. Ruhi stood quietly looking at her daddy with a loving smile. Her momma told her to keep quiet so she didn't ask what was her daddy doing by kneeling down on the floor.

"You... just... Oh God..." Rk couldn't express his emotion in words." just turned my world upside down darling..." he never thought a day like this will come where he will go short of words. He never stammered once when he was delivering dialogues in his movies but now he was stammering in front of his little girl. It's true!True love can never be expressed in words perfectly. He agreed now.

"You know baby, love was just a word to me before you showed it to me. Your papa didn't know what was love before you came into his life... But the day you came into my life like a thunderbolt... you became the meaning of love to me... You are my love... my first love, darling. I love you... I love you so much. I can't even think of a day without you... I want to hear you call me "Papa" as long as I am living and breathing in this world... I don't know what else to wish for... I'm... you are... you are my happiness. You are my blessing... because you blessed me this happy life." Rk felt Ruhi's little fingers wiping his cheek. He didn't realize he was crying. In fact everyone in the room had tears rolling down their cheeks witnessing the emotional love confession of a dad to his daughter. "I love you, Angel" he whispered and Ruhi hugged her daddy by wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Rk hugged caressing her back.

"Love you, papa" Ruhi whispered. Madhu leaned down and kissed Rk's forehead before wrapping her arms, hugging both Rk and Ruhi.

... To be continued!!!

I know short update! I will make the next update long! Sorry!

I will be regular from now on and I will update all my stories one by one!

Please VOTE!




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