Part 42

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Part – 42

"Madhu, I am leaving now. I will come and see Sofia later when she's shifted to the private ward." Rk said holding Ruhi protectively as she slept on his shoulder.

"No, wait. You can see her and the baby in another half hour..."

"I know...but let her take rest. I will see her later. Now, I will take Ruhi with me?" He asked.

"Hmm, okay. It's not good for her to stay in hospital atmosphere for long. You take her now and I will come and get her this evening..." She said and hesitated to add further.


"Will you have dinner with us, tonight?" She asked and bit her lower lips.

"Okay" he agreed though he didn't sound thrilled. Before and all he would persuade her to go out with him and have dinner. If not he would at least cook her favorite dishes at home and surprise her but she wouldn't react much. The tide has changed! She thought.

Madhu stepped closer to him and kissed Ruhi's head, standing on her tip-toe.

"Take care of her" she said with a smile"

"I will" he didn't return her smile. He was distracted.

"Chief, I will come with you" Bittuji said and followed Rk.

"Chief?" Bittuji called once he revved the car out of the parking lot. Rk didn't respond.

"Chief?" Bittuji called again little louder this time.

"What?" Rk asked, quickly turning his head to check on his daughter sitting on her car seat. He sighed in relief when he found her still sleeping and buckled securely.

"Are you alright?" Bittuji asked in concern.

"Yeah" Rk mumbled, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"No, you are not alright. Something is bothering you. Tell me, Chief?"

"You are bothering me. Will you shut your big mouth and let me sleep for few minutes?" Rk asked too sweetly.

"Chief, why are distancing yourself from your family?"

"Family? I don't have a family. I only have Ruhi and she is my everything"

"Chief, you have me, Madhu bhabhi..." Rk glared at him for calling her 'bhabhi' again. "Sorry. You have all of us"

"I thought so too but its just a thought..." Rk exhaled and looked outside the window.

"Are you mad at Sofia for keeping her relationship with Vihaan a secret from you?"

"I am not mad at her. I am... slightly hurt, the feeling I am getting closely associated with, lately" he said with a humorless chuckle.

"She is like a little sister I never had, Bittuji"

"I understand. She should have told about Vihaan to you..."

"I don't care about Vihaan or their relationship. It's their personal. Even I haven't shared much of my personal life with her so I have no right to feel bad..."


"One day she came and asked me 'Brother, if you don't mind can you come with me to the hospital to do the ultrasound and see my baby? I don't have anyone and I would like to have you...' and from that time I was with her for all the scanning sessions and check-ups. I took her walking whenever I found time. I even cooked at midnight once when she said she was hungry and her baby wasn't letting her to sleep but today she didn't even think of informing me. She wanted Vihaan to be with her while giving birth... It feels like she completely forgot me..." he barely let out the words. "I so wanted to see the baby"

"Chief, Vihaan will probably be the father of Sofia's child so it's fair for him to be..."

"You don't have to defend her, Bittuji. I understand her reason. I am just upset. That's all. I will be fine after I take a hot cleansing shower and have lunch with my daughter"

After five minutes of drivng, Bittuji pulled over the car to the curb.

"You're coming in?" Rk asked after picking up Ruhi in his arms from the car seat, without disturbing her sleep.

"No, Chief, I have to go to the hospital again and pick up Roma and Madhu ji"

"Hmm... Okay, bye"


"What are you doing here?" Rk asked in a curt tone seeing his mother waiting for him outside his apartment along with Krish.

"Rishu...woh... Krish wanted to see Ruhi..." With the way Radha stammered, Rk was able to tell she was lying. She came to see him and that thought didn't please though it should have. He just lost the connection, the bond with her and he feared one day he will lose the connection with Madhu as well.

"Hey!" Rk fist pumped with Krish before unlocking the apartment door. He lets Krish and Radha walk in first and then he followed them carrying Ruhi in his arms.

"Is my doll sleeping uncle?" Krish asked.

"Doll? She is your sister so stop dreaming on her" Rk said with an arrogant smirk.

"No! She is not my sister!" Krish shouted his protest and Ruhi woke up in that noise.

"Uncle, she is up now. Set her down and let her walk" Krish insisted. He hated when Ruhi sits on her daddy's arms like a princess because he couldn't reach her. Ruhi shook her head and tightly wrapped her little hands around Rk's neck.

"Alright! Just tell me you were kidding when you said she was my sister"

"No, I wasn't kidding. If you don't believe me then ask your grandma" Rk said and slumped down on the bean back and stretched his legs.

"Granny?" Krish hopefully looked at his grandma.

"Your uncle is right, Krish. Ruhi is your sister. I already told you this"

"No!" Krish screamed and ran to the bedroom and hid himself under the bed and cried.

Rk whispered something in Ruhi's ear and gently placed her down on the floor. Ruhi ran to the bedroom and crawled under the bed to find Krish.

"Come out" Ruhi ordered.

"No! No! No!" Krish cried and tried to lift Ruhi up and place her on his lap but she wiggled out of his hold and pulled him out.

Rk with a devilish grin and Radha with a small smile watched the kids from across the living room.

"Stop crying, Bro" Ruhi wrapped her little arms around Krish's stomach and hugged him making him cry louder. He didn't cry because Ruhi hugged him but for calling him 'Bro'

Rk burst out laughing, feeling so proud of his daughter for rightly grasping his words and delivering it to Krish.

Radha wanted to admonish her son for making that little boy cry but she didn't as she knew Rk wouldn't like that.

"I won't accept Vihaan as my brother, ever, but you will be my daughter's brother, Krish" Rk thought.

"Don't call me 'Bro', Ruhi" Krish pleaded. "I am not your bro"

"No, you are my bro. I love you, bro. Now, come, let's go and play, bro" Ruhi dragged Krish's out of the bedroom.

"Granny, I want to go home" Krish whined. Poor kid couldn't stay longer and hear anymore 'Bros' coming out of Ruhi's little mouth.

"Oh Champ! It's a shame to cry in front of girls so stop crying" Rk said shaking his head in disapproval. Krish nearly swallowed his full lips to stop his crying.

"Now, listen to me. You are a big brother..."

"No, I am not!" Krish yelled.

"Yes, you are. Not only brother for Ruhi but also for the new born..."


"You know Sofia aunty, right? The lady who works in my café?"

"That aunty with huge tummy?" Krish asked.

"Yes, today morning, she delivered a baby boy and you are his elder brother as well"

"Why should I be everyone's brother?"

"Not everyone's exactly. Only Ruhi's and this new born baby's brother you are until your dad decides to create more babies" he said sarcastically.

"Why you won't create more babies?" Krish asked.

"No! I won't!" Rk replied masking his disappointment.

"Why?" Krish demanded curiously.

"Ruhi... Ruhi won't like that"

"Even I don't like this! I don't want to be anyone's brother. Please try to understand my feelings, uncle" Krish pleaded with teary eyes. Rk took pity on him and consoled him.

"Alright! Alright! Don't cry, my strong boy" Rk patted his back and kissed his head.

"Bro, you want cake?" Ruhi offered sweetly the cake her grandma had brought for her.

"You are such a tease, Ruhi! Go away from me" Krish gently pushed, no actually he touched her and our drama queen Ruhi dramatically fell back and faked a cry.

"Papaaaa, bro pushhhhhed meeeeee" Ruhi whined

"Acting! Acting! Acting!" Rk teased and tickled her stomach making her giggle and wiggle.

"Just like you, uncle" Krish's spontaneous comment made him stop tickling his daughter and look up at him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"You are an actor, right? So obviously your daughter will be an acting princess"

"Who told you that I was an actor?" Rk asked emphasizing on the word 'was'

"Granny!" Krish pointed his finger to Radha. "Two weeks ago when Madhu aunty came to our house, Granny told me that you were her son and you were a star. A superstar! You know what? She's your big fan." Rk swiftly turned his gaze towards his mother. Radha looked everywhere but him. "I have seen her watching all your movies over and over again and she'd never missed your award functions or interviews."

"You never told me your have seen me in movies?"

"I don't understand hindi so I usually don't watch Bollywood movies but I have seen you on TV few times while granny was watching... You look so different now, uncle, so simple and ordinary. You don't look like the one I saw on TV. That guy was... intimidating" Krish said softly as if he was telling a secret. Rk chuckled. "I thought you were his clone, a good clone..." Krish laughed as if he cracked a joke. "...I never told you about seeing you on TV because I never believed it was you"

Rk nodded his head and asked "So your granny already told you I was her son but still you refused to accept Ruhi as your sister?"

"You and my dad are brothers?" Krish asked for confirmation.

Rk wished to say no but he didn't want to lie to him so nodded his head.

Krish sighed sadly and looked at Ruhi who was busy building blocks with one hand and eating cake with other.

"My love and affection for her will never change. I will protect my little sister" Krish vowed.

"Oh boy!" Rk pulled him into his arms and hugged him closer to his chest. "From where you got this much maturity? Wish I was mature like you then I wouldn't have committed this unforgivable mistake" he said looking at Ruhi though he didn't mean her as his 'unforgivable mistake'. He meant what he did to the little angel and her mother.

"What mistake, uncle?"

"Nothing! You go play with Ruhi. I will take a short nap"

"Okay, uncle. I will take care of my lil' sis" Krish saluted. Rk ruffled his hair and went to his room.


Rk took a quick shower wiping off the artistic makeup Ruhi's had done on his face. Then he changed into his tracks and flopped on the bed, not bothering to put on a shirt.

"Rishu?" Radha knocked at his door before walking in. Rk groaned audibly. He wanted sleep, not a chit-chat with his long lost mother.

"Where are the trophies and awards you received, kid?"

"I left everything behind when I left that life" he replied closing his eyes trying to sleep.

"I always felt so proud of your achievements..."

"I have done nothing that you feel proud of" he snapped getting irritated. He was a shame!

"Rishu, that day you didn't let me cook, at least today will you let me cook a meal for you?" Radha asked to lighten the mood.

"Are you planning to poison me?" Rk asked smirking.

"Rishu!" Radha yelled as her eyes welled.

"Relax! Madhu has invited me for dinner, tonight. Ruhi and I are going there" he replied, much politely.

"Your laundry hamper is overflowing. Shall I do the laundry..."

"You are not a servant maid so don't bother to clean the mess I have created in this house"

"Rishu, let me do something for you, please?"

"You want to do something for me? Then please leave. I need some sleep." He said curtly.

"Rishu, mark my words, one day you will need me, you will need your mother..."

"I already have a mother and she is taking very good care of me so I don't and I won't need you, ever in life" Rk said and pressed a tight smile.


"Yeah, I do. I really do have a mother. She showed me love, true love...which I never got from anyone before. She gave me a reason to live, live in this beautiful world with her when I was heading to hell. She saved me from my inner monsters and made me a better human. She fed me when I was hungry. She put me to sleep when I couldn't sleep at night. She did everything that you should have done for me..." He said with a smirk. "What exactly you did? You abandoned me and ran away like a coward without putting a fight. And now, after all these years, you think you can come and claim your motherly right hun? No, I am sorry. I have given your place to a better person."

"Rishu, I thought you forgave me?" Radha cried.

"I am not denying it. I forgave you. And that's it. I can't see you as my mother."

"Who...who is your... mother?"

"Ruhi. My daughter is my mother. And she is my only love."

Radha cried and smiled at the same time, cried for losing her son and smiled feeling happy for her son.

"I am happy you got Ruhi in your life. She is your blessing in disguise" Radha said wiping the corner of her eyes with her fingers.

"I know" he agreed with her. "I am 28 years old but still, at times, I cry like a baby and my baby consoles me like a mother. She keeps saying 'Papa, don't cry. I feel like crying' and then she starts crying. It warms me to know I have someone in this world who cries for me." He pressed his palms on his face and took a minute to control his emotions. "Ruhi, my sweet Ruhi" he whispered feeling contentment wash over his body.

"Papa, you called me?" Ruhi came running to the bedroom and stood by the bed. Rk nodded his head and lifted her off the floor and made her sit on his torso.

"Papa wants to sleep, baby. Make me to sleep?"

"Close your eyes and sleep, papa" Ruhi placed her palms over his eyelids and then she settled her head on the crook of his neck. Before Rk could fall asleep, Ruhi slept.

Radha watched the duo with a fond smile for long and then decided to retire from the place.

"The day I come to you to seek solace will be the worst day of my life..." Rk said to Radha stopping her on track. " I wish that day never comes" his words pierced her heart and she tried to bury her sob down her throat but she failed and wailed. Rk watched her with an impassive face.

"I am sorry... I am sorry, Rishu. I won't disturb you and earn more of your hatred. I will leave you..."

"Yeah, leave me. You are only good for that." Rk said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that. I will give you time to accept me...even if you don't accept me as your mother... It's fine. I will understand. I just want to be a part of your life, a small part will do and I will wait to earn that part in your heart, till the day die" Radha said, forcing a smile on her face and left his house taking Krish along with her.


"Thanks for coming, Rk" Madhu said with a smile as she sat next to him on the dining chair. Roma and Bittu sat across them. Ruhi sat on top of the glass table and quietly munched her food.

"Don't be too formal, Madhu"

"You like the food?"

"Yeah, it's good" he nodded and dug his fork in his food.

"Why didn't you come to see the baby?" Madhu asked.

"I was tired and I slept. I will see Sofia and the baby, tomorrow"

"Hmm, you should. Sofia was asking for you..."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah" Madhu smiled. "The baby boy is so adorable. He reminded me of Ruhi's birth." Madhu said and caressed Ruhi's head. Rk stared at his food plate, losing his appetite. "They have decided to name the baby Riaan"


"No! R.I.A.A.N. Riaan"

"Oh! Riaan, S/o Vihaan! Nice rhyme."

"Yea, Sofia only chose the name. I love it. Oh and Vihaan asked Sofia to move in with him"

"And I bet she agreed"

"Yeah" Madhu nodded.

"Cool" he shrugged.


"Hmm tell me?" Rk asked in a dry tone. He wished he hadn't come to the dinner. It was too dull as ditch water.

"Um... Er... I know you won't even like me broaching this topic with you but they are persuading me..."

"Cut the crap and tell me the matter"

"There is some shooting going on nearby and the movie crew wants to rent our café for three days to film a scene... You know the Eiffel Tower view is perfect from our café so they want..."

"No! Our café is not a studio" Rk dismissed.

"Chief, they are ready to pay whatever amount we ask for..."

"No means no, Bittuji"

"Chief, the movie's director wants to personally meet you tomorrow and talk with you."

"I don't want to talk with anyone."

"I have already given your number..."

"With whose permission you gave my number?" Rk roared.

"Rk, calm down" Madhu placed her hand on his and gently squeezed it. "Just for three days they need the place and they are ready to pay us so I don't think it will affect our business..."



"I said NO! End of discussion. I'm leaving. Thanks for tonight, Madhu" he stood up from his chair and collected his jacket getting ready to leave.

"Rk, please, don't go. We still haven't finished with our dinner..."

"I'm full, Madhu"

"You barely touched your plate"

He sighed and rubbed the side of his head.

"Chief, if I tell you the name of the director you might change your mind and let them the place to do the shooting"

"I won't change my mind for anyone..."

"Not even for your first movie director, the one who introduced THE RK to this world?" Bittuji asked

"Dipali?" Rk's face broke in a huge smile.

"Yes, the famous woman director Dipali Bhatia is here in Paris and she is going to meet you tomorrow" Bittu beamed.

"Alright! Alright!" he put his fist in his mouth to cover his smile. "Tell her, I will meet her tomorrow here in the café"

"That's good, Chief and I presume you are allowing them to shoot here, right?"

"Of course, I'm doing this favor for Dipali." He agreed. "Now, let's eat" he sat back on his place and resumed eating the food with gusto but Madhu lost her appetite the moment she heard the name 'Dipali' from Rk. 

She knew the sexy director Dipali. 



Do they have a shared past? Were they in love when they worked together? The smile on Rk's face... clearly shows she is special to him. Omg! Will they rekindle their love and get back together? Then what will happen to me and Ruhi? Will Rk abandon us again? Oh God! No! I can't go through that phase again. I can't bear the pain of losing him again. Madhu thought, panicking. 

... To be continued!!!

Oh my Gosh!!! My darling Dipali is in Baby Daddy book! I really took so long to introduce her in this story and I feel so bad about that! 

Okay guys, before you start guessing I'm bursting the bubble! 

Madhu is gonna enter the limelight! It's high time to see her on big screen and make her dreams come true! 

Well, now wondering what will happen to Rk and Ruhi? What about Rk-Madhu's love life? Whether they will move back to India or not? Whether Rk will act in movies again or not? What will Dipali do? Is she good or bad? Will Rk-Madhu ever get married? Will Rk-Madhu have another baby or Ruhi will be their only child? How Ruhi will react when she learns the truth? Will she hate her daddy or will she forgive him? So many questions and you will get all the answers soon! 

I have planned this story in a certain way when I decided to continue this story and give a alternative ending but not end in the 4th part and I'm sticking to my original plan. 

I'm not going to rush in uniting Rk-Madhu though you all want to see them happy and together. If I do that this story will be over in the next two parts and I don't want that. 

I always want to give a proper ending to my stories and this story is not an exception to that rule! Baby Daddy will get a decent ending which you all will like, hopefully!

Keep reading and don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!!! 


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