Part 44

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Part – 44

Madhu placed a shell removed boiled egg on a plate and sliced it into thin oval shape slices.

"Here, eat, baby" she passed the plate to her daughter and handed her a spoon. Ruhi held the spoon firmly with her tiny fist and started eating the sliced egg.

"Plain toast or you want me to spread Nutella on it, Ruhi?"

Ruhi pointed to the Nutella jar as her mouth was full. Madhu quickly spread the paste on the toast and placed it on Ruhi's plate.

"Why didn't your papa come here for breakfast today?" Madhu asked her daughter. She hadn't seen him since last evening. He briefly came by her dance school with Dipali and quickly left with her not even giving Madhu a chance to greet her properly.

"Dono" Ruhi said before taking a bite of her toast.

"Shall we go and see him?"

"Oui" she agreed discarding her half eaten toast on the plate and stood up on the dining table and stretched out her arms for her momma to pick her up, all set to go and meet her daddy.

"Not now Missy" Madhu made her sit again on the table and place the plate on her lap. "First you finish it off" she ordered pointing to the toast.

"Mama, I don't want" Ruhi whined.

"Then I am not taking you to papa" she threatened. Sighing, Ruhi licked the Nutella spread before taking a bite of the bread.

While she ate her toast, Madhu quickly scooped her unruly hair and put a high ponytail. "Don't mess you hair, Ruhi"



Rk groaned in irritation and took a pillow from the bed and pressed it against his ear shutting the constant ringing sound of the door bell.

"Ahh, stop it. I am coming" he shouted as he rolled off the bed and strode towards the door with a purpose. He was going to give a tongue lash to the person standing at the other side of the closed door but still managed to piss him off.

Rk yanked the door wide open and started to scream "Who the fu..." but stopped mid sentence when he found his two angels in front of him.

"Ruhi, stop pressing the doorbell..." Madhu tried to grab her daughter's hand off the bell button as she chided her.

"Papa" Ruhi screamed finally taking her thumb off the bell button.

Rk and Madhu stood rooted to their respective spots, gapping at each other. Rk was too surprised to see Madhu and their daughter at his door step, unannounced and Madhu was shocked to see him naked up waist. Her eyes were transfixed on his sexy upper body and her hands itched to trace over his well defined abs. Rk cleared his throat but still Madhu kept checking him out without any shame.

"Papa" Ruhi opened her arms for him to take her. Only when Rk drew his daughter in his arms Madhu snapped out of her eye-fucking. She looked away, embarrassed but still she could feel his steady gaze on her making her body shiver.

"Papa" Ruhi demanded for his attention.

"Hello, sweetheart" Rk greeted Ruhi with a smile and soundly kissed her chubby cheek making her giggle.

"Papa, I missed you" Ruhi said hanging her arms around his neck.

"I missed you too" he said before turning his gaze back on Madhu. She stood there awkwardly pulling the hem of her white shirt letting him a chance to check her out briefly. She was wearing the said white shirt with denim shorts and sneakers. Her hair was pulled up to a tight ponytail just like Ruhi's.

"Always her sexy slender legs are in display" Rk thought disapproving her choice of clothing. Not that he didn't like it or didn't find her sexy in that outfit but the thought of other men looking and drooling at her legs made him mad. "Why does she always dress up my baby girl in jeans or leggings but herself in shorts and skirt?" He thought looking at Ruhi's fully covered attire. She was wearing a pale pink full sleeved sweater and white pencil fit jeans and sneakers.

"Good morning" Madhu said with a small hesitant smile as she took in his appearance. His eyes were red and his hair was a mess. His pants hung really low showing his V line visibly.

"Morning. Come in" Rk stepped aside letting way for her to get in.

"You look tired. Didn't sleep well last night?"

"No! I had some work so I slept only around 4 in the morning" he said.

She wanted to ask him what work kept him up so late but she didn't dare to. She didn't want to show him she was interested in his business but she couldn't help think negative about him. Did he have a fun night with that director friend of his? Oh Madhu, have little faith on him. She chided herself mentally.

"So?" He asked. Madhu frowned not getting him. "You guys here... Is there any reason?"

"Um... yeah... Um... No, actually... I brought Ruhi to "Le Salon de Beauty" down the road to get her hair cut... but the salon isn't open so thought we will wait here..." she came up with an instant lie. She didn't tell she was missing him and wanted to see him, badly.

"Why do you wanna cut her hair?" Rk asked ib astonishment. He loved his daughter's considerably long hair and he can't wait her hair to grow longer like Madhu's.

"I thought it was long..."

"Yes, it is and she is too pretty with long hair... Not that she won't look pretty with short hair but I don't want you to cut her hair. Let it grow, Madhu"

"Papa, paint?" Ruhi asked for her colors. She loves painting just like her daddy.

"You know where to find your things, sweetheart, don't you?"

Ruhi nibbled her lower lip and bunched her over grown hair in her little fist as she thought where her papa placed her colors the other day. She quickly ran to his bedroom and to his bedside table. From the lower drawer she took out chart papers, water color tubes, palette and brushes, one by one. Then she placed all the items on top of the chart paper and holding it on either side, she took all the things to the living room carefully, without dropping anything on her way.

"Papa, can I paint?"

"Sure, darling"

"She knows to paint?" Madhu asked in surprise. She had never seen Ruhi paint before. Maybe that's because she recently started learning to paint from her daddy. She didn't know painting when Rk lived with them in the big house.

"What you thought we two were doing every day when you were in the dance class?"

"I thought you guys would watch cartoon"

"That too we do but most of the days we paint. Actually she paints and I watch her paint."

"Oh" Madhu looked amused. Her baby girl knows to paint? Wow!

"See, her long hair is falling in front of her eyes and disturbing her" Madhu pointed out when Ruhi's bangs fell over her eyes which she brushed aside with both her hands.

"Oh please, I sit and watch her paint for hours just for this one moment. She cutely tosses her hair aside with style and then looking up, she flashes a smile at me" Rk said and right on cue, Ruhi looks up at her daddy and smiled adorably.

"Ah, my baby, I love you so much" He knelt down on the floor and hugged his little munchkin as he bunched her up and placed her on his lap.

"Don't cut her hair short, please" he said looking up at Madhu still holding his daughter in his arms. Madhu nodded affirmatively and smiled. Rk returned her smile and kissed the top of Ruhi's head.

"Papa, let me go." She said and when he loosened his hold, she wiggled out and went to squeeze out a color from the tube and put it on the palette.

"Let me see what my baby girl is gonna paint" Madhu said excitedly and sat on the floor comfortably.

"You want something to drink?" Rk offered as he walked to the kitchen.

"No, thanks"

"Ruhi baby want your favorite chocolate milkshake?"

"Nah, papa" Ruhi raised her hand up and shook it.

"She had her breakfast just before we came here"


"You want me to make breakfast for you?"

"No, I am not in the mood to eat anything. I am just in need of a hot mug of coffee"

"I will make it..."

"It's almost done" he said and a moment later, he walked out of the kitchen with his coffee mug in his hand.

Rk settled on the couch and took a sip of his aromatic coffee.

"Ruhi, you are making your hands dirty..."

"Madhu, let her do whatever she likes to do" Rk never stopped his daughter when she used her fingers to paint instead of using brush.

"RK train her to use paint brush..."

"She will learn to use paint brush later."


"I have known many famous painters who paint using their fingers, Madhu and they have created masterpieces. I believe one day our Ruhi will also create her masterpiece. Besides, finger painting is very beneficial for kids. It strengthens their finger and hand muscles. It promotes their creativity and imagination."

"Oh. I didn't know that." She said and turned her attention back to Ruhi. She kept swirling her red paint dripping index finger on the paper. Madhu worried her daughter will tear the paper if she kept on wetting the paper with paint.

"Why she brought this brush?" Madhu asked.

"That's for me"

"Oh" Madhu said. Thank goodness, Ruhi stopped circling on the paper and started mixing dark green color on the palette, making a complete mess.

Rk went to the sink to wash his coffee mug and after washing he headed to his room to bring few of Ruhi's art work and show it to Madhu.

"Here" he handed her the chart papers. "Only that 'Art by Ruhi' is written by me. Rest of the painting is done by your talented daughter" Rk said. Madhu looked at the beautiful paintings in awe. Yeah, 'beautiful' paintings though they were mere splash of bright colors.

"I can't believe my baby girl can actually paint this good?" Madhu said tearing up. "She is taken after you, Rk" she said looking straight into his eyes with so much adoration for him.

"She loves dancing just like you so I too can say she is taken after you"

"We are proud parents, aren't we?" Madhu asked with a huge grin.

"Indeed we are" Rk smiled

Ruhi drew a straight line with dark green color from the outer edge of circle to the bottom of the paper.

"Mama, Papa, look here" Ruhi showed her painting to her parents.

"What's this, darling?" Madhu asked curiously.

"Make a guess, Madhu" Rk said already guessing what it was.


"No, mama" Ruhi laughed at her momma for guessing wrong.

"You know?" Madhu asked Rk. He nodded. "What? Tell me?"

"Rose" he said with a smirk. "Right, darling?"

"Oui, papa" Ruhi knew only that one word "Oui" meaning "Yes" in French.

"Roma auntie's rose" Ruhi said. She painted that rose keeping the red roses she daily finds in Roma's bouquet shop.

"Oh wow! Now, I can see a rose" Madhu said though she wasn't convinced it was a rose. It looked like a lolipop only.

Rk rolled his eyes. Ruhi pouted.

Later, Madhu run a bath to Ruhi as she had paint all over her body.

"Shall I take you guys out for lunch or you want me to order food?" Rk asked when Madhu was wiping Ruhi's wet body with a towel.

"I prefer home service. Pizza?" She asked as she pulled the frock over Ruhi's head.

"Alright! And for Ruhi? Pasta?"

"Oui, papa"

Soon their food arrived and they ate watching cartoon.

"Nap time, baby" Madhu announced. Ruhi quickly ran to the bedroom and climbing up on the bed she waited for her momma to join her. A moment later, Madhu lied on the bed and pulled Ruhi in her arms. All too soon Mom and daughter fell asleep.

Rk tip-toed into the bedroom not wanting to disturb his girls and slowly drew the drawer and took out a yellow color folder.


When Madhu woke up from her deep sleep it was dark outside. She turned to her side and found her daughter sleeping at the edge of the bed. She must have kicked the pillow barrier to the floor and rolled over to the edge. Madhu gently dragged Ruhi closer to her and inhaled her baby scent. "Hmm... my baby smells so sweet" she thought caressing Ruhi's tangled hair. "I love you baby" she kissed Ruhi's forehead and closed her eyes to try and sleep some more. "I love this bed. It's so comfy" she muttered as she burrowed into the bed with a contented sigh. If anything she missed then it was Rk's warmth. She wished he was in bed with them and had his protective arm around her and their daughter.

"Where is he?" she thought with a frown. Suddenly she remembered something. "OMG" she sat bolt upright and checked her phone. She had few missed calls and messages from Linda, her assistant in dance school. "7 O'clock? Oh no!" she held her phone with both her hands and hit her head with it. "I had class at 6" she groaned.

Just then Rk walked into the room and told her "Linda was calling you earlier..."

"I didn't hear my phone ringing. I was so tired and I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow"

"I realized you needed rest so I didn't wake you up and I asked Linda to fill in for you today"

"Oh! Thanks" she said and looked down at the blanket snuggling below her waist. She didn't remember throwing a blanket over her.

"It was getting cold so I covered you both with the blanket"

"Thanks again"

"Have dinner with me?" Rk asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Sure" she looked up at him and smiled.

"I have something to tell you" he hesitated as he gripped the yellow folder he was holding in his hand tightly.

Madhu briefly glanced at the folder before setting her eyes on him. He looked nervous. "What's it?" she asked tentatively.

"I have a proposal for you"

"What proposal?" she asked bunching the blanket with her hands so that she won't sweat out.

"Before that I need to ask you something"

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me what's it, Rk?"

"What's your future plan, Madhu?"

She frowned at his unexpected question.

"I know I have already asked you this question and you too have given me your answer..."

"Then why do you ask this again?"

"I want to know clearly what you are planning to do in future"

"I have Ruhi..."

"Madhu, please, I am not talking about Ruhi here so don't tell me just parenting Ruhi is your life time goal. Taking care of Ruhi is our responsibility and our way of life"

"I have my dance school"

"That's enough?"

"What else you expect me to do?"

"I want you to do what you actually dreamt of doing..."

"You want me to marry you?" Madhu asked in disbelief. She already told him she won't marry him then why's he insisting on it? She wondered.

"And that was your dream?" Rk asked in shock. He never knew.

"Yeah, when I was hopelessly in love with you I dreamed of marrying you. I dreamed of having our own fairy tale" she said looking away from him.


"But I woke up from that dream long back, Rk. I don't want that dream to come true anymore" her words broke his heart but the pain wasn't new for him. He was experiencing it for a while now.

"I know I fucked up..." he closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath "Well, I'm not talking about marriage here. I promised you I won't bring that topic ever again..."

"Then what's this all about?"

"I'm talking about your big dream of becoming a heroine" he said taking hold of her hand which she snatched away and gaped at him like he was crazy.

"Madhu say something? Please!" he worried she will faint. She looked really pale and scared.

"What's this new game you're planning to play with me?" she asked after what felt like forever.

"Think twice before you hurl your brutal accusation at me, Madhu." He growled at her. She had hurt him enough and he can't stand the strain anymore. "I know I wronged you in the past but you do know I am a changed man now. You see me as your friend, don't you?"

She nodded agreeing with him.

"When you can care for me as a friend then why can't I reciprocate the same?"

"You have already done enough for me as a friend, Rk"

"That's not enough. I ruined your life and I want to make everything right"

"You don't have to"

"I do want to. I'm a selfish man, Madhu. I can't live peacefully with this guilty and pain. I want happiness."

"Rk, I don't want to become a heroine. You get that?"

"Why, Madhu?"

"I have a life and that's Ruhi. I don't want anything else. Get this in your thick head, Rk!" she shouted making Ruhi jerk up in her sleep and she started crying.

"Sorry, baby, sorry" Madhu cooed as she laid Ruhi on her lap and patted her tummy lulling her to sleep again. Once Ruhi quieted down and went back to sleep, Rk softly started talking.

"You know my director friend Dipali, she is very much interested in casting you for the lead role in her next movie. She even gave me the script." He showed the folder he was holding in hand. "I read it, last night." That was the work which kept him awake for long. And when Madhu and Ruhi were sleeping, he talked with Dipali regarding the script, clarifying few doubts and forcing her to remove a couple of explicitly hot scene which he knew Madhu will never do or even if she was ready to do he won't let her do. She might not be his to claim but still he won't stop being possessive for her. "It's very interesting and you will be fitting in this role perfectly."

"Madhu, please give me a chance to re-built your life like how it was before you met me or even better." He pleaded her.

"Why are you so nice to me, Rk?" she asked as her eyes welled up. She wished he was like this when she was in love with him. She wished he was this sweet and kind when she told him she was pregnant with his child. She wished he wasn't heartless to eradicate her, no them, from his life. Ah, she just wished to put all misery behind and move past in her life but she couldn't. She couldn't forget his betrayal. She couldn't forget the humiliation she face being a single mother. She couldn't forget the nights she cried for him and because of him.

"I was an idiot before who didn't know how to treat an innocent girl but I do now... and all I want is chance so that I can prove myself to you" He said with eyes full of love for her and remorse for what he did to her.

"Give me some time to think, Rk" That was the least she could tell him now because she was overwhelmed with emotions.

... To be continued!

Lack of comments is making me lose interest in writing so please help me, motivate me, and guide me with your comments. 

Oh and please do VOTE!!!!


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