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"Let me just meet this guy and the baby just once!"

"Kwon Heejung. Wipe that pout off your face. I only got this carpet yesterday and I don't want to vomit all over it because of you."

"I forgot my aegyo never works on you," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Normal people shouldn't like aegyo. Thank God your best friend is normal."

She threw her head back and let out a hysterical cackle. Who would guess that a face like hers would be the owner of such a witchy laugh.

"You're calling yourself normal?"

I threw a side glare at her and went back to polishing my glass coffee table.

"You are crazy! The table is clean yet you have been wiping it for the last fifteen minutes. You really need to get yourself checked out," she frowned at me, "I think you have a chronic case of OCD."

I threw the cloth at her but it landed on the sofa arm bedsides her. I forgot about my lack of athletic skills.

"What should I make you?" I asked, getting up from the floor. She raised a brow at me, leaning back on the sofa and propping her feet on the table.

"Do you even need to ask?" she gave me a knowing smirk. I let out a chuckle, shaking my head.

"Don't do that after I just cleaned it," I slapped her leg and made my way to cook the only thing I could make. Ramen.

I heard a click outside but didn't think much of it. I probably spent a good five minute raiding my cupboard. Once I found the box, I took off the lid, exposing all of the different kinds of ramen I owned.

"Do you want chicken or seafood ramen?"


"Heejung?" I called out again.


Letting out a loud sigh, I put the ramen back in the box and headed for the living room.

"Hee- "

The room was empty and when I looked in front of the door, her shoes were gone too. I didn't have to think again to know where she had disappeared to.

I put on my slippers and marched out of my apartment and made a sharp turn to Jimin's door, which wasn't closed properly. Without permission, I walked in and there was Heejung with Jun in her arms.

She had already made herself cosy on the sofa opposite to Jimin. They were giggling and she kept a finger on her lips, indicating him to be quiet when she saw me.

It wasn't even long since she came in and already they seemed closer than I would ever be with Jimin. That was probably the biggest difference between me and Heejung, our ability to make friends.

"Nari, come join us!" she said, patting the seat beside her, as if she was a resident of the apartment.

Jimin watched me expectantly, I sat down with them. Heejung had a bright smile on her face as she helped the baby drink the formula.

Whilst I had no passion for children, Heejung was basically at the other end of the spectrum. She loved them to bits. In fact, when we were young, her dream was to be a teacher and open her own nursery.

"Why couldn't fate be on my side and make you my neighbour instead of-"

I raised my brow, challenging him to finish his sentence. He pursed his lips and quickly looked up at the ceiling.

"It's such a shame, really. Nari has no other talent besides being smart," chuckled Heejung.

Jimin smirked but I narrowed my eyes at him and he instantly wiped it off his face.

"That is such a lie! It's just that I don't like kids," I said defensively.

"Don't say that, the baby will hear," she covered Jun's little ears. I rolled my eyes.

"This is why I didn't want you to meet them."

Jimin observed us with such fascination. He must've noticed the look on my face.

"Oh, I was just wondering how two people can be so different, yet be such good friends."

Me and Heejung shared a look, a smile tugging on her lips.

"It's a long story," I said.

"I bet it's a good one," he insisted, leaning forwards.

"Oh yes it is," she smirked, "Basically..."

"Oi Braceface!"

I looked up from my rubik's cube, knowing she was calling for me. I pushed up my black rimmed glasses that had slid down my shapeless nose.

A tall pretty girl marched over to my desk. Naturally, the class parted, allowing her to walk through. One guy even stumbled back because he was too focused on her chest than where he was going.

She turned the chair in front of me and sat on it. She had hair in two pigtails today. I remembered trying the same hairstyle the night before but I had looked so ridiculous with it. It didn't look weird on her at all.

Actually, nothing ever looked weird on her. She could be wearing a rubbish bag and still half of the school would like her.

"Do my maths homework. It's due tomorrow but I forgot about it," she sighed.

She took out a pink book and thrusted it towards me. I took it and put it in my bag, not uttering a word.

"I have athletics practise after school so I will come by your house to collect it in the evening." We were neighbours and our parents were good friends. However that wasn't the same with us kids.

And that was the end of our conversation. That is if you would even call that a conversation.

The only reason I had to communicate with the popular girls was because I did their homework. Out of the five girls, Heejung was the nicest even though she preferred to call me Braceface over my actual name. But then again, hardly anyone besides the teachers called me by my name.

Sure all the teasing was annoying as hell, however it didn't bother me as much as it should've. At the end of the day, I was on a road to success whilst the rest of them were simply going to be relying on their parent's money to support their own asses.

You would think that a prestigious private school like ours would have more civilised students compared to normal schools. However that certainly was not the case.

I was immune to the taunts from the other students. The only thing I couldn't get away from was those stupid five girls and their homeworks. I wasn't against the idea of doing homework-

"Eww! You actually enjoyed doing homework?!"

I shot a glare at Jimin's direction and he shook his head with disappointment.

"How else do you think I managed to get to this postion without studying hard?"

"I'm telling you, she ain't normal," said Heejung, "Alright, now back to the story..."

The problem I had was that I was being blackmailed- If only I wasn't stupid enough to bring my diary to school. If only Heejung hadn't read it and discovered who my crush was-

"Nari used to write diaries? I can't imagine that!" laughed Jimin, "You seem like the type to write a schedule for everyday of their lives-"

"I am this close to ending your life," I pinched my index finger and thumb together to show him the lack of tolerance I had.

"This is coming from someone who is supposed to fight for justice."

A pillow flies across the table, but he managed to move before it hit him.

"Nice try, Nari," he smirked.

"Guys! Stop interrupting me, gosh!"

"Why do you know so much about what she was thinking?" he questioned.

"Because she tells me everything." She replied, "Even though she doesn't seem like the type to talk much about herself."

The deal Heejung made was simple. I do her homework and she won't tell a soul about my secret. Once her friends began finding out the deal, the part about me doing her homework and not the secret. Thank God! They also began making me do their work too.

I let out a loud sigh as I walked through the chaotic hallway. Everyone was making their way to the cafeteria but I turned to a different direction.

I always went to the library at the start of lunch break, just because there would be less people there. And then in the second half I would finally eat.

After spending some quality time in the science section of the library, I made my way out. I had spent longer than usual because- Well it's self-explanatory. Science.

"I don't get it," he blinked, " Care to elaborate on that?"

"Science is fun so obviously I lost track of time whilst there-"

He let out a loud hopeless sigh and shook his head with pity, "I have nothing more to say."

I only had twenty minutes left so I sped walk to the bathroom in the maths block. It was the bathroom furthest away from the school's main area. Which meant less people.

I could hear a muffled sniffle inside a cubicle. But I chose to ignore it because it was none of my business and I simply wanted to eat.

I sat inside the usual cubicle and spread my lunch box on my lap. However eating wasn't exactly comfortable because of the crying that was going on next door.

The person lightly knocked on the wall dividing us.

"Do you, have any tissue? I ran out."

I stopped chewing and with my cheeks full of rice, I said, "Is that you, Heejung?"

There was a pause.


But there was no use of saying that because I totally recognised that voice and she knew that too. I rolled up tissues and passed it to her. I continued eating in silence whilst listening to her sniffing and blowing her nose.

"Do you always eat here?"

I nodded but then realised she couldn't see me.

"Yes indeed."

There was another long pause.

"I'm sorry, Nari. Sorry for being so mean to you."

This time, instead of voluntarily choosing to stop chewing, I was forced to stop because I was choking. Was I dreaming? Was this hoe actually saying sorry to me?

"Well... it's about time you apologised," I said, looking down at my food. She let out a laugh and then hiccupped.

"I've been such a bitch and if I could, I would do anything to make you forgive me."

"Is this your lame attempt to be my friend?" I said, rolling my eyes. She laughed again.

"Is it working?"

"I'm not an easy person."

She let out a sigh. As another silence fell, I allowed myself to think. And the next thing I knew, I was passing my lunch box with kimbap underneath the gap.

"Well at least take it. This isn't a comfortable position to be in," my voice was strained due to me bending completely down. She giggled and took my box.

And that was how we became friends. As always, food brings people together.

"So why were you crying?" Jimin looked at Heejung.


"Basically it is none of your business," I frowned at him.

I wasn't exactly comfortable with Heejung explaining our whole biography to this guy. I wasn't even sure if I trusted him.

Since my friend was the one to spill everything, I had to be the lid to stop herself from spilling too much.

"You can't just leave me with a cliffhanger!"

"Well I just did. And we are leaving now," I said, standing up, " Don't bother asking for my help for the rest of the week because I have work."

I dragged away Heejung but managed to catch the wink she threw at him and the sly smile on his face. These two were up to something and I didn't have a good feeling about it at all.

A/N I ain't kidding when I say the two of them are planning something ;) The next chapter(s) might be a Jimin POV and you will learn more about his past and ish.
- Panda

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