°35: Tantrums°

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"Nari!" I could hear him shouting and thumping my door. I frowned at him after opening it to show my annoyance. He replied with a small smile, scratching the back of his head. He was holding a black plastic carrier bag and a blue blanket draped over his shoulder.

"Can you be my drinking buddy?" he asked, raising the bag which I assumed contained alcohol.

Two days had passed since Jun moved to the orphanage. To be honest, his lack of presence was extremely obvious especially due to the little noise coming from Jimin's apartment. Every time I saw him, he seemed so lifeless and out of himself. He hadn't been handling the aftermath of Jun's departure well.

I stepped to the side and gestured him to come inside. I led him to the lounge and we both sat on the sofa. As he placed the cans of beer on the coffee table, I eyed the blanket which he had placed besides me. I was pretty sure it belonged to Jun.

We both opened our beers and clinked the cans together before taking a long drink. Silently we drank, each lost in our own thoughts. However, as the empty cans of beer increased on Jimin's side, he slowly began to talk more. I wasn't exactly listening to his slurs as I continued to nod and drink.

The sound of the doorbell ringing caused him to pause.

"That must be the chicken delivery, I forgot to tell you." He fumbled in his pocket and took out cash, which he put in my hand.

"Hello, good evening, Miss. Here is your order!" the delivery guy in a bright orange sweatshirt greeted me enthusiastically. I gave him the money and took the plastic bag, taking a quick peak inside.

"Uhh, excuse me." The man quickly paused and turned around to look back. "You forgot your CD."

I took it out of the bag and waved it at him. He quickly jogged back to my door with a wide smile on his face.

"It's a free gift that came with your order. It's my very own mixtape called AGUSTD which is also my rap name and it has a collection of different sounds and beats. I want to tackle and raise awareness of many different issues that exist in our society. I often explore philosophical questions such as; what is the meaning of life?"

"That's great, urm, thank- "

"Don't you ever think about that? Why do we all work so hard to live when we will die in the end? I am a rising rapper in the underground scene known for my relatable lyrics and- "

"Yes!" I put my hand up to stop him with his speech. "Indeed, I will have a think about that question whilst listening to your mixtape."

I tried to close my door but he continued his talking so I kept thanking and bowing to shoo him away.

"Please support me a lot and enjoy your chicken!"

I let out a large breath when I finally closed the door. I chucked the CD on my sofa and took out the box of fried chicken, which I was more interested in. Jimin curiously picked up the CD and read the list of songs on the back cover.

"Can you play this?" he asked when I was about to begin eating.

"I'm not interested, let's just eat."

"Please, Nari! Don't be like this," he whined, stomping his feet like a child. It was as if he needed to play the role of an infant to fill the gap Jun had left us with.

I tried to ignore him but he kept insisting. It got to the point where he was shaking my arm. I stood up and with heavy footsteps, I went to get my laptop to insert the CD in.

I gave him the laptop and he sat beside it, caressing the blue blanket. I was sure he was even talking to it as if he was conversing with Jun. The room filled with the strong beat of the music, which Jimin was trying to bop his head to. In reality, he just looked like a pigeon and wasn't even in time with the beat.

By the end, he had grasped the recurring lyrics and was singing along. "A to the G to the U to the STD!"

"Jimin, sit down or else you will trip over your feet." I tried to suppress my laugh

He was jumping up and down, twirling the blue blanket over his head. If that was how he usually behaved in the club, I couldn't understand how girls found that attractive.

When the song finally finished, he slouched back down. Using one hand to fan himself, he used the other to hold the CD as he read the next song on the tracklist.

"First Love..." he read out loud.

The song began with a piano and the rap began almost instantly. It was slower than the first one so Jimin stayed seated. He closed his eyes and drank his alcohol. I had lost count of how many cans he had finished as some had rolled off the table.

Despite him being the one to buy, I probably ate most of the chicken. He picked up the blue blanket which he had long abandoned on another sofa and began bringing it to his face and took in a deep breath.

"Why didn't you give it back to Jun?" I asked.

"I wanted to keep it to remember his smell." His words were slurred and he struggled with his articulation.

"The smell will go at some point," I told him as a matter of fact.

I instantly regretted saying that when his face contorted as if he was about to cry. I held my breath, and waited for his reaction. When he didn't end up crying and simply went back to listening to the song, I let out a sigh of relief.

Don't ever feel sorry to me

I will get to meet you again

Without you there's nothing

After the dawn, two of us

We welcomed the morning together

Don't let go of my hand forever, I won't let go of you again either

I was too busy listening intently to the lyrics to notice Jimin sniffling.

"I'm so sorry, Jun! I shouldn't have let you go!" he wept to the blanket. He continued to cry out loud, wiping his tears with his shirt. "I don't want to put an end to our relationship!"

I was hoping he would eventually stop but when he didn't, I had to start thinking of a plan. I quickly paused the song and tried to tempt him with chicken instead.

"Look at this yummy crispy chicken!" I waved the drumstick in front of his nose to allow him to smell it. "Here, you can have it."

He sniffled and hiccupped, looking at the chicken then back up at me. He opened his mouth. I fed him like a little child as he continued to wipe his tears whilst slowly chewing.

The next few minutes were filled with silence due to us both being occupied with eating. When I looked up, I caught Jimin staring intently at me. He didn't even try to look away.

"Is there something on my face?" I felt my cheeks with the back of my palm.

His smile grew wider, shaking his head. "You just look very very pretty." He concealed his giggles behind his hand, acting like a high-school girl.

I tried my best to effortlessly bat away his comment but I could feel my face getting hotter. I told myself not to take it so seriously especially since he was heavily intoxicated. It meant nothing. At least, that was what I was trying to tell myself.

I was too busy lost in my thoughts to pay attention to Jimin leaning his head on my shoulder. It only gained my full attention when I tried to put the empty chicken bone on the table. I tried to lean forwards but he wouldn't budge. I couldn't tell if his eyes were closed because I could only see his hair.

"Are you sleeping?"

"Hush" He placed his index finger on my lips. "Pillows aren't supposed to talk."

He began to giggle and I rolled my eyes whilst smiling.

"I think it's time you go back to your own house," I suggested.

He gasped, looking at me as if I had made a shocking confession. He circled his arms around one of mine and hugged it tightly.

"No way! I want to stay here." He brought his bottom lip forward and formed a pout.

I sighed. How was I going to get him out?

"Get up." I stood up and gestured him to stand.

He crossed his arms across his chest and frowned. "I'm not going home!"

"We aren't, we will just go outside and have a walk," I lied.

"Yes!" He cheered. He pumped his fist in the air as he stood, the quick movement caused him to be disorientated. I caught his arm to steady him. I grabbed the blanket and assisted in taking Jimin out of my house.

I cursed, realising that I didn't know his door's pin code. I asked him but that only caused another tantrum.

"You're a liar. You lied to me!"

"I had no choice."

He slumped on the floor and crossed his legs and arms. "I'm staying right here!"

"Fine then. Suit yourself." I threw my arms with defeat and went back into my house. But for some odd reason, I felt guilty for leaving him; I opened my door. He looked up at me then quickly looked away, frowning. I took out my phone with exaggerated movements to make sure he saw what I was doing.

"Who are you calling?" He used the wall to help him stand

"The police. To report you for disorderly conduct."

With a gasp, he fell on his knees. He brought his hands together and repetitively rubbed them.

"I'm so sorry, Nari! I was wrong. Please don't call the police!" He cried. I tried extremely hard to not laugh. I couldn't control myself and my laughs echoed through the hallway. But to be fair, I was sure no one would be able to keep a straight face when he was acting in such way.

"Then open your door."

He vigorously nodded his head before pressing in his pin code. He ran to the bathroom to vomit. Then I helped him into his bedroom, where he slumped on. I turned around to leave but stopped when he mentioned my name. I looked back at him.

"Come join me." He patted the pillow next to me, wiggling his eyebrows. "I might get bad dreams."

I didn't know whether it was due to drinking alcohol but that night, everything Jimin said managed to make me completely flustered.

I took small slow steps towards him. His grin grew wider and he shifted a little to make space for me. I sighed and raised my hand to slap his arm. He let out a yelp.

"Get off the covers."

His idea of getting off the covers was to flop on the bed until I managed to pull it away from him. Then I covered his body with duvet.

"Are you not going to join me?" he pouted.

I flicked his forehead. "Don't be silly."

"Can you give me a goodnight kiss instead?" He closed his eyes and puckered his lips.

"After you just vomited?" I grimaced.

I tried to walk out but he called me again.

I groaned with frustration. "What is it? I swear if you call for me one more time- "

"I really like you, Nari. Like a lot." I studied his expression as he innocently blinked at me. He didn't have his usual playful grin.

I didn't know how long I stood there, staring at him with some mixed emotions of confusion and shock. Once again, I tried telling myself it was only because he was drunk. But why did it still cause me a little excitement? I couldn't explain how I was feeling. How could you describe something you had never previously felt before? It was nothing like the assuring and comforting feeling I felt when Hoseok had confessed.

"Just go to bed."

Without waiting for his reply, I turned off his lights and sped walk back into my own house. When I shut my door, I let out a heavy sigh. My weak legs could no longer keep me up anymore so I slid down the door.

"I think like you too, Park Jimin," I said to no one in particular. 

A/N: Finallyyyyy I brought Yoongi into the story, shoutout to @JulesReadingCorner for suggesting that.

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