(m/d)'s little adventurer

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You took felix outside with you to get some fresh air, it was spring and everything was bright and colorful. Bees are buzzing around and butterflies are flying and birds are singing basically everything that happens in spring.

Felix looked around his eyes twinkling, he attempts to climb out of the yellow bag in your hands but ypu wouldnt let him cuz he is still a kitten and might hurt himself.
You set down a blanket for you to sit on then set the bag down letting felix leave the bag and run off into the flowers and grass, He didnt run off very far of course.

You watch little felix sniff the flowers in curiosity, obviously unfamiliar to it since he hasnt been outside since you took him in. He paws at the flowers that he was sniffing and starts to play with it making you laugh "aaw"

You took out your phone ans started to record felix, his attention quickly focused on a butterfly that flew past. Going into a a position that looks like he is going to jump at it staring at it with his big eyes, when it started to get close to him he jumps at it but misses the butterfly and it flies up.

Felix, not giving up he climbs up a tree to grab the butterfly which made you worried that he would fall. You quickly got up and ran to the tree, looking up into the branches you see felix trying to grab the butterfly completely oblivious to whats down bellow.

"Felix!" You yelled making him stop in his tracks, when he looked down he started to cling onto the branch he was currently sitting on for dear life looking like hes about to cry.

You sighed and climbed up to get the little kitten and put him back on the ground. He quickly went back to his playfulness that he was experiencing a moment ago.
After playing with more flowers,butterflies, and occasionally the ends of the blanket your sitting on he tired himself out and fell asleep beside you.

Being that its still daylight you just read a book or played on your phone till it became dark outside.
Then felix started to play with fireflies while you packed up everything you braught and then you both headed home.

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