Home Sweet Home

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I woke up the next morning feeling completely sore. My legs and lower body just felt like they were gonna fall off.

I tried getting up but I fell to the floor. I finally noticed I wasn't wearing anything and I instantly blushed. I looked over to see Caesar sleeping, he was in the same naked state I was in. I couldn't recall anything that happened the night before. Just drinking, singing, and-

"Oh no," I gasp. Things start coming back to me as I lay there on the floor. Me and Caesar slept together. 

"Jada?" Caesar asks, looking over the bed. "Why're you on the floor?"

"I kinda can't walk," I reply. Caesar raises an eyebrow. 


"Um. No reason."

Caesar took his cover off, about to help me out, when he stopped and looked at himself.

"Hey babe?"


"Why am I naked?"

"Um. No reason."

"We didn't," Caesar cleared his throat.

"We did," I admit. He looks down at me again before smirking. He must've remembered what happened.

"You're a wild one," He smirks. I blushed.

"Are you gonna help or not?"

Caesar get's up, helping me back onto the bed.

I notice his shoulders and back had scratches on them. 

"Um, Ceez," I run my fingers across the marks. He winces for a sec before settling in. "I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't mean to get you that bad."

"Like I said. You're a wild one."

I giggled. We were going home today and we had to pack and be out the hotel by 11.

"You got everything?" I ask Caesar. He nods. I make sure I have everything, looking through my back a third time.

A knock on the door caught both of our attentions.

"I'll get it," Caesar says, going to the door. I nod, looking through my bag again. Why did I feel like I was forgetting something?

"You guys ready?" Jazmine asks. Caesar looked back at me.

"You ready, babe?"

"Um, no. I feel like I'm forgetting something," I look through my bag again and realize what I was forgetting. "Damnit! Now I know!"

I got into the bathroom, grabbing my sapphire necklace from the sink. I put it on and smile. 

"Great! Let's go!"

We check out the hotel. Finding Arfenne.

"You guys have a good time?" He asks as he drove us to the airport.

"It was surprisingly decent," Huey says.

"Is that a good thing?"

"For him," I state, "Yes."

Arfenne gives a nervous look.

"Alrighty then?"

We make it to the airport and say bye to Arfenne. He hugs me, telling me to keep Caesar safe.

"I will," I say. "You can count on me!"

Caesar kisses my cheek as he waves goodbye to his cousin.

We check into the airport and go to our terminal. Our flight was 15 minutes away so we decided to wait.

"Last night was wild," Cindy says. 

"You can say that again," Jazmine agrees. I blushed, recalling the night before. However, I got an unsettling feeling about somethings. I felt like something bad was gonna happen.

"Jay?" Riley calls. I look over at him.


"You aight? You look spaced out."

"I'm fine. Just thinking," I flash him a smile. "Nothing's wrong."

He smiles back.

We get on the plane and fly home. Once we make it back to Chicago, I run straight to my room.

"Oh my gosh! I missed you so much!" I yell, jumping on my bed. I hear a chuckle and turn to Caesar who was carrying both of our suitcases. I move aside as he lays in bed next to me. 

"Best birthday ever," He says.

"I'm glad you had fun, babe."

We end up falling asleep, feeling the jet lag.


It was 3 am, a couple weeks later, when I woke up feeling sick. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. The moment I got to the toilet, I threw up. What the hell was wrong with me? Was it something I ate?

I heard shuffling and Riley walked to the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.

"Jay, whatchu doin?" He asks. "It's 3 in the mornin."

"I-I felt sick," I say. My stomach started feeling queasy again and I threw up once more. Riley quickly went to me, rubbing my back.

"Damn, Jay. What you eat?"

I started panting. I felt hot and asked Riley to get me some water. He came back a couple seconds later with a bottle of water and some Pepto Bismo. I took some and sat against the bath tub.

"You sick?"

I shook my head,

"I'm fine. Thanks, Reezy."

Riley looked at me for a second before nodding and leaving the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went back to bed. I felt a lot better and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to hear talking outside my door. I rubbed my eyes, looking at my clock. It was 8:30. Who the hell could be talking this loud this early?

"Jay was like that last night," Riley says. 

"You think it's something going around?" Caesar asks.

"Don't know," Huey replies. "We'll have to see how they feel later."

"But don't you find it strange?" I heard Riley ask. "Jay and Jazzy throwing up. Murph ain't do it yet but she has been saying she didn't feel aight."

I didn't hear anything for a while until I saw my door nod move a little. I quickly laid back down. Caesar came into the room, sighing. I could sense him looking at me and heard the door shut.

"I really hope you two ain't what we think you are," I heard him say. What was he talking about?

The bed shifted and he was laying next to me. He pulled me by my waist and cuddled his face into the crook of my neck. I snuggle into him and sigh. Might as well go back to sleep.


Jazzy took Cindy and I to the mall a week later with a Walgreen's bag in her hand. She took us to the family bathroom and locked the door. Cindy and I looked at her confused.

"Jazzy, what you doin?" Cindy questions. Jazmine takes a box out of the bag and my eyes widen.

"Jazmine, you don't think your-"

"It's not just me," She interrupts. "I think we might all be."

"How you know?" Cindy asked.

"You threw up too, didn't you?"

Cindy nodded. Jazmine sighs. She takes the plastic sticks out the box and hands us each one.

"Just take it and pray for the best," She says. I look at the small pregnancy in my hand. I couldn't be pregnant, right?

So I'm taking new character nominations because I wanna add new people to the stuff, plus interacting with you guys is always fun! So just PM me the name, age, and bio for the character you wat me to add.. Anyways hope you enjoyed! ❤

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