Our First Time

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Huey agreed to stay home for Riley and I's senior year. Even though that meant him dropping out of college, he didn't mind. He was too smart for that shit anyways.

He also said that Holland was gonna stay at the house with him so that meant 4 babies were going to be living in the house.

At the moment, we were all sitting in the living room, watching the 4 four babies examine each other and giggles. They could lift their heads up but not for too long.

"Yall ever wonder what goes through they mind?" Riley asks. "Like, what do these niggas be thinkin about?"

"Probably food," Jazmine suggests.

"They prolly wondering why the hell we're talking about them," Caesar chuckled. Jordan was staring at him.

I was looking over at Jackson who was staring at Holland.

"Da!" He suddenly yells.

"Yea?" Caesar asks.


"I don't think he's talking to you," I giggled. "Maybe he's trying to talk to Holly."

"He been lookin at her for a minute," Cindy says.

"You see your cousin?" I asked Jack, my voice getting higher since I was talking to him like a baby. "You see her? That's Holly. You're mean Uncle Huey kept her away all these months!"

Huey shoots me a glare as I giggled. I'd never felt happier. All my family was together again. Our next generation was before us. Things were honestly great.

"You birthday is coming up," I say to Caesar, "Any plans?"

"Nah," He replies, "last time I made plans for my birthday we had kids."

We all laughed. True. I can't believe its been a year since it all happened.

I honestly can't look back to the day Caesar and I first had sex. I was drunk, we both were. Its a hazzy thought that I wished I would've cherished more.

"You good, Jay?" Riley asks. I push my thoughts away and give a nod.

"We should do a little movie night at the house," Jazmine says. "Make some food, get all our pillows and blankets down here. It would be fun!"

"I like dat," Cindy agrees.

"There wont be any baby making involved so I'm fine with it," Huey also agrees.

Caesar too liked the idea and said that's what we'll do.

A few hours later, we got the babies to sleep for their afternoon nap. While they were sleep, Huey and Jazmine went for a walk while Cindy and Riley played 2K19 in their room. They've been doing that a lot lately.

I was downstairs, washing bottles and doing dishes when Caesar came behind me, putting his head in my neck.

"I know something's bothering you," He says. I don't say anything, just continue washing plates and bowls. "Baby-"

"Do you remember anything from your last birthday?" I asked suddenly. Caesar moves back a bit to look at me, but I don't turn to face him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, that night. The night we had sex. Do you remember any of it?"

"Well, not really. We were both drunk as hell, remember?"

I sigh. I knew he wouldn't.

"Why?" His voice was soft.

"I just feel bad," I tell him. I finally turn to face him. "That was the night I lost my virginity. My first time and I can't remember any of it. Just the outcome of it."

Caesar sighs and places me on the counter so we're looking eye to eye.

"I know you feel bad for how we were when we did it, but you act like it'll never happen again."

"My first time can never happen again. A first time stays a first time forever. We can't get another one."

"Well, I can tell you one thing," Caesar smirks. "You were wild."

"So you do remember?" I ask.

"Bits and pieces, but yea. You drank more than me, remember? I still have a bit of an idea of how it went. Don't forget, you were my first too."

I honestly didn't know that. Caesar is fine as hell, I would've thought he'd had sex at least once before me. But then again, he was 16 when we started dating.

"So," I began, "how did it go?"

"You like it rough," he replies and my face heats up. "I don't know if its because of how you were raised or what but man, you like pain!"

"Okay, you can stop now."

By now, my face was probably a bright crimson. My body felt hot and I somehow felt embarrassed.

"But you asked me," Caesar teased, "Its only right if I told you."

"Babe, no. I'm good, really."

"You also liked to take it all," Caesar made sure to say all in a very seductive way.

"Caesar! Please!" I was covering my face now. Little memories were starting to come up.

"Ouuu, you said that that night too! You moaned soooo much too! Man, that was so heavenly!" I punched him in the chest. "Oh yea,"

Caesar takes off his shirt, turning around. A few scratch marks were clawed on his back. I winced, touching the marks on his back. Then it hit me,

"I did this to you?" I asked the morning after.

"Yea" Caesar chuckles, "you're a rough one."

"Ahh!" I started covering my face, shaking my head. Caesar laughs. He turns to face me, moving my hands from my face.

"The last thing you should be is ashamed," he says. His face was serious yet soft. "That's how our sons were both born. And that's how we finally became one. No matter how it happened, it did. And it was the best might ever."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around Caesar's shoulders. He pecked me on the lips,

"We honestly need another night like that, just... Without the drinks."

I giggled, we really did.

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