Papa Huey

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Jazmine POV~

Holland was the most happiest baby I've ever met. She was always smiling and making different noises. She especially made noise when Huey was around. Man did she love her father.

Holly always wanted to be held by Huey and given attention by him. She just loved that man to pieces.

"She's gonna be such a daddy's girl," I tell him. He rolls his eyes, not wanting to admit it. But he knew too that Holland was gonna cling to him for life.

"She gets it from her mother," Huey says. I roll my eyes, knowing he was right.

"Have you heard anything about Cindy?" I asked Huey. He shook his head.

"Is there something wrong?"

I never told Huey about Cindy since I thought he already knew.

"No one told you? Tunk and Jaelyne ended up jumping Cindy the night Riley was coming home. She ended up going to the hospital and almost losing her baby."

Huey scowled. Even though he never showed it, he cared about Cindy and her wellbeing. Plus, she was carrying his nephew. 

"Did anything happen to Tunk and Jaelyne?" Huey asks.

"Riley handled it. Jada told me he was gonna kill them but decided not to since the baby lived. But he said if they try anything else, they'll get there's."

I knew Riley was serious when he said that. He didn't play when it came to Cindy and he definitely wasn't gonna play when his child on the line.

"No one told me about that," Huey said.

"I honestly thought Riley would've told you. Jada said she didn't wanna say anything because that wasn't her business to tell."

"Riley still isn't talking to me."

I look over at Huey, shocked.

"But I thought-"

"Even though he came to visit when you were giving birth to Holly, he still wouldn't say anything to me. He's still mad at me."

"But not Jada right?"

"No. She got over it, but Riley for some reason won't." 

I sighed, Riley has been more emotional these days. He holds more grudges and gets upset about things more than usual.

"Do you know why?" I asked Huey. He sighs, shaking his head.

"No. But I don't have time for it."

I huffed, this is the exact reason Riley was mad in the first place. Huey doesn't make time for his sibling's feelings like he should. But I'm going to let him figure that out on his own. 

Holland starts fussing, Huey handing her over to me, knowing she's hungry.

I grab a blanket, getting ready to breast feed her.

"Huey, can you turn on Aladdin?" I asked him. Huey made a face. "What?"

"Out of all movies, Jazz? Can't she watch something more about..... Us?"

"What do you mean us?" 

"I mean us, our people. Something like Princess and the Frog."

"I'm starting to get sick of that movie, Huey. If you want, we could watch Lion King."

"Lion King?"

I face palm. This boy was going to drive me nuts.

"Yea, Lion King. Have you not seen it?"

Huey shook his head,

"It's unrealistic to make a movie about talking animals."

"It's also unrealistic to make a movie about people turning into frogs but I don't see you complaining about Princess and the Frog," I shot back.

"She went through real life struggles."

"And Lion King is about black monarchy back during biblical times."

Huey rolls his eyes, defeated.

"Fine, let's watch Lion King then."

During the movie, I finished feeding Holly, placing her in her little chair to lay in. She curled up, trying to scratch at her face with her gloved hands.

"Why'd you put those damn things on her anyways, Jazmine?" Huey asks, watching our daughter grow irritated with the soft fabric on her hands.

"Because if she starts scratching at her face she'll get cuts," I tell him. "This prevents her from hurting herself."

"Jazmine that shit is probably irritating her, get them off."

"Huey, no, she's a baby. She doesn't know what irritation is yet."

Hollands began to cry.


I scowl, removing the little mittens off Holland's hands. Holland stops crying, rubbing her little fingers on her cheek.

"Just watch the movie," I command, irritated.

The day goes on and Jada facetimed us, showing her twins.

"Awe! Look at them!" I coo. "They're so adorable!"

"Thank you! This is Jackson Percy and Jordan Riley Freeman-Caesar."

"So you gave them both your last names?" I asked.

"Yep," Jada replies, "They can keep both legacies. Ain't that right, Jack?"

"They look like Caesar," Huey says plainly.

"So?" Jada asks, catching her brother's tone.

"I would've thought they'd look like you."

"You mean look like you?" Jada retorts. Huey rolled his eyes. "No Huey, they're not gonna inherit your ugly ass face."

"My face is gorgeous, I don't know what you're talking about," My boyfriend replies. He's been more playful lately since Holly's been born too. I don't know if it's because he's a dad or what but he's starting to act like one.

"Yea, whatever," Jada rolled her eyes. We chat for a while, Jada telling me how Caesar is as a dad and how he's been warming up to this little girl named Candice.

"I can tell he really wanted girls," Jada says. "Or at least one."

"You gonna try again and give him one?" I asked. Jada cackled,

"Try? No, I don't plan on it any time soon. But if it happens, it happens."

I hung up an hour later, placing Holland in her crib to sleep. Huey was in the bathroom, getting ready for bed when I walked in our room. I came up behind him, hugging him.

"Stop with the clingy stuff, Jazmine."

"But babe," I whined, "I don't ever get to hug on you anymore."

"We live together, Jazz. You do this a lot."

"So?" I question, squeezing his pecks. Huey jumps, pushing me away.

"You know I hate that," He says. 

"I know," I smirk. 

Huey finished what he was doing, walking out the bathroom. He gets in bed, laying down. I pout at his dryness. I wanted attention. 

I go over to Huey's side, sitting on lower stomach. His legs were in between mine, him sitting up a bit at my action.

"Jazmine, what're you doing?" Huey asks, his face turning a shade of light pink.

"I want attention," I say seductively. Huey smirks, pulling me closer to him. We made out for a good 5 minutes before we heard a loud cry.

"Come on, Holly," Huey groaned.

"She's such a cock blocker," I comment, getting off Huey so he can tend to our child. Huey gets up, walking over to Holland's room and start rocking her crib.

"Come on, what's the matter Holly?" He asks, softly. "You scared?"

Holland proceeds to cry, not wanting to listen to shit Huey had to say.

"Alright, fine," He picks her up, lighting rocking her. "You wanna hear a song?"

I watched from our room as Huey sang to Holly, carefully putting her back to bed. He cracks her door so we can hear her and comes back to our room.

"She should be out now," Huey says, cracking our door. I nod, going on my side of the bed. "What're you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep," I reply. "I'm not in the mood anymore."

"Oh, like hell you're not," Huey gets on top of me, squishing me.

"HUEY!" I giggled. He shushes me, kissing my neck. "Babe, you're squishing me to death. Get off!"

"You said stay here?"

"No, get off!"

"Stay here?"


Huey ignores me, continuing his light kisses and sucks on my neck.

"Alright, that's it," I use all my strength to flip him under me. Huey looks almost shocked at my actions.

"Well I didn't think you had it in you," He smirked. I rolled my eyes, locking our lips together. This was going to be an eventful night.

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