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Donte POV~

It was the semi finals and I could tell everyone was excited yet nervous for the next two performances. They had to be big and we didn't know what we were going to do. Jada was the most stressed because she wanted to win and she didn't know what she wanted to sing or who she wanted to sing for the semi finals performance. 

"We have to do something big," she says. She was currently on the floor playing wit Jackson. 

"Shouldn't we do something big next performance for the finals?" Jessica asks.

"Shit! Yea, you're right. Well, let's do something kinda big. Something heart felt."

"If there's anyone that's heart felt, it's you and Riley for real," I said. Jada and Riley looked at me.

"How we heart felt?" Riley questions.

"You guys vocalize your feelings the best. Yea, Huey, Caesar, and I do too but you guys together are really good."

Jada thought for a second than shakes her head.

"I performed with Riley already. I need something they haven't seen before."

"What about you and Caesar?" Huey asks as he feeds Holland apple sauce. Caesar smirks,

"Yea, baby, we ain't perform together since JEC," he says.

Jada smiles, apparently liking the idea.

"Well, are we free styling it or are we writing something?"

"I wouldn't free style," I suggest. "I don't want us messing up right before the finals."

"We ain't messed up yet," Riley points out. "Plus, it challenges us still."

Jada agrees. 

"I think we should do a storyline. Like make it a story."

Caesar likes the idea and the two go off talking more about their performance with Jackson and Jordan.

"You think we'll make it to finals?" I asked.

"I think we will," Jessica replies. 

"I don't," Cindy appears out of nowhere and we all groaned. 

"Why you always jus popping up?" Riley questions. He then looks around, "And where's my son?"

"He's wit his step daddy."

"Step daddy??" Riley jumps up and Huey quickly grabs his arm. "Bitch who you got my baby wit??"

"Calm down, he's jus wit a friend of mine. Besides, even if he was wit a friend you have him around dat lil girl you be wit."

Taiya currently wasn't with us. She was out buying new make up with Jazmine. 

"That lil girl yo ass talkin bout is my girlfriend," Riley checks her, "And he love her so don't even start all that shit. Ion want my son around no niggas I don't know."

"Ion know yo girl and he around her!" 

"Bitch you met Taiya while we was together and ya'll was cool! Don't try that shit!"

An argument broke out and Jeanette walks into the lounge along with Jada and Caesar.

"Is there a problem in here?" Jeanette asks. Jada looks at Riley's face and quickly shoots a glare at Cindy. She then realizes something and her face changes.

"Where's Carter?"

"None of yo business!"

"Cindy," Jada grabs her by her shirt. "WHERE THE FUCK IS CARTER?!"

"He's wit one of my friends," Cindy replies quickly. 


Cindy quickly goes to where she last left Carter and we all follow her. Each group had their own lounge and Cindy goes into the one she had.

"Shay, where's Ronnie wit Carter?" Cindy asks.

"I don't know, they just left not too long ago," The girl Shay replies. "Why?"

"Fuck," Jada and Caesar start running somewhere and we all follow. 

"Riley, call Taiya and tell her to look out for a silver Toyota!" Caesar says, picking up pace. 

"What's going on?!" I question. 

"We saw someone putting a crying baby in a silver Toyota and the baby kinda looked like Carter," Caesar says.

"Ronnie has a silver Toyota," Cindy says, tears forming in her eyes. 

"What on earth is going on?" Jeanette asks. 

"Someone just took Carter," Jada quickly says.

"WHAT?! WHO??"

"A friend of mines," Cindy was now crying. "But he wasn't supposed to take Carter anywhere!"

Jeanette curses.

"Huey, bring Holland to my lounge. Jackson and Jordan are already in there with my body guards and the care takers I hired. I'm going to alarm security about the situation and we're going to find this car!"

Riley's phone rings and he picks it up,

"You seen sum, Tee?"

"Not yet," we all hear her. "But Jazmine's driving like a drag racer right now. OH WAIT! We see it! We're following the car now!"

"Aight, I got yo location so make sure yo phone don't die. We on our way now to find ya'll."

"Alright, baby. We'll keep eyes on him."

"Taiya, be really discreet. You and Jazmine cannot lose sight of him and he cannot know you guys are following him," Jada instructs her.

"Got it! We'll be careful."

"Aye," Riley gave the most serious look I'd ever seen him give. "You see guns, I want you out of there, do you understand me?"

"But Riley, what about Carter?"

"I'm gon get Carter. But you are not to follow no niggas once you see them wit guns. I'm serious, Taiya."

We hear a sigh before Taiya agreed. Riley hangs up and looks at Cindy,

"Keep yo ass here."

"Why?!" She questions. "He's my son too."

"And you see where the fuck he at," Riley points out. "Yo ass fucked around and got my son kidnapped by some nigga I don't know and potentially gon get him killed. Yo ass did enough, Cindy!"

Cindy looks at Riley before he faces away from her. 

"Yo call, Huey," Riley says. Huey nods,

"Me, Riley, and Jada will take my car and Caesar, Donte, and Jessica can take the other. We'll meet Jazmine and Taiya wherever they are and we're going to get Carter back."

"Jeanette, can you make sure no one notices we're gone? We put the media in it, we're putting Carter in more danger."

Jeanette nods,

"Wait! Who's going to perform? If you don't make it back before semi finals you'll be cut from the competition."

"We'll make it back in time," I tell her.

We all leave the performance center and start heading towards our cars.

"We need to go to my grandma's house first."

"For what?" Riley questions.

"We have no kind've weapons and we left all our own weapons at home in Chicago. She has stuff there."

Jada, Huey, and Riley agreed to go meet with Jazmine and Taiya while we agreed to go get weapons from Jeanette's. 

Caesar drove as Jessica gave directions. I was trying to put together any possibility on what was going on and find any solution.

"You thinking real hard back there," Caesar says. "You straight?"

"I'm trying to figure out why that Ronnie dude would really hold Carter hostage," I replied. "What where would he take him?"

"I don't know, but wherever it is, it can't be good," Jessica says. 

Jada POV~

Huey drove as Riley told him where to go. Taiya and Jazmine were currently stationary somewhere 20 minutes away. We had Taiya on the phone but she currently quiet, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Turn here," Riley tells Huey and Huey pulls into an abandoned lot. We see Jazmine's car not too far away and pull up next to it.

"Stay in your car," I say, seeing both Jazmine and Taiya take off their seat belts. "It's going to be too much noise opening and closing car doors."

I looked in front of us and saw a guy sitting in his car.

"Has he always been sitting there?" Huey asks.

"Yea," Jazmine replies, "He's been sitting there since he got here."

The car wasn't too far away from us but it was far enough so that we couldn't see him well.

"What do you think he's going?" Taiya asks.

"It looks like he's on the phone," Huey replies. My phone rings and it's a call from Donte.

"Wassup?" I answer.

"We're 5 minutes away," he says, "Anything happening?"

"No, but-" I stopped talking when I see old dude get out his car. But it wasn't just him, two other men got out as well. 

"But what?" Now I hear Caesar voice. "Jada!"

"Shhh, nigga!" Riley hisses, squinting to get a better view. The guy gets out and goes to the other side, grabbing something. 

"CARTER!" Taiya nearly screams. Jazmine covers her mouth as we look to see what the guy was doing. The other ones watched around them. 

I start hitting Riley's arm, my eyes widening.

"WHAT, GIRL?!" He questions, holding his arm.

"The ocean! Right next to this lot is the ocean, Riley!"

Riley looks back and we all see old dude start walking towards the dock.

"Awe, hell nah!" Riley gets out the car and Huey quickly follows.

On cue, Caesar pulls up and I get out, going straight to the trunk. I grab a small hand gun and place it on the holster behind me so Ronnie wouldn't see it.

"That's all ya'll got?" I asked, wondering why the pistol was the only thing they had.

"This is all I was able to get," Jessica says. "We were really short on time. You see we barely made it here."

"What's going on? And where'd the other niggas come from?" Caesar questions. 

"We don't know, but just stay alarmed," I tell him.

"AYE!" Riley yells. "FUCK YOU DOIN WIT MY SON?"

Ronnie turns around and gives a creepy smile. 

"Oh, him?" Ronnie looks down at Carter as he cries harder. Anger burned in me as I watched my nephew cry. "We were just going for a walk... Maybe a swim."

"A SWIM?!" We all seemed to question. The two guys with Ronnie rushed forward as Riley and Huey made a dash for Ronnie. 

"Donte, Caesar!"

"On it!" The two jumped at the guys, fighting them off.

"Jess, watch Jazzy and keep a special eye on Taiya. Jazzy may know how to fight but I don't think Tee does."

Jessica nods and runs to the other car.

I follow my brothers and we stopped when Donnie reached the dock. He held Carter out by his arm so he was close to being dropped in the water.

"Step any closer and he's going for a dive," Ronnie warns. We all stopped, Riley shaking in anger.

"Why?" He questions. "Why you gotta do this to my son?"

"Because you'll feel the pain Cindy feels."


"You broke her heart, Riley," Ronnie says, "All she talks about is you. Riley this, Riley that. She deserves so much, and you put her through so much pain."

"Nigga you speaking on shit you have no clue about," Huey growls. 

"I know that the key to Riley's heart is lil man right here," Ronnie says.

"And that's the key to Cindy's heart too," I shout. 

"She broke my heart too, so why not kill two birds with one stone. Or in this situation, kill one baby and break two hearts."

We all froze in one spot. What could we do? We move any closer and Carter's going straight in the water. We try to attack and he might get hurt too.

Before we could make any moves, a scent of cocoa butter went by with a streak of black. We all gasped in shock.

Taiya just jumped into the water.... With Carter.

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