The Bet

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Hey guys, so I'm gonna do like... A huge time skip, through the girl's pregnancy and what not and kinda get closer to their due dates. I still have many chapters to go on this so I'm not coming to an end. But yea.... It'll be maybe a few months of a time skip, just so you guys don't get confused.


School was drawing towards winter break and I was getting closer and closer to my due date. 

"You sure yo ass wanna go outside during this time of day?" Riley asks.

"Come on, Reezy," I say, "It's just a little snow outside."

Riley rolls his eyes, helping me put on my coat. The boys were itching to get outside and I honestly was sick of staying indoors.

"It's cold as a bitch outside," Riley hisses, the crisp cold air hitting us as we walk out.

"Stop being a baby," I say. There was a kick and I smiled. "The boys love it."

"Yea, whatever," Riley says, rolling his eyes.

"Jada, Riley!" Jessica calls. She held a phone high in the air. "Huey's calling!"

"Tell that bitch to kick rocks!"

"It's about Jazmine! I think she's having her baby!"

Our eyes grow wide, Riley helps rush me into the house.

"Hello?" Riley grabs the phone. "She bout to have the baby? Then what the hell you talking to me for?? Go and help her deliver the damn baby!"

"Riley!" I yell, snatching the phone. "You know he's probably stressed and overwhelmed, don't talk to him like that!"

"Mane, whatever!"

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Jada."

This was the first time I talked to Huey in a while. He sounded really shaken up and stressed. 

"Jazzy's going into labor?" 

"Yea, she's been having contractions for almost 4 hours now. The doctors says she's close to delivering the baby."

"Then why aren't you there with her?"

"I'm scared."

Those were words I've never heard come out my brother's mouth. I know Huey's been scared before, but never has he ever admitted it.

"Listen, I know this is all happening fast and you're hours away from being a dad, but you can do this. You raised Riley and I, what's different from this?" I heard Huey take a breath. "Listen, Riley and I are on our way now. We'll see you soon. Just.... Don't panic, okay? Stay calm. Not only for you, but for Jazmine too. Who knows what's going through her mind right now."

"You're right. I'll see you soon."

I hang up, looking over a Riley. 

"Grab the keys, we're gonna go see Jazmine."

As we get in the car, Jessica says she's gonna stay home but Donte comes with us just in case and I accidentally go into labor.

I call Cindy from the passenger seat as Riley pulls out the driveway.


"You heard about Jazzy?" I ask.

"What about her?" 

"She's about to have her baby."

"Really?" Cindy's voice changed from scared to excited. 

"Yea, we're on our way to go see her now."

"Damn, I wish I could go. Doc said I can't take a plane nowhere until after I have the baby."

"Good thing Jazzy and Huey stayed in Chicago," I say.

"Lemme know how she doin when ya'll get there. I wanna see pictures too damnit!" Cindy orders. 

"Yes ma'am. I gotchu!"

"Lemme talk to Murph real quick," Riley says. I hand him my phone, looking outside my window. I was about to an aunt. My niece was on the way and it was happening so fast. Soon, my babies would be on the way and I would be a mom.

"Here," Riley says, pulling me out my thoughts.

"You ready?" I ask. Riley glances at me before looking at the road.

"What you mean?"

"You ready to be an uncle? Our niece is about to be here."

Riley smiles,

"Yea. I'm ready."

Huey POV~

After I got off the phone with Jada, the doctors gave me scrubs to put on and gave me simple instructions. 

"Now Mr. Freeman," Doctor Patterson, Jazmine and I's doctors says. "Just remain calm and hold Jazmine's hand. She's going through a lot of pain right now and your support is the best way to get through it."

I nod.

"You ready to meet your daughter?" He asks. I nod once again, following him into the delivery room.

"Huey!" Jazmine cries, "It hurts so much!"

"I'm here, baby. I got you."

I could tell Jazmine was going through a lot of pain and that she wasn't enjoying a second of it."

"Ms. Dubois, I'm gonna need you to push, okay?" Dr. Patterson says. Jazmine quickly nods, beginning to push. The grip on my hand was close to unbearable. Jazmine normally wasn't very strong but this was the strongest force she's ever applied. "Almost there. Just a little more."

Jazmine screams in pain, pushing as hard as she can.

"You're getting close baby, just a little more," I tell her, whispering softly in her ear. She pushes harder and soon,

"Here she is!" Dr. Patterson announces.

Jazmine weakly smiles, the pain washing away.

"Look, Huey," Jazmine says. "Our baby girl."

The doctors and nurses take the baby to wash her up. Jazmine quickly dozes off. I walk out a second, needing some air after all that had went on. 

"Huey!" I look and see Jada and Riley, along with Donte, walking over. Jada looked huge since the last time I saw her. They all walked over, Jada looked past me.

"She okay?"

"Yea, she gave birth and she's sleeping now."

Jada smiles,

"That's good."

I look over at Riley who doesn't look at me. 

"You doing okay?" Donte asks.

"Yea, just tired. I had to leave out of class since Jazmine started feeling contractions at home."

"Oh okay."

"Huey! I flew out as soon as I got your call!" 

We all look back and Jada instantly tears up.


Caesar's face changed instantly and he ran to her, holding her close.

"I missed you so fucking much!" He says. I had never seen Caesar cry and right now, the tears that spilled on Jada's forehead showed how much he missed her.

"You didn't tell me you were flying over," She says, wiping her own tears.

"Huey called me earlier today saying Jazmine was having contractions. He didn't know whether or not you and Riley would be coming to visit so I flew down to help out. I was gonna come visit you afterwards."

I smiled a little, walking away to let them enjoy their moment.

Jada POV~

Caesar looked at my stomach, smiling. 

"Look at my boys," he says, putting a hand on my stomach. Instantly, the boys kicked, attacking Caesar's hand. 

"They've missed you," I said. "I missed you."

Caesar cupped my face with his hands, "I missed you too, baby. Being away for so long has been so hard."

He kissed me, my body feeling weak like it did when we first kissed. I needed this.

"You talk to Huey?" Caesar asks.

"We spoke on the phone before we got here and that was kinda it. Riley hasn't really talked to him though."

"Yea, he told me about that. He's been keeping tabs on you through me and has been really worried about you."

I sigh.

Hours had passed and Jazmine finally woke up. She was holding the baby. She had hazel eyes and light brow skin. Her hair was dark like Huey's but had a bit of a grey tint to it.

"She's so beautiful!" I coo. She really was too. She was so small but so beautiful.

"You name her yet?" Riley asks. Jazmine gives an uneasy look and I smirk.

"She won't name her," Huey replies. "Saying there's a reason she can't name her. And she won't let me name her either."

"You didn't tell him?" I asked Jazmine. She gave me a look. 

"Tell me what?"

"You remember that staring contest you dumbly interrupted? Whoever lost that had to give up the right to name their baby. And Jazmine lost."

"Wait, so you-"

"Yep, I get to name my little niece!" I smile widely.

"Even pregnant, you're evil," Riley comments.

"You better not name her something dumb," Huey growls.

I take the baby from Jazmine. 

"I would never. But I had a perfect name for her that I know you'll love: Holland."

Riley and Huey stopped breathing. 

"H-Holland?" They ask.

I tear up, but smile.

"Yea. Holland Elizabeth Freeman."

"After your mom?" Caesar asks. I nod.

"Holland," Huey repeats. "I like it."

"Welcome to the family, Holly," Jazmine says.

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