The Hardships of College

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Jazmine POV~

College wasn't as bad as most sad it was. For Huey and I, at least. We were able to get to classes on time, get homework done and turned in on time, and we still had time for each other. 

Huey was still sticking to himself. He occasionally talked to me, but that was only small talk. Leaving Jada and Riley seemed to still trouble him.

"Babe?" I call from the living room. I hear footsteps before seeing my boyfriend's gorgeous face peek through the doorway.


"Come, sit."

Huey sits against the couch under me, a look of exhaustion on his face. I could tell it wasn't physical exhaustion.

"I know we've talked already," I begin, playing with his hair, "but you've still been really down lately. Talk to me."

Huey sighs,

"I just feel like I'm neglecting them," he admits. "I've never left Jada and Riley by themselves and now that I have, I feel like I've left them to their own doom."

"How so?"

"They've always relied on me for things. It's always just been us 3. Whenever they needed something or whenever something was going on, they didn't have to worry much because they knew I was there. Now that I'm not, what are they gonna do?"

Huey was scared of them being alone. He still saw them as the 7 and 8 year old's they once were many years ago. He didn't see the growth his siblings had like everyone else did and honestly, he didn't want to.

"Listen," I say, "Riley and Jada will be fine. They've been through so much and been able to learn through your guidance to know right from wrong. I know it's tough to not be with them, but they have to learn to fend for themselves eventually. They're growing, babe. They can't always depend on their big brother to save the day."

Huey sighs, but nods. He knew I was right. He couldn't keep clinging onto them as if they were toddlers.

"I miss them, Jaz," he says. He looks up and tears are in his eyes. "I miss them so much."

I smile sadly,

"I miss them too babe."

Huey turns, hugging my waist. My pregnant belly distancing him from me. 

He doesn't say anything. Just holds onto me as he sobs silently. Being away from Jada and Riley really was taking a toll on him, and hopefully they were doing just fine.

"How about this," I say. Huey looks up, "Call them this weekend. Hopefully they'll understand."

Huey nods. 

Caesar POV~

It was my first week and I was a complete wreck. My roommate was a party freak that constantly kept me up, I was late to almost every class I had, and I just couldn't live without Jada. Everything was just too much and I was so far away from my babygirl.

"You good, Mike?" Xavier, my roommate, asks. He was getting ready for a party tonight and noticed my constant pacing. 

"I'm good," I reply. "I think I just need some sleep."

"Maybe you needa unwind," He suggests. "You don't ever party. Tag along with me?"

I shake my head,

"You know how girls act around me on campus. I'm better staying here."

Xavier shrugged, not really caring whether or not I came anyways.

"I'll see ya later then," He says. I nod, watching him leave.

I open my phone, looking at the time. It was 11 pm. Maybe Jada was up.

I called, praying that hopefully she would answer. 

"Hello?" A voice says. 



This was the first time we've talked since I've left.

"Oh my lanta, baby!" She sounded as if she'd cry, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you more, babe."

Hearing her voice for the first time in a long time was the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

"How's everything been? How's college?" She asks.

"It's good. Very busy. My roommate loves to party a lot," I tell her, tiredly.

"Awe, that must be fine. Have you gone to any parties?"

"Nah. Girls here touch too much and I ain't trynna go through that."  I hear Jada giggle. "How's home?"

"Pretty sucky. We have no car and me nor Riley can work so we're both kinda fucked."

I sighed sadly,

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's not your fault," She replies. "We'll figure it out."

"Has Huey called you?" I asked.

"Nope. Not even a text. I'm beginning to think him going off to college was him cutting me and Riley off."

"Don't say that babe, you know Huey. He's just scared."

"Well he has a terrible way of showing it."

Jada and I talked for a few more hours before we both fell asleep on the phone. I woke up at 4 realizing we were still on the phone. I hung up, knowing her alarm wouldn't go off if she was on the phone. 

Cindy POV~

This college shit won't my thing. All this damn walking and moving around was tiring as a bitch. I was just happy my ma was there to help me out.

"Cindy, you need anything? I'm about to go out to the store," Ma says, popping her head in my room.

"Can I get some pudding please?"



My mom nods, walking out. When I see her leave, I pull out my phone, Facetiming Riley.

It rings for a second before I see him pop up on the screen.

"Hey Mama," He says in a husky voice. He was at the gym. He wore a black wife beater and had sweat dripping down his face and muscles.

"Hey daddy!!" I say with a huge smile. Seeing his gorgeous face was what I needed.

"How you been? How's my baby?"

"We've been good. I went to the doctor to see the gender yesterday."

"Oh yea! What we havin?" Riley asks.

"A boy."

Riley's face lit up. It wasn't like he didn't wanna girl because he actually did, but he had already picked out a boy name.

"Aye! My baby boy!"

"Yep! He's healthy and growing. How's you and Jay?"

"We straight. She been the same. Actin like she ain't even pregnant sometimes."

I giggle, that sounded like her.

"Any word from Huey?"

Riley's facial expression changed drastically.

"Nah. He ain't even text us. But it's whatever, we cool."

I could tell he wasn't.

"I can have my mom send ya'll some money if you-"

"Nah, bae. We good. We'll figure sum out."

I sigh, I really didn't like leaving Jada and Riley in bad standings.

"Okay baby. Well I just wanted to check on you. I'll call you back later."

"Aight. Love you baby."

"I love you too."

I hang up, signing once again.

"Huey, you better stop fuckin up. Or you really finna hurt somebody."

LONG TIME NO SEEE!!! I honestly missed you guys! School has been busy like always (IK yall tired of hearing that) but ya girl got honor roll every quarter this year!! So I've been really working hard. I'm currently not feeling well again so I've had a lot of time to think and come up with some new ideas. Anyways, I will be posting two chapter today since I haven't been posting in a while. Hope you all enjoyed!!

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