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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : It's definitely you 'By V & jin', Gogo 'by BTS' Talk to me' By Park Jihoon

▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı (♫)⩇⩇: ⩇⩇ 

"Hwan's Cafe and Bakery." Jimin's heart skipped a beat as he realised that this was the same cafe where Jin works."Shit," Jimin muttered under his breath. He also noticed that Jiyoo was already in there waiting for him. "Why on earth does she have to choose this place out of all the cafes in town?" Jimin thought to himself. He couldn't help but feel annoyed at the situation.

"Joon, yah Kim Namjoon," Hoseok called out, waving his hand in front of Namjoon's face to catch Namjoon's attention. Namjoon snapped out of his thoughts and turned towards Hoseok, a puzzled expression on his face. "Sorry, what were you saying?" he asked, trying to hide his distraction.

Hoseok sighed and shook his head. "You really need to stop getting lost in your own world, Namjoon. I was just asking where to keep this stuff. I'm not sure," Hoseok replied, his voice filled with frustration.

"Oh, them," Namjoon said, finally registering Hoseok's question. "Let's put them in the storage room for now. We can figure out a better place later." He gestured towards a nearby door, indicating where they should go.Hoseok followed Namjoon's gesture and walked towards the door, carrying the box of items with him. As they entered the storage room, a musty smell filled the air, indicating that it hadn't been used in quite some time. Dust-covered shelves lined the walls, filled with old books, forgotten knickknacks, and random items that had accumulated over the years. Namjoon cleared a space on one of the shelves, making room for the new items they were about to store.

He carefully placed each item in its designated spot, making sure they were organised and easy to find. "Now tell me, what were you thinking that you have not even heard calling out to you?" Hoseok asked, his voice echoing in the empty room. The silence was broken by a faint creaking sound as he closed the door. "I was just wondering what Jimin is up to today," Namjoon replied, his gaze fixed on the neatly arranged items.

"I'm sure he's busy with the baby," Hoseok said, his eyes flickering towards the closed door. "Not that. About him meeting the doctor." Namjoon said Hoseok's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "What doctor?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. "Yeah, yeah, doctor. He said he's just visiting her to know how the baby's condition is." Hoseok said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Namjoon, spit it out," Hoseok urged, his tone filled with anticipation. "What's really going on with Jimin and the doctor?" Namjoon hesitated for a moment before finally confessing. "His worry is not about Jimin and the doctor; his worry is about him and the doctor's friend." Yoongi said this from behind Namjoon, causing both Namjoon and Hoseok to turn around in surprise.

"Doc's friend is Namjoon's ex. You forgot. He hopes that Jimin doesn't cause any trouble." yoongi clarified. "Trust me, Joon; our Jimin won't do anything that hurts you or us. He knows what to do and what not to do." Hoseok reassured Namjoon, giving him a comforting pat on the back. 'Hope so,' Namjoon thought to himself.

"Ahem! Is anybody here?" Three of them quickly turned their attention to the voice at the door: "Yoojoo." Namjoon muttered as he glanced back at Hoseok, who was standing beside him as his mouth touched land. "What are you doing here, Ms. Kim?" Yoongi asked in his deep, husky voice. Yoongi's voice carried a hint of annoyance, but he quickly composed himself.

"Well, it looks like you expect someone else," Yoojoo replied with a mischievous smile. Yoongi scoffed and crossed his arms. "I wasn't expecting anyone," he said dismissively. Yoojoo raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by his response. "Oh really? Then why did the annoyance look on your face when you saw me?" she teased. Yoongi rolled his eyes, as annoyed as ever. "I was just caught off guard, that's all," he retorted, trying to hide his growing frustration. Yoojoo's smile widened, sensing his irritation. "Sure, sure," she said playfully, "but I can tell there's more to it than that," she added.

Yoongi clenched his jaw, refusing to give her the satisfaction of a response. "Stop it, Yoongi," said Hoseok, stepping in to diffuse the tension. Yoongi's frown turned into a smirk. "It looks like Officer Kim has missed you, Hobi," Yoongi said with a hint of sarcasm, making Hoseok chuckle. "Well, it looks true. She even came to where I work." Hoseok tagged along.

"Maybe you just wanted to see my handsome face," Hoseok teased, flashing a playful grin. "Idiot," Yoojoo replied, rolling her eyes. "I was just doing my job, making sure everything was in order," Yoojoo said. Yoongi scoffed, not buying her excuse. "Sure, sure. Just keep telling yourself that."

"Oh, please, Yoongi. Officer Kim is just doing her job," Namjoon said, trying to downplay the situation. "At this hour, our shifts are about to end. And she came to do her job," Yoongi remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"I think he is only the smartest among you," Officer Kim interjected, defending herself. "I patrol the area regularly, and it's just a coincidence that our paths cross frequently," she said. Yoongi crossed his arms, unconvinced. "And also," she paused for a second and continued, "you know we got a complaint about a baby missing."

Three of their breaths stopped as Officer Kim's words hung in the air. "What should we do about it?" Yoongi said, lowering his eyes. "It looks like now some secret thieves have started doing kidnaps too." Yoojoo said, eyeing the three.

'Man, we are in trouble now.' Hoseok thought, 'What should we do?' Namjoon thought, 'We have not kidnapped him; we saved him so we've got to deal with it calmly.' Yoongi thought. Three of them spoke with each other in their minds. 'First, let's act cool; we can't show any sign of nerves or panic,' Namjoon suggested.

"What's with you guys not even speaking to each other out loud?" Yoojoo asked, raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, we are too busy with our work and shifts," Hoseok replied, trying to hide their telepathic conversation. "Yeah, we also have a new stock of furniture that needs to be unpacked and arranged," Namjoon added, giving a nonchalant shrug. Yoongi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as Hoseok and Namjoon smoothly covered up their telepathic conversation. It was a skill they had picked up over years of being together—a way to communicate without anyone else knowing.

"Anyway, I believe you guys won't go too far, which causes you more problems. Right?" Yoojoo said with a smirk. "Of cou-" "Why would it cause us problems—we are not thives or something—to go too far with kidnapping someone and demanding ransom?" Hoseok said it with a raised eyebrow while walking towards her.

Yoojoo's hands started sweating. She clunked her phone tightly and took a step back. "I was just making a joke, Hoseok. I didn't mean anything serious by it." She tried to laugh it off, but her voice trembled slightly. Hoseok reached for her hand and snagged her phone from her grip, smirking mischievously.

"Well, better luck next time, bae." Yoojoo's heart raced as Hoseok's smirk widened. "How did you know that my phone was in recording mode?" Yoojoo asked, her eyes widening in surprise. Hoseok chuckled, his playful demeanour fading slightly. "I have my ways," he replied cryptically, making Yoojoo scoff in disbelief. "You're such a sneaky little devil," she said, pushing him back away from her. Hoseok laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Only when it comes to you, my love," he teased, pulling her towards him.

"Are you crazy?" Yoojoo exclaimed, trying to break free from his grasp. "Yes, only for you. I can't help it." Hoseok replied with a raspy voice, his grip tightening around her waist. Yoojoo's heart raced as she felt the intensity of his words. She tried to hide her blush, maintaining her composure.

"Jung Hoseok, you better let go of me right now!" she warned, her voice filled with a mix of annoyance and excitement. Hoseok chuckled, releasing his grip on her waist. "Alright, alright," he said playfully, stepping back and raising his hands in surrender. "But remember, I warned you about my crazy love." "Shut up; I already told you that we are not the same. I don't want to be any part of your crazy love," Yoojoo retorted, crossing her arms defiantly.

"How can you say that I steal things to make my life, but you stole my heart, taking my life?" Hoseok said with a smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Wow, what a line!" Namjoon said, clapping his hands and impressing Hoseok with his wordplay. "Smooth, Hoseok. Really smooth," Yoongi added. Yoojoo rolled her eyes and turned away, clearly unimpressed. "Save your cheesy lines for someone who actually falls for them," she said dismissively. Hoseok chuckled, undeterred by their teasing. "I'll keep trying until you're impressed," he said playfully, determined to win Yoojoo's heart. "Smooth, Hoseok. Smooth," Namjoon repeated, nodding in approval. Yoongi laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"Thank you, thank you," Hoseok said with a bow to his friends. "Will you guys stop?" Yoojoo said it exasperatedly, crossing her arms. "I've already made it clear that I'm not interested," Yoojoo said with a hint of frustration in her voice. Hoseok shrugged with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But where's the fun in giving up so easily?" he replied, a playful challenge in his tone.
'How can he still smile and stop my heart from racing every time he says something like that?' Yoojoo wondered silently, her cheeks flushing slightly. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Look, Hoseok, one day I will catch you guys and keep you in jail." "You always keep me jailed in your heart; it's not even a big deal," Hoseok teased, a smirk playing on his lips without letting her complete her sentence.

Yoojoo rolled her eyes playfully, refusing to let Hoseok's teasing get to her. "Well, maybe it's time for a prison break then," she retorted, pretending to be frustrated with his comment. "Oh! but the key has already been lost," Hoseok replied, his smirk widening. "It looks like I'm free to roam around in your heart forever."

"Stop it, Hoseok," Yoojoo said, her tone turning serious. "I know who you are and what you do; I'm a cop who is trying to catch thieves like you. Don't think for a second that I'll let myself be fooled by your charm." Hoseok's smirk slowly faded upon hearing her words. But still, he smiled softly and said, "Well, Officer Yoojoo, Just keep trying to stay headstrong like that. But remember, even the most headstrong can fall for a little bit of charm." With a wink, he turned and walked back, leaving Yoojoo standing there, her mind racing with mixed emotions.

"I think you have to leave now," Yoongi said, making her snap out of her daze. Yoojoo nodded, trying to regain her composure, and turned to leave the situation. "Yoongi, I have a question," Yoojoo said hesitantly. "What?" Yoongi replied with a cold tone. "What was the reason you kept pushing yourself away from Ahyoon?" Yoojoo asked. Yoojoo's question hung in the air, and the tension between them was palpable. Yoongi's eyes narrowed, and his expression was guarded.

"It's not that I'm pushing her away; I was just making sure she doesn't get hurt," Yoongi replied, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and concern. "She and I are totally different in our professions and lives. Just as you said with Hoseok, we come from different worlds. I didn't want her to be dragged into the chaos that comes with being with someone like me." Yoongi's words lingered, revealing a glimpse of the internal struggle he had been facing.

"I also understand this is the only reason you're avoiding Hoseok. But I also want you to know that it has nothing to do with questioning the feelings you have or his character. It's about protecting oneself from the possible challenges and pains that may occur from being with someone who lives a completely different lifestyle." Yoongi's eyes were filled with seriousness and emotion as he tried to explain his reasoning.

"I know what you are thinking about what I said," Yoongi continued, "but you know I just want to push all these things away one day and live so happily with her, not like you who would run behind your work and hurt his feelings intentionally. I might sound too harsh, but it's a fact, yoojoo," Yoongi said as his voice let out a mix of frustration and worry for his friend. His words hung in the air, leaving a tense silence between them.

"Yoongi Come on, let's go. Jin hung told us to meet at the park." Namjoon said behind Yoongi, turning around, his frustration momentarily forgotten as he faced Namjoon. "Alright, let's go," he replied, forcing a smile. "I think you too have to leave. If Uncle Bang comes, we will get into trouble if he sees you," Namjoon said softly with Yoojoo, as Bang Sihyuk really doesn't like having outsiders, even if it's police officers around, unless they're customers or working for him.
"Sure." Yoojoo nodded and left. Yoongi and Namjoon made their way to the park. "Where is Hoseok?" Yoongi asked, scanning the way to their car for any sign of their missing friend. "He went to bring the car from the parking lot," Namjoon replied, pointing in the direction of the parking lot.

Jimin sighed and walked towards the table where Jiyoo was sitting. "Hi, Dr. Yang," Jimin greeted with a forced smile, trying to hide his frustration. As he sat down, he couldn't help but wonder how he would deal with this unexpected encounter with Jin while also maintaining a pleasant atmosphere for Jiyoo.

"Oh, you bought him with you too." Jiyoo exclaimed, noticing the baby in Jimin's arms."There is no one at home to take care of him as everyone is busy at work, so I have been taking care of him since morning," Jimin explained, his forced smile fading slightly. "So I decided to bring him along. It's been a bit challenging, but I'm managing." Jimin glanced at the baby, who was squirming in his arms, making it clear that he was not used to being in unfamiliar surroundings.

"Um, can I hold him for a while?" Jiyoo asked, reaching out her arms. "Sure," Jimin replied, carefully passing the baby over to Jiyoo. As Jiyoo cradled the baby, she couldn't help but notice how quickly he seemed to relax in her arms. "He seems to be getting more comfortable now," Jiyoo observed, smiling at the baby's newfound ease.

"You proved that you are a doctor," Jimin complimented. She gave him a smile and replied, "Thank you, but it's just natural for me to care for them as a doctor." Jimin just kept staring at her with a warm smile. 'Ah, am I really falling for her?' Jimin thought to himself. "What's with that look on your face?" Jiyoo asked, noticing Jimin's expression. "Oh, nothing," Jimin replied quickly, trying to hide his growing feelings.

"Want to drink something?" Jiyoo offered, breaking the tension. Jimin nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Excuse me," she called to the waiter. "Yes, mam, what can I get for you?" the waiter asked politely. "I'll have a green tea, please," Jiyoo requested. "Jimin, what would you like?" she asked, turning towards him with a friendly smile. His name comes from her lips, which sounded like music to his ears, causing his heart to flutter even more.

He cleared his throat, trying to compose himself. He turned to the waiter, but then his words stopped in the middle of his throat when he saw the waiter's familiar face, or, we can say, the face he always sees at home. "Ji-Jimin," the waiter stammered, his surprise evident in his voice. "Jin hyung," Jimin whispered, as his eyes widen in horror.

"Yah! What are you doing here? Didn't you tell us that you would take care of the baby?" Jin asked with a mix of confusion and frustration. Jimin's mind raced as he tried to come up with an explanation. "Sorry for the interruption; do you guys know each other?" Jiyoo asked as part of the tense exchange between Jimin and Jin.

"Aah, yes, he's my brother, Kim Seokjin." Jimin said he was trying to maintain calm composure despite the tension in the room. "And Jin Hyung, this is Dr. Yang, Yang Jiyoo; she is the one who helped us yesterday."

 Jin's confusion turned into surprise as he realised that Jiyoo was the person who had helped them the previous day. "Oh, I see," Jin said, his tone softening slightly. "Thank you for your help, Dr. Yang." Jiyoo nodded politely, bowing to her and acknowledging Jin's gratitude, before turning her attention back to Jimin.

"So he is the father of this baby, right, Jimin?" Jiyoo asked, her eyes shifting between Jimin and Jin. Jimin's mouth hung open in surprise. 'How did she remember that?' he thought. He looked at Jin, who was still trying to process the words Jiyoo had spoken.

"Me? Father? Of this child?" Jin's confusion was evident on his face as he struggled to comprehend. "Yes, he is," Jimin said with a nervous smile, trying to ease the tension in the room. "If you excuse me, can I have a moment alone with Jimin? I think we need to talk about this privately," Jin requested, and Jiyoo nodded. "Of course. He's your brother after all." Jiyoo replied with a sweet smile.

"YAH! PARK FREAKING JIMIN! What the hell is going on?" Jin shouted, his frustration and anger bubbling to the surface. Jimin flinched at the sudden outburst, realising the gravity of the situation. "I understand that this is a lot to take in, but we need to have a calm conversation about this," Jimin pleaded, hoping to diffuse the tension.

"You are telling me to calm down, idiot; you told me that there would be no need for me to get involved in your mess!" Jin snapped, his voice filled with frustration. "Jin Hyung, have I dreamt or what we would meet here?" Jimin asked, confusion evident in his voice. Jin's anger seemed to intensify as he clenched his fists, his face turning red with rage. "Dream or not, you've dragged me into this mess, and now you expect me to stay calm? You've got some nerve," Jin spat, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"Okay, okay, calm down; let's not make a scene here," Jimin pleaded, trying to diffuse the tension. "We can talk about this calmly and find a solution together." Jimin's voice was filled with desperation as he reached out for Jin's hand, hoping to ease the tension between them. Jin took a deep breath, trying to control his anger before speaking. "Fine, tell me how you will solve this," he responded, his voice still laced with frustration.

"For now, just act as if you are the baby's father." "What is that, a solution?" Jimin sighed in disbelief at Jin's dismissive tone. He knew it wasn't the ideal solution, but it was a temporary one that could help them deal with the current situation. "I know it's not a solution, but for now, it can help us. Next time, I will make sure that we have a better plan in place to handle situations like this." Jimin's voice was tinged with determination as he looked at Jin, hoping that they could find a more permanent solution together.

But Jin's expression remained sceptical. He crossed his arms and furrowed his brows. "It means you will be meeting her next time too," Jin said, his tone filled with doubt. Jimin looked down at the ground while nodding his head. "Can you tell why you want to meet her again?" Jin asked, his curiosity evident in his voice. Jimin took a deep breath before responding. "It's because I fell for her." Jimin paused for a moment, his gaze shifting from the ground to meet Jin's eyes. "I know it sounds crazy, but there's something about her that I can't explain. I want to understand these feelings and see if there's a chance for something more." Jin's scepticism softened slightly as he listened to Jimin's heartfelt explanation.Jin has never seen this side of Jimin before. He never fell for women; to say he almost hated them—not all of them, only those who played

He uncrossed his arms and sighed, realising the depth of Jimin's emotions. "Alright," Jin finally said, a hint of understanding in his voice. "And also," Jimin continued. "I want to patch up Namjoon and Areum again." Jin raised an eyebrow, surprised by Jimin's additional request. "Namjoon and Areum? I thought they had a falling out," he said, his curiosity piqued. Jimin nodded earnestly, "Yes, but I believe they can work things out if given the chance. I want to help them get back together." Jimin's eyes sparkled with determination.

"But how can you do that? You have to know whether they are willing or not to fix it," Jin pointed out. Jimin smiled confidently. "We can say that Namjoon still has feelings for her just by seeing his face, but Areum I can't tell about her because the lie he used for his breakup really breaks her heart, and it's hard to figure out her true emotions. So I have asked Dr. Yang to help me," Jimin explained.

"Dr.Yang?" Jin asked, raising an eyebrow. Jimin nodded and continued, "Yes, Jiyoo. I mean, Dr. Yang is her closest friend. She knows Areum better than anyone else, so I thought she might be able to shed some light on her true feelings. Plus, she believed me when I told her that Namjoon was lying." Jin nodded in understanding, impressed by Jimin's thoughtful approach.

"And also, I will get a chance to get close to Jiyoo in the meantime," Jimin added with a mischievous smile. "You are such a schemer," Jin chuckled, shaking his head. "That's smart work, Mr., and I guess it's a win-win situation for me," Jimin replied, shrugging nonchalantly. "But what if she finds out about your feelings for her?" "Oh, don't worry about that," Jimin said with a grin.

"I will tell her before she finds out herself, and even if she doesn't feel the same way, I will just try again until she does," Jimin added confidently. "I'm not one to give up easily." Jin nodded approvingly, impressed by Jimin's determination. "Well, I wish you the best of luck then," he said, patting Jimin on the back. "Just remember to be honest with her and respect her feelings," Jin added.

"Let's go back. She must be waiting.and also don't tell anyone, mainly Namjoon." Jimin and Jin turned around and headed back towards where they had left her. As they walked, "Yes, I won't, and don't think I forget what you have told me," Jin said to Jimin. "You need to find a solution to not involve me again." Jimin glanced at Jin, a sheepish smile forming on his face. "I know, I know," he replied, feeling slightly guilty. "I'll figure out a way to handle things on my own next time, I promise."

"Sorry if I made you wait for this long. Did he trouble you?" Jimin said, giving a small chuckle. Jiyoo shook her head. "No, he didn't trouble me," she replied. "So, for the Dr. Yang green tea that you requested, and Jimin?" Jin turned to Jimin with a stern expression. 'He is still mad at me,' Jimin thought.

"I would like to drink coffee," Jimin said, trying to lighten the mood. Jin's stern expression softened slightly as he nodded. "Alright, I'll get you a coffee instead," Jin replied. With a smile, Jin went to the kitchen to make the coffee and green tea for his family customers.

"I'm sorry, I don't know whether to ask or not. Did you have a fight?" Jiyoo asked hesitantly. "No, we didn't have a fight," Jimin replied, trying to downplay the tension. "He's just upset with me about something else." Jiyoo nodded understandingly, not pressing for further details.

"Can I ask you something?" Jimin said it curiously, breaking the silence that had settled between them. Jiyoo looked up at him and gave a nod, encouraging him to continue. "How have you found that he is the father?" Jiyoo paused for a moment. "Oh, yesterday you gave his name on the report. Also, look at him." She paused, looking at the baby she was holding in her arms with a tender smile. "He somewhat looks like his father," Jiyoo said softly. "There are certain features, like his eyes and lips being the same as his."

Jimin nodded in understanding, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Here are your green tea and coffee," Jin said, placing them on the table. "Please enjoy yourself." Jiyoo thanked Jin for the drinks and took a sip of her green tea, savouring the taste. Jin left them, leaving Jiyoo and Jimin alone at the table. "Such a workaholic," Jimin said as he sensed the gaze of Jiyoo towards Jin.

"He just works overtime for the baby," Jimin added, referring to Jin's dedication to providing for his family. Jimin's phone buzzed in his pocket, interrupting their conversation. He quickly pulled it out, glanced at the screen, and almost choked on his drink, seeing Jin's message. "What's wrong?" Jiyoo asked, concerned by Jimin's sudden reaction.

He shook his head and forced a smile, trying to hide his surprise. "Oh, it's nothing," Jimin replied, "just a funny meme my friend sent me." He quickly changed the subject, hoping to divert Jiyoo's attention away from his strange behaviour. "Okay," Jiyoo replied, focusing on her green tea.

Jimin turned his head at Jin, who was already sending him death glares. "So, what do you think?" Jiyoo asked, getting Jimin's attention. "Huh?" Jimin snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jiyoo, realising he hadn't been paying attention. "I mean about Areum and your friend or your brother? Jiyoo asked, trying to steer the conversation back to the original topic. "Oh, um," Jimin stuttered, trying to gather his thoughts. "Well, I think... it's complicated. The reason he used for breaking up is a lie, and your friend has believed it alone and started to hate him." Jiyoo nodded, understanding Jimin's dilemma. "It sounds like there's a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding going on. But how can you say that he lied?

Jimin sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I know him well enough to recognise when he's not being truthful. Plus, I know who he is for real. The things he hid from your friend, I've seen firsthand. It's just hard to convince her when she's already made up her mind." Jiyoo sympathised with Jimin's frustration.

"What were those things that he hid from Areum?" Jiyoo asked, genuinely curious about the hidden aspects of the person in question. Jimin hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to tell her. "Because he was afraid of losing her," Jimin finally replied. Jiyoo thought it's really complicated because she knows something cannot be easily explained or understood.

"Fine," Jiyoo said, realising that there were some things that were better left unsaid. She respected Jimin's decision to keep certain aspects of the situation hidden and didn't want to push him further. "Just tell me when you are willing to tell me. I'll be here to listen." Jimin nodded gratefully, appreciating Jiyoo's understanding and support. He knew that when the time was right, he would confide in her and share the truth. "It's not only about him but related to our seven," Jimin said. "Seven?" Jiyoo asked, her curiosity piqued. Jimin hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Yes, our seven—our group of friends who have been through so much together. The truth I need to share with you involves all of us."

"So, you guys are a total of seven?" Jiyoo asked, her eyes widening with intrigue. Jimin smiled, feeling a sense of relief that Jiyoo was open to hearing the whole story. "Yes, we are a close-knit group of seven individuals who have supported each other through thick and thin," he explained. "Our bond runs deep, and the truth I need to tell you is something that affects all of us in one way or another, and that was the reason he had to lie with Areum to end their relationship." Jimin continued, "It was a difficult decision for him, but he believed it was the best for Areum and for us." Jiyoo listened intently, her curiosity piqued by the complexity of their situation.

"Um, can I ask you why you are so interested in getting them to gather?" Jiyoo asked, unable to contain her curiosity any longer. Jimin paused for a moment, considering his response carefully. "I've seen how happy they used to be together, and I believe that deep down, they still care for each other," he finally replied. "I just want to see them both find happiness again. And you know the day when Namjoon met her? After their first meeting, his face lit up like a thousand stars. I have never seen him so genuinely happy before. It was like a spark had been lit within him."

Jiyoo just kept staring at Jimin while he was speaking, her expression softening. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for their friend's relationship. How can a person be so deeply affected by someone else's happiness? It was clear to Jiyoo that Jimin truly cared about Namjoon and wanted nothing but the best for him. "But I saw him crying like a child for her after getting back home. It's my first time watching him like that. It's crystal clear that he still loves her despite everything that has happened between them," Jimin said, looking at Jiyoo, who was staring at Jimin already.

"Why do you want to help me with this?" jimin asked Jiyoo paused for a moment, contemplating Jimin's question. After a deep breath, Jiyoo responded, "Because I feel the same way as you. I have also noticed that in Areum too. She might look like she doesn't care about him, but her eyes tell a different story. They hold a glimmer of longing and affection whenever she looks at him, just like he looks at her with hatred and resentment. It's like they're both trapped in a love-hate relationship, and I want to help because I believe everyone deserves a chance at happiness." jiyoo explained.

"And also, I've been her best friend from childhood onward, and I know her feelings and emotions better than anyone else. I've seen her cry herself to sleep at night, and I've witnessed her smile brightly in the morning. We can only solve the misunderstanding, but only she can choose whether to get back into a relationship with him or not. It's a delicate situation, but I'm willing to support her no matter what decision she makes. Ultimately, it's her happiness that matters most to me." Jiyoo said it with a gentle smile.

"Alright then, let's get together." Jimin said, extending his hand. Jiyoo crocked her eyebrow at the words of Jimin, 'Let's get together.' Jimin immediately realised his mistake and corrected himself: "I mean, let's get together as friends and talk things through." Jiyoo nodded understandingly and shook Jimin's hand. 'I should be careful with my words,' Jimin thought to himself. He didn't want to give Jiyoo the wrong impression or make her feel uncomfortable.

"Alright, see you next time," Jiyoo said with a smile. "I think he slept in my arms." Jiyoo said, looking at the baby who had slept. "Oh! I totally forgot about him while speaking with you; I'm sorry," Jimin said, taking him in his arms and gently rocking him. "No worries," Jiyoo reassured Jimin. "He seems to be enjoying my company too." They both smiled at the peaceful sight of the sleeping baby.

"See you next time. Jiyoo waved goodbye, her smile lingering as she walked away. As Jimin watched her leave, "I wish she had stayed here for some more time," he thought to himself. "Don't worry, you will be meeting her next time." Jin whispered, which made Jimin startle, and he turned to see Jin standing behind him. "I overheard your thoughts," Jin said with a mischievous grin.

"You have scared me," Jimin exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart. "Don't be so loud, Jimin; he will get woken. We don't want to disturb the baby." Jin chuckled and gestured towards the sleeping baby in Jimin's arms. "He's so peaceful," Jin whispered.

'They both looked a bit similar' words of Jiyoo hit right in his mind. 'She's right,' Jimin thought to himself, noticing the resemblance between Jin and the baby. 'They definitely share some features.' He couldn't help but wonder if there was a familial connection between them. 'What if he's hiding something?' Jimin pondered, his curiosity piqued. He decided to look into it further.

"What? Why are you staring at me? I know I'm handsome," Jin teased, breaking Jimin out of his thoughts. Jimin chuckled and shook his head, deciding to keep his suspicions to himself for now. He didn't want to jump to conclusions without knowing anything.

"I'm going now." Jimin said, standing up from his seat. "Jimin-ah, wait for me; I'll be coming too." Jin exclaimed, hastily gathering his belongings. Jimin smiled and nodded. "I'm going now." Jimin said, standing up from his seat. "Jimin-ah, wait for me; I'll be coming too." Jin exclaimed, hastily gathering his belongings. Jimin smiled and nodded. "Let's go to the park," Jin said as they made their way towards the exit. Jimin agreed, knowing that the fresh air and open space would help clear his mind. "Let me call the boys and tell them to meet us there," Jimin suggested, pulling out his phone carefully without distrubing the baby in his arms. He dialled the first number, hoping that spending time with their friends would provide some distraction from his lingering suspicions.

Jin nodded in agreement and watched as Jimin made the call. As they walked towards the park, the beauty of the sunset caught their attention, casting a warm glow over the surroundings. Busy, bustling streets gradually gave way to a serene and peaceful atmosphere, allowing Jimin and Jin to momentarily forget their worries.

"Hello, yeah, it's me, Min Yoongi," Yoongi said on his phone. "Can we meet? Not today, but if you are free tomorrow," Yoongi said with a clam tone. "Okay, then bye. I will send you the location where you can meet me tomorrow. Bye." With that, he ended the call. Namjoon just kept staring at Yoongi; he hasn't given the other person a chance to speak. "Why do you always talk in a hurry and end the calls without even hearing out the other person?" Namjoon asked Yoongi with a chuckle. "That's how I speak," Yoongi replied with a shrug.

Namjoon shook his head in amusement. "Well, just remember to give others a chance to speak too. It's important to have a balanced conversation," Namjoon advised, patting Yoongi on the back.

"Whatever." Yoongi replied dismissively, not fully grasping the significance of Namjoon's advice. "Why is she suddenly calling us to come park?" Yoongi asked, pointing to Jin. "I too don't have an idea," Namjoon replied, shrugging his shoulders. "It looks like Jimin is already there," Hoseok said, looking towards Jimin. "It looks like he already met the doctor," Hoseok added. "Perhaps," Yoongi muttered, his curiosity piqued. Namjoon just nodded his head.

"Oh, you guys are already here." Three of them turned their heads back towards Taehyung and Jungkook, who had just arrived at the park. "It looks like Jin Hyung wants to spend time with all of us," Taehyung said, a smile forming on his face. "Let's go join him then," Jungkook suggested, eager to catch up with their friends. The group walked towards Jin, who was patiently waiting for them, ready to enjoy their day together at the park.

"Woah! It looks like you all arrived just in time," Jin exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "Think so?" Jimin continued, making them look at Jimin, who is holding the baby in his arms and just woke up. The baby let out a small yawn, blinking up at Jimin with wide eyes.

"JIMIN!" except Jin; everyone yelled in horror, making the crowds around them turn their heads in curiosity. Jimin looked startled, not understanding why everyone was reacting so strongly. The baby started giggling at the sudden chaos, finding joy in the chaos.

"Stop it, boys," Jin scolded, trying to regain control of the situation. "Jin, are you out of your mind that he brought a baby with him?" they all said at once. "So what?" Jin replied, unfazed by their reaction.

The boys got too stunned to speak, seeing Jin supporting Jimin. They exchanged confused glances, unsure of how to respond. "But Jin Hyung, you know it would trouble us, right?" Jungkook said, voicing the concern that was lingering in the air. Jin sighed, realising what they were trying to say, as they got this baby by mistake, and it would put them in trouble if anyone found out.

"Boys, don't worry; no one would know about him." "Yoojoo already came to our shop and said that they got a case filed on missing a baby," Hoseok said  interrupting Jin, his voice filled with concern. The boys exchanged worried glances, realising the gravity of the situation. It was clear that keeping the baby hidden would be much more difficult than they had anticipated.

"Don't worry, Yoojoo won't come to this area, so we just need to make sure no one else finds out," Jin reassured them, trying to ease their anxiety. However, deep down, he knew that their secret was at risk of being exposed sooner or later. They all turned their faces at the baby, who looked at them with pure, innocent eyes, unaware of the danger that surrounded them.

At one moment, their hearts melted at his innocence and vulnerability, but in the next moment, they were reminded of the harsh reality they were facing. They knew it wasn't even their responsibility to keep him safe or keep him with them; they had to find a way as soon as possible without getting caught by the police, and those four members who planned to kidnap this baby on that day

"It's not even our responsibility to keep him safe with us. We have to put our own safety first and find a way to evade the police and the four members who planned this kidnapping. We cannot risk our lives for this baby," Taehyung said. He glanced at his companions, their expressions filled with worry and fear. "Tae, he's just a baby; he doesn't even know what's happening around him," Jin argued, his voice laced with concern. "But we can't abandon him either. We need to come up with a plan that ensures both our safety and his well-being," Jimin said following jin's words, trying to calm the tense atmosphere.

Jungkook scoffed and crossed his arms. Jimin and Jin are confused by Jungkook's dismissive attitude. "What's your problem, Jungkook? This is serious," Jin snapped, frustration evident in his voice. Jimin nodded in agreement, his eyebrows furrowed. "It's our stupidity to think that we will be safe in this situation," Jungkook replied, his tone bitter. "If the police don't find those four, they can find us. I don't get it for what we are afraid of," Jungkook continued, his voice filled with a mix of anger and fear.

"There is nothing wrong with what we did. It was a mistake, and we've already taken responsibility for it," Jin argued, his voice tinged with defensiveness. Jimin sighed, trying to diffuse the tension. "I understand that you're upset, but we need to talk about this calmly and rationally," Namjoon said, trying to ease the tension.

"There is only one solution for it," Jungkook said with a low tone. All the boys wait for Jungkook to continue as he pauses, his words hanging in the air. "We either have to give him back to those four or just leave him. We can't keep him here, which makes our lives difficult. We already have enough to deal with," Jungkook concluded, his gaze shifting from one member to another.....

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