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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : We are bulletproof 'By BTS', Friends 'By V&Jimin' , Whenever 'From twinkling watermelon'

▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10

"Is this how you behave with your fellow classmates? Hoseok!" Hoseok's father yelled as he towered over his son, his face flushed with anger. "I can't believe you would treat others this way. We raised you better than that!" Hoseok's father continued, his voice shaking with disappointment. "You need to apologise and make things right. It is important to respect and be kind to everyone around you," his father said, turning back to his son with a stern expression on his face.

A few hours ago, Hoseok got into a fight with his fellow classmate, who just kept commenting on his father, which made him lose his grip on his emotions this time. It's not new to Hoseok, as his father is a teacher at Hoseok's school. Whenever someone got punched by his father, most of the students let out those frustrations on him; sometimes they even beat him up, and he never complained to his dad about this just because his father would get worried and blame himself for the violence.

Hoseok had always felt the weight of his father's reputation and didn't want to burden him further with his own struggles. Instead, he tried to handle the bullying on his own, hoping that one day it would stop and he could finally find some peace at school. Whenever he goes to his house after getting beat up with those bruises and wounds, Hoseok cleans himself up in silence, not wanting his father to see the pain. He would hide his injuries under long sleeves and a forced smile, determined to protect his father from the harsh reality of his daily battles.

But one day, Hoseok's father found out that he had been hiding his injuries from him. His father just conformed to himself by asking his fellow classmates if they had noticed anything unusual about his son's appearance, and they got a chance to add up the lies about Hoseok. They told him that he was using his authority on other kids and bullying them, getting into fights. This revelation shattered Hoseok's father, as he had always believed his son to be kind-hearted and compassionate. Those words rage his father into a state of disbelief and anger. He confronted Hoseok, demanding an explanation for his actions and feeling betrayed by his son's behavior.

Though he tried to defend himself, there was no use of that because his father was too angry to listen. This day, it went too far for him; he just got hate for nothing. One of his classmates took it as a chance and kept making Hoseok comment on his father, which he hated more, lost his temper, and led to a big fight.

"JUNG HOSEOK, I'M TELLING TO SAY APOLOGISE HIM TOMORROW OR JUST LEAVE MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW." His father shouted angrily, his face red with rage. Hoseok didn't even move a bit and continued to stare blankly at his father. The room fell silent, the tension thickening in the air as both father and son locked eyes, their emotions swirling beneath the surface. It was a pivotal moment that would either deepen the rift between them or serve as a catalyst for change in their relationship.

"Why are you like this, Hoseok? You don't get good grades; you keep fighting with others like a roadside rogue and come home with injuries all along the way from school," his father continued, his voice filled with disappointment. "I just don't understand what's going on with you. How can I tell my student to be well-behaved when my own son is just running wild?" Hoseok's heart sank as his father's words pierced through him. "It's enough, appa. I heard enough," Hoseok said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You never tried to ask me what's happening instead of going to ask others." Hoseok's voice trembled with a mix of frustration and sadness. "I wish you would trust me enough to share my side of the story before jumping to conclusions."

"Fine, I'll be leaving the house, as you said. But just know that running away won't solve anything. I hope one day you'll be willing to listen and understand." With tears welling up in his eyes, Hoseok turned and walked out of the room, feeling a heavy weight of disappointment and hurt.

"Hoseok, stop," his sister called. "What do you want now? Isn't it enough for everyone? He might be happy because now that I have left that house, I can find another place to live." Hoseok paused, his heart pounding in his chest. "He didn't even bother to ask me about my wounds or how I've been feeling all these years. But tell me, Noona, I have never bullied anyone at school; I'm the one who got bullied all these years." His voice trembled with a mix of frustration and sadness. "I just wish he could understand the pain I've been through, which he can't because he doesn't know and will never know," Hoseok said as tears started to stream from his eyes. His sister reached out and gently wiped away Hoseok's tears.

"I understand how hurt you must feel, Hoseok," she said softly. "Sometimes, it's difficult for others to truly comprehend the pain we've endured. But remember, you are not defined by the actions of others. You have the strength to rise above this and create a better future for yourself." She said. "Anyway, I don't want to stay here; please take care of mom and tell her I'm leaving. Goodbye, noona." With a heavy heart, Hoseok turned away from his sister. "Wait, take this," she said, handing over some money.

"I don't-" "Just take them and leave. I won't tell anyone about the money I gave. It's my money. I just don't want you to let go, but if you stay here, it only makes you suffer. Go and find a better place to live. When everything is settled, you get here, and we can start fresh together." Hoseok's sister pleaded, her eyes filled with tears, not letting Hoseok complete his words. Hoseok nodded, unable to speak, as he tightly clutched the money in his hand. With a final glance at his sister, he turned and walked away to leave.
He is not sure where to go, what to do, or how to start over. "We can really find the best schools and part-time jobs in Seoul; I was trying to convince my parents to go there." Hoseok overheard a conversation with some boys who were discussing their plans for the future. Intrigued, Hoseok approached them and asked for more information about the opportunities in Seoul. The boys eagerly shared their knowledge, sparking a glimmer of hope in Hoseok's heart. "Thank you," Hoseok said to the boys with a grateful smile, and he left the bus station.

Days have passed for Hoseok, but he still can't find a place to live or work. Staying on the road has become increasingly difficult for him. Hoseok begins to question whether the decision he took is right or not, leaving the house and home place, but then it reminds him that the place only made him feel weak. Getting bullied for nothing, getting unwanted scoldings for things he doesn't do, making him never want to return.

Shaking his thoughts, he just kept walking on the bridge. He doesn't know where he is walking, but he just keeps moving forward. The sun in the noon sky was burning hot, casting a harsh glare on the pavement. Hoseok wipes the sweat off his forehead. He doesn't know what's happening. What will happen next? But for now, he just wants a cool shelter and some food to replenish his energy. As he continued walking, he could hear the faint sounds of vehicles honking and the sound of the afternoon breeze hitting his head.

He couldn't understand why everything was going so slowly around him; his body and mind started giving up on him. Hoseok's legs felt heavy, and his vision blurred as exhaustion took over. The world seemed to spin around him, disorienting his senses before he processed what was happening. Everything went blank, finally making him collapse on the cement pavement of the bridge with an inaudible thud because of the heavy sounds of cars and trucks honking.

"Oh! It looks like he's waking up," said a young boy, which sounded a bit fain for Hoseok, who is slightly gaining consciousness. As he slowly opened his eyes, he met a white ceiling and the faint smell of antiseptic. Confusion washed over him as he tried to piece together where he was and how he ended up there.

"Young men now-a-days are so weak and not even taking care of themselves," he heard a voice say, followed by a gentle chuckle. Turning his head slightly, Hoseok saw a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a warm smile standing beside him. She continued, "You gave us quite a scare, young man. But don't worry; you're in the hospital now. You were found unconscious on the bridge, and luckily someone called for help just in time."
"Just keep an eye on him too, young boy." The woman spoke to a boy who was sitting beside the hospital bed of another guy who might be the same age as him. He nodded in understanding and replied, "Of course, Doctor." The woman patted the boy's shoulder reassuringly before turning back to Hoseok, her voice filled with concern as she said, "You're going to be okay, dear. You just have to eat properly, just like him," she pointed towards the boy who is lying on the bed beside Hoseok. He is still in his sleep but looks weak, as Hoseok also has some minor wounds around his arms, which are covered by bandages. The woman's words seemed to bring a glimmer of hope to Hoseok's eyes as he mustered a weak smile. The boy lying on the bed beside him stirred slightly, as if sensing the conversation.
"I think your uncle or your brothers will be back in no time. They went to get some medicine and supplies for both of you," the woman reassured Hoseok. She gently patted his hand, trying to offer comfort in the midst of their difficult situation. Hoseok's eyebrows drew closer in confusion as he tried to process the woman's words. He wondered where on earth he got his uncle and brothers in Seoul from. He had never mentioned them before, and he couldn't recall having any relatives in the city.
He thought the person or people helped him as his uncle or brothers because he was in desperate need of assistance. However, he just gave a nod, as he was unable to speak. The lady doctor left the room, leaving Hoseok along with two boys who looked a bit younger than him. "Here, drink some water, hyung?" the boy who was sitting beside the bed of Hoseok offered, showing his beaming face and holding out a glass of water. Hoseok gratefully accepted the water. The boy's smile is unique as it forms like a box, with his lips stretching horizontally.

"Thank you," Hoseok said with a weak voice, his gratitude evident in his eyes. The boy nodded, took the glass from Hoseok, and placed it beside the bed. He then turned to the other boy, who had just woken up. "Is your head hurting? Because when you brought it here, your head got hurt." The boxy-smiled boy asked Hoseok, and he just shook his head in response. Hoseok admired the boy's caring nature and couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.

"I didn't even notice there was a bandage wrapped around my head," Hoseok admitted, his voice filled with surprise. The boy chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You are really strong, Hyung," he said with a warm smile. Hoseok's eyes gleamed with tears, which are ready to fall. After all, he just always thought of him as weak, while the boy saw strength in him. It felt warm and reassuring to have someone see him in a different light. He gave a small nod of gratitude to the boy.

"Why are you crying?" the boy asked, concern evident in his voice. Hoseok wiped away a stray tear and smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Nothing," he replied, his voice filled with emotion. "Maybe his head might hurt," said another who was lying on the bed next to Hoseok. "Have you introduced yourself to him?" the boy asked, gaining attention from the boxy-smiled boy, who shook his head in response. "No, I haven't," the boy admitted, looking slightly sheepish.

"I forgot to introduce myself; I'm Kim Taehyung," he said, extending his hand towards Hoseok. Hoseok took his hand and shook it, feeling a warmth in Taehyung's touch. "Nice to meet you, Taehyung," Hoseok said with a grateful smile. "I'm Jung Hoseok." Taehyung's eyes lit up at the sound of Hoseok's name. "Jung Hoseok, huh? That's a nice name," he commented, his smile growing wider.

Hoseok chuckled at Taehyung's compliment. "Thank you," he replied, feeling a sense of comfort in Taehyung's presence. "You too, introduce yourself," said Taehyung, looking at the boy in bed. The boy in bed shifted slightly, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. "I'm Park Jimin," he murmured softly, his voice barely audible. Hoseok smiled softly as he turned his attention towards Jimin. "Nice to meet you, Jimin," he said warmly.

"Can I know why you were admitted to the hospital?" Hoseok asked, looking at both Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin hesitated for a moment, his gaze dropping to the bedsheets. "I had a minor accident," he said, not meeting Hoseok's eyes, which Hoseok knew he was lying about because he also got those wounds when he tried to fight back, and those wounds were not from a minor accident.

So, without pushing more, Hoseok just gave a nod. "Thank God you didn't get hurt." A sweet voice grabbed their attention. He was tall, had dark hair, and had dark brown eyes. He had the sweetest smile ever. "Who are you?" Hoseok asked as he turned to face the newcomer. The stranger chuckled softly, his smile widening. "I'm Seokjin," he replied. "He isn't asking about your name, Seokjin," said an elder voice as an older man entered the room. He had a stern expression on his face, and his eyes held a hint of concern. "He wants to know why you're here," the elder continued, looking directly at Seokjin. Seokjin's smile faded slightly as he glanced at the elder before turning back to Hoseok. "We are the people who admitted you to the hospital; actually, my son Jaehyuk had done that," he explained.

"So, what's your name?" Hoseok hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering between Seokjin and the elder. "I'm Hoseok," he finally replied, his voice filled with curiosity. The elder's stern expression softened slightly as he nodded in acknowledgment. "Well, Hoseok," he said, his tone gentler now. "Where are you from? You don't seem to belong in Seoul. He asked this question with genuine interest, hoping to learn more about Hoseok's background and circumstances. Hoseok was hesitating for a moment, unsure of how much he should share. But there was something about the elder's kind demeanour that made him feel comfortable. Taking a deep breath, he decided to open up a little but was taken back by the elder's words: "Hm, I came out of the house because of your parents, isn't it?" Hoseok's eyes widened in surprise at the elder's statement. He wondered how he just knew that would be the reason. As the older man understood Hoseok's expression of surprise, he chuckled softly and said, "Kids now-a-days are really becoming problems, aren't they? Always trying to find their own path and defy their parents' expectations. But sometimes, choosing our own path isn't that bad, though. I once did the same thing."

A small smile formed on Hoseok's face as he listened to the elder's words. "What happened then?" Taehyung asked. Curiosity sparked in Taehyung's eyes as he leaned in, eager to hear the rest of the story. "Now he was leading a furniture shop where Namjoon and Yoongi work," Jin said, shrugging. "Really?" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "Why are you bringing about us now, Jin?" they heard a deep voice interrupt from behind them. They turned to see Yoongi and Namjoon walking to them.

"This is Namjoon, and that is Yoongi." Jin showed a tall guy who was showing his dimple smile, and a short guy who was shorter than Namjoon also had a cat-like face and had a small smile. Hoseok nodded his head in greeting, acknowledging the introduction. "These hyungs helped us yesterday," Taehyung said with a grateful smile. Namjoon smiled, looking at the younger man's smile.

"How are you guys feeling? Is everything okay with you now?" Yoongi asked, concern evident in his voice. Jin glanced at Hoseok and Jimin, waiting for their responses. They both nodded in assurance, signalling that they were feeling much better now. Jin let out a sigh of relief and turned back to Namjoon and Yoongi. Three of them looked at the older man as if they were talking with their eyes.

"Now let's get discharged and go celebrate with a nice meal," Namjoon suggested, his eyes twinkling with excitement. Jin nodded in agreement, already imagining the delicious food they would enjoy together. "Oh! Don't worry about a place to stay; we three can stay with them," the older man said with a smile, gesturing towards the four older boys. "I'll speak with Jaehyuk to arrange for you guys to work at my shop, and the rest of the things Namjoon will explain." The older man spoke to Namjoon with a serious expression, for which Namjoon gave a small nod with a tight-lipped smile as Jin and Yoongi glanced at each other to see what he meant.

The three boys are looking at each other, as they are not able to read expressions. Jin and Yoongi had noticed them trying to ease the tension. "Oh! Uncle Bang, you haven't introduced yourself to them yet," Jin said, breaking the silence. The older man chuckled at Jin's attempt to lighten the tension caused by his seriousness. "Oh, that's right! I'm Bang Si-hyuk, but you can call me Uncle Bang," he introduced himself warmly. "I think I came late," said a voice from the corner of the room. "Oh, Jaehyuk Hyung is always a latecomer, even to the shop; you should cut his salary, uncle," Jin joked as Jaehyuk walkied in to the room with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Haha! It's not so funny when it's my salary on the line," Jaehyuk replied, playfully rolling his eyes. Uncle Bang laughed along with them. "Okay, let's take them out now," Bang said, getting up from his seat. "Wait!" Jaehyuk said in dramatic fashion, raising his hand. "I haven't introduced myself properly yet. These two already know about me, but look at him. The boy I have saved, at least let him know my name!" he said, making his father roll his eyes and chuckle. "Alright, alright," Uncle Bang said, waving his hand dismissively.

"Hello, I'm Bang Jaehyuk, the son of this man and the one who saved you when you fell unconscious on the bridge. I'm glad that you are safe. What's your name?" Jaehyuk asked, extending his hand towards the boy. "I'm Hoseok," the boy replied, shaking Jaehyuk's hand with a grateful smile. "Thank you for saving me, Jaehyuk. I'm glad to meet you."

"Okay, now let's go. Jungkook is already waiting outside in the van," Jaehyuk said. "HYUNG!!" Jin shouted, making Jaehyung turn around in surprise. "What?" Jaehyuk asked, raising an eyebrow at Jin's sudden outburst. "Why did you bring him here?" Jin asked with wide eyes, making Jaehyuk sigh. "Kim Seokjin had his school time up, and you guys were too busy to check his calls, so I went and picked him up myself," Jaehyuk explained. "He was alone and needed help, so I couldn't just leave him there." Jin's eyes softened as he realised the situation. "I'm sorry; I didn't know," he apologised. "Let's go now," Jaehyuk said, wrapping his hands around his father.

After getting in the car, Hoseok met Jungkook, who looked so young among them. Jungkook introduced himself to Hosek, as Taehyung and Jimin already knew him from yesterday. After some time, Hoseok got to know that seven of them came to Seoul, the same as him, but Jimin came to Seoul with his parents permission. When he was in Seoul, he promised Jimin's parents that he would take care of them. He just took money from Jimin and left him on the road.

Taehyung, too, came to Seoul because of his parents, as they sent him to study in Seoul rather than in his hometown. But the irony is that Taehyung was getting bullied by his classmates in Seoul, which made him feel lonely and isolated. Though he just stayed humble towards everyone, Taehyung was getting bullied by his classmates in an alley. Jimin helped him using his fighting skills. Though he rescued Taehyung, he just collapsed on the floor after that.

As Namjoon and Yoongi found them, they helped them and joined Jimin in the hospital. Taehyung has not left Jimin's side until he gains consciousness. Namjoon Yoongi called Jin, and Uncle Bang and his son Jaehyuk made sure that Jimin received the necessary medical attention and support. After Jimin got into consciousness, Jungkook helped them by giving them food.

Hoseok also got to know that Jungkook was lost and the backstory of him in the boys. Getting better, three of them know about the secret work, but somehow they obey it—not because Uncle Bang helped them but because they want to. Despite the pain they felt, it made them even do it wrong, which felt right. Though they don't target poor or middle-class people, the rich make them gain more money, which brings fear to the rich's hiding of their money.


Recalling their past, the seven smiled at each other, reminiscing about the struggles they had overcome together. They knew that their bond was unbreakable and that they would always be there for one another, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

They know the path they chose isn't what they wanted to become. They fought with their parents, and some gave hope to their parents that they would succeed in something in their lives, but now they yearned for a different life. They were never afraid of the police or getting caught. But the only regret they all have is that their parents, if they knew about their work, would be disappointed and heartbroken.

Despite the risks and the fear of being exposed, they continue down this path because it provides them with what they all wanted: 'Money', They only thought money could bring them freedom and the ability to escape the circumstances they were born into. It's a means to an end, a way to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a better future for themselves.

The seven stayed closer, more like a family themselves, giving support to each other. They all hoped that one day this run would come to an end and they could finally live without the constant fear and pressure. They dreamed of a life where they didn't have to constantly look over their shoulders or worry about getting caught.Everything will be settled, and they don't have heavy goals; they only want a peaceful life with their loved ones with the money they saved. Is it too much, or is it too little to ask for? They wondered if their dreams were too ambitious or if they were simply deserving of a chance at a normal life.

"Thank you for the food, Halmonie," seven of them said in unison, their voices filled with gratitude. The old woman smiled warmly at them. "Take care. Also, don't worry, I feed him." Haeun's grandmother said she was showing the little Jinhaw, who is sleeping quietly, snuggling in Jin's arms. "Thank you so much for taking care of him," Jin said with a slight bow. "Now, we will take leave. Thank you again for the food and for your nice hospitality," Jungkook said with a polite smile.

"You young men are being so polite; I should also thank you for teaching my haeun and accepting her as your student." The old woman's eyes glistened with joy. "It's my job, Halmonie, to teach her. Girls need self-defence classes to protect themselves in this world," Jungkook replied earnestly. "We believe in empowering women and ensuring their safety." The old woman nodded appreciatively, her wrinkled face filled with gratitude. "You boys have truly restored my faith in the younger generation," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

Jungkook smiled and replied, "Thank you, Halmonie. It means a lot to hear that." "Halmonie, they have left it really dark," Haeun said, glancing at the darkening sky. "Yes, you are right," Halmonie agreed, her eyes scanning the horizon. "It's time to head back home before it gets too late. Thank you." All this time, Haeun just kept staring at Jungkook with admiration, unable to tear her eyes away. 'He is really so kind and sweet,' she thought to herself. As Jungkook's eyes met her gaze, he smiled warmly, making her heart skip a beat. "See you tomorrow, Haeun."

Haeun's face turned bright red, and she bowed. The thing she didn't observe is that his ears are also as red as her face. He couldn't forget when she brusted into the room without even knowing that he was about to take his shirt off, causing an awkward and embarrassing situation. On the other hand, six boys are noticing Jungkook and getting ready to tease him.

As they turned to leave, the boys waved goodbye to Haeun's grandmother and Haeun. "Take care, Halmonie," Jungkook called out. "We'll always be here to help if you need us." With a final smile, they walked away. "Aw, our Jungkookie has grown up so much," Jimin said with a naughty smile as he nudged Taehyung playfully. "Yeah, it feels like just yesterday he was the shyest member," Taehyung replied, reminiscing about their early days together.
"Wow JK" Hoseok tagged along with Jimin and Taehyung, chiming in with a playful tone. "Stop it, Hyung; you're embarrassing me," Jungkook protested, blushing slightly. The three older members laughed and continued to tease him, while the rest enjoyed the playful banter among themselves.
"Isn't the sky beautiful today?" Namjoon said, making group members look up at the sky. They all nodded in agreement as the stars twinkled in the dark sky. "We came so far from where we started," Jin added, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. The group fell into a comfortable silence, reflecting on their journey together and feeling grateful for how much they had grown as individuals and as a group. Though they have regrets about the path they chose, they didn't give up on it.

They all heard the baby chuckling as he saw the stars. "He woke up." The sound of the baby's laughter brought a smile to their faces. They don't know what the back story of this small one in Jin's arms is, why he was kidnapped by them, or why they got him in the box. There was a fight a few hours ago between them because of him, but that fight brought them closer once again, reminding them of their pasts.

As they gazed at the baby, memories of their own childhoods flooded back, reminding them of the innocence and joy that they had lost along their chosen path. The baby's laughter seemed to erase the weight of their secrets, if only for a moment. It was a reminder that, amidst the chaos and pain, there was still a glimmer of hope and happiness.

"We will send you to your home; just wait until we find the way." Jungkook said with a small smile. The boys just kept staring at Jungkook a few hours ago, who fought to just leave the baby with those kidnapers and was now wanting to make him safe and bring him back to his family. He looked back at his brothers, who were just staring at him in awe and admiration.

"Let's get it," Jungkook declared, his determination shining through his eyes. With renewed resolve, the boys rallied together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their mission to return the baby to his family. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they were willing to do whatever it took to ensure the baby's safety.

"Yeah! Let's get it," Taehyung said as he kept his hand forward, waiting for six to join the group. As they joined hands in a circle, very tiny hands, unknowing, joined the larger ones, making them chuckle. "Fighting," they all shouted in unison, their voices filled with determination and unity. With their spirits lifted, they set off on their journey, ready to face any obstacles that came their way.

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