kid!skitzo the killer bear

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Skitzo isnt a actual creepypasta that i know of. But he is here in dis book cuz the shit i seen made him seem kinda like a creepypasta ish character. I literally just discovered him a couple of days ago and my god suicide mouse aint got NOTHING on skitzo like holy shit.
So here he is!

Also if u would like to know a little bit about skitzo there is a vid up above that explains a little bit about him and some merch for him and other stuffs that the creator had also made.

And finally


Skitzo is owned by Crystal Gonzalez or aka comick from Tumblr and youtube.

That is all. Happy reading ^^))

((To Those who actually know who skitzo is id like to say that he will be VERY ooc))

WARNING:kinda daarrrkkk....

Screams of the damned rang from a alleyway, you calmly stood in the walkway with your back against a painted brick wall.
The screams didnt phase you at all, any normal person would just run or call the cops, but you? You just stood there and smoke a cigarette.

You know exactly who is causing those screams and the blood slowly pouring onto the concrete. It was your 7 year old son skitzo, he wasnt like any other child of course. He is a bear, a bear from one of those 1920s cartoons. you remember that back then those cartoons made people committe most gruesome crimes and suicides, You never tried to take a look yourself for the fact that most of them was either torn to bits and pieces or they had just been destroyed by the fire that put the company that made them a blaze.

Either way, you didnt want to look at them.

Skitzo, since birth. Has been mentally ill, like blood thirsty murderer ill.
He kills anything living, he started off small like bugs or plants, then he started going after small animals like birds and mice, then eventually he started to go after people.

You being his parent, wanted to make him get better. So one day you took him to a mental hospital, only that instead of skitzo getting better he turned the place into a slaughter house.
Thats one reason why you never took him to school or other places that involves a lot of people.
You still had to take him out a few places since the last time you left him with a babysitter you came back with their throat slit.

So you had to have to bring skitzo places.... With a leash so he wont harm a soul.
Sometimes he ends up escaping, which is the reason why your here actually. He had cut the leash and ran off to the alleyway with a knife that he had stolen from a store, so you had to pay for the knife and ended up finding him here killing a few people in the alley.

I know what you the reader is thinking. 'how did he not kill you yet?' The thing is, you or the author has no clue.
He never tried to hurt you not in the slightest, in fact when its just you and him he acts like a normal kid. He would watch cartoons or play with some toys, maybe even play in the back yard every once in a while.
He always gives you the cutest happy look with big pearl white eyes and big smile just trying to show you something he did that he thought you would be proud of.

He acts like a sweet little boy that had no care in the world....

You peeked into the alley after the screaming as stopped, you see your son covered in blood still stabbing one of the corpses.
With a sigh you put out your cigarette under your shoe and walked over to the 7 year old boy, trying to avoid getting blood on your shoes. You wouldnt want to leave a trail on the way home "skitzo thats enough..." You told him, he stops and looks up at you with his eyes no longer pearl white but a bright crimson.

He wears a big grin that somehow gotten much bigger when he sees you and lets go of the knife, he didnt hesitate to come and wrap his arms around your legs in a hug. The crimson blood that covers his black fur now getting on your pants "skitzo. Let go ok?" You said calmly, he lets you go and looks back up at you with his eyes being white once again. He looks at you confused as you took off your jacket and wrapped it around the small boy then picked him up. "Next time. Dont break the leash ok?" You said, skitzo nods and you walked out the alley. Your jacket covered all the crimson that covers your sons fur so it wasnt noticed by any locals who could still be out this time of night.

Walking home skitzo just fell asleep with his head on your shoulder, you thought about what else you should do... Taking him to the hospital was a bad idea... So what else will you do?
He is your son, you dont want him to be like this for the rest of his life.
What should you do...?
You probably have to look up some things.

You finally had made it to your home and head up to the door, unlocking it you walked inside and lightly shook skitzo "its time to get up buddy, you need to clean up." You said, skitzo lifted his head and rubs his eye before you set him down on the floor. The blood has dried now, so it shouldn't go on the floor or any other places.

Skitzo ran to the bathroom to take a bath and you went online to check some things after locking your own door.

Another day. Another murder for skitzo the killer bear.

((Thats it! If yall like skitzo the bear i will gladly make a part 2 or maybe a book dedicated to skitzo. Depends on if i can do it...

Thanks for readin! ^^))

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