Chapter 2

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(I forgot about this) :/

(Thanks to @Rokusa- for helping me edit the story >->)

It's been two weeks since Lucy was turned into a 2-year-old. Natsu had become more parental, as one would say, so now he's able to change her clothes, and take care of her more easily without Mira's help. "Jeez, Lucy. This is the 7th time I had to change your clothes." He sighed as he began to change Lucy's clothes since she keeps getting wet from her cup. "Sowy."

"Alright now stop pouring the water out. Let's go to the guild." He said as he picked her up while heading to the guild. "Hey everyone." He greeted them once they got there. "Hey." They all said, looking like zombies. Everyone was tired of looking for the book which, by the way, they still haven't been able to find. "Everyone's still tired." He sat down on a table with Gray and Erza who were laying their heads on the table.

"When are you going to find that book?" Erza and Gray mumbled. "We'll find it someday." Natsu tried to cheer them up. "Yeah." "For now let's take a break from trying to find the book and have some fun." He exclaimed. "Doing what?" Gray ask. "Let's go to the park." He proposed. "Why not?" Erza sighed.

The two then went to change. Well, Gray went to put on clothes. Natsu and Lucy went to go eat something while they were doing that. "So what do you want to eat Lucy?" Natsu asked her as they sat down. "Pancakes!" She cheered. "Hey, Mira can you make us some pancakes?" He called out to her. "Of course." She said. A couple of minutes later Mira handed them their plates. Quickly the two began to eat.

"My weren't you too hungry." She said. "hell yeah!" Natsu smile goofily. Lucy followed likewise grinning food still in her mouth. "Lucy. Finish your food first." Natsu corrected her. "Sowy." She said a smile still on her face. Once they finished their food, they ask Mira if she could make some lunches for them since they were going to the park. "Of course." She responded. "Thanks, Mira." Natsu thank her.

The two sat down at the tables waiting for Mira to finish their lunches. Natsu decided to read Lucy a book. "The Princess and the Prince." He read the cover. Opening it he began to read while grumbling a bit. "Can't believe Mira talked me into this", he thought while focusing on the first words in the book.

"Once upon a time there lived a princess with a silver dress and gold shoes. One day the princess was kidnaped by a red fire breathing dragon. The Dragon took her to his castle and placed her in the tallest tower he had AWAY from Ice princesses like Gray."

"Guay's an Icepwincess?" 

"Yeah! he kidnaps people for their clothes! and once he gets them, he sings Let it go to celebrate his achievement!"

Lucy laughed as she clapped her hands while smiling brightly at the Dragon-Slayer's funny facial expressions.

"So anyway, upon hearing the princess was captured the prince hurried to rescue her. He got to the dragon's castle and went into battle with the dragon using his sword. They fought and fought until the prince cut through the dragon's heart. Once he finished with the dragon he ran up the stairs of the tall tower. He found the princess and took her away from the castle on his white horse. And they lived happily ever after and crap."

Lucy looked at the page where the dragon was defeated. "Why dos the dragon look sad?" She asks. "Hmm?" Natsu look at the page. "He's lony." She touches the dragon. "It's okay." She said as if comforting it. "Natsu I'm done," Mira called to him. "Yeah. I'm coming." He quickly got up to retrieve the basket with their lunches. "Thanks again, Mira." He said. "Anytime." She waved.

"Let's go, Lucy." He turn to see Gray carrying her with Erza next to him. Gray worked a rather plain outfit that consists of a white shirt and cargo shorts. While Erza wore a black and white tank top and white shorts. "You guys done already?" Natsu asks them. "Of course. We don't have a lot of time now let's go." Erza marched out the guild with Natsu and Gray behind him. "So which park are we going to?" Gray asked as they walk around. "You'll find out when we get there." Natsu said mischievously. They kept  walking for a couple of more minutes until they came to a stop in front of a big sign.

"Park Wonderland?" Erza and Gray read out loud. "Yep. It's the biggest Park in Fiore." He informed them. "Come on let's go." He ran inside. Inside were huge slides, monkey bars, a spiderweb, an area for toys, an area for trampolines and a bunch of kids running around. Lucy opens her mouth in awe. "Pak. Pak." She happily cheered. Gray placed her down.

Quickly Lucy ran off. "Wait, Lucy!" Natsu ran after her. She went straight for the slides. She raced through the stairs up to the first one she found. The first one was a small green one. About 4 feet high. "Come on Lucy," Natsu said being at the bottom of the slide. "Natu!" She slid down her hair flowing behind her. "Natu!" She cheered as he grabbed her. "Natu!" He spun her around. "Want to go on a taller one?" He asks her. "Yeah!" "Wait I'm going with you guys," Gray said walking towards them.

"Hurry Lucy or Gray the ice princess will turn you to ice!" Natsu said(>:D). "Okay!" The two began to run up the stairs. "Hey!" Gray yelled running after them. "Who you calling ice princess, flame brain?" "Hurry Lucy!" Nodding they keep running bumping into a few kids here and there. "Hold up!" Gray yelled again. "he'll take your clothes!"

Becoming quite frustrated with Natsu's comments he stopped. By then Natsu and Lucy were four stairs higher than Gray. "Tired already ice princess?" Natsu said smugly. Gray didn't say anything. "Ice Princess?" A smile crept on Gray's face and he muttered something. "Ice make prison!" Suddenly an ice prison captured Natsu and Lucy. "Oh no!" Lucy cried.

"Ice make stairs!" Making his own stairs he races up this where he traps the two mages. "Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled as he punched through the prison, causing it to break and melt just as Gray came close. "Come on Lucy." Natsu quickly picks up Lucy and put her on his back. He then jumps off of the slides to the big obstacle course nearby. Natsu landed on a platform high above the ground.

"Why don't we play a game of tag?" Natsu grinned. "Tag! Tag!" Lucy cheered. "Or are you a chicken?" "Guay chicken! Guay chicken!" Lucy repeated. "Grr, just you wait I'll catch you two!" He yelled. "Ice make: Ice Cannon!" Holding the weapon he aimed it at Natsu and Lucy. One by one cannonballs came out. Natsu easily dodged the cannonballs and when one came close he punched them, melting each ball.

"Ice make: floor!" The platform beneath them became slippery. Natsu did his best to keep his balance but it was difficult. Using this chance Gray ran towards them once again. Just as he was going to touch Natsu, a random kid slipped face first right into Gray's stomach knocking the air out of him. "Gua!" Gray spit falling back. "Well let's get going Lucy while ice princess is down." He smiled. "Yeah!" They went through the course.

"Flame brain!" Gray yelled.

"He's coming!"

"Ice make arrows! Ice make: Saucers! Ice make: Lance!" Gray yelled attack after attack. Obviously, most of the attacks didn't hit the target but instead the playground. "Get ready Ice princess to sing your final "Let it go." Flame Dragons: Roar!" Yelled Natsu as a current of fire came out against Gray's attack. "Fwuam buan! Ice pwiancess!" Lucy laughs and cheered through the whole time.

"Natsu! Gray!" The two stopped dead in their tracks. They slowly turned around to see the all mighty and terrifying Erza. "What are you two doing?" "Pluaing tag." Lucy happily exclaimed. "Oh, you are now? Then what is this mess here?" She glared down on the two boys. "A playground." They replied. "You have 30 minutes to fix this place! Lucy come over here!" Natsu carefully placed her down.

"Eza!" She ran towards the older lady. "Did you have fun, Lucy?" She asks her calmly. "Yup. Natu and Guay and me puayed tag. I had fun!" Lucy grin. "That's wonderful." Erza smiled. "Come on now. I bet you're hungry. Let's eat shall we?" "Yeah!" Erza then looks at Natsu and Gray. "This place isn't going to fix itself!" "Yes, ma'am!" Quickly they began cleaning up the mess they made while Erza and Lucy ate the sandwiches Mira made.

The two girls chatted and laughed while every once in a while Erza would glare at Natsu and Gray to make sure they were doing what they were supposed to do. After 30 minutes passed, Erza stood up. "Are you guys done?" She asks ever so kindly but the two boys knew better than that. "Yes, ma'am!" They said. She looks around the place making sure they were telling the truth.

After her inspection, she sat down Natsu and Gray. "Alright, Lucy why don't you play around until I'm done with these two okay?" "Okay, Eza!" Lucy smiled running off to the newly fix playground. Then she turned towards the two. "So whose idea was this?"


"Gray!" They accused each other. "You idiots! This is a children's playground!" Erza yelled as she began her two-hour speech on how dangerous and stupid they were for fighting in a playground with young children.

Soon after the lecture, they decided to call it a day and head home after getting ice cream. "Did you have fun today, Lucy?" Happy asked once they arrived at their apartment. "Yup. Natu and Guay were puaying tag wit me. And then Eza and me ate Mia's andwiches." She smiled. "What happened to you?" Happy asked the fire mage noticing the big bump on his head. "A Demon." He grumbled.

Sighing, Natsu let Happy change Lucy's clothes into pajamas. He tucked her into bed with him while Happy lay by them. "Tank you Natu." Lucy said. "I had lots of fwun toduay." She hugs him before falling asleep. "Me too Lucy." He smiled. Slowly he place his hand on her small cheek. Cradling her he too fell asleep.

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