Baby Maker

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The dark clouds outside an urbanized neighborhood struck a loud thunder. Almost simultaneously, two toddlers cried together, matching the passing of a rumble, a silence, and then the heavy rainfall clattered above the roof.

“Mama!” A little girl with blunt bangs and straight jet black hair with puffy cheeks started tearing up when she couldn’t find her mother. Her crying instantly woke her sister. “Mama! Mama!”

Her sister continued to look at her crying that her own eyes started tearing up and her lips trembling. She could not just take her eyes off the other little girl who was sobbing frantically while hugging her frog plushy tightly and it made her really sad and afraid too. “Omma! Omma!” 

“Shhh…its okay Hyunnie…” Seohyun’s cries turned into hiccups as soon as she was picked up. She wraps her arm around the woman’s neck and buried her face. “Mama…”

“Hyunnie…its okay…”

“Shhh…come on, yoona…its okay…shhh…” Yoona quieted down from the soothing caresses on her back and upon seeing her sister calmed down.

“Yoong, Up!” Yoona raised her arms out signaling that she wanted to be carried up like her sister.

“Does Yoona want to be carried too?” 

Yoona nodded her head as she chewed on the ear of her deer plushy one of her arm still held up. The woman smiled at her before carrying her up. Yoona quickly snuggled on the warmth that the crook of her neck offers. “Omma…want Omma”

“If only Yuri’s here…then we would not have to go through all these”


Tiffany felt guilty. She knew how emotional her best friend could get, especially nowadays. 

“I’m sorry Jessi…I didn’t mean—”

“Fany, how could you?” 

“I’m sorry” Tiffany mouthed an apology.

“Just don’t mention her name.” Jessica said as she continued to pacify the little girl in her arms.

They cradled them both and then a chorus was made by a lightning, a thunder, the two toddlers and the rainfall clattering above the roof.


Chapter 1

The cafeteria of Seoul Hospital was bustling with people. Patients’ relatives silently ate their meals with gloomy and worrisome faces, while the nurses and doctors’ small banters and jokes were a big contrast as they enjoyed their short, but well deserved break. Amidst this hustle and bustle was a lone girl with long black tresses and tanned skin. She wore a loose white baby doll shirt and a pair of khaki capris as she sat by the window with a faraway gaze. She absent-mindedly stirred her cup of hot chocolate using her right hand while her left hand caresses her still flat tummy.

“Peanut, what are we going to do now?” She stopped her stirring and vented a heavy sigh.

She had a happy and comfortable childhood. Her family was not rich but they were not poor either. As she grows, her parents raised her with love and laughter. All her memories of her childhood were moments filled with happiness. She had always considered herself one of the lucky few. Things started to change, however, when a devastating illness struck her mother; it was cancer.

Having only little savings that was enough to send her off to college, her mother’s circumstances forced her to halt schooling. She worked instead to help with the expenses. Still, it was not enough. With her mother’s medicine and chemotherapy alone, they were barely meeting ends. But she had to do something about it. Her mother was the only one she had left. She had to try, especially when the doctor said that there was still hope, particularly with the technology advancement in treating cancer, but for that hope to become reality, they need a lot of money. Money, which ended up killing her father who at that point was desperate enough to take on a very dangerous job, foolishly, ended his life and left her all alone to shoulder the burden. Money was also the reason she was in this predicament: pregnant, broke and very much alone.

The screeching noise of steel against the tiled floor of the hospital pulled her from her reverie. She cautiously watched as the blonde girl sat in front of her with two cups of steaming liquid and sandwiches.

“Hey.” The blonde girl greeted stiffly, her eyes wandering around with uncertainty. She was never good with these.

She tried smiling in return but she was sure it looked awkward.

“I err- got you some food.” The blonde outstretched her hands, passing Yuri the sandwich and the cup of hot cocoa. “Drink this. The one you have is probably cold now.”

She took the food gladly, realizing just how ravenous she felt. She was feeling that a lot lately and it was probably the growing life in her, after all she was eating for two now.

“Thank you… its Jessica, right?”

Her ears perked up. Taking a subtle breath in, the blonde replied. “I’m sorry, I haven’t properly introduced myself. I’m Jung Jessica. Yunho’s younger sister.” Jessica extended her hand in which she gladly shook.

“Kwon Yuri.”

Silence engulfed the two, as they both were unsure of what to say from the awkwardness of the situation they were thrown in.

It was early Sunday morning when Jessica hastily flew back to Korea as soon as she heard of her brother and his wife’s accident. Being too distraught and grieving with the loss of her only family, she has failed to notice the tanned girl. It wasn’t until after the burial of her brother and sister-in-law, did she remember the letter. She received a letter from her brother the same day of her flight. Apparently, the letter, that was left unread until the day after her brother’s funeral, was the letter that told her she was soon to be an aunt. She was confused at first. She knew how many miscarriages Seul Gi, her sister-in-law, have had. So much so, that her uterus lining had become so thin that she was advised not to have any more pregnancy. But it all became clear when the word baby maker caught her eye in the letter.

Sitting in front of Yuri, the supposed baby maker, Jessica did not know what to say. What were you supposed to say in a situation like this anyways?

She studied the tanned girl who was busily sipping her hot chocolate and nibbling her sandwich. She looks young, probably around her age. She was tall, pretty and had a slim figure, with her beauty, if she was in America; people would pretty much assume her as a pretty girl who got knocked up by her boyfriend.

Jessica heaved a sigh.


The tanned girl looked up as her piercing gaze focused on Jessica’s hesitant look.

“Things will go ahead as planned. We will still bring your mother to America for her treatment and I will take care of you and all the expenses for your mother’s hospitalization. As soon as you gave birth, we will still donate the baby’s cord blood for your mother’s surgery, if by that time, we still don’t have a bone marrow donor. We just have to revise some things with what you and my brother had agreed upon.”

This time, Yuri sighed a relief.

“Thank you.”

Jessica frowned. “Don’t thank me yet. You haven’t heard my proposal.”

Jessica took a sip of her coffee before continuing.

“This whole baby thing…well, I wasn’t exactly expecting it. I’m not ready for it. You, see I’m single and very much busy running our company in the US. This baby isn’t exactly fitting in comfortably in my own way of life—”

Jessica saw Yuri’s grip on the cup tightened.

“I need you to understand. I’m not saying I’m not going to take responsibility for the baby. I am. After all, that baby is my only relative left; the future heir of Jung enterprises.”

“Then, what are you trying to say?”

“I…I might need you to stay and take care of the baby…at least until I can handle the baby on my own. I just don’t think I can find someone I can trust with the baby.”

“You just met me, how come you trust me so easily?”

“You might not be the biological mother, but you will still carry the baby for nine months, and I just know you won’t harm him.”

“How long would that be?”

Jessica shrugs “Until after a few months when the baby’s born, maybe ‘till his first birthday. Until I can adjust and found someone suitable to help me take care of him. You don’t have to worry; you’ll be compensated well for this.”

Yuri shifts her mood and pondered. The advantages were actually stacked up in her favor, so why does a part of her wanted to refuse?

Yuri pushed down the nagging thought. “When do we leave?”

“Probably, as soon as your mother’s doctor give us the go signal for her to travel.”


A month had passed since Yuri flew to Seattle with Jessica; a month living together with Jessica but it may as well that they didn’t. Yuri hardly ever saw Jessica in those weeks. The first thing that she learned about Jessica was that the girl was a workaholic. She would be gone before Yuri wakes up and won’t be back till after she goes to bed. Despite that, she would never dare say that the blonde girl doesn’t care, because she could tell that she does.

Though Jessica never personally checks on her, she makes sure that Mr. Lee, the personal driver that Jessica assigned for her, keeps her safe and comfortable. And there was also Mrs. Kang who truly had been her friend as the older woman genuinely doted on her and was really patient in teaching her English. Yuri wasn’t the brightest, but she certainly wasn’t dumb either. You can throw math equations and science questions at her and she could answer them with no trouble at all, but English just really wasn’t her strong suit. Now, she really wished she listened more to Mr. Cho instead of day dreaming about how cute he was, but who would have thought she would need it in her lifetime, she never even dreamt of leaving Korea, they could have never afford it in the first place, much more stay and live in the US.

There was also the milk and the Post-it notes.

The blonde girl never fails to leave her a glass of milk by her door along with a Post-it note attached, reminding her to drink it and simple messages asking how she was or apologizing for not being able to keep her company. She, in turn would reply by leaving a glass of milk in the microwave with a Post-it note. This was one of those things that Yuri found endearing about the blonde girl. This little gesture, never-failing to put a smile on Yuri’s face, was something that she hasn’t been doing a lot of, since her mother’s diagnosis.

Still, it gets lonely most of the time, being in a huge house all by herself. She could not imagine how Jessica managed to do it. Going home at night with no one to wait up for you, eating meals alone; and by the looks of Jessica’s fridge, the girl lives off of lean cuisines and probably loves red wine. For the bar area was filled with nothing but red wine and a couple of vodkas and crown here and there.

Yuri frowned as the thought of a sick Jessica entered her mind. She wondered who takes care of the blonde girl during those times. Who would cook her porridge? Who would remind her to take her medicine? Then her mind drifted off to what would happen to Peanut. She was hardly showing any signs of pregnancy, so she does not know the gender of the baby yet and calling it ‘the baby’ was too generic, and so she started addressing the growing life in her as Peanut. What if she left already and Peanut got sick, who would take care of Peanut? Who would play with Peanut when Jessica is stuffed with work? Yuri shook her head. By then, it wouldn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter, because she would be back to her normal life with her mother. Also, she would probably be done with college and have a stable job that would be enough for both of them to live comfortably. Peanut would just stay as a very special person in her past, someone who would be but a precious memory for her.

Yuri yawned as she looked at the clock hanging solely on the wall. It was almost midnight and Jessica has not arrived yet from the office. She made a simple dinner for them to share, but the food had soon become cold. Truth be told, she had cheated, eating spoonful’s of it here and there and she blames it on to Peanut, whom she assumes, have gotten hungry waiting for Jessica.

Jessica tiredly entered the house but she eagerly went straight to the kitchen. Headed on to where the microwave sits well, where a glass of milk awaits her, along with a note from Yuri. That simple gesture had proven to erase her crankiness at the end of the day. But that night, Jessica didn’t find any milk inside. Let alone a Post-it note. Disappointment ran along her gut and proceeded towards the cupboard to grab an empty glass. Upon reaching it, the plates on the table caught her attention.

On the dining table she found an array of Korean food and two sets of plates and utensils.

“Was Yuri waiting for me? Did she not eat yet?” Jessica asked herself aloud, a frown forming on her face.

Jessica was about to go find Yuri when the tanned girl entered the kitchen in her pajamas, her hair a little tousled, she was rubbing her eyes as if to get the sleepiness out of them.

“You’re home.” Yuri said in between her yawns.

“Sorry, I got caught up with paper works.” Jessica smiled apologetically. “Have you not eaten yet?” Jessica frowned yet again. 

“That’s not good for the baby. You should eat a lot. Pregnant women, as I heard, tends to eat a lot, right?”

Yuri giggled slightly at Jessica’s confused face. “I ate already. Peanut was hungry, so we ate”

“Peanut? You bought a dog without even letting me know?”

Yuri laughed aloud.

“What’s so funny?”

“Don’t be silly. Peanut is the name I gave for the baby.”

“You’re calling my future niece or nephew Peanut?”

“Yeah… We can change it if you don’t like.” Yuri said in a feeble voice.

To those few times they have seen each other, Jessica noticed that Yuri does this a lot when she thought she does something wrong or disagreeable. Though Jessica found it endearing how Yuri looked like a little kid caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar.

“No. I think Peanut is a cute nickname.” Jessica said in a decisive manner.

As soon as Jessica said those words, a big smile graced Yuri’s face.

“Well, let’s eat. You must be hungry, plus peanut’s hungry again”

“Did you prepare all of these?”

“Yes, I did. I figure you need healthier meals than those frozen dinners you have in your fridge. They’re not good for you.”

“I’m a terrible cook.” Jessica confessed as she helped Yuri heat up the food.

“I can cook for us, then.” Yuri offered.

“That’s out of the question! You’ll tire yourself out. Plus, I don’t want you waiting for me every night. I go home late.” Jessica regretted saying those words for she saw Yuri’s smile disappeared. 

“Weekends, perhaps?” Jessica added to appease Yuri.


Jessica saw it again. Yuri’s eyes curving down smiling at her and it was a remarkable sight. Her best friend, Tiffany, have these eye-smile as well, but it does not have the same effect as Yuri’s. Unlike Tiffany’s, Yuri’s smile will only show when the tanned girl was tremendously happy. Tiffany’s eye smile shows when she’s just… well, pretty much in a blissful mood. The feeling was mutual when Jessica makes Yuri happy in these simple ways.

When the food was heated, the two settled down and ate quietly. It was not as awkward as their past encounters and maybe it was because of the closeness the two had built the past few weeks through their Post-It conversations. The evening concluded with the two consumed glass of warm milk before Jessica started nagging Yuri to sleep; as she argues that lack of sleeping hours was not good for Peanut.

As the evening precede and the chilly air drifts the wet pavements, the two slept soundly with smiles adorning their faces.


Chapter 2

“Hello, this is the Jung’s resid—”

Jessica hanged up and tried to redial her house phone number again. She just got a phone call from Mrs. Kang because Yuri did not stop at her house for their tutoring session and the old woman was worried. She tried to call her house a couple of times already but no one was picking up, thinking that Yuri must be out, she was going to call her on her cellphone when she realized that the tanned girl does not own one. So instead, she called Mr. Lee, but the old man said that Yuri hasn’t given him a call to drive her around. He further added that he was surprised about it because Yuri never failed to visit her mother in the hospital every afternoon.

“Tiffany, cancel all my appointments for today and don’t call me unless it’s really important and have Taeyeon handle all the company’s affairs today.” Jessica instructed her secretary as she hastily packed her things.

Tiffany watched as her workaholic boss left the office early for the first time in the last five years she had worked for the Jung Enterprises. She was also amazed at the franticness in her boss, as she yet again dialed a certain number on her cell phone.


When Jessica unlocked her front door, she noticed how silent the house was and how nothing has changed since she left this morning. She placed her things on the couch none too gently as she raced up the stairs to checked on the tanned girl.

The first thing Jessica noticed was the glass of the now cold milk still sitting in front of Yuri’s room. Not bothering to knock she opened the door to Yuri’s room. Seeing a lump on the king sized bed, Jessica hurriedly proceeded towards the bed, where she found Yuri sleeping with a pallid face and sweat beading on her forehead. Putting the back of her hand against her own forehead and the other on Yuri’s forehead, she was not surprised to find that Yuri was warmer than she was but she was appeased that Yuri wasn’t burning up, for that would be bad for her and the baby.

Releasing a sigh of relief, Jessica took off her heels before continuing towards the bathroom to get a towel and a basin of water. However, before she can even return to Yuri’s bed, the tanned girl almost bumped into her as she ran hastily towards the toilet bowl.

Jessica pulled Yuri’s long hair back as the tanned girl hurled all her stomach contents.

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked as she helped Yuri up and led her towards the sink so that she can wash up.

“I’m fine.”

Jessica could tell through the forced smile that Yuri was not okay.

“I should bring you to the hospital.”

“It’s okay this is just morning sickness and a bit of cold”

“But its afternoon already, it can’t be morning sickness.” Jessica helped Yuri back to her bed.

“It does not need to be morning for morning sickness to happen. I read it on one of those pregnancy books.” Yuri explained as she snuggled her pillow.

“Oh.” Jessica felt stupid, for not knowing anything about pregnancy and mentally took note about buying some pregnancy books to read. “You haven’t eaten anything all day huh? Why don’t I order delivery? As you could tell I’m not really good in the kitchen.”

“Thanks.” Yuri smiled before she closed her eyes.

“I’ll order food and then help you wipe yourself. Your clothes are soaked with sweat and I don’t want you getting anymore sicker than you already are”


Fifteen minutes later, Jessica came back with the basin of water and towel. Placing the basin on the side table next to the bed, she helped Yuri to sit up, before sitting behind Yuri.

Jessica started to pull Yuri’s shirt up but Yuri grabbed Jessica’s hands to stop her. “I…I can do it…” Yuri weakly uttered.

Jessica realized what she was doing and she instantly felt her cheeks get hot.

“I’m sorry…I’ll let you wash up and I think I heard the doorbell, the foods probably here” A flushed Jessica hurriedly exited the room and if Yuri wasn’t feeling so sick she would have found the situation amusing.


“Hello, Jessica did you left anything here at the office?”

“No, actually I need a favor from you. I need an appointment with an obstetrician.”

“Obstetrician?! Oh my gosh, you’re pregnant?!”

“Shut up Tiffany! We both know I’m not pregnant. I don’t even have a boyfriend.”

“There are such things as flings and one night stands and just plain casual s—”

“Continue what you’re saying and I don’t care if you’re my friend and you’re one of the best secretaries I’ve ever had because I will fire you.”

“Okay…Okay…So, find you an obstetrician and schedule an appointment tomorrow?”

“Yes, can you make sure she speaks Korean?”

“Sunny’s cousin is an obstetrician. I remember her talking about how her sister did not need to pay for the obstetrician fees because it’s her cousin who delivered the baby.”

“Sunny bunny?”


“Okay. Call her so she can contact her cousin to set up an appointment tomorrow for a Yuri Kwon.”

“Who’s Yuri Kwon?”

“You’ll meet her soon enough and I’ll explain things later, I really can’t stay on the phone for so long, I have to bring her food.”

“Jessica Jung is that really you? First you leave work early and frantically may I add, the cool and calm Jessica frantic? And now you are preparing food? The world must be ending!”

“Oh, shut it Tiffany! Just do that and research some good pregnancy books and stores to buy pregnancy clothes and baby materials. Email all these information to me before you leave the office today, okay?”

“Yes, ma'am! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“About that, cancel all my appointments tomorrow, the important ones, have Taeyeon attend to them. I’m taking a day off and I won’t hear whatever you want to say about it anymore. Bye Tiffany I’m hanging up!”


Yuri heard Jessica knocking and she hastily pulled her pajama shirt and tried to button them as fast as she could.

“I’m coming in with our food.” Those words were the only warning Yuri had before Jessica entered with a tray of steaming Chinese food.

Jessica placed the tray on the side table next to Yuri’s bed before she sat down next to Yuri.

“I got you some congee, it’s similar to jjuk, and it’s good for you if you’re sick.” Jessica explained as she grabbed the bowl of congee.

“Thank you,” Yuri weakly answered as she propped herself up with a pillow while Jessica passed her the soup spoon.

“You’re shivering. I think it’ll be better if I feed you.”

“I can—“

“Nope, this is the least I can do, I’ve been such a bad umm err Aunt to my future niece or nephew.” Jessica blew on the congee to cool it down. “My secretary have scheduled you an appointment with an Obstetrician tomorrow at 11, I think. After your appointment we can have lunch and after that we can buy some things you might need” Jessica relied to Yuri as she fed her.

“Don’t you have work? I can go by myself.”

“Non-sense! I own the company; I can easily have someone do my work. That’s what VP is for. Plus, your health and my future niece or nephew’s health is more important.”

Yuri just returned Jessica’s statement with a smile as she continued to eat the congee that Jessica was feeding her. The silence that filled the room was a comfortable one despite the little amount they have spent with each other, not to mention the awkward situation that happened earlier.


“Ms. Yuri Kwon.”

Jessica and Yuri got up as they walked towards the door where the nurse was standing with a folder.

“Hi, how are you ladies today? Can I get your birth date please?”

“December 5, 1989,” Yuri meekly answered.

“We’re doing well, but Yuri here had been having terrible morning sickness and a little cold.” Jessica interjected as the nurse led them to a measuring scale to measure Yuri’s height and weight.

“How long have you had the cold?”

“Umm…Two days?” Yuri answered nervously. She never really liked hospitals, it reminded her so much of her mother’s illness.

“Are you taking any medicine at the moment?” The nurse continued to ask as she led Jessica and Yuri in a room.

“No, I’m not.”

“You ladies can sit over there.” The nurse pointed at the two chairs by the computer as she sat down in front of the computer and typed some things.

“Let me get your blood pressure”

Yuri held out her left arm as the nurse took her blood pressure.

“Your blood pressure is good. So you have a cold and morning sickness?” The nurse asked as she typed things in the computer.


“When did you have your last menstrual period again?” Yuri looked at the nurse confusedly, Jessica seeing Yuri’s confused face translated for her.

“About three months ago.”

“April?” The nurse continued to ask.

“Yes, around early April.”

“Okay, any allergies?”

“No, no allergies.”

“Okay, Dr. Lee will be with you shortly.”

“Are you nervous?” Jessica asked Yuri once the nurse left.

“A little bit. I never did like doctors, plus they speak too fast for me to understand.”

“It’s okay. I’m here with you and I specifically scheduled you with a Korean obstetrician,” Jessica reached out for Yuri’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

Knock knock knock

“Hi, I’m Dr. Hyori Lee.”

“Hi, I’m Jessica Jung. We’ve talked over the phone yesterday about our situation”

“Yes, you’re Jessica, my cousin Sunny’s close friend. It’s nice to meet you.” Dr. Lee shook Jessica’s hand. “And you must be Kwon Yuri.” Dr. Lee also shook Yuri’s hand but she switched into speaking Korean.

“Please take good care of me.”

Dr. Lee quickly put Yuri at ease and she was patient enough to answer any questions Jessica had about the pregnancy.

“Will you sit over there please?”

Yuri quietly complied as she seated at the examination chair.

“Can you take a deep breath for me please?”

Yuri followed the doctor’s instruction as she felt the cold steel of the stethoscope through the fabric of her shirt.

“Your lungs and heart seems to be good. Will you lie down please, I want to listen to the baby’s heart beat and I’ll do an ultrasound as well so you can see how big the baby is.”

Yuri conformed as she lied down on the examination table. Dr. Lee lifted her shirt and pulled down her pants a bit, just enough so she could do the ultrasound.

“This gel will be cold okay.”

Yuri nodded to show she understood.

“Jessica, you can come here to see your future nephew or niece.” Dr. Lee offered Jessica, when she saw the blonde girl craning her neck trying to see the images on the screen.

Jessica eagerly walked and stood next to Yuri who was still lying down on the examination table.

“See that? That’s your baby and your future nephew or niece. Right now, the baby will be as big as a kidney bean.” The doctor pointed at a circular blob. “Wait, I think I see another one. You might be having twins but let me listen and see if I can hear two heart beats to confirm.”

“Twins?” Jessica questioned Hyori.

Hyori just merely nodded. “I do hear two heartbeats. It seems to me that you’re having twins.”

“Twins?” Jessica asked again.

“Yes, usually they inseminate a few of the pre-fertilized egg, so the chances of having one of it actually attached to the uterus are higher. In Yuri’s case, two of those pre-fertilized eggs successfully attached to the uterus and formed as an embryo.” Dr. Lee explained while she wiped the gel off Yuri’s stomach and fixed Yuri’s clothes.

“So, you’re about three months or twelve weeks along, which means you’re still on your first trimester. This is the hardest and the most sensitive stage of your pregnancy and you’re almost done with it. So make sure you eat properly, have plenty of rest and do some easy exercises to keep you fit. As you told me you don’t drink or smoke and that’s good. Just keep it up. I’ll have you start on some prenatal vitamins. Avoid caffeine as well; it’s not good for your baby.”

“Is that all? What about her morning sickness, is there anything we can do about that?” Jessica asked on behalf of Yuri.

“I’ll print out some suggestions that can help her. Try those out and see if those will work, if not, give us a call and we might prescribe something for her. The morning sickness usually abates once she enters her second trimester.” Dr. Lee stood up and gave Yuri a smile “Let me go get the print out summary of your visit and also the advices for your morning sickness.”

“How are you feeling?” Jessica asked after Dr. Lee left and as she helped Yuri off the examination table.

“Twins?” Yuri asked absent-mindedly.

“Yes, exactly what my thoughts was.” Jessica answered truthfully. “It’s a little overwhelming and scary to think that there are two babies growing in you at the moment and that I will have to raise two babies even before I get married.” Jessica joked to lighten up the mood.

Yuri smiled at Jessica’s attempt at joking. “No, wonder I’ve been eating so much. I’m not just eating for two, I’m eating for three.”

“If you’re calling one peanut, what would you call the other one?” Jessica continued their lighthearted conversation.

“Well they could just be Peanut and Butter”

“Peanut and Butter…I like it…”

Knock Knock knock

“So here’s the summary and some tips you can follow to help for your motion sickness. I’ll see you next month then.”

“Thank you Dr. Lee.” Both Jessica and Yuri gratefully thanked the obstetrician.

“The pleasure’s mine. You ladies have a wonderful day.”

They both looked at each other and pondered about the future as their stomach churns for lunch. Mixed emotions were now in between the possibility of having twins—the more, the merrier as everyone would say and yet for this particular moment alone, it's going to be the more, the merrier and messier.


Chapter 3

The warmth of the sun was lulling Jessica to sleep. Normally by this time, she would be stealing a quick power nap from all her paper works until Tiffany would come barging in, forcing Jessica to eat her lunch, even though Jessica’s days have been anything but normal since Yuri entered her life. First, she would have never missed her work for any reason at all, not unless it was life and death. Second, Jessica would only be eating lunch at a restaurant for business meetings and half of the time she doesn’t really eat much for she was busy talking about business, but here she was fully stuffed as she finished the last bite of her food and talking about anything but business. 

“Are you feeling okay to go shopping?” Jessica asked as she took the last bite of her dessert.

“Yes, I actually feel a lot better, now that I’m outside.” Yuri confessed.

“I’m sorry, that you’re stuck inside the house most of the time. I will introduce you soon to my friends. You’ll love them. But 

first off, you really need a cellphone. Let’s go and I’ll get you one.” Jessica stood up and left some money for the food.


“You didn’t need to buy me this fancy phone.” 

“The lady said it’s the best phone right now and it’s really popular.” Jessica answered as she shrugged her shoulder while she 

guided Yuri out of the cellphone store.

“But it’s so expensive.” Yuri argued as she felt that a phone that does more than calling and texting was a little excessive for her.

“Yuri, it really is okay with me. Don’t worry about it. For now, let’s go buy you maternity clothes then we can go grocery shopping.” Jessica eagerly pulled Yuri to a maternity clothing store that was a few stores away from the cellphone store they were just in.

“Dr. Lee said that in a few weeks you would actually start showing, so we need to buy you maternity clothes and probably some comfortable shoes as well.” Jessica recounted as she looked at Yuri wearing faded jeans and an orange Mickey Mouse shirt that was already tight around Yuri’s belly. 

“Good afternoon, how are you ladies doing today?” the sales woman beamed as she welcomed the two.

“We’re doing great! We just found out she’s having twins and so we need maternity clothes for her” Jessica excitedly answered.

“Twins! That’s wonderful! How far along are you?” The sales woman asked Yuri who was timidly standing next to Jessica though a smile was playing on her lips at seeing the excited Jessica.

“About three months.” Yuri answered as she fiddled on the loose thread of her favorite hip hugger jeans.

“Well we can pick a few summer maternity clothes for you. You shouldn’t really buy a lot on one go since your body will change so much towards the next few months, so I suggest to just buy a few for now and come back later on, especially with twins you just get bigger all of a sudden, trust me. I know!” answered by the sales woman with a wink.

“Are there a lot of women who comes here carrying twins?” Jessica asked as she was busy browsing through the various clothing in the store while Yuri just followed her.

“Oh, I just gave birth to twins four months ago.” The sales woman answered with a smile.

“That must’ve been exciting!” Jessica continued on as she pulled a T-shirt with a Mickey Mouse design. Mickey’s hand looks like it was giving the mother a back hug, its arms laying perfectly on where the belly would be. The words ‘embrace your bump’ written on the shirt.

“Mickey!” Yuri squealed seeing the shirt.

“I’m guessing you like Mickey Mouse…”

“I love Mickey!” Yuri gushed all the while still looking at the shirt with a big smile.

“You’re lucky then; we just added a Mickey Mouse collection on our maternity line.” The sales woman started pulling more Mickey Mouse shirts to show Yuri as Jessica just watched the eager Yuri choosing shirts and squealing now and then when she sees a really cute Mickey shirt she likes.

“Sica, can I really get Mickey?” Yuri excitedly asked Jessica while holding some Mickey Mouse shirts.

“Sica?” Jessica’s forehead creased as she repeated the nickname Yuri had come up for her.

“Sorry…it’s just easier to say. If you don’t like it I can call you Jessica.” Jessica saw it again. Yuri’s head was bent low, as she spoke timidly.

“Sica's fine and you can get as many Mickey shirts you’d like as long as you get other designs too.”

“Thanks Sica!” Yuri gave Jessica a big smile as she continues to choose more shirts.

“What else would she need?” Jessica asked the sales lady that was helping them. “We're kind of new to this pregnancy thing”

“All I can say is that you will enjoy this journey. The twins were my second pregnancy and it was a wonderful experience. I keep a scrap-book of my pregnancy to show my babies later on.”

“Maybe we can try that…”

“Yeah, and it’s really helpful to attend prenatal classes, have her husband become involve on the whole thing too. It would be more fun that way. Plus, it strengthens the bond of the family and babies can recognize voices already even if they’re still in the womb. But most importantly, she will need the support more than ever.” The sales lady continued to relay, not noticing that Jessica became quiet and gloomy at the mention of husband, knowing full well, that her brother and sister-in-law would never experience all these or that there will be a husband to go through with this pregnancy with Yuri.

“Sica look!” Jessica was pulled out of her gloomy state at the sound of Yuri’s excited voice.

She saw that Yuri has wandered around the baby section of the store and was holding a pair of baby shoes. She shook her gloominess and went to where Yuri was.

“It’s so cute!”

“It is…but is it not too early to buy baby items?”

“But it’s so cute” Jessica was amused to see the reserve and shy Yuri whining and pouting that she couldn’t help but give in.

“Okay…okay we can get those.”

“Let’s get the deer and the frog! They’re so cute!”

Jessica just smiled at the sight of a happy Yuri.

The rest of the day continued with the two shopping and buying things that Yuri might need. All the while Jessica fussed over Yuri, especially knowing that the tanned girl was just sick yesterday.


Tiffany and Taeyeon teased Jessica a lot for actually taking a day off when she went back to work the next day. Despite Jessica’s protests, they were out for lunch at a nearby restaurant, where Jessica quickly explained the situation to the two and promised to have them meet Yuri soon. She found it ironic that she didn’t feel as sad as she should have with the loss of her brother. She had a hunched that Yuri might have something to do with it, but she chose to push those thoughts away. It was easier to believe that it was because, despite losing her brother and sister-in-law, she would have two angels soon to accompany her.

“So, why don’t Taeyeon and I have dinner at your house so we can finally meet this mysterious Yuri Kwon?” Tiffany casually brought the topic as the three were having lunch.

Jessica quickly looked up from her phone. “What?”

“Who have you been texting the whole day anyway?” Tiffany asked as she grabbed Jessica’s phone.

“Fany! Give it back!”

“Listen to this Tae…Yuri have you eaten lunch yet? Make sure you do and drink your vitamins. Take care of peanut and butter ok? 

Kekeke I’ll see you later” Tiffany read as she was trying to dodge Jessica who was attempting to grab her cell phone back.

“Oh my gosh! Did she just used kekeke” Taeyeon at this point was cracking up disregarding the glaring and fuming Jessica.

“That’s it! Give me my phone back now! N.O.W. now!”

Tiffany and Taeyeon quickly behaved sensing that maybe they have gone too far in teasing Jessica. But they couldn’t help it. When did Jessica ever care about anyone much more giggle cutely when texting. They could not even remember a time Jessica giggled.

“Sorry Jessi.” Tiffany and Taeyeon mumbled softly.

“It’s okay. Just don’t do it again…as for meeting her, how about this weekend? I need to give her a heads up first.” Jessica 

finally calmed down and continued eating her food.

“Okay, this weekend it is then!” Tiffany happily exclaimed.

“Should I bring food…I mean you don’t exactly cook…” Taeyeon offered.

“It’s okay. Knowing Yuri she probably would want to cook.” Jessica absent-mindedly answered as she checked the message she just received. “She cooks for us every weekend. That’s why no more weekend overtime for me.”

Taeyeon and Tiffany just looked at each other. This Yuri Kwon is really something to have made the workaholic Jessica to stay at home and to be distracted, but most of all to be happy.


The weekend meeting was agreed and preparations were made… 

“Are you sure they will like these foods I made?” Yuri asked as she was checking if everything was ready and she did not forget 


“They will love it Yuri. So stop worrying. How about we sit down on the living room while waiting for them? It’s not good if you overtire yourself.” Jessica pulled the still distress Yuri towards the living room.

“You know worrying is not good for you and it’s especially not good for our peanut and butter” Jessica said as she sat down next to Yuri on the couch.

Our peanut and butter?”

“What I meant was—”

Ding Dong Ding Dong

“I think they’re here let me get the door.” Jessica quickly ran to open the door and avoid answering the question.

“Taeyeon! Tiffany!”

“Hi Jessi, you sound happy to see us…” Tiffany said sarcastically

“I’m always happy to see you two!”

“Yeah, except when we wake you up, which is usually almost every time which means you’re never happy to see us.” Taeyeon rationalize

“I don’t know what you two are talking about. Come in. Yuri is in the living room.” Jessica let the two inside her house.

“Yuri, I would like you to meet my friends, Tiffany and Taeyeon.” Jessica introduced the two to Yuri.

“Hi, I’m so glad to meet you.” Yuri gave the two a timid smile.

“It’s okay Yuri. Both of them speak Korean, though Tiffany here is terrible at it.”

“Yah Jessi! My Korean is not fail.” Tiffany defended.

“Whatever you say, Miyoung…”

“I told you not to call me that!” Tiffany started pouting as Taeyeon was just laughing on the background along with Yuri. “And you 

Tae Tae how can you laugh…it’s not funny”

“Well, we should probably eat before the food gets cold.” Jessica broke the fun and saved Taeyeon from the wrath of her girlfriend.

“Are all these foods homemade?” Taeyeon marveled at the dishes prepared.

“Yes! Yuri made all of it and I helped too.” Jessica boasted.

“Yuri, you let Jessica in the kitchen?” Tiffany asked incredulously, exaggerating to get back at Jessica for teasing her earlier.

“Yes. She was a great help.” Yuri complimented Jessica.

“See, I can be helpful in the kitchen.” Jessica stuck her tongue out playfully at Tiffany.

“Are the kimchi homemade as well?” Taeyeon ignored the bickering, as she was more interested with the food.

“Yes, Yuri makes a lot of them. I actually ended up buying a kimchi refrigerator just for our kimchi. You see she likes eating 

kimchi with everything but she would only eat homemade kimchi. Must be one of those pregnancy cravings…” Jessica explained while she put some kimchi on Yuri’s plate as if to emphasize her point.

“It’s not me who wants kimchi, its peanut and butter.” Yuri whined as she pouted.

“Peanut and Butter?” Taeyeon asked with raised eyebrows.

“Well Yuri decided to call my future nephew or niece Peanut and Butter” Jessica explained as she scooped some soup for Yuri.

“That’s such cute pet names!” Tiffany squealed.

“There are two babies? She’s having twins?”

Jessica just nodded to confirm Taeyeon’s inquiry.

“How adorable! There will be two babies crawling around!”

“Excuse Tiffany, she just loves babies, actually anything small and cuddly.” Taeyeon explained to Yuri, who returned her explanation 

with a small smile.

“So how far along are you?” Tiffany asked turning her attention to Yuri, ignoring Taeyeon’s statement.

“I’m three months pregnant and as you can tell, it kind of started showing already.” Yuri explained as she patted her belly lightly.

“Jessi you must be so excited! This is so exciting!”

The rest of the dinner continued with Tiffany squealing and being excited about the whole pregnancy asking Yuri all about it.


After the sumptuous meal, they said their good nights to Tiffany and Taeyeon.

“You should rest. I’ll clean up.” Jessica offered as she cleans up the living room.

“I’m not tired yet. I’ll help you out”

“Are you sure? I mean you cooked earlier—”

“Sica, I’m pregnant not disabled. I’m really fine. Let me help you. I know you’re tired as well. You think I don’t know but even if you've been coming home early, you’ve been staying in your library a lot and I’m assuming doing because of doing work.”

Jessica blushed. She was embarrassed that she got caught.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sica, you don’t have anything to say sorry for. I’m just worried for you. You really should not over work yourself.” Yuri said as she proceeded to the kitchen to rinse the dishes before putting it in the dishwasher.

“Should I warm some milk for us?” Jessica offered and Yuri just gave her a smile as she slightly nods her head.

Jessica did not know when or how it started but it has become a habit for the two to drink a warm glass of milk while they read pregnancy books together in Yuri’s room. It usually ends up with one of them falling asleep, most often than not it was Jessica due to her exhaustion. Jessica has found herself many times in Yuri’s bed, the tanned girl sleeping peacefully next to her. She would carefully tucked Yuri in bed before leaving the room and heading to the library to do some more work. Jessica realized that she must have been not as careful as she thought she had been if the tanned girl has caught her working in the library.

“You done there?”

Jessica was awakened from her thoughts at the sound of Yuri’s husky voice.

“Yes. Let me just put this cloth away and wash my hands.” Jessica replied.

“Sica, Peanut and Butter want some cookies …”

Jessica chuckled knowing full well, that it was really the tanned girl who loves chocolate chip cookies.

“Okay, Peanut and Butter can both have one cookie” Jessica replied

“What about me?” This wasn’t new to Jessica; they go through this routine every night and every night she gives in the taller girl’s 


“And you can have one too…but no more than that. Too much cookies are not healthy for you.” Jessica frowned. When did she become such an ajhumma?

“Yaaay! Thanks Sica!”

Jessica just shook her head as she watched the tanned beauty took some cookies out of the cookie jar. 

The night swept away as the two ate their cookies, but with both of them thinking of nothing less than what the moment presented to them. They’re too exhausted yet glad of the outcome of the dinner; simple and full of tomorrow. They were also too tired to think of the coming weeks. And so, for as long as they have each other, added with some newly found friends, Taeyeon and Tiffany, the future seems breathable and just a little bite of cookie away.


Chapter 4

“How are your lessons with Mrs. Kang?” Jessica asked but she focused her gaze on the road as she drove.

“It’s going well. She said I’m improving a lot.”

“That’s great then...”

“You’ve been fidgety all morning, are you okay?” Yuri finally asked Jessica who’s been restless since this morning.

“I’m just nervous…”

“I’m the pregnant one here not you…I should be the one who’s nervous.”

“But it’s a pregnancy class! I don’t know what to expect” Sica pulled over at the location of Yuri’s pregnancy class.

“Sica…it’s okay…I read on those books that since I’m still in the early stages they would mostly talked about nutrition and diet and some exercises and stuff like that…none of those birthing things yet. So you can calm down.”

“It’s just…I’m new to this whole thing. I’m not ready, Yuri.”

Yuri took Sica’s hand. “We’re both new to this and we both don’t know what to expect. But at least we have each other Sica. You’re not alone…you have me…We’ll go through this together…”

Jessica looked at the tanned girl sitting next to her on the passenger seat. Truth be told, Sica was very scared. Not just with the pregnancy that was thrown at her and the responsibility that comes with it, but also with all these new emotions she was experiencing when the tanned girl was involved. The tanned girl lets her feel the things she’s not accustomed to. She survived on her own all these years because she had learned to be tough, calm and in control but with Yuri, she was the exact opposite of this principle she had been living by. She feels scared, unsure and frankly helpless.

“Thank you.” Jessica said sincerely as she gave Yuri’s hand a squeeze.

The two got out of the parking lot as they continued towards the building.

“It says here room 418…here’s 415…416…417…here we are”

“Hi ladies, what’s the name?”

“Yuri Kwon”

“And are you going to be her birth coach all throughout her pregnancy?”


“Name please?”

“Jessica Jung”

“So here are your nametags and the class will start in fifteen minutes, there are refreshments and snacks inside, so help yourselves with them”

“Are you hungry?” Jessica asked Yuri as soon as they entered the room and led her to the refreshment table.

“A little bit.”

Jessica grabbed some crackers and juice for the both of them before steering Yuri towards one of the seats.

“Hi, I’m Hyoyeon” A girl who was sitting close by introduced herself.

“Hi, I’m Jessica and this is Yuri. Are you Korean?”

“Yeah.” Hyoyeon switch into Korean “First pregnancy like mine?”

“Yes” Yuri timidly answered.

“How far along are you?”

“Four months”

“Same here…you know I heard the girl who teach this class is really good. My cousin took this class and she loved it. She said it 

really helped a lot.”

“That’s good to know. We were kind of worried.” Jessica interjected as she handed Yuri some more crackers to eat.

“Are you her birth coach?” Hyoyeon asked Jessica who was sitting next to her.

“Yeah… What about you? Is your husband your birth coach?” Jessica asked as she drank some of her juice.

“No, he’s currently in the army, so unfortunately he can’t be here. But my best friend kindly offered to be my birth coach.”

“Oh.” Jessica awkwardly answered.

“No worries…He’s getting out a month after I give birth so it’s okay and he’s fixing our papers for us to be all together. He’s in the air force in the medical unit, you see. And were hoping he gets assigned in England. If that happens, were all moving there.”

“That’s good then.”

“Yeah…plus it’s common that people bring their friend instead of their spouses. This whole pregnancy thing is still considered a 'woman thing', you know? And so usually men are still stigmatized, hence it’s still rare. In most cases husbands only attend the Lamaze classes.” Hyoyeon explained as a girl came and handed her a bottle of water and some crackers. 

“By the way this is Sooyoung my best friend.”

They exchange greetings but before they could converse more a loud voice interrupted them.

“Good morning everyone!”

Jessica switched her attention to the front of the room.

“I’m Narsha and I’ll be teaching everything you need to know about pregnancy.”


“How did you like the class?”

“It was very informative. Narsha was really funny! She made things easily understandable and fun!”

“Definitely. She was really helpful and I’m glad we met Hyoyeon and Sooyoung! They made the class a lot more fun!”

“Yes, they did!”

“Well, we can grab a lunch to go and then head to the hospital to visit your mother, if you’d like?”

“That’d be nice.” Yuri gave Jessica a smile as she entered the car with Jessica opening the door for her.


Yuri and Jessica walk in a comfortable silent as they headed towards Mrs. Kwon’s room. 

“Hi Yuri! Visiting your mother?” A nurse greeted Yuri.


“And Ms. Jung, how are you today?” 

“I’m good. Is Dr. Song here?” Jessica politely answered.

“Yes. She’s actually in Mrs. Kwon’s room.”

“Thanks. We’ll head there now.” Jessica thanked the nurse before continuing towards Mrs. Kwon’s room.

“Hi” Jessica greeted as she opened the door.

“Hi, Ms. Jung and Yuri.”

“How’s Mrs. Kwon?” Jessica asked as she entered the room and placed the food down on the table by Mrs. Kwon’s bed. “Hi, Mrs. Kwon”

“Jessica, I told you to call me mom didn’t I?”

“How are you, mom?” Jessica greeted the older woman again.

“I’m doing great. I hope my daughter is not giving you much trouble.”

“Mom!” Yuri whined to her mother.

“I was just kidding. How are you?”

“I’m doing well, mom!” Yuri answered as she gave her mom a kissed on her forehead. “We brought some Korean food. I know you missed eating them.”

“Not as much as I missed you.” Mrs. Kwon affectionately answered.

Jessica watched the interaction between the mother and daughter while she conversed with Dr. Song about Mrs. Kwon’s condition. She couldn't help but slightly grin at the closeness of the two.

“Mrs. Kwon’s doing excellent. She’s responding to treatment well and if she continues to gain her health back, she could undergo her surgery as soon as we find a matching bone marrow donor or through the baby’s cord blood.”

“That’s great news. Just do what you need to do. I just want Mrs. Kwon to get better.”

“She’s a strong woman.”

“I know…and so is her daughter…” Jessica agreed and added the last bit softly.


Jessica tiptoed towards Yuri’s room. She took the book from the tanned girl and tucked her in bed, before turning off the lamp.

“Sica?” Jessica heard Yuri asked groggily.

“Hey… Did I wake you up?” Jessica sat on the bed next to Yuri.

“It’s already two in the morning…did you just got home?” Yuri sat up as she rubbed her eyes to get the sleepiness out of them.

“Yes. I didn’t notice the time while I was working…”

“Did you at least eat dinner?”


“Come on help me up. I’ll prepare something for you to eat.”

“Yuri…you don’t have to, I can just grab—“

“Sica…I’m not asking you, I’m demanding. Help me up…you know Peanut and Butter are getting bigger it's really hard to get up nowadays.”

Jessica reluctantly helped Yuri up as the two headed towards the kitchen.

“Pancakes good for you?” Yuri asked as she goes through the ingredients they have in the kitchen.

“Chocolate chip pancakes?” Jessica asked with hopeful eyes.

“I can do that and I think Peanut and Butter agrees on that as well. So…why don’t you nap in the living room while I make the pancakes? I’ll bring the food there once it’s ready. Knowing you, you will leave for work early again. And oh, again this is a demand.” Yuri told Jessica sternly as she expertly put the ingredients together to make the batter.

“Yes maaam!” Jessica playfully replied before yawning and heading to the living room couch to take a nap. 


“Sica…” Yuri shook the blonde girl lightly.

“Hmmm…” Jessica stirred but continued to sleep.

“The pancakes are ready…come on let’s eat…”

“Five more minutes…” 

“It’ll be cold…”

“Three more?”

“Come on Sica…wake up…” 

Jessica let out a big yawn as she opened her eyes and finally got up. 

“Finally… we can eat…” Yuri excitedly said as she dragged Jessica towards the dining table.

The delectable aroma of Yuri’s chocolate chip pancakes quickly engulfed Jessica’s senses reminding her of just how much she was starving. Her tummy was also reminded as it growled loudly.

Yuri giggled as Jessica turned red from embarrassment. 

“Sica…you should eat if you are hungry…I don’t know how you can forget to eat…” Yuri chastised through her giggles. “Come on let’s eat” 

Yuri placed a pancake on Jessica’s plate as she put one on hers too. 

“Hope you’ll like it! I’ve been learning how to make American foods lately…” Yuri shared as she started cutting her pancakes into tiny rectangles.

Jessica just gave Yuri a smile.


“Hmmm…” Yuri absently answered as she savors the pancake.

“Thank you.”

“For the pancakes? No problem”

“No. For everything.”

“Just eat your food Sica…you being all sappy is just weird.” Yuri lightened up the mood but both knew that they understood what each other truly meant.

Jessica smiled once again before taking a big bite of the pancake.

“This is good!” 

“You really like it?” Yuri asked happily.

“I love it!” Jessica answered between her bites. 

Yuri smiled at Jessica’s childishness as she wiped Jessica’s cheek. “You’re such a kid” 

Jessica froze at Yuri’s action but quickly hid it by sticking her tongue out at Yuri and digging into her food again to hide her blushing face while Yuri just laugh merrily at Jessica’s antics. They are both an epitome of delight and pleasantness. These qualities are also twins in several applications, especially when both of them should weather an impending storm. 


Chapter 5

“Mr. Smith’s appointment got rescheduled for today since he has an emergency and has to fly to China tonight.”

“What time?”

“At one and then you have an appointment with Mr. Chung at three and then dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Takashi”

“Okay.” Jessica didn’t even bother to lift her head from her paperwork.

“What do you mean okay? Sica, Yuri’s appointment is at two.”

“Is that today? I thought it’s not until next week?” Jessica rubbed her temples. She could feel an incoming headache.

“Can Taeyeon meet up with Mr. Smith then?”

“I don’t think so. She has meetings the whole day too.”

“What am I going to do? Yuri can’t go alone.” Jessica threw her head back against her leather chair as she took a deep breath.

“If you want, I can go with Yuri.” Tiffany offered seeing how stressed out her best friend was.

“Will you, really?” Jessica said with a pleasing tone.

“Of course!”

“Thank you so much Fany! I owe you one. Let me give Yuri a call to let her know.”


Yuri scanned the familiar room, but today’s nervousness engulfed her as she was lying down on the examination table. It was her first time getting her checkup without Jessica and somehow the absence of the blonde girl just made her more anxious.

“You’re about 22 weeks into your pregnancy and everything seems to be going good. Their heartbeats are really strong. Now, are you excited to see your babies?”

“Yes.” Yuri answered as she concentrated on the small monitor.

“Tiffany right? You can come here and see it too” exclaimed by Dr. Lee

“Really?!” Tiffany said with excitement.

“Of course!” Dr. Lee gave the excited girl a welcoming smile. “You know the drill Yuri. It’ll be a little cold.”

“I know…but it actually feels nice anyways.” Yuri shyly confessed. “It’s a little soothing”.

Dr. Lee chuckled at Yuri’s statement. “Okay, are you two ready?”


“Now, your babies are almost fully developed. They have toes and fingers now and the genital organs are also developed already. Would you like to know the sexes of the babies?”

“Do you think Jessica would mind? Or should I wait till she’s here?” Yuri turned to Tiffany asking the latter.

“You don’t have to know the gender now. If you want, we can find out on your next appointment with Jessica.” Dr. Lee suggested.

“That’d be great.” Yuri replied as she returned her focus on the black and white image on the tiny screen.

“See, that’s baby number one and that’s baby number two.” Dr. Lee pointed at the ultrasound image of the babies.

“They’re so tiny, look at those fingers and toes!” Tiffany was really excited to see the picture. She was fascinated to see that there were really two babies in Yuri’s tummy.

“Yes. They’re pretty much almost fully developed.” Dr. Lee smiled at Tiffany’s excitement.

“Those really are Peanut and Butter?” Yuri whispered softly to herself, realizing fully that she was carrying two beautiful and precious lives in her.

“Let me take an image of the babies for you to keep.” Dr. Lee said as she took some images of the babies, before standing up to excuse herself. “I’ll be right back with these images. I’ll make two copies since I know Jessica would probably want her own set.”

“Thank you Dr. Lee.”

“No problem. The pleasure’s all mine!”


“So where do you want to go now?” Tiffany asked as she was backing out of the parking lot.

“Do you think Sica is busy at the moment?”

“Well, we can find out.” Tiffany said as she dialed Jessica’s number and put the phone on speaker.


“Hey Sica, still at the meeting?”

“Nope. We finished ten minutes ago and my next appointment is not until 6:30”

“I might have a surprise for you. So just stay in your office okay?”

“I have tons of paperwork to do, where would I go?” Jessica sarcastically answered.

“Okay, see you then!”

“Wait! Fany how’s Yu—“

Tiffany hung up before Jessica could finish her inquiry.

“She’s at the office” Tiffany turned to Yuri her eyes curving down into an eye-smile.

“Let’s bring her lunch then. I bet she hasn’t eaten…”

Tiffany noticed how Yuri frowned at her own statement. She smiled. The tanned girl cared and worried for her best friend.


Tiffany walked the familiar corridor while Yuri looked on with amazement at just how big of a corporation Jessica was running. Just seeing the tall building and the lavish interior of the corridors, Yuri now fully understood why the blonde girl had so much work to do. The business she was running must have been huge, but still, in Yuri’s mind it was not enough to be a reason for Jessica to be such a workaholic and neglect herself in the process. She frowned at the thought that the blonde probably didn’t eat a proper meal yet. So she endured her nausea riding the elevator up all the way to the twenty-second floor where Jessica’s office was located as she held the paper bag of food they bought for Jessica.

“Fany! I missed you.”

“Tae! Missed you too.” Tiffany ran towards the shorter girl and enveloped her with a hug.

“Hi Yuri.”

“Hi Taeyeon” Yuri answered as she waved at the shorter girl.

“Wow! That big already?” Taeyeon exclaimed as she touched Yuri’s tummy.

“Yeah…” Yuri answered giggling at the shorter girl’s antics; she was used to other people automatically touching her now protruding tummy because apparently it seems that a pregnant woman’s belly was public property.

“We brought some food. Are you hungry?” Tiffany asked as she dragged Taeyeon towards Jessica’s office.

“I just got out of my meeting. I can use some food to refuel before my next meeting in forty-five minutes.” Taeyeon answered as she took the bag of food from Tiffany.

“Well, Yuri and I brought plenty” Tiffany linked arms with her girlfriend.

“Surprise!” Tiffany yelled as she barged into Jessica’s office.

“Ever heard of knocking?” Annoyance laced Jessica’s voice as she answered without even flinching or looking away from her laptop.

“We brought some food”

Jessica looked up upon hearing Yuri’s voice. She quickly stood up and walked hurriedly towards the tanned girl.

“Yuri, I’m so sorry about today.” Jessica profusely apologized as she sat Yuri down on the couch at the corner of her office before sitting down next to her.

“It’s okay. I know you’re busy. Plus, Tiffany was there with me.” Yuri smiled at Jessica as she took out the food from the paper bag.

“Oh Gosh Jessi! I saw the babies they’re so cute!” Tiffany started rambling about the babies as she was feeding Taeyeon and sometimes occasionally pouting and whining that she wanted a baby, which caused Taeyeon to choke on her burger.

“You should eat slower Tae…” Tiffany chided as she pat Taeyeon’s back while handing her a bottle of water.

Yuri just giggled at the scene as she continued to munch on her fries, oblivious to the frowning Jessica.

Jessica didn’t know why she felt down all of a sudden. At the moment, she felt envious towards Tiffany who was able to see Peanut and Butter first and experience it with Yuri. Call it childishness but she felt like she should have been the one there. The one to experience the whole process with Yuri, after all, isn’t she the one who promised to go through and experience this pregnancy thing with Yuri?

“Sica…here, Dr. Lee took some images.” Yuri broke Jessica’s reverie as she handed Jessica the black and white images.

“This is Peanut,” Yuri pointed at the image on the right. “And this one is Butter.”

“Wow…this is really them?” Jessica softly uttered as her hand automatically touch Yuri’s tummy.

“Yup. That’s Peanut and Butter and you can have that copy. Dr. Lee purposely made two copies.” Yuri smiled at Jessica who was still gazing at the photos while her other hand was still caressing Yuri’s tummy.


Taeyeon deliberately cleared her throat to catch her friend’s attention. “Well I have a meeting so I’m going to go now.”

“I’ll walk Taeyeon out.” The couple strategically left the embarrassed Jessica and Yuri alone.

“Bye.” Yuri quietly said as she cupped her warm cheeks feeling flushed all of a sudden.

“So how was the appointment?” Jessica quickly changed the topic while fanning her now red face.

“It went well. Dr. Lee said that Peanut and Butter are very healthy. She asked me if I wanted to know the gender but I told her I’ll wait until you’re with me.”

“They can tell the gender already?” Jessica furrowed her brows as she bit into her burger.

“Yeah…isn’t that amazing? Then we can decorate the nursery already and choose names.”

“But I like calling them Peanut and Butter”

Yuri giggled at Jessica’s antic. “Yes, but I think they might come to hate us for naming them that.”

“Point taken.” Jessica said amidst her bite.

Yuri smiled at the sight of Jessica. She looked so much like a kid at the moment that she looked so out-of-place in her suit and in her office.

“Silly Sica…” Yuri muttered with a playful smile on her face while wiping some crumbs off the blonde’s face.

The blonde girl beamed more as she finished eating her food while chatting merrily with Yuri.


“Yuri, are you ready?” Jessica knocked on Yuri’s door.

“Yes.” Yuri came out of her room holding onto her purse.

“Are you excited?”

“I think I’m more nervous.” Yuri confessed.

“It is kind of nerve-wracking to know…I mean now we can actually think of them as their own persons instead of Peanut and Butter”

“Yes…but you know I’d still call them that anyways.” Yuri said through her smile.

“I know…and so would I” Jessica returned Yuri’s smile. “If you’re ready, let’s head to the clinic for your appointment.”


“Are you guys ready to know their genders?”

“Yup!” Jessica excitedly answered as she gave Yuri’s hand a squeeze, a gesture that didn’t get unnoticed by the doctor. Being a close cousin of Sunny, she knew of Yuri and Jessica’s relationship, but seeing how the two acted together she suspected that there was more to it now than it was when it started. She just hoped that it would end with a happy ending.

“Let’s see…to differentiate we usually would see an indication of a male organ, to know if it’s a boy. But this one…seems to be a girl. You see here…” Dr. Lee pointed to something on the screen “…I don’t see any sign at all that it’s a male”

“It’s a girl Yuri…I’m having a niece.” Jessica smiled at Yuri all the while their hands still intertwined.

“The second baby seems to be a girl as well…I don’t see any indication either that it’s a boy. It seems that your babies will both be girls.”

“They’re both girls! I’ll have two nieces!”

Yuri just watched as the shorter girl glowed with happiness from hearing the news that she will have two nieces. Yuri had been pondering hard about what the future will be like for her. She’s sure that she would miss Peanut and Butter. She would probably missed Tiffany and Taeyeon as well. But as she thought about it more, it was Jessica that she would miss the most. Their late night talks while eating cookies and drinking milk and their Post-it messages. She would just miss everything that involves the shorter girl. She doesn’t know but these past few months have been strange for her. Her heart has been racing too fast when she was around Jessica. She found herself thinking of the blonde girl more and more. She really just did not know what to make of all these things that had been happening to her.

“Yuri…I’ll have two nieces” Jessica stated happily again as they walked out of the hospital, thoroughly pulling Yuri away from her melancholy thoughts.

“Yes. Sica you’ll have two nieces.” Yuri couldn’t help but laugh at Jessica’s cuteness. The girl’s happiness was just contagious. She couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

“We can start buying things for them now!”

“And start the nursery?”

“Yes! The nursery!”

“Since Peanut and Butter are both girls would you paint the room pink then?”

“No…I’m not Fany…I don’t like pink that much. I’m thinking something more neutral and calming like sky blue and nature green type of color!”

“Sky blue sounds amazing and green too, it’d match those deer and frog shoes I got them”

“So I guess it is set. Blue and Green it is…Since it’s still early how about we stop by a baby store?”

“You really mean it?” Yuri asked excitedly as Jessica opened the car door for her.

“Yes. We need to start buying things for them.” Jessica answered as she got in the car as well and fastened her seatbelt.

“Let’s go!”


“So I can choose as much clothes as I want?” Yuri asked in excitement as they walked towards the baby store.

“Yes…but not too much…babies grow quite fast, so we shouldn’t buy too much.”

“Okay…I won’t!”

Jessica let herself be dragged by Yuri as they entered the baby store.

“We need to buy car seats” Jessica absent-mindedly said as she was busy watching Yuri delight herself with everything she was seeing.

“Okay. We can choose their car seats first before we buy clothes then…So what kind do we choose?” Yuri asked Jessica as they walked towards the car seats and strollers section.

“Well…I think we need one that you can attach to strollers?” Jessica said unsurely.

“Hi, how are you ladies doing today?”

“Good. We’re just deciding what a good car seat is for twins and it has to be travel friendly.” Jessica faced the sales man.

“Well I would recommend our travel sets but they aren’t really designed for twins. But what you could do is buy a duo stroller and then buy car seats. Most of our car seats attach perfectly well on our duo strollers.” The sales man led Yuri and Jessica towards the strollers. “Like this stroller over here…For duo there are two choices you can have one of the baby placed behind the other or the two facing or they can be side by side.”

“I like the side by side one better.” Yuri gave her input.

“She likes side by side.” Jessica smiled at the sales man as she unconsciously took Yuri’s hand and held it.

“Well I would recommend this one then. It’s our best seller! And it comes with a canopy to shield the babies in all weather. Rain, snow or shine.”

“We’ll take one. Is that the only color?” Jessica inquired.

“We have it in black and red”

“Sica, let’s get black. I don’t really like red.”

Jessica smiled at Yuri before turning her attention to the sales man.

“We’ll take the black one. And what car seats would you recommend that would fit really well with this stroller?”

“Well almost anything really. And all our car seats are pretty much the same just different brands, colors, patterns and what not.”

“Well they’re twin girls” Yuri intercepted as she looked around.

“We have pink ones.”

“No…no pink.” Jessica quickly answered. “We we’re thinking maybe light blue and green”

“We have a lot of those colors”

“Sica I want this one!”

Jessica walked over to Yuri who has wandered away towards the row of car seats. She was looking at a blue car seat with polka-dotted design.

“We have that one in green as well.”

“Sica it has polka dots! I love polka dots and I carried it. It’s pretty light and it looks really sturdy. The cushions are soft too.” Yuri said as she gave Jessica a wide smile.

“I guess we’ll take this one and the green one of this as well” Jessica told the sales man.

“Good choices. They are one of our best sellers as well. It’s known for its good features especially its high remarks against car crashes”

“That’s good to hear. My nieces’ safety is the most important.”

“Then this is the perfect car seat for them”

“We’re still going to look around…do we just—”

“That’s not a problem at all. If you just give me your name. You can just pick these up when you’re ready to pay later”

“Okay. My name is Jessica Jung. Thank you for all your help Jay.”

“The pleasure is all mine and good luck with the twins”

“Thank you!” Yuri told Jay before she dragged Jessica over the clothing section.

“I saw a Disney section Sica!”

“You’re buying them Mickey stuff?”

“Mickey is cute” Yuri pouted.

“Yes I know. But they need other clothes too.” Jessica chastised Yuri.

“I know. But let’s get them some Mickey stuff please…”

“Fine…” Jessica gave in to Yuri like she always does.

“I saw Mickey and Minnie Layettes earlier”

Jessica smiled at Yuri’s excitement. She let herself be dragged around the store just agreeing with all of Yuri’s choices. She must admit that she does like most of the tanned girl’s choices especially the panda bear hooded cardigan that she chose. The hood literally has panda ears, it was really adorable and she can just imagine her nieces wearing those with the Mary Jane crochet booties that matched it.

She smiled at the thought of the twins in her life and of course, Yuri would be there too.

She smiled. They smiled. Life seems to smile at them all day. And Jessica could only hope that it would continue to smile at them.


Chapter 6

“Surprise!” boomed by everyone at the door steps.

“What are you guys doing here?” Jessica said obviously caught unguarded.

“Jessi, it's called a baby shower you know…Yuri’s baby shower!”

“Baby shower?” Yuri’s brows furrowed as she asked unsure what a baby shower was.

“Yeah…it’s a party for you and your babies. It’ll be awesome Taeyeon made cookies shaped as baby bottles and pacifiers!”

“Hey Yuri.”

“Hyo and Sooyoung! You guys came too!” Jessica greeted the two.

“Of course!” said the two simultaneously.

“So, you’re Yuri. Nice to finally meet you!”

“Sunny bun!” Jessica run towards the shorter girl and gave her a hug.

“Yuri, meet Sunny. She’s Dr. Lee’s cousin.”

“Hi, Sunny” Yuri extended her arm but the shorter girl didn’t take it and instead envelop her in her arms for a hug which Yuri returned awkwardly, especially with her big bump getting in the way.

“How did you guys get into my house, anyways?” Jessica asked as she helped Yuri into a seat.

“I have a spare key. Remember you gave me one?” Tiffany innocently answered showing her eye smile.

“Well let’s all eat first then the fun will begin later!” Taeyeon announced as she ushered everyone towards the dining area.

“Why don’t you sit down there and I’ll get you some food.”

“It’s ok—“

“Yuri, it’s not a request it’s an order.” Jessica mimics what Yuri would always tell her which made the latter giggle.

“Fine…you win. But can I get two cookies today?”

“Okay…but only because it’s your baby shower…”

From outside the backyard where Taeyeon was barbequing, Tiffany, Sunny and her exchanged looks as they watched the interaction between Jessica and Yuri with mouth agape. Never in their life have they seen Jessica offered to get anyone food, heck Jessica would even bossed one of them to get her food, but at this moment in front of their very own eyes they saw as Jessica grabbed two plates and fill it up with food.



“I’ve been asking you to give me some ribs” Jessica glared at the shorter girl who was assigned to barbeque the ribs. The girl had been staring at her then back down to the plates of food she was carrying.

“Oh here…sorry.” Taeyeon smiled a little widely as she put the ribs on Jessica’s plates.

“You’re being really weird…” Jessica deadpanned before walking away from Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny who were pretending to have a conversation about Sunny’s latest escapade.

The three continued to watch as Jessica sat on the table were Yuri was, along with Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. Their eyes widened as they saw Jessica cut the food in little pieces for Yuri.

“Wow…I mean Yuri’s pregnant not disabled…” Taeyeon started.

“Is that really Jessi? I mean I was only gone for a year and here she is living with a very pregnant girl and she’s acting like she’s the husband being all caring and lovey dovey to the girl. Are they together?” Sunny asked the duo what has been on her mind since she received that phone call from Tiffany asking about her obstetrician cousin.

“Sunny bun, she’s the future aunt of those kids she needs to take care.” Tiffany tried to defend Jessica, though she could not deny the possibility that all these changes could be something more.

“Yeah…but hold hands while they are walking? Getting food? Heck cutting food for the girl?” Sunny enumerate what she had just saw. “Makes me wonder what else she does when it’s just them two!”

“Sunny! Yuri is pregnant…I don’t think—“

“As always your mind is still in the gutter.” Sunny clucked her tongue disapprovingly.

Taeyeon flushed, thoroughly embarrassed.

“I think Jessi likes Yuri and I think Yuri likes Jessi too.” Sunny said out loud what Taeyeon and Tiffany have been thinking of these past months. “This will be fun... witnessing the aloof, reserved and workaholic Jessica Jung smitten” Sunny said happily before skipping over to where Yuri and Jessica were.


“Jessica, are you excited for the Lamaze class?” Sooyoung asked as she munched on a cookie.

“I don’t know…I supposed” Jessica answered as she looked towards the direction of the bathroom where Yuri was, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed to Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny.

“Well, I think it’ll be exciting!” Hyoyeon chirped in.

“What’s Lamaze class?” Taeyeon chimed in the conversation.

“It’s a birth—“


“Yuri!” Jessica quickly stood up, then jumped over the coffee table and then ran towards the bathroom.

“Did Jessi just jumped?” Taeyeon asked dumbfounded which earned her a smack on the head.

“Tae! Jessi might need help!” Tiffany pulled her girlfriend up as they followed Jessica.

“Yuri! Open the door it’s Jessica! Are you okay?” Jessica asked as she tried to pry the door open.

She heard the door clicked and she quickly slipped inside the bathroom.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” Jessica asked Yuri who was sitting down on the floor.

“I’m okay…sorry to scare you” Yuri blushed.

“Why are you blushing?”

“I…Peanut or Butter just kicked and I just got startled…” Yuri explained.

“Really? They kicked? But why are you sitting on the floor?”

“Eerr well, they’re alternating in kicking…” Yuri grabbed Jessica’s hand and put it on her tummy.

“Can you feel it?

Jessica just nodded her head still fascinated at the feel of the baby moving.

“Their heart beats are a lot louder now too. You can actually hear it without having to use a stethoscope.” Yuri explained to Jessica whose hands are still on her tummy. She cupped Jessica’s faced and urged Jessica to put her ears against her tummy.

Lub dub lub

“Can you hear it?” Yuri didn’t realize that she was stroking Jessica’s hair as the shorter girl just stayed there her ears pressed against Yuri’s tummy.

“Yes” Jessica whispered afraid to break the comfortable and sweet atmosphere they have created.

Yuri heard Jessica giggled and she looked at the blonde girl whose smiling happily as her ears are still pressed against Yuri’s tummy.

“That tickles. Peanut and Butter just kicked”

Yuri smiled at the adorable sight of Jessica.

“Jessi! Yuri! Are you guys alright?” Tiffany’s voice broke their moment as Jessica got up. She had completely forgotten that she had closed the door of the bathroom after she entered and locked it just in case Yuri wasn’t really dressed appropriately, she didn’t want anyone to see her like that.

“Yes!” Jessica helped Yuri up before she opened the door.

“Yuri you scared us!” Tiffany exclaimed as she gave the tanned girl a cute pout.

“I’m sorry. I was just startled the baby kicked for the first time today.” Yuri explained.

“Really, is it kicking now? Can I feel it?” Tiffany excitedly placed her hands on Yuri’s tummy trying to feel it, but she keep moving it all over that Yuri just ended up laughing from being tickled.

“Here” Yuri guided the girl’s hand to where she felt the baby kicked.

Sunny and Taeyeon watched as Jessica frowned before the frown turned into glare that’s directed to no other than Tiffany Hwang.

“Yuri, let’s go back to the living room.” Jessica held Yuri and led her to the living room.

“Jessi is so smitten…” Sunny murmured as a smile graced her face.


It was a nice fall weather, with the sun peaking slightly, magnifying the orangey and brown surroundings created by the leaves swaying gently as they fall on the ground. The two were inside the familiar building that they have frequented for their prenatal classes once a week.

Jessica was standing behind Yuri who was sitting down on the ground as she listened carefully at the instructions being given.

“Okay, birth coaches sit behind the mothers-to-be and have them lean on you…then helped them relax…”

Jessica sat carefully behind Yuri as she guided the taller girl to lean against her.

“…breathe in…” The Lamaze instructor Narsha, said amidst breathing in herself.

“Breathe out…” Jessica guided Yuri along with Narsha’s loud instructions.

“Just continue this process…Make them focus on their breathing…this will help them take their mind off the pain…” Narsha continues to go around the room as she instructed her class into the breathing relaxation process.

“Okay, now we’ll focus on relaxing your whole body but we’ll start with relaxing your toes…then gradually work your way up to every parts of your body…”

“Breathe in…” Jessica continued to coach.

“Breathe in! Hyo I said Breathe in…not breathe out yet!”

Jessica turned her head to Hyoyeon and Sooyoung who were arguing.

“I can’t hold it in that long…”

“But it wasn’t even three seconds…”

“You try being pregnant with the baby pushing on your organs”

Jessica and Yuri lightly chuckled at their friend antics.

“Ahem...” Narsha cleared her throat. “Thank you for the wonderful example of what supports should never do…”

Sooyoung flushed at the comment.

“We should always validate the mother-to-be’s feelings…they know their body better than we do…but this is why we’re taking this class so we don’t make mistakes like this during labor. Okay let’s all take a quick break then we’ll do videos and lectures. I know you mothers-to-be are dying to use the restroom”

Jessica helped Yuri up. “Do you need to use the restroom?”

“No, but I can use some snacks”

“I brought some tuna sandwiches!” Jessica beamed as she held Yuri’s hand and guided her towards the chairs that were lined on the wall.

“You made them?” Yuri asked.

“Yeah…It’s the only thing I can make decently.” Jessica embarrassedly confessed .

“I’ll be the judge of that…” Yuri smiled mischievously as she gladly took the sandwich Jessica gave her and bit into it.

Jessica watched Yuri intently trying to see if the tanned girl will give her any hint at all.

“How is it? Is it bad?”

Jessica saw Yuri’s face scrunched up…

“Oh my gosh it’s bad?! Here spit it out...why are you taking another bite if it’s bad?”

Yuri just gave Jessica a smile as she took another bite.

“Oh…you were joking…”

“You really got to have more faith in yourself. Here eat some” Yuri put the sandwich she was eating in Jessica’s mouth.

“Sandwich!” Sooyoung rushed as she took one of the sandwiches.

“Soo! You need to ask first…I’m sorry about her behavior she’s just a shikshin”. Hyoyeon apologized on behalf of her best friend.

“It’s okay there’s enough for everyone.” Jessica said as she continued to share the same sandwich as Yuri, who was endlessly feeding her.

“Well I brought some pumpkin pie for us to share us well.”

“Hyo’s pumpkin pies are the best!” Sooyoung gushed as she quickly grabbed a slice of the pie.

“Soo, you’re not even done eating your sandwich.”

“But I’m hungry”

Jessica and Yuri burst out laughing at their friends. The two were like a bickering cat and dog and they found their relationship quite amusing. They really made their prenatal classes a lot more fun.


And then the big day came? Perhaps.


“I can’t watch this.” Jessica mumbled as she looks elsewhere and continued to fidget in her seat.

“Just one more…push!”

“Sica are you okay?” Yuri asked as she turns her focused away from the video.

“It looks painful…” Jessica answered as she closed her eyes.


“No she’s screaming loudly…it is painful…I can’t watch this…Oh Gosh!” Jessica was panicking in her seat.

Yuri didn’t say anything else but just calmly took Jessica’s hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

Jessica opened her eyes and just stared at their intertwined hands, completely forgetting what she was just watching.

“One more…big push I can see the head now”




Waaahhh wahhhh wahhh

“Soo!” Hyoyeon hurriedly fans her best friend who just fainted.

“This is what the media portrays pregnancy is like…” Narsha continued to lecture ignoring the passed out tall girl. “But this is why you’re taking this class to aid you and let you know that pregnancy, especially the labor stage, is a wonderful thing and not this scary experience the media portrays it to be.”


“Soo, stop embarrassing me please…” Hyoyeon for once truly wished her husband was here instead of her best friend.

“I’m sorry...” Sooyoung who was embarrassed apologized softly to the class.

Just like that, Jessica and Yuri’s Lamaze class was a lot more exciting and enjoyable. The fear and nervousness that they felt in the beginning have dissipated slowly, the more they learned. Now, they were confident that they would be prepared for the birth of Peanut and Butter, welcoming them with wide open arms and heart.


Chapter 7

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful,

And since we've no place to go,

“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.” Jessica sang along happily with the radio.

“Does it snow here in Seattle? Because compared to Korea, the weather feels quite nice, just chilly enough to put you in the holiday spirit.” Yuri commented as she indulged in her hot cocoa with marshmallows while she watched Jessica opened one of the big boxes. The blonde girl had forbidden her to go anywhere near the boxes, since she’s nearing her eight month, she wasn’t allowed to do any strenuous work.

“It’s rather nice isn’t it? But its snows every now and then but usually it’s just chilly and cold like today” Jessica replied absent-mindedly as her brows furrowed staring at the instructions and parts of the supposed crib she was trying to build.

“Sica, I should help you.”

“No, just enjoy your hot cocoa. I can do this.” Jessica stubbornly refused as she picked up the parts that look similar to the picture that’s labeled one on the instruction sheet.

Yuri watched amusedly as the blonde’s face contorts in confusion, it was so different from the usual, serious and confident Jessica Jung that runs the Jung Corporation. She actually finds this Jessica rather cute and endearing. She had offered to help Jessica a few times already but all were hastily rejected by the stubborn blonde girl before she can even reason out with her.

Jessica picked up the parts and tried to attach the two pieces together by screwing it to each other. It seemed simple enough when she read the instructions, but holding the big wood pieces together and screwing it was nearly impossible for the blonde girl. She attempted to let one of the piece rest against her as she pieced the other one using her left hand while her right hand attempted to screw the pieces together but that effort ended in vain because the part that was leaning against her ended up falling and in her attempt to catch it, thanks to her reflex, she had let go of the other part that she was holding and the big piece of wood ungraciously landed on her bare foot.


“Sica!” Yuri hurriedly rushed to Jessica’s aid.

“I’m okay.” assures Jessica with a grin.

“No, you’re not. You obviously need my help.” Yuri answered chidingly as she examined Jessica’s foot, which was slightly red from the impact of the wood.

“But Yuri, you shouldn’t be doing strenuous work and lifting heavy things.” Jessica answered as she moved away from Yuri and picked up the wood once more.

“Well, you can do all the lifting. I don’t think screwing some screws in is considered strenuous work.” Yuri said as she picked up the screw driver that Jessica dropped and a screw. “I promise I’ll let you know and I’ll rest when I feel tired. Plus, remember…we’ll go through this whole pregnancy thing together, building the nursery included…” Yuri added to appease Jessica.

Jessica let out a defeated sigh. “All right. But you’ll promise to rest when you feel tired okay? And you will stop when I tell you to.”

“I promise”

A few hours later, they manage to build one crib, a diaper changing station with two storage shelves and a three chest drawer for the baby clothes.

“Come on Yuri, it’s time for bed. We’ll finish up tomorrow.”

“Okay” Yuri didn’t bother disagreeing as she herself felt tired.


Yuri awoke feeling well rested and in a jolly mood. Today was her birthday and she’s planning on visiting her mother to celebrate it with her for a little while. Her mother much to her chagrin had told her to not visit her everyday anymore especially now with her delivery date getting closer and closer. Then there’s also the nursery. She’s looking forward to finishing the nursery and maybe even urged Jessica to put up some Christmas decorations. After all, this was her first Christmas in the United States and she’s intending to make the most of it.

Humming to the tune of “Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer”, Yuri headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them. Passing through the nursery room Yuri can still hear the radio playing. Thinking that they must have left it playing last night she went inside to turn it off but was surprised at what she saw.

The nursery was nearly finished.

Not entirely finished, though. It still hasn’t been decorated yet but all the furniture was set up. Both cribs were built, the two changing station was also finished along with the drawers and the two gliders and ottomans. Yuri smiled a little remembering how much Jessica insisted on getting two so that they can each rock Peanut or Butter while sitting down, even joking that it was going to be how they would bond. It’ll be like those old couples on their rocking chairs in their porches except they’ll be younger and with wailing babies.

Finally, Yuri’s eyes rested on the blonde figure that was sleeping on the floor and was using the mattress for the crib as her pillow and the bedding as her makeshift blanket.

“Sica…” Yuri sat down carefully and with much difficulty next to the blonde. “Sica…wake up…”

“Hmmm…” The blonde stirred and snuggled Yuri by putting her head on Yuri’s lap, burying her face on Yuri’s billowing tummy.

“Come on…if you’re still tired sleep in your room…its more comfortable there”

Yuri’s request was answered with the blonde girl nestling closer and nuzzling her tummy. She gave up waking up the blonde and just stayed in her position. She watched the blonde girl sleep as she absent-mindedly combed her fingers through Jessica’s hair.

The past few months had been a rollercoaster of emotions for Yuri. She couldn’t understand the growing affection and desire she was having towards the girl sleeping on her lap. She knew it wasn’t just a “like” type of affection. She likes Tiffany and Taeyeon; she also even likes Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. She’s very much fond of them, but with Jessica it just feels different. Her instinct tells her it’s something deeper than that. The worry she had for the blonde when she stays in her office too late, her constant pondering if Jessica had eaten lunch or dinner, how her heart pace twice as fast when the blonde comes a little too close and the fact that the blonde girl occupied her mind all the time. She knew the symptoms well enough. It was just she wasn’t too sure of what to make of her new-found revelation.

She let out a sigh. She doesn’t even know if Jessica felt the same way as her. Of course Jessica cares. She knew that. She could see that. But it’s normal right? After all, she’s carrying Jessica’s nieces.

Yuri let out a sigh as she shifted a bit to sit in a more comfortable position. If she was going to let Jessica sleep on her lap, she might as well make herself comfortable; as comfortable as a very pregnant woman could be.

Jessica felt something tickled her nose and she couldn’t help but let out a giggle, the sensation fully waking her up. Still with her eyes closed she stretches her arms while letting out a yawn. She turned her body sideways to stretch it, but she ended up bumping into something soft but firm. Finally willing to open her eyes, she was welcomed by something red with two white dots. She moved her head back a little to see it clearer.

“Mickey’s shorts?” Jessica mumbled but didn’t do anything to get up from her comfortable position. She rather likes the warmth.


Jessica darted her gaze up upon hearing the voice. She found Yuri’s smiling face looming over her.

“Morning” Jessica shyly returned realizing that she was sleeping on Yuri’s lap, which explained Mickey’s red shorts. Yuri and her fondness for Mickey Mouse and Jessica really didn’t know if she should thank Disney or not for creating a maternity line.

“You stayed up to finish all these?” Yuri asked. She was stroking Jessica’s hair again.

Jessica gave an affirmative nod. “I didn’t quite finish though” Jessica answered sighing in contentment at the feel of Yuri’s fingers. She knows she should get up but it feels too good.



“Happy Birthday, I wanted to surprise you for your birthday but I fell asleep.”

The fingers on her hair stilled.

“How’d you know it’s my birthday?”

“From your checkups” Jessica simply answered still not bothering to get up as Yuri started stroking her hair yet again.

“Thank you. We still have the whole day before my birthday is over. We can still finish the nursery.”


The two remained like that for quite a while until they heard Yuri’s tummy growled much to Yuri’s embarrassment.

“Let’s go get Peanut and Butter something to eat.” Jessica knowing that Yuri was embarrassed about it used Peanut and Butter as an excused.

It was a blatant lie but Yuri was thankful for it as she beamed happily while being dragged by the blonde girl towards the kitchen.

“What do you want to eat for breakfast?”

“Yuri, it’s your birthday, so leave everything to me and just enjoy your day” Jessica answered with a wink as she led Yuri to sit down on one of the kitchen bar stool.

“You’re making breakfast?”

“Why do you sound so surprised?” Jessica pretended to be hurt.

“I’m no—”

“Just kidding” Jessica stuck her tongue out at Yuri playfully. “I had Taeyeon teach me how to make omelet”

Yuri watched from afar as Jessica cooked her omelet and was fascinated when the blonde served her what looks like an edible (not burnt) omelet.

“Eat up! I packed your omelet with vegetables that would give you all the nutrition you need.” Jessica proudly stated as she opened the refrigerator and took out a platter of fruits. “Do you want milk or juice?”

“Juice please” Yuri answered after her first bite. “Sica this is good!”

“Of course it is! Here eat some of these fruits afterwards it’s good for Peanut and Butter”

Jessica placed the plate of fruits and the jug of juice on the kitchen bar before pulling out a chair sitting next to Yuri with her with her bagel and cream cheese. She didn’t want to attempt another omelet for frankly one was already a lot of work on her part, so she would just stick to her bagel and cream cheese.

“Thank you Sica! Here try the omelet!” Yuri didn’t give Jessica much of a chance to protest as she put the fork with the omelet on Jessica’s mouth when she opened her mouth to speak.

“Thanks” Jessica said shyly as she felt her cheeks grew warm with Yuri’s action. She quickly stood up trying to quickly hide her flushed face. “And oh, I got you a birthday cake for dessert!”

“Is it a chocolate cake?” Yuri excitedly asked

“Chocolate Mousse cake” Jessica teased as she put candles and lit them.

“My favorite! Thank you, Sica!”

“Happy Birthday to you…Happy birthday to you…Happy Birthday dear Yuri…Happy birthday to you!” Jessica happily sang. “Make a wish and blow your candles”

Yuri closed her eyes and made her wish. A wish that she really hope would come true.


“Finally we finished it!” Jessica exclaimed happily as she and Yuri stood by the door to see the finished products of their hard work.

The two have opted to leave the walls painted white and hired someone to make a mural for it. It was a childish mural with frogs and deer; fitting for a nursery room. There were tree branches and birds with a deer eating the grass that surrounded the tree on one side of the room and a pond with lily pads and frogs on the other side. The cribs were place side by side on the right of the room in between the changing stations and the baby drawers. On the left side of the room was a day bed that Jessica insisted be put there for them to use to nap when the babies were asleep, a good and valid logic in Yuri’s opinion but only something that a sleepy head like Jessica would think of when planning a nursery. In the middle of the room were the two gliders and ottomans, side by side. The floor space in the middle of the room were left open and clear for when the babies start rolling over and crawling.

Yuri heaved a heavy sigh as she look around her “It’s really coming soon huh?”

“Yuri…” Jessica took Yuri’s hand.

“Don’t mind me. It’s just I guess hitting me now. That in a couple of weeks there will be babies in this very room.” Yuri smiled weakly.

“I know you’re scared. I am too. But Yuri I’m here with you. You’re not alone. We’ll go through this together.” By then Jessica had pulled Yuri in for a hug. She’d never hugged Yuri before but she felt like it was the most natural thing to do at the moment. Through the hug she hopes that Yuri would understand what she truly feels.

“I know…” Yuri hugged Jessica tighter and wished that her belly wasn’t as big as it was now, for she wanted to feel the blonde more but it was hard with her protruding belly and all.


Jessica parked her car in the garage and frowned as she saw that the other car wasn’t in the garage.

Jessica sighed. “Yuri must have went out”

A wave of disappointment washed over Jessica. After Yuri’s birthday, she wasn’t able to really be much of a companion to Yuri. Christmas season was always busy for the company with the other companies setting up meetings before the holiday comes. She was literally swamped with meetings and work that she hasn’t been spending much time with Yuri and she admits that she truly missed the tanned girl, probably more than what’s wiser.

Jessica took out her cellphone and was going to dial Yuri’s number when the doorbell rang.

Thinking that it could be Yuri, she hastily opened the front door. Jessica frowned. It wasn’t Yuri.

“Hi, is Yuri home?” A tall young handsome man asked.

“She’s not home at the moment.”

“Oh…well can you give this to her then?” The young man handed Jessica a neatly wrapped present.

“I will.” Jessica knew she should have asked if he wanted to go inside and wait for Yuri but at that moment she really just wanted the guy to be out of her sight.

“Thank you.”

“No, problem…”

“Minho…I’m Minho Choi.”

“Well, I’ll let her know you stop by, Minho.” Jessica answered sweetly at him. Too sweetly if one could observe it in a right angle and distance.

“I’ll get going now. Thank you again and oh! Merry Christmas!”

“Yeah. Merry Christmas to you too.”

Jessica sat down the gift on the top of a lamp table in the living room as she plopped herself down on the couch. Staring at the gift, she couldn’t help but wonder just who this Minho was in Yuri’s life. She couldn’t help but feel jealousy surge through her at the thought of Yuri with someone else.

Possessiveness? She never thought herself to be possessive. All throughout her life she was known as the ice princess even sometimes to the extreme of being called cold-hearted by others because of her devil-may-care attitude and her passivity towards others. But here she was damn sure that she didn’t like the thought of Yuri with someone else, especially someone who’s tall, dark, handsome but most of all a man.

Jealousy, perhaps?

“Yuri Kwon…why are you making me feel this way…You’re driving me insane” She muttered under her breath.

Am I falling in love with Yuri?

Jessica’s eyes widened at her realization.

“Sica, where are you?”

“Here!” Jessica got up from the couch still a little dazed from what she finally had admitted to herself.

“Tired?” Yuri asked as she put down the shopping bags she was carrying.

“A little bit” Jessica answered.

“You should rest.” Yuri suggested as she went to the living room to where Jessica was.

“I will soon. Just wanted to check on you first…I’ve been busy with work lately and—”

“You’ve been so busy…more reason for you to rest…” Yuri chided as she sat next to the pouting blonde girl.

“What’s that?” Yuri evaded witnessing the pouting Jessica.

“Oh a guy was here earlier to give that to you.”

“For me?”

“Yeah…Minho, I think that’s his name, brought it.”

“Minho was here?” Yuri asked happily. A little too much in Jessica’s opinion.


Jessica watched as Yuri took the present and started shaking it.

“Aww he’s so sweet getting me something for Christmas. Maybe I should get him something too” Yuri continued to ramble on, not realizing the frown that has formed on the blonde girl’s face.


“Hmmm…” Yuri put the gift back on the table. She turned her attention back to Jessica.

“I met him at the hospital. He’s interning there. He’s really nice, he keeps me company when I’m there and he’s not busy.”

“Ahh…I see…” Jessica lied back down on the couch with her legs dangling off the couch.

“Why won’t you go to bed, you’re obviously tired.” Yuri urged.

“I wanted to spend time with you. I… I missed you…” Jessica murmured softly, but Yuri still caught it.

Yuri smiled hearing Jessica’s words. She won’t deny it. She really did missed the blonde and felt quite lonely without her constantly fussing over her.

“Then at least lay down properly.” Yuri patted her lap.

Jessica smiled as she eagerly placed her head on Yuri’s lap. She sighed in contentment as she felt the tanned girl stroking her hair, lulling Jessica to sleep.

Yuri watched as the blonde girl fight off her sleepiness but failed miserably as she succumbed into closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

“I missed you too.” Yuri said softly thinking that the blonde girl has fallen asleep.

“Yuri...I don’t like that boy…he obviously likes you…”

Yuri was stunned. She thought Jessica was already sleeping. However, she couldn’t help but smile at what the blonde girl said. Maybe her birthday wish might come true after all.

“Pabo…but it doesn’t mean I like him too…”


Jessica didn’t know when it happened, but sometime in their sleep, they must have shifted position for her head wasn’t on Yuri’s lap anymore, but rather Yuri was now laying down on the couch her back against Jessica who was cuddling her. Jessica let out a smile liking the view that welcomed her. Looking around her it was already dark, craning her neck to check the clock hanging on the wall she narrowed her eyes as she tried to see the time with only the lights from the Christmas tree as her guide.


It was already Christmas. Liking the warmth she’s feeling, Jessica didn’t move to get out of her position. She didn’t realize that her hand that was hugging Yuri was now caressing Yuri’s belly, loving the warmth and the occasional movements of the twins against her palm.

“Hmmm…” Yuri stirred from her sleep.

“Merry Christmas…” Jessica greeted Yuri as the latter turned around to face her.

“Merry Christmas…” Yuri also greeted with a big smile before snuggling closer to Jessica. “I guess we slept that long huh?”

“Yeah…and I bet you’re starving let’s go and fixed something up to eat and then after eating we can go and open presents.”

“Can we stay here for a while?” Yuri asked shyly.

Jessica quickly hid her surprise and just gave Yuri a smile before pulling Yuri in towards her. “This feels quite nice, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah...” and I wish we can stay like this forever.

The cold outside couldn’t penetrate the warmth in which the two provided. Simplicity evoked from a place where love wasn’t said that much but rather clouded in deeds, tidings, cookies and omelets.


Chapter 8

“Yuri, you really should just rest. I had someone cater for tonight because I don’t want you getting tired but here you are still doing housework”

“But I feel restless not doing anything!” Yuri whined

“Yuri…” Jessica stopped wiping the fine china that she was putting out for tonight’s party and walked over to the sulking Yuri who obviously begrudgingly walked towards the sofa.



“You know I’m just worried. You’ve been having your contractions more often these past few days…” Jessica cooed Yuri as she sat next to her and caressed her tummy.

Yuri released a heavy sigh. “I know. I’m just not used to being idle… Sorry that I’m worrying you.” Yuri said the last bit while putting her hand on top of Jessica’s hands stopping the blonde girl from caressing her tummy and to shift her focus back on her.

“Yuri…I’m worried because I care for my nieces…but most especially for you…”

A big smile appeared on Yuri’s face. “I know…”

“But I guess helping me wiped won’t be a strain for you. You’re sitting down after all and it does get lonely wiping those Chinas by myself.” Jessica compromised as Yuri’s face lit up with a bright smile.


“How was Italy?” Jessica asked as she was filling the glasses with champagne.

“Oh Jessi…Italy was fantastic!” Tiffany gushed.

“I supposed all that hard work Taeyeon did, really paid off…especially seeing that rock on your finger…”

Tiffany just smiled at her best friend knowing that she probably helped a lot in the planning of Taeyeon’s proposal.

“I’m so happy for you! You and Taeyeon deserved each other” Jessica gave her best friend a hug.

“I know! And we’ll announce the good news tonight.” Tiffany carefully put the glasses on the tray. “Milk?”

“Err Yuri can’t exactly drink alcohol.” Jessica reasoned out.

“You could have at least given her an apple cider instead of milk”

“But she loves milk.” Jessica answered with a sheepish smile.

Tiffany just returned the smile knowingly. “Her due date is coming soon…are you guys ready?”

“Yeah…and I can’t help but feel nervous about it.” Jessica confided.

Tiffany took Jessica’s hand in hers.

“Jessi…You run a multimillion company…taking care of a baby should be a piece of cake to you. Plus Tae and I are here to help you…but how I see it. You and Yuri will be the best mothers these babies could ever ask for.”

“Hey” Taeyeon interrupted. “We only have five minutes before the countdown”

“We’re coming Tae…I bet you really just missed Fany!” Jessica teased her VP as she walked past her with the glass of milk, leaving the trays of champagne for Tiffany and Taeyeon to carry.

“Sica!” The tanned girl called out as soon as she saw Jessica emerged from the kitchen.

Jessica smiled at Yuri as she headed towards the sofa that Yuri was seating on.

“Took you guys long enough!” Sunny complained.

Jessica ignored Sunny’s whining. “Here…sorry no champagne for you…it’s not good for Peanut and Butter. Are you okay? Having any contractions?”

“I love milk…so it’s okay and you know contractions are quite normal for me lately” Yuri blatantly lied despite knowing that throughout the day her contractions had been more frequent and much more painful.

“Here…” Sunny thrust the champagne towards Jessica “Quit flirting will yah…” Sunny whispered teasingly.

“I am—”

“The countdown’s starting!” Yuri excitedly stated as she carefully stood up from the sofa, hoping to distract herself from her contractions.

Jessica out of reflex quickly helped Yuri up a gesture that everyone in the room took note of.

“10!…9!…8!…7!…6!…5!…4!…3!…2!…1! Happy New Year!” Everyone counted along with the television showing a live coverage of Seattle’s Space Needle.


“Yuri! Are you okay…” Jessica asked Yuri; panicked laced her voice.

“Sica…I think….AHHHH…”

“Oh my God! I think it’s time!” Tiffany yelled.

“Taeyeon start the car!” Jessica ordered Taeyeon as she helped Yuri up.

“What about her things…” Sunny asked as she helped Jessica with Yuri.

“Already in the car”


“We’ll get you to the hospital soon…”


" AAAAHH." Sweat beaded on Yuri's forehead and trickled down her face.

"Eight, nine, ten." Jessica lowered Yuri to the birthing-room bed. "Relax, Yuri. You're doing great." Jessica felt that she would be doing better herself if Yuri would release the death grip she had on her hand. She wiped the sweat off Yuri’s forehead with her free hand, and then stroked her arm. "Relax everything, Yuri. Relax your fingers.”

Yuri loosened her hold on Jessica’s hand and opened her eyes. “I’m trying…but…Sica…it hurts…”

Yuri's eyes widened, then her nostrils flared as she dragged in a deep breath.

Jessica recognized that expression and knew what it meant. She pulled on Yuri’s arms, bracing her in an upright position.

"All right, push, Yuri!" She started counting.

Yuri struggled in Jessica’s arms. "I can't, I can't!" Yuri cried. "I can't do it anymore! I changed my mind!”

Dr. Lee's chuckle was muffled by her mask. "It's a little late now to change your mind, Yuri. You can do this. Come on, push."

Jessica lowered her mouth to her ear. "You can do it. Come on…I’m just right here with you…you can do it!”

Yuri grasped for Jessica’s hand and squeezed as she bore down, laboring to bring these babies into the world.

Jessica winced at the pressure but kept her mouth shut knowing that it was nothing compared to what the tanned girl was going through.

"That's it, good! The baby's crowning, Yuri!" Dr. Lee announced.

A few more contractions and intensive efforts on Yuri's part, and the doctor announced that the baby's head was born.

"Almost, Yuri. Just a little more," Dr. Lee soothed. "I've got the shoulders. Now, just one more push."

"AAAAAHH." The sound twisted from Yuri and ended on a note of relief.

Jessica glanced down to watch as the newly addition in her family graced the world.

"It's a healthy baby girl!" Dr. Lee said. She showed the writhing, crying baby and gave it to Yuri to hold briefly before they took her from Yuri to get ready to give birth to the second baby.

“One down…one more to go…” Jessica said softly as she wiped some of Yuri’s beaded sweat.

“We’ll do an ultrasound and see how’s the position of the second baby is.” Dr. Lee explained.

“You’re doing good…” Jessica comforted Yuri.

“The baby is breech. It must have turned after the first baby was delivered. I can try to externally turn the baby so that its head-down. If that doesn’t work then I’d have to do it internally and if that fails too, we can do a breech extraction.”

“How long will that be?” Jessica asked.

“A few minutes”

“Will both of them be fine?”

“The second baby seemed a little bigger so it might be a little harder for Yuri if we do a breech birth.”

“Is there any other alternative?”

“We could perform a C-section.”

“No…no…C-section…” Yuri protested. “I can bear those few minutes of pain”


“I’ll be okay?” Yuri smiled through her pain. “Just no C-section”


“I let you have your way and had an epidural…just in case something like this will happen…just…no…no…C-section”

She looked the prettiest then for Jessica; Yuri with her hair mussed, beads of sweat forming on her forehead before trickling down on her face and with that smile, she looked really beautiful. Even more so that she was willing to endure the pain for her nieces.

“You better be okay…because Yuri…I realized that you’re essential to my life…and when this is all over I want you right here by my side taking care of these babies”

Hearing Jessica’s words, Yuri felt like she can take on anything. Jessica made her feel invincible.

“Ready Yuri?”


Luckily for Yuri and much to Jessica’s relief they were able to turn the baby into a head-down position, and everything else went smoothly after that.

”Just one more push”

“You’re doing great…Yuri…” Jessica whispered soothingly at Yuri.


Uwaaahhh wahhhh wahhh 

“Another healthy baby girl…congratulations” Dr. Lee put the second baby or Butter, as they fondly called her, into Yuri’s chest briefly before the nurse took the baby to clean and do all the necessary medical routine.

“You were great” Jessica told Yuri as she brushed a sweat soaked tendril away from Yuri’s face. “Thank you Yuri…for giving me this wonderful gift. You’re giving me a family, something that I thought I lost after my brother’s death…Thank you…” Jessica gathered Yuri in her arms before placing a kiss on her forehead.

“No, Thank you…for everything…but most of all…thank you for going through this with me” Yuri snuggled closer to Jessica closing her eyes as she rested as much as possible while Dr. Lee took care of the rest of the procedures.

A few minutes later the nurses came back with two babies swaddled in a pink blanket.

“Here you go mom, your babies are both really healthy. Baby A weighs 5 lbs 4 oz and is 18 3/4 inches and 5 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches for Baby B.” The nurse carefully placed one of the bundles on Yuri’s arm while the other nursed placed the other baby on Jessica’s arm.

“Any name for the babies yet?” Dr. Lee interrupted the peaceful bond between the babies and their mothers.

“This baby here… the one we so fondly call Peanut is Seohyun and Butter our little trouble maker who made the labor hard for her mommy Yuri is Yoona.” Jessica answered as she beamed down at the bundle of joy in her arm.

“Such pretty names for these pretty babies.” Dr. Lee complimented as Yuri and Jessica just smiled gazing down at the miracles in their arms.

A picture perfect-like moment was presented to the world; at least to the world of Yuri and Jessica. Indeed, heaven is a place on earth.


Chapter 9

“Mom, how are you today?” The nurse asked as she checked on Yuri and the babies.

“I’m good a bit more rested.” Yuri said as she points at Jessica who was sleeping on one of the cot the hospital provided for her, indicating that Jessica was on night duty while Yuri rest.

“Well, should we try breast-feeding today again?”

Yuri just nodded as the nurse took one of the babies to bring to her. The baby being born premature, though only by a week or two, have had a hard time latching on and suckling on her breast, a trait, normal of premature babies, but a disappointing fact nonetheless for Yuri who really wanted to give the babies with nutrients, especially when her mother have always taught her that a mother’s milk is best for babies.

“Here you go, let’s start with Seohyun since Yoona is still sleeping. Seohyun latch on last night but weren’t able to drink…maybe we’ll have better success today.” The nurse passed the baby to Yuri and helped her pulled down her hospital gown before positioning Seohyun.

Yuri waited patiently for Seohyun to latch, but also not letting herself hope too much. She read that sometimes it takes babies a while to learn how to breast feed and she doesn’t want to be disappointed.

“She latched on…” Yuri softly spoke afraid that she would startle Seohyun. “She’s sucking…she’s able to drink my milk.” Yuri spoke happily as she watches Seohyun breast feed; the sight a seeming miracle for her.

The nurse smiled warmly at Yuri. “We’ll see if we will be able to have success with Yoona as well. Your babies are doing very well. Soon you could bring them home.”

“I would very much like that.” Yuri said softly with a small smile playing on her lips as she continued to gaze at Seohyun.

“She fell asleep…” Yuri said softly as she felt Seohyun stop sucking.

“Let me get her then and we’ll try to feed Yoona…I think she’s awake.” The nurse took Seohyun from Yuri putting her back on the small crib they provided and coming back with a crying Yoona in tow.

“Shhh…” The nurse crooned the crying baby.

“She’s such a trouble maker compare to her sister.” Yuri fondly spoke of Yoona as she took her from the nurse and positioned her so that she can breast feed.

“The baby’s crying!”

Yuri turned her attention amusedly to the startled Jessica. She saw the blonde bolted awake from her sleep hearing Yoona cry. She smiled at the cute sight but also felt bad for Jessica. She knew that the latter rarely sleeps because of work and now with the irregular sleeping habits of the babies the blonde girl probably get lesser and was more tired than ever.

“Sica…it’s okay…I got her. Just go back to sleep.”

Jessica turned her attention to Yuri and wished she didn’t and just followed what the tanned girl has said. She should have just closed her eyes and went back to sleep because the sight in front of her made her speechless and flustered. She swore that her face was as red as a tomato.

“Yoona latched too!” Yuri excitedly said.

“That’s good. Your babies are learning quite fast.” The nurse said as she smiled at the excited Yuri.

“Look Sica! Yoona is breast feeding…at first it was Seohyun and now Yoona…”

“That…that’s gre… great…” Jessica was barely able to reply as she was just staring agape at the sight in front of her.

“Come on…let me show you how you can help Yuri…”

“Me? Help breast-fed?” Jessica looked at Yuri breast-feeding then down to her chest. “But…I don’t have milk…”

“Silly! I meant help her…with the twins; it’s a lot more work. But you know it is possible for you to nurse as well. Producing milk or lactating is really just our body’s response. Adoptive mothers nursing are becoming quite common nowadays.” The nurse explained as she carried Seohyun who have wakened and passed her to Yuri.

“Look…I would poke her cheek and then the other cheek…did you see how her mouth kinda followed my finger?”

Jessica nodded her head as she took in everything the nurse has said. Now that she has woken up and have digested the image she saw earlier, she felt an unexplainable greater attraction and affection towards Yuri. The sight of her nursing was just wonderful; a sight to behold and a miracle that she was thankful for.

“That means she’s hungry.”

“What am I going to do? Yuri's still feeding Yoona.”

“There’s always the pumped milk and I really suggest that Yuri continues to stack up on those especially with twins…they would be feeding a lot. Or Yuri can always breastfeed both at the same time… though it’s quite tiring carrying two babies. So alternating is always the way to go, especially when babies usually feed around 8 to 12 times a day.”

“Here take Seohyun and feed her using the bottle while Yuri still feeds Yoona then when Yuri switches breast, give her Seohyun and feed Yoona with the bottle then.” The nurse explained.


“Yes. So that both breast gets stimulated and the production of milk would be even. She should switch breast when she feels the baby goes back to rapid suckling, since that means the baby isn’t really getting any milk anymore.”

“O…okay…” Jessica answered as she feed Seohyun with the bottle of pumped milk all the while trying to take in all the information she just received. She realized just how hard this baby business was. She was just thankful that she has Yuri with her. That she made that deal with the tanned girl and after everything they have been through and what transpired during the delivery, she just couldn’t imagine raising the twins without Yuri.

“Sica, you should sit down…come…”

Jessica looked at Yuri and saw the tanned girl smiling at her. She smiled back but didn’t move from her spot.

What does Yuri mean come? Does she want me to go seat next to her?

“Sica, come and sit next to me.” Yuri’s voiced broke Jessica’s questioning thoughts as she found herself walking towards Yuri already even before she was able to fully comprehend what the tanned girl have wanted.

Jessica sat next to Yuri, who looks so beautiful nursing Yoona. Jessica smiled; this is the sight that she would forever want to see—Yuri with her and the twins.


“It’s so nice to finally be home!”

“It is…I did miss being home, especially when I was deprived with your home-cooked meals” Jessica added the last bit cutely. “You ought to rest”

“You know the hospital discharge me and the twins because I’m fine now” Yuri rebutted as she followed Jessica who was carrying the two car seats that have the peacefully sleeping twins upstairs towards the nursery.

“But you still need lots of rest.” Jessica argued back as she put down the car seats on the day beds.

Yuri ignored Jessica’s words and went over to pick up one of the babies. “Hey butter” Yuri cooed Yoona. “Your mommy Jessica is being such an ahjumma…huh? Not listening when I say I’ll be okay.”

“You know it’s because I care…” Jessica whispered onto Yuri’s ears before walking away with Seohyun towards one of the cribs.

Yuri blushed deeply as she stood rooted to the ground.

“Come on! I want to take a video of Peanut and Butter's homecoming.” Jessica urged Yuri as she brought out the video camera from her purse.

Yuri complied as she put Yoona down next to Seohyun.

“Today Seohyun and Yoona are finally home” Jessica narrated as she took videos of the two babies while Yuri watches from the day bed with a smile on her face.


“Diapers? Check! Milk? Check! Extra clothes? Check!”

“Sica are you ready? We’re going to be late for their first check up!” Yuri yelled from downstairs as she was placing the twins on their car seats.

“I’m coming!”

The drive to the hospital was uneventful. The twins were peacefully sleeping at the back much to Yuri and Jessica’s delight.

“What’s the name of their doctor again?”

“Dr. Dong Young Bae. Dr. Lee recommended him as their pediatrician.” Jessica answered as she shifted the diaper bag so that it wasn’t falling on her shoulder.

The two checked in for their appointment and signed all the necessary forms as they waited patiently to be called.

“Jung Yoona and Jung Seohyun”

“That’s us.” Jessica said as she picked up the diaper bag and the car seat that has Seohyun in. While Yuri picked up the other diaper bag and the car seat that has Yoona.

“Good morning”

“Good morning”

“This way please.” The nurse led them to the examination room.

“We’ll weigh the babies first. Let’s weigh Seohyun first.”

Jessica complied as she took Seohyun from the car seat and laid her down onto the scale. The same thing was done for Yoona.

“Both their weights are pretty good. Though Yoona weighs a lot less than Seohyun but it’s nothing to be alarmed about, soon she’ll caught up with her sister. She actually gained a lot more these past weeks.”

“Mom, are you breast-feeding?”


“Any trouble with that? How many times do they feed a day?”

“No. They feed really well. About ten times or more a day.”

“Okay. The doctor will be here shortly.”

“The twins are well-behaved today. Usually they would be crying their lungs out…” Jessica commented as she let Seohyun’s little hands wrapped on her index finger.

“Yes. Especially Yoona…”Yuri gave Jessica a smile before turning her attention to the infant in her arms. “Right Yoona? Yes…my little trouble maker is behaved today.”

Jessica smiled softly at Yuri’s antics and she watched as Yoona returned Yuri’s gesture by just snuggling closer as she continued to sleep like a little angel.

Knock knock knock

“Hi. I’m Dr. Dong”

“Jessica” she gave the doctor a smile as an acknowledgement.

“Yuri” she gave the doctor a warm smile.

“So how’s everything going with the new additions” Dr. Dong asked as he sat on his chair to look at the twins chart.

“We’re adjusting well. Little sleep with two babies needing feedings and changing all the time but surprisingly we’re getting along well.” Jessica answered.

“That’s good. Dr. Lee told me all about your case and I’m happy to help you and answer all your questions about the twins.”

“Thank you.”

“First, let’s check Seohyun” Dr. Dong stood up as he went to the examination table where Jessica placed Seohyun.

“This one here is not a crier huh?” Dr. Dong commented as he checked the soft spots of her head making sure they are diffusing right.

“Yes. She is a well-behaved angel.” Jessica answered proudly.

Dr. Dong continued to check on Seohyun’s muscle reflexes, ears, eyes and overall health. He did the same with Yoona quickly finding out that she’s the exact opposite of her sister.

“And is this little one the trouble-maker then?” Dr. Dong asked teasingly as Yoona started crying when he put the stethoscope against her chest to listen to her heartbeat and lungs. “It’s okay…I know it’s cold. But were almost done.” Dr. Dong cooed as Yoona squirmed and cried.

“The twins are doing great. They just need to get some Hepatitis B Vaccine. Then they’re good to go. Do you ladies have any questions?”

“No. Not at the moment.” Jessica answered as she help Yuri dressed Yoona.

“If you have any question just feels free to call and I’ll be glad to answer any of your questions. The nurse will be in shortly to give Seohyun and Yoona their vaccine.” Dr. Dong said as he shook Jessica and Yuri’s hands.

“Nice to meet you two. Have a good one ladies”

“Thank you.” The two nodded and thanked Dr. Dong as he exited the examination room.

“We spoke too soon…” Yuri commented as she picked up Yoona. “Yoona is after all our little trouble maker giving Dr. Dong a hard time.” Yuri fondly said as she cuddled the bundle of joy in her arms.

Three knocks was heard. It was the nurse carrying the vaccines.

“I’m here for their vaccines. Who’s first?”

“Can you just hold her leg so that she won’t move while I’m giving her the vaccine?”

“It’s okay…it won’t hurt much…”

Uwaaahhh uwaaahhh uwaaahhh

“Shhh… It’s okay…” Jessica cooed Seohyun.

“Jessica here…I can’t watch them get poked. I never liked needles.” Yuri passed Yoona to Jessica. “I’ll pacify Seohyun…”

“It’s okay…Yoona” The nurse cooed as she gave Yoona the injection.

uwaahhh uwaaahhh

“That’s it. It’s done.” The nurse said as she cleaned up and left the four in the room.

“Shhh… Butter, it’s okay…” Jessica soothed the crying infant.

Yuri who has successfully put Seohyun into the car seat secretly took out her video camera and filmed as Jessica fussed over the twins.

She filmed as Jessica cutely pouts while talking to the twins.

“My Peanut and Butter I know it doesn’t hurt me more than it hurts you, but try to understand I’m only doing this for your own good.”

She watched as Jessica kissed the part where the babies were given vaccine.

Yuri couldn’t help but burst out into laughter at Jessica’s cute antics.

“Sica…you’re too adorable…” She teased as Jessica felt her cheeks warmed at Yuri’s words.

“Yuri…w…we’re you just filming that?”

“Maybe.” Yuri teased as she picked up a diaper bag and the car seat containing Seohyun.

“Don’t fret too much. You were adorable! I couldn’t resist.” Yuri said as she excited the door while Jessica tries to catch up with her juggling Yoona and the diaper bag with a pout on her face.

Happy are those who seek the gentleness of a child. A child’s innocence is like a view in heaven. In which there’s an abundant presence of hope, simplicity and joy. Once a child is born, it’s an immaculate testament that God still wants the world to continue. 

Chapter 10

“Yuri, go on and sleep. I’ll take over now” Jessica entered the nursery carrying a box of diapers and a box of baby wipes.

“But don’t you have work tomorrow?” Yuri stood up from the day bed and took one of the boxes.

“Yuri I work from home…and technically I’m on an indefinite leave…I put Taeyeon in charge… You and the twins need me more here…”


“No, buts! Just go to bed and get some rest okay?” Jessica tucked a loose strand of hair behind Yuri’s ears. “I don’t want you to overdo it… You already have a cold…just rest and I’ll handle the twins.”

Yuri released a sigh. It’s true she’s been really tired. Yoona’s been fuzzy all day and pretty much took most of her time and energy. She could also feel her body succumbing with her fatigue and getting sick.

“Are you sure?” Yuri took Jessica’s hands and absent-mindedly played with them.

“Of course! Don’t worry and just rest in your room. You need to get as much rest as you can…I can manage them for tonight until tomorrow morning. We’ve been doing this baby thing for two months now…I’ll be fine.” Jessica tried to convince Yuri as she walked her towards her room.

“But you haven’t taken care of them by yourself…you always had me or one of our friends helping out…” Yuri voiced out her worry.

“I’ll be fine…What I need is for you to rest and not get sick…” Jessica opened Yuri’s door and led her inside.

“So, just be a good girl and rest. How can you take care of the twins if you, yourself is sick.” Jessica pulled the covers and waited for Yuri to lie down.

“Just wake me up if you need help…” Yuri said through her yawn. Lying down on her bed made her realize just how tired and sleepy she was.

“Night Yuri.” Jessica tucked Yuri in bed before giving her a light kiss on her forehead.

Instead of a reply, Jessica heard Yuri’s light snoring. She gazed at her for a while more before leaving quietly to go to the nursery, a small smile playing on her lips.

Jessica checked on the twins and smiled seeing the two peacefully sleeping. She grabbed her laptop and settled on the day bed as she looked over some files that needed her approvals, taking advantage of the little peaceful time she has before the twins’ wakes up for their feeding or diaper change.

Uwaaahhh wahhhh wahhh

Jessica was awakened by the sound of Seohyun’s crying. She got up and looked at the clock on the wall.


She had slept for two hours.

Jessica hurriedly got up and picked Seohyun up, afraid that her crying might wake Yoona up. While cooing Seohyun she grabbed the milk from the bottle warmer. Sitting down on the recliner and getting a comfortable position, Jessica tested the temperature of the milk before giving it to Seohyun. She heaved a sigh of relief when Yoona wasn’t awoken by Seohyun’s cries. Seohyun after all, has good lung power.

After feeding Seohyun she changed the diaper before putting her back to sleep. Jessica released a sigh as Seohyun easily went back to her peaceful sleep. But as soon as she was about to head back to the bed Yoona started crying.

Jessica picked Yoona up and cooed the baby as she grabbed the milk and quickly checked the temperature. Yoona immediately stops crying upon being given the milk but it was only momentarily. As soon as the milk was gone Yoona started crying again. Jessica changed Yoona’s diaper thinking that it might be that, but the diaper was dry.

Jessica rocked Yoona gently thinking that would help but Yoona was still crying. Jessica grabbed another bottle of milk and quickly heated it. She hastily checked the temperature before trying to feed Yoona with it. Yoona quickly latched on and suck on the milk hungrily.

“Aigooo…you were still hungry even after the first bottle…” Jessica cooed as she relaxed on the recliner gently rocking it as she fed Yoona.

As soon as Yoona finished her bottle, Jessica positioned Yoona so that she could burp. After succeeding with that task, Jessica rocked Yoona and hummed a song as she tried to put Yoona to sleep but she started crying again.

“You can’t be hungry again…or can you?” Jessica wondered aloud as she tried to hush Yoona, but that only made Yoona cry even louder.

Jessica checked the diaper and found that it was wet; she changed Yoona’s diaper and the baby quickly quieted down. Jessica uttered a sigh. She checked on Seohyun, and the little angel was still asleep. She smiled to herself and mumbled a simple gratitude.

Jessica checked the clock. It was 2:18

Jessica was exhausted. The cycle continued all throughout the night with Yoona crying and being fuzzy. Jessica was just thankful that Seohyun was behaved all night and would only cry when it’s time for her to feed or change her diaper. She was the exact opposite of Yoona who had been fuzzy all night. Yoona didn’t want to be put down. Whenever Jessica would put the sleeping Yoona back on her crib she would start to cry and would only stop when Jessica picked her up.

Uwaaahhh wahhhh wahhh

Yoona was crying again when she attempted to put her down on the crib when Jessica thought she was already asleep.

“Shhhh…” Jessica cooed Yoona as she picked her up again and started rocking her gently. Jessica was beyond exhausted. She had been sleep deprived and taking care of the twins particularly Yoona had been a hard task.

Uwaaahhh wahhhh wahhh

“Shhh…it’s okay…” Jessica continued to rock Yoona but the child was still fuzzy. Jessica was exasperated. Yoona’s been cranky and difficult all night and she wanted to cry at the seeming helplessness of the situation.

“Please…Butter…shhhh…we don’t want your sister to wake up.” Jessica continued to rock Yoona in her arms, the baby was still crying while trying to bury her face on Jessica’s chest.

“Are you hungry again?” Jessica asked in a baby-like way of talking as she head towards the mini refrigerator to grab some milk to heat up. “Come on butter…I can’t help you there…only mommy Yuri can feed you through there…we got to warm the milk then you can feed.” Jessica gently cooed Yoona who seemed to have quieted down as it was snuggling on her chest. As soon as the milk was heated up she gave it to Yoona who greedily sucked on the milk. Jessica released a sigh of relief as she watched Yoona peacefully drink her milk a little trace of smile could be faintly seen on the baby’s face.

“You look a lot prettier when you smile…so be a good girl and don’t ever give your Yuri Omma and I such a hard time anymore, okay?”

When Yoona finally settled down, Jessica took the opportunity to pick up Seohyun and put her on the day bed as well. She did not want to risk Yoona being cranky again if she attempted to put Yoona down on her crib. That was how she ended up placing both babies next to her in the day bed; with Yoona resting on her chest, one arm wrapped around Yoona’s tiny body while Seohyun laid on the crook of Jessica’s arms.

That was the serene image that welcomed Yuri in the morning.

Yuri woke up around seven in the morning and the first thing she did was to check up on Jessica and the twins. The sight that welcomed her made Yuri smile and it gave her this warm feeling. She quietly walked over to where they were and secretly snapped a picture of the three using her cell phone. This photo; this still shot, this moment of serenity captured, was her family. She wished that she could keep it. But for now…whatever memories she could create with them she’ll just gladly make.

When Yuri was sure that everything was fine and that the three were still peacefully asleep she proceeded to make a sumptuous breakfast for a change. With the addition of the babies she hasn’t been able to cook a proper meal for Jessica or herself, especially when they were still getting used to taking care of the twins. She was just thankful to have such great friends who would stop by and bring them food, but still nothing beats home-cooked meals. She put the final touches to their first Korean home-cooked breakfast since the birth of the twins, before she placed everything on the tray and checked on the cupcake she was baking earlier.

The twins were turning two months and Yuri wanted to celebrate each day like a milestone. She wanted to document each little change that the twins were experiencing through the scrapbook that she was diligently making. She started doing this when the twins turned a month old. This scrap-book was the only thing she was letting herself take with her when the time for her to leave comes. She smiled bitterly. She shook those melancholy thoughts away as she proceeded to put some frosting on the cupcakes and top it off with some sprinkles before putting two candles on top of each cupcake.

Jessica woke as she felt Yoona squirming. Letting out a big yawn she blinked her eyes a couple of times to adjust from the morning light before carefully placing Yoona down next to Seohyun on the bed. She muttered a silent prayer of gratitude when Yoona just snuggled closer to her sister before going back to sleep. She wasn’t really ready to let go of these few serene moments when the twins were both peacefully sleeping. She smiled at the sight in front of her and all the weariness of last night’s ordeal seemed to have faded away at the mere sight of Yoona and Seohyun snuggled together with a tiny shadow of smiles on their small pink lips.

“Good Morning”

Jessica turned around hearing Yuri’s whispered greeting.


“I made breakfast” Yuri entered the nursery room with a tray of steaming food and coffee.

“You should have rested more instead of tiring yourself making all these” Jessica scolded gently as she took the tray from Yuri.

“Cooking is not tiring. I love cooking” Yuri retorted with a pout as she let Jessica take the tray from her.

Seeing the pout on the tanned girl, Jessica couldn’t help but tease the girl. “And I love your cooking as well but more so I love that you cook food especially for me.” Yuri blushed. Jessica was being flirtatious again, something that the blonde girl had often done since that emotional half confession at the hospital. Yuri considered it only half for the three words weren’t really spoken out loud and that was what Yuri wanted, no, needed to hear from the blonde girl.

“I sorely missed your cooking” Jessica once again said while she tucked in another spoonful of rice.

“I missed my cooking too.” Yuri joined Jessica as she started eating as well. Thankful of this time she was spending with Jessica alone.

“Cupcakes?” Jessica pointed at the cutely decorated cupcakes on the tray.

“I wanted to make the twins’ milestones memorable, remember? So we shall take a picture together with the cupcakes for the twins 2nd month, just like we did on their first month with that cake Sunny and the rest of our friends brought for the twins.”

“Come to think of it we don’t have a picture of us four together yet.”

“Well…I mean it could just be you and the twi—”

“What?! Of course you have to be there too. It won’t be complete without you. It won’t be a happy family picture without you.”

Yuri felt her heart skipped a beat again. The blonde just knew all the right words to say to make her feel like she really does belong with them. How she wished it was true.

“Earth to Yuri. Are you still with us?” Jessica joked as she waved her hands in front of Yuri who was zoning out.

“Sorry…I was just contemplating.”

“It’s okay. So what should we do while we wait for the twins to wake up?” Jessica asked after she finished her food, though she already gravitated towards Yuri and had laid her head down on the latter’s lap.

“Tired?” Yuri ran her hands through the blonde girl’s hair when she saw her yawn.

“A tiny bit” Jessica answered through another yawn that totally betrayed her.

“Why don’t I clean up first, then we can nap…how’s that?”

“Sounds heavenly” Jessica answered as she got up and helped Yuri put the dishes on the tray.

“I’ll just put this in the dishwasher. I’ll be back”

“Okay” Jessica let out another yawn as she walked towards the day bed and carefully lay down next to the twins.

When Yuri got back, she found Jessica sleeping next to the twins, one of her arm up above her head. She smiled as she carefully picked Seohyun up who was awake, minding not to wake Yoona or Jessica in the process.

“Are you hungry peanut?” Yuri sat down on one of the recliner to breast feed Seohyun.

“Did you give your Mama Jessica a hard time last night?”

Since Jessica was going to be the one raising the twins, they thought it’d be best to have the twins call her Mama, instead of Auntie. After all, they wanted to give the twins a normal childhood as much as possible and decided that they would tell them the truth when they were old enough to understand.

“Of course you didn’t. You’ve always been an angel after all!”

And as if on cue Yoona, their little trouble maker started crying, waking Jessica up.

Uwaaahhh wahhhh wahhh

“See our little trouble maker is awake now.” Yuri chuckled lightly as she was about to get up and check on Yoona but was stopped by Jessica who had woken up.

“I got it!” Jessica yelled as she got up hurriedly and fuzzed over Yoona.

“Sica...I bet Yoona is hungry. Why don’t you bring her over here so I can breast feed her.”

Jessica obliged as she brought Yoona to Yuri and then took Seohyun away from Yuri.

“I think Seohyun needs a diaper change.”

“I can do that” Jessica quickly brought Seohyun to the changing station and expertly changed her diaper.

When the twins were fed and diapers were changed the four happily took a picture along with the cupcakes with two candles to symbolize that the twins were now two months old.

It was their first photo together. First, among other firsts that comes along the way of being two mothers for the twins.

It’s hard to convince ourselves of the impossibilities we experienced in our daily lives. Sometimes even if we were faced with many obstacles, there were also beautiful things, almost miraculously beautiful that it’s hard for us to fathom the beauty of it. And by preserving these magnificent things, we seek the aid of technology. And when that particular breath-taking moment was captured, we’re instilling the truth that we’re not just there to exist, but we exist for someone we hold dear to us. 

Chapter 11

“Come on Sica…the kids and I are fine.” Yuri put Yoona, who was sleeping soundly, down before she settled to lie down on the day bed to take a quick nap while the twins were asleep.

“Really, if you need help I can go home.”

“Sica, you haven’t been at work for more than four months now. Today is your first day back so just work hard okay? The twins and I are fine and I did promise to call you if something happens” Yuri told Jessica as she tried hard to stifled her yawn.

“You know I still work at home during those months”

Yuri could imagine Jessica frowning as she said those words and she unconsciously smiled at the thought.

“And I can continue to do that—”

“Sica, Were fine. Just go work hard and before you know it, it will be time for you to go home and then it’ll be your second shift; it’ll be your turn with the twins.” Yuri added the last part as a joke.

“You know I wouldn’t mind it as long as there’s a pretty woman waiting for me with her home-cooked meal that she specially made for me.” Jessica retorted mischievously.

“Yah!” That was Yuri’s only defense, and her sleepiness long gone as she felt her cheeks turned rosy red.

“Get some rest too when the twins are napping okay?”

“I will. Don’t forget to eat lunch, okay?”

“You know I won’t especially when you made and packed my lunch for me.”

“You said you can’t eat anything else but my food, now that you’re used to it”

“Which is true, but it’d be much better if I can eat lunch with you.” Jessica shyly confessed.

Yuri unconsciously smiled. She loved it whenever Jessica got shy. “You and your sweet talking…just work hard and hurry home okay?”

“I will. Bye”


“Jessi, you are so smitten with her.”

“Have you been listening in on my conversation?”

“Well I knocked and you didn’t answer.” Tiffany casually said as she handed some folders to Jessica. “Those needs to be signed”


“So are you two like together now?” Tiffany asked as she made herself comfortable while Jessica looked over the documents.

“I think so.” Jessica answered as she flipped through the pages of office papers that were in need her attention now that she was present in the office environment again.

“Jessi, what do you mean you think so?” Tiffany asked her friend incredulously. “It’s a yes or no question. How can you be unsure?”

Jessica stopped what she was doing. “I mean I told her I need her in my life and that she’s important to me.”

“When did you tell her that?” Tiffany asked. She knew Jessica wasn’t the type to easily express her feelings, but really, no girl would want to hear that you just need her. Girls’ needed to hear that you love them and that you care for them and that’s why you need them.

“During the delivery.” Jessica answered matter-of-factly and Tiffany couldn’t help but face-palmed herself; trust Jessica to do something like this.

“Jessi! You told Yuri all these while the girl was in pain bringing two babies into these world. You honestly think she had time to process what you told her then?!”

“I—I mean—”

“Jessica Jung Sooyeon I need you to fix this mess quickly!” Tiffany, by this time has stood up with her hand on her waist.

“What mess? There’s no mess…” Jessica was confused. She didn’t think anything was wrong and that Yuri understood her.

“You need to confess to her properly!”

“But I already did!” Jessica was frustrated at this point.

“No, saying to a woman who’s giving labor that you need her isn’t a confession Jessica.” Tiffany rolled her eyes which annoyed the blonde more.

“Of course it is. I told her my feelings.”

“No. You told her you need her not that you love her.”

“But I do need her.”

“I know. But put yourself in Yuri’s shoes. You brought her here with a contract that she stays as long as you need her to care for the twins.” Tiffany emphasized the word need.

“Just think about it Jessi. Without telling her that you love her and that she’s essential in your life do you really think that she’s staying for good? The girl probably thinks that she has to stay for now because you need her to take care of the twins.”

“But that’s not true. I need her like how you need Taeyeon.”

“We know that but she doesn’t. Jessi, as your best friend and as Yuri’s friend I want to see you both happy. Just think about it and if you need help. Tae and I are always here to help.”

Jessica released a sigh as she rubbed her now aching head. She contemplated at what Tiffany just told her. She knew what she had to do but she was just unsure she could do it. She was not too sure she was willing to say those three words again, because so far everyone she had said those words to, have left her alone. She wasn’t sure she was willing to put herself on the line again, only to be left alone in the end; much like what happened with her parents and brother.


“Sica where are we going?” Yuri asked as she prepared the babies bath.

“It’s a surprise.” Jessica answered as she played with the twins.

Yoona and Seohyun were now five months and every experience had been pure bliss for Jessica and Yuri, but specially Jessica.

She would always look forward coming home to Yuri and the twins. She loved eating dinner despite the fact that half the time her food turned cold because she and Yuri were too busy feeding the twins that by the time they were done feeding them, their food had already turned cold. But she didn’t mind that, for she thrived for the smiles and the laughter that the twins have been constantly showering her when she gets home from work. She drew strength from Yuri’s story of the twins’ antics, for every little thing that these two does, was adorable and magnificent for her. From their cooing, their toothless smile, the warmth of their snuggle and even when the babies cries, Jessica still love it because now that the twins and Yuri was in her life, she really doesn’t have to ask for more. She was more than content. But like what Tiffany had been constantly reminding her, she was unsure of the permanence of Yuri in her life. She knew what she had to do and she would do it soon; at least, when she had mustered up enough courage to free herself from her fear.

“The water’s ready.” Yuri yelled as she got out of the bathroom and went over to the play pen where Jessica was playing with the twins. She watched as Seohyun silently sat on Jessica’s lap as she played with her toy book hitting the animals so that it made noises and Yoona who was on her tummy with her head up and pushing her butt up, showing early signs of learning how to crawl.

Yuri smiled at the scene.

“Come on time for bath” Yuri picked Yoona up as Jessica followed, carrying Seohyun along with her.

The two undressed the twins and then Yuri tested the water once more making sure it was the right temperature before putting the twins in bath ring seat in the tub. Yoona, who the two had always dubbed the trouble maker, was giggling away as she was playing with the water, splashing it all over. While Seohyun, the quieter and the more behave of the two just sat quietly as she played with some of the toys that Jessica put in the tub for her.

Jessica had no trouble using the sponge to bathe Seohyun as the little girl just sat there while Jessica was supporting her. Seohyun made giggling noises as she played with a rubber frog that was floating on the water. While on the other hand, Yuri struggled to hold Yoona and bathe her as the little girl was happily kicking her feet and hitting the water with her fisted arms as she laughed seeing the water splashed all over making Yuri completely soaked.

“Yuri can you pass me the shampoo?”

“Here” Yuri slightly turned around to give the shampoo to Jessica not realizing the blond girl was facing towards her and was really close to her until their lips touched.

No one pulled away as the sensation of their lips pressed against each other sent a tingling sensation down their spine. Jessica being the bold one moved her lips against Yuri’s. The tanned girl was surprised at first but soon followed the blonde’s lead as she closed her eyes and let the sensation of Jessica’s warm lips consume her. Jessica boldly licked Yuri’s lips serenading it to open up for her, but before the tanned girl could, the splashing of water followed by Seohyun’s loud crying broke the trance that they were in.

Uwaaah uwahhh uwaaah

Jessica still flustered from what happened returned her attention to Seohyun. The little girl was crying and was trying to reach for the rubber frog that Yoona had somehow gotten from Seohyun.

“Here how about a boat?” Jessica gave Seohyun a plastic boat to play with instead, which effectively stopped Seohyun’s crying.

Fifteen minutes later and a completely quiet, awkward and soaked Yuri and Jessica, all thanks to Yoona, who was mercilessly splashing water, came out of the bathroom with the two babies wrapped in a towel.

“Why don’t you get ready while I dress them?” Jessica offered.


“You’re soaked. I don’t want you to get sick. Just go get ready, I can manage from here.” Jessica lightly pushed Yuri out of the nursery room but before she released Yuri she stole a quick peck on Yuri’s cheek that made the tanned girl blush even more.


“Are you excited?” Jessica asked as they walk through the familiar white walls.

“Good afternoon, Jessica. Are those your babies?” One of the nurses asked as she saw Jessica passing by.

“Meet Seohyun and Yoona.” Jessica proudly showed off the two babies on the twin stroller she was pushing.

“They’re so cute.” Some more nurses came to crowd around the two adorable babies, who were smiling and putting on an adorable show that the nurses were taken in by their charms.

“Hi Yuri.” Jessica turned her head towards the familiar voice. Though she only heard that voice once, she could clearly remember who it belonged to. It was none other than that boy who gave Yuri the Christmas present.

“Hi Minho. I didn’t have the chance to thank you for the Christmas gift. Thank you.” Yuri said as she gave the tall boy a smile and a slight bow of appreciation.

Jessica didn’t like it. She reached for Yuri’s hand and intertwined it with hers. Yuri looked at Jessica then at their intertwined hands then back at Jessica giving her a smile before facing Minho again. Yuri knew Jessica was jealous. After all, Jessica made sure that Yuri knows just how much she disliked the boy.

Minho noticed the gesture and was surprise when Yuri didn’t pull away but instead gave Jessica a sweet smile. He smiled awkwardly at the two.

“Visiting your mother again?”


“We’re here so she can finally see her grand kids.” Jessica added as she also tightened her hold on Yuri’s hand.

“Oh. They’re very cute and adorable” Minho politely added.

“Yeah. They take after Jessica.” Yuri smiled fondly at the blonde as she let her thumb make circles against Jessica’s knuckles, the tiny gesture comforting the blonde. “Were in a hurry, so I’ll see you around”

“Yeah…see you around.” Minho said while he seemed to be stuck in a state of wanting to say more or wanting to walk away.

“You can loosen up your grip now Sica…he won’t take me away…” Yuri playfully added the last bit to tease Jessica.

“Hnnng!” Jessica indignantly huffed as she let go of Yuri’s hand and started pushing the stroller.

Yuri just smiled at Jessica’s behavior. After the kiss in the bathroom, she made up her mind to let herself get lost in this fantasy, at least until the time when she would have to leave. But for now, she would take whatever she could take and give whatever she could give, for memories were all she would have to hold onto later.

Yuri caught up with Jessica and hooked her arm with the blonde.

“Sica…it’s not like I will let him take me away from you.” She saw Jessica’s lips tugged upwards after she whispered those words and she too couldn’t help but smile along.


The doctor was in the room with Mrs. Kwon when they arrived.

“Is this a wrong time to visit?” Jessica asked Dr. Song.

“No. Not at all, just doing a daily check up on Mrs. Kwon here.”

“That’s good because we have a surprised for her today.”

“Surprised? You know I’m too old for surprises” Mrs. Kwon replied.

“Too old? Even for something as adorable as your grandchildren?” Yuri intercepted as she entered the room with the twins.

“You brought the twins with you?” There was a lilt of excitement in Mrs. Kwon’s voice.

“Mom…I’d like you to meet Seohyun and Yoona.” Jessica introduced as she and Yuri came towards Mrs. Kwon’s bed with the twins in their arms.

“They’re too precious.” Mrs. Kwon said as Jessica transferred Seohyun into her awaiting arms.

Jessica excused herself as she left Yuri and the twins with Mrs. Kwon and followed Dr. Song outside so they could talk.

“How’s Mrs. Kwon?”

“She’s been doing great. In a few months I think she can undergo the stem cell transplant. Since there are two sets of umbilical cord blood, would you like to keep the other one frozen for future use or do you want to put it up for donation?”

“I’ll let Yuri decide. For now I want Mom…I mean, Mrs. Kwon’s surgery to happen as soon as possible.”

“Don’t worry we’re doing our very best and with Mrs. Kwon’s progress it won’t be long till she can undergo the surgery.”

“Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome! Just doing my job. Jessi, I’m glad that you’re smiling again. I won’t let your parent’s investments on me to waste. I’ll try my best to save Mrs. Kwon so I can keep that smile of yours. It’s to repay your parents for putting me to school.”

Jessica just gave her a smile and a warm hold on the arm before entering the Mrs. Kwon’s ward.

“Sica, where were you?” Yuri asked as soon as Jessica entered.

“Just chatting with Dr. Song. How’s your mom?”

“I feel better. I can’t believe I’m a grandmother already! I have two granddaughters!” Mrs. Kwon said happily as she was playing with Yoona.

“Well believe it now, mom because soon those two will be calling out for you non-stop.”

Jessica could just imagine it. Mrs. Kwon cooking in their kitchen as Yoona and Seohyun peered over everything she was doing. She would be coming home from work and Yuri would be coming home from her school. They would be welcomed by the fresh aroma of Mrs. Kwon’s home cooked meal, Yoona and Seohyun’s kisses but most of all with Yuri’s hands in hers.

“Yes and I won’t mind getting used to that.” Mrs. Kwon said.

“Me too…” Jessica whispered

Yuri who was sitting next to her mom while supporting Seohyun smiled wistfully. A part of her wanted to believe that Seohyun and Yoona would always be there to call her mother, Halmoni. That Yoona and Seohyun would always call her omma and that they would forever remain as hers and Jessica’s Peanut and Butter. But most of all she wanted so badly to believe that she could be with Jessica forever.

She was awaken from those thoughts and was brought back to reality when she felt Jessica’s hand holding hers. She looked over at Jessica and the blonde girl was peering down at her. Jessica smiled at her and with that single smile she was then comforted. For now, she at least has the twins and Jessica.

An osculation or in lay man’s term, kiss, was something sensual, personal and non-dividing. Historians believed that kissing was a very primitive form of putting food from mouth to mouth by a parent to a child. Food, on the other hand, was for nourishment. This may seem true, because who, among us who already experienced this intimate gesture to someone we love, could deny the breath-taking moment in which we feel splendidly energized as if we could live without food? Perhaps instead of food, we were feeding love to each with our mouths.

But be warned; it’s far more better to kiss a fool than be fooled by a kiss.


Chapter 12.1

“So there’s enough breast milk in the fridge, but just in case you run out, there’s formula milk that you can give to them.” Yuri instructed Taeyeon and Tiffany.

“And if there’s any emergency, call us” Jessica added

“And if you run out of diap—”

“You two just go! We can manage Seohyun and Yoona.” Taeyeon exasperatedly told the two.

“Just enjoy!” Tiffany said as she was pushing the two out of the room.

“Hold on!” Jessica broke away.

“Bye Peanut… be a good girl, okay?” Jessica gave Seohyun a kiss on her forehead.

“Bye Butter…don’t be much of a trouble maker, okay?” Jessica gave Yoona a kiss on her forehead as well.

Yuri followed Jessica’s gesture before the two headed out for their ‘Jessica and Yuri day’.

It was Jessica’s idea after reading a magazine on parenthood about mothers needing a break from taking care of a new baby. She herself knew how stressful it was taking care of the twins although she really only does it at night. And now that the twins were pretty much sleeping all throughout the night, she hasn’t been having much trouble. And on the weekends, she has Yuri with her to share the responsibilities. She could only imagine the amount of stress Yuri had, taking care of the twins almost 24/7. That was why, with the help of Tiffany and Taeyeon, she planned this day out for Yuri and her to relax and, well, for her to confess properly to Yuri as well.

Despite the fact that the accidental kiss in the bathroom brought the two of them a lot closer, with Yuri being more open in showing affection towards her, Jessica still wanted some security. She wanted assurance that she and Yuri were on the same page; that she wanted Yuri to stay with her forever, simply because she loves the tanned girl and not for the twins’ sake.

“What are we doing today?” Yuri asked excitedly as she sat in the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt.

“First, you’re in for a treat. A spa treatment! You deserve to be pampered! After that we can do whatever you want before our dinner reservation at six. Does that sound good to you?”

“Yes, that sounds heavenly. A massage just sounds wonderful right now.” Yuri said dreamily.

“And shopping. Now that you lost all the weight you gained during your pregnancy, it seems that you need more fitting clothes.”

“Yes. And you need more casual clothes, Ms. President.” Yuri teased the blonde girl.

Jessica looked down at her attire.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Nothing. Except you still look like you’re going to work today. We both need new clothes.”

“Fine…anything for you.” Jessica answered happily. She didn’t really care, as long as she got to spend the day with Yuri.

It wasn’t long till Jessica pulled over at a luxurious building with a sign: Sone Spa. She got out of her car and handed her keys to the valet that opened her door for her, before leading Yuri to the reception area of the spa.

“Welcome to Sone Spa, how may I help you?”

“Hi, appointment for a Jessica Jung please”

“Jessica Jung…here we are…So you’re doing the Equator Journey Package Duo for you and a friend, right?”


“Okay, just head over to our locker room to change into our bathrobes. The locker room is to your right and once you’re done, there will be someone waiting for you outside the locker area to bring you to your room. And would you like something to drink? Tea? Water? Coffee?”

“I’ll have some tea.” Jessica answered as she held on to Yuri’s hand.

“I’ll have the same.” Yuri answered, smiling sweetly at the lady.

“Okay. We’ll bring it to your room! Enjoy!”

“How’d you find this place? Do you go here often?”

“No, but Tiffany and Taeyeon goes here often. They suggested this place to me. I did a little research and thought we’d both appreciate the pampering.” Jessica answered Yuri’s query as she led the girl to the locker room.

“Do we strip down and just wear this robe?” Yuri asked, feeling self-conscious at the idea of wearing nothing under the robe.


“Do we have to?” Yuri fidgeted as she saw Jessica already starting to undress.

“You can leave your undergarments on if you want,” Jessica shrugged her shoulders as she pulled her shirt off. “But honestly I don’t see why you’re being shy. After all, I’ve seen you give birth and I’ve seen you breast feed every day.”

“Yah!” Yuri huffed as a jacket went flying in Jessica’s direction.

The blonde girl was laughing. “I was just teasing you. You can leave your undergarments on if you’re uncomfortable.”

“And you’re not?”

“No.” Jessica unhooked her bra and Yuri quickly turned around.

“You don’t mind that somebody else sees you naked?”

“Well…it’s their job and they really aren’t going to see anything. Those parts will be covered with towels.”

“I still don’t like it.” Yuri crinkled her nose as she said those words.

“Would it make you happier if I leave my undergarments on, at least when the masseuse comes to give me my massage?” Jessica asked as she turned Yuri around to face her.

Yuri’s face was red from embarrassment but she gave Jessica a nod as an answer to her question.

“Then I’ll leave them on.” Jessica said as she steals a peck on Yuri’s cheek.

The two exited the locker room and met with a spa personnel who led them to their room.

“Here is where the first part of the Equator Journey begins. Soaking in the water and relaxing under a true waterfall, where the aroma of nature combines with the healing properties of water to wash away your stresses.”

“Thank you.” Jessica politely thanked the lady as she entered the room.

“I’ll knock in half an hour to let you know that it’s time to move on to your next Journey, and the tea should be in there as well.” The lady said as she closed the door of the room.

“We’re going in there?” Yuri pointed at the manmade waterfall.

“Yes.” Jessica answered, as she took a deep breath. “It smells like mornings in the forest.”

“You’ve been in a forest?” Yuri asked incredulously.

“My father liked the outdoors, so when I was young, we often went camping”

Yuri saw the wistful look on Jessica’s face and knew that she needed to say something.

“Maybe when the twins are older you could go camping again.”

“I would like that.”

Yuri smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. She knew that she wouldn’t be there. By that time she would be gone, out of the twins’ lives and certainly out of Jessica’s. Her time with them would be up by then. She shook the melancholic thoughts out of her head. This was her and Jessica's day, and she didn’t want to be sad. She wanted to remember this day as one of the happiest days of her life.

“Come on then! Let’s enjoy the water!” Yuri said enthusiastically as she walked towards the water.

The room was filled with steam, so Yuri didn’t feel too exposed as she discarded her robe and her undergarments swiftly and went into the water. Jessica soon followed, but Yuri made sure that they had a reasonable distance between them, as to not accidentally brush any parts of their body. She also distracted Jessica with listless tales of her days growing up, and, in turn, Jessica did the same. The two felt totally relaxed under the warm water of the waterfalls.

The next stop of their package was The Steamy Rainforest.

“Welcome to the second leg of your Equator Package Journey. I’m Hara--”

“--and I’m Nicole, and we’re here to give you salt scrubs, while a canopy of gentle rain soothes your body, and then it will be followed with a water massage.”

The two masseuse led Jessica and Yuri into a room where they found two massage chairs awaiting them.

“Is it okay if we keep our undergarments on?” Jessica asked as she gave Yuri a smile.

“It won’t be a problem at all.”

The two followed what was instructed of them and soon both released a pleasurable sigh, as they relaxed completely at the skillful hands of their masseuse. They carried on light conversation as to how they should spend the rest of their day, but mostly it was filled with comfortable silence that they both actually enjoyed.

After the soothing salt scrub and massage, the two were led into a room with a lounger and some drinks and snacks for them to use before continuing onto the third leg of the Equator Package; a mud wrap. The two had fun teasing each other during the mud wrap, and even took pictures, although it was mostly to make fun of each other as they could hardly move with the mud and the wrapping all over their body. It was a priceless photo of them two with stiff smiles and mud covered faces, a photo that both of them would always treasure.

The last part of the journey was to wash off the mud and then soak in an authentic Japanese soaking tub for deep relaxation. The water, infused with herbs, oils and other natural ingredients, relaxed their bodies completely, bringing them into a zen-like state.

“How do you feel now?” Jessica asked, as she dried her hair with a towel after their soak in the Japanese tub.

“Like I can change diapers and breast feed the twins and chase them crawling around the house all day long.”

“In short, relaxed?”

“Very!” Yuri smiled widely as she took the towel from Jessica and helped her dry her hair.

“I’m glad.” Jessica said almost like a sigh, as she leaned her head back against Yuri’s tummy.

“Are you sleeping on me, Sica?” Yuri asked as she peered down at the blonde, her dark hair covering their faces as she nuzzled her nose against Jessica’s, doing an eskimo kiss.

Jessica’s face turned red from Yuri’s actions.

“Na…uh…” Jessica answered savoring the moment despite her embarrassment. After all, it’s rare for Yuri to initiate anything intimate like this, and frankly she would give up all her sleep if she could always be with Yuri like this.


The two had a quick lunch and also made a call to check on the twins. A phone call that Tiffany and Taeyeon answered with a “Will you just relax and enjoy? We got everything under control!” before they quickly hanged up.

The two laughed at their friends’ antics and finished their lunch amidst their never ending chatter, where they both found out the most trivial things about each other, before they headed to the shopping center to shop for clothes.

“Sica, look! This will be cute on you!” Yuri was holding a Minnie Mouse T-shirt.

Jessica wrinkled her nose in distaste. She was about to protest when Yuri held up another shirt.

“It matches this shirt.” Yuri held up a similar shirt except with a Mickey Mouse. “We can match!”

Jessica couldn’t say no to that.

“Couple shirts?”

“You can call it that if you want.” Yuri answered nonchalantly as she walked to the next rack and happily started browsing again. Jessica did the same.

“Yuri…” Jessica approached Yuri who had a handful of clothes in her hands.

“Hmmm…” Yuri turned around to face Jessica.

“I think you’ll look hot in this!” Jessica was holding a leather biker jacket. “Try it on!”

“Then try this one on too.” Yuri grabbed a random leather vest for Jessica to try.

The two put it on and looked in the mirror.

“We look hot!” Jessica was grinning widely, liking what she was seeing, especially the tanned girl next to her. She must admit, now that Yuri had lost the weight she gained from her pregnancy, Yuri looked really hot. She knew that the tanned girl was beautiful, but more so now with her slender body and voluptuous hips. She definitely liked what she saw.

“We should get these then…and maybe you can buy me a motorbike while you’re at it.”

“In your dreams, Kwon Yuri!”

“Way to crush my dream, Sica!” Yuri said overdramatically as she put her arms on Jessica’s shoulders. “I think we have enough clothes now. Let’s do something else.”

Jessica nodded as they headed to the cashier to pay.



“Let’s take pictures! Can we?”

“Of course! We have two hours before dinner anyway.” Jessica said as she used her phone to search for a nearby photo studio.


“Hi, we’d like to take some pictures.”

“Have you decided what package you want?”

“Yes. Can we get package A”

“Sica, that’s a lot of pictures” Yuri whispered so that only Jessica could hear.

“It’s okay.” Jessica whispered back.

“Package A?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay, this way please…”

“Is it possible to change clothes in between the photo session?” Jessica asked the photographer.

“Of course.”

The two followed the photographer and did all the poses that were asked of them. They were both really awkward to be so close to each other at first, especially when someone else was watching their moves and even taking pictures of it. But as they continued to take more, they became more comfortable and were doing all the poses with ease and natural smiles; they were even doing some of their own poses. They also put into good use their new leather jacket and vest, their Minnie and Mickey shirts, and some of the other clothes and shoes they bought from their shopping spree earlier.

“You two did a good job. The pictures will be ready in an hour. You can wait at our lounge.”

“Thank you.” The two thanked the photographer before heading towards the lounge.

“Yuri, we should bring the twins here and take some photos with them.” Jessica suggested as she sat down on one of the chairs.

“That’d be nice.” Yuri answered as she sat on the chair next to Jessica.

Jessica scooted closer and rested her head on Yuri’s shoulder. “Yes…it would be…indeed”

Have you ever heard the sound of a photo being taken? The sound - so crisp, fresh and instantaneous— telling you that a certain moment was being captured in a fraction of a second. Photographs, even with their limited capabilities, were made with this purpose - to capture that perfect moment on film. However, every photo you would take would also be a bittersweet reminder that this moment could inevitably fade away.

But what matters most, was that the heartfelt memories we made would forever be remembered by those whom we touch.


Chapter 12.2

“The pictures turned out great!” Yuri excitedly exclaimed whilst she looked through them.

“We looked good together don’t we?”

“Yeah…” Yuri blushed. She remembered how Jessica had boldly kissed her on the cheek in one of the pictures.

“You’re blushing!” Jessica teased.

“I’m not!” Yuri said as she put her hands on her cheeks.

“Yes, you are… and you look cute!” Jessica whispered the last bit after she stole another kiss from Yuri, this time on the lips.


“Come on! Dinner’s awaiting us.” Jessica maneuvered smoothly as she was already out of the car and was opening Yuri’s door.

Jessica led Yuri to one of the posh restaurant by the bay.

“Reservation for Ms. Jung.”

“This way please.”

The waiter lead the way to a table for two placed at the terrace area of the restaurant, overlooking the bay and the starry night.

“Hi, I’m Hyomin and I will be your waitress for tonight. Should I serve the wine you requested from us now, Ms. Jung?”

“Please do.”

“Wow. The view is nice… and with the violinist… it’s perfect.”

“I found out that you love the sound of the violin.”

“Yes. I used to play the violin before…”

“I’d love to hear you play…”

“Maybe…sometime…” Yuri smiled at Jessica.

Hyomin returned with a basket of bread and butter and a bottle of wine, and poured the wine into their glasses.

“Are you ladies ready to order?”

“Are you ready?” Jessica asked Yuri.

“I’ll have what you’re having…”

“Okay. Two order of lobster and steak”

“How would you like your steak done?”

“Well-done” Jessica answered then looked at Yuri to ask if she wanted the same.

“Well-done for mine as well.”

“Soup or salad?”

“What kind of soup do you have tonight?” Jessica asked.

“We have clam chowder soup and creamy cucumber soup”

“The clam chowder please” Jessica crinkled her nose at the mention of cucumber.

“I’ll get the salad without cucumbers please” Yuri said and added the last bit, as she gave Jessica a smile. “Actually please make sure there’s no trace of cucumbers in any of our dishes please.”

“I can certainly do that for you ladies.” Hyomin said as she wrote everything down and left.

“Still can’t believe you don’t like cucumbers.” Yuri was chuckling as she said this.

“I can’t stand the smell.” Jessica childishly reasoned.

“You’re adorable…do you know that?”

“But only for you Yuri…only for you…and peanut and butter”

“Do you think they’re okay?”

“Yuri…I bet they’re fine. Tiffany and Taeyeon can handle them. They would call if anything happens you know.”

“What am I saying? Today is Yuri and Jessica Day. I should enjoy every second of this!”

“Yes! You should!”

“Let’s make a toast, Sica!” Yuri said as she raised her glass of wine.

“What are we toasting for?” Jessica asked, though she raised her glass of wine as well.

“To us!”

“To us, for surviving these seven months, and the many more months to come of raising the babies!”

“Yes! To us and peanut and butter!”

That was how the tone of the rest of the dinner was. It was filled with laughter and endless chatter as they enjoyed their dinner and each other’s company.

After their dinner, Jessica and Yuri went on a walk by the water. Their hands intertwined as they enjoyed the cool breeze of the night and the smell of salty water.

“Yuri…” Jessica stopped walking to face Yuri.

“Hmmm…” Yuri gave Jessica a smile.

“You know how important you are to me right?”

“Yes…” Yuri pouted a little bit as she wrinkled her nose. She didn’t know where the blonde girl was going with this, but she played along.

“And that I care for you…”

“Yes…” Yuri’s pout had become more prominent.

“And…- gosh Yuri why are you pouting? Are you seducing me? Because if you are, its working and I should just shut up and do this…”

Jessica leaned in and captured those pouting lips. Yuri was again stunned. The last time Jessica had kissed her like this, and not just a mere peck, was the accidental kiss in the bathroom. It was the kiss that made her so sure just how much she actually loved the blonde girl. So she didn’t hesitate and returned the kiss. It was a sweet, tender and slow kiss. But Yuri wanted the same intensity as that of the kiss in the bathroom. She wanted the passion that they shared that time, so she boldly took it further and sucked on Jessica’s lower lip, and before she knew it, their hands were in each other’s hair and their mouths dancing with each other. They regretfully ran out of oxygen and pulled pulling apart as they rested their forehead against each other, both breathing hard.


“Hmm…” Yuri smiled sweetly at Jessica.

“I want you to know that I—”

“Sica, your phone is ringing…” Yuri interrupted.

“I can answer it later…”

“It might be about the twins. Come on, just see if it’s from Taeyeon or Tiffany”

Jessica released a frustrated sigh as she pulled out her phone. It was Tiffany calling.

“This better be an emergency, Hwang Miyoung”

“Sica, come home… Seohyun has a low fever and she’s having diarrhea.”

“Since when?”

“Just now. She was fine earlier…and—”

“We’re coming home.” Jessica said as she hanged up the phone.

“What’s wrong?”

“Seohyun’s sick… we have to head home.” Jessica smiled reassuringly at Yuri. She hated that she wasn’t able to confess, but the twins come first.

The two drove home hurriedly. With Yuri’s hands intertwined with Jessica’s, Yuri was rubbing Jessica’s knuckles with her thumb to calm the blonde. Jessica had always been anxious when one of the twins was sick. She knew it probably had to do with losing all of her loved ones.

“She’ll be okay.” Yuri whispered to Jessica as soon as they pulled over at their house.

“We’re back!”

“Oh gosh Jessi…what are we to do? She’s been crying…” Tiffany was panicking as she welcomed the two.

“I’ll take over, Fany.” Yuri calmly entered.

“Yoona’s in your room sleeping with Taeyeon. We didn’t want her waking up because of Seohyun’s crying.”

“Sica, why don’t you check on Yoona?”

“What about Seohyun…” Jessica protested still anxious, especially hearing Seohyun’s cries.

“I’m here Sica… I’ll look after her.” Yuri held onto Jessica’s hand and led her out of the nursery room.

Jessica gave Yuri a nod, before she proceeded towards Yuri’s room to check on Yoona.

As soon as Jessica was out the door, Yuri went back inside.

“So she has low fever and diarrhea?” Yuri quickly asked Tiffany

“Yes I don’t know what’s wrong with her.” Tiffany hurriedly explained as she watch Yuri walked towards the mini fridge in the room and take out a teether from the freezer.

“Shhh… it’s okay…” Yuri picked Seohyun up and cradled the baby, as she sat on one of the rocking chairs. The baby quickly quieted down from hearing the familiar voice. She put the teether on Seohyun’s mouth and the baby quickly latched onto it and eagerly sucked on it.

“She’s just teething.” Yuri explained to tiffany.

“Yoona went through this two weeks ago but I wanted to make sure it’s not something else.” Yuri explained as she continued to cradle Seohyun.

“That’s good to hear. Sica would have killed me if something bad happened to the twins, and I’m sorry for interrupting your date.”

“It’s okay… I enjoyed the time we spent together today even though it ended earlier than planned.” Yuri warmly smiled at Tiffany.

“I think you should tell Sica that Seohyun is okay and is just teething before she goes crazy.”

“But it’s so nice to see Sica lose her cool façade every now and then.”

“It is quite cute…right, Peanut?” Yuri muttered as she touch Seohyun’s nose. Unfortunately Tiffany was already gone from the room, and couldn’t hear her silent confession.

“Yuri?” Jessica whispered.


“Ummm… should I move Yoona over here?”

“No, why don’t the twins sleep in my room tonight? You know how Yoona is once she wakes up - she’ll be cranky all night.” Yuri answered as she stood up with Seohyun.



“Can…can… I sleep with you too…?” Jessica shyly asked.


“--and the twins…you might need help later, especially with Seohyun being si—”

“Okay. Bring diapers and extra bottles.” Yuri simply answered as she walked out with Seohyun.

“That’s a ‘yes’… right?”

“Yes, Sica…it’s a yes.”

As words could hurt us, words could also mend us. When words play a key figure to a couple or to anyone, these necessitate a great deal of timing. Saying something crucial to someone in a timed instance is perfection. Sometimes, we know how to say these things; when we’re angry or depressed, we usually don’t mean what we say. We are aware of what we’ve said but we admit it was a mistake to utter such words in times of despair. This tells us to be careful of what we speak, because we can never get back what we’ve already said; regardless if we meant it or not. The chance to take back what’s been said is not an option. And yet, often times, insignificant words we casually utter are the ones that had been interpreted by others as meaningful; and vice versa. Most often, our enemy is just a case of misunderstanding. We must, thus, always think before we speak. Speak when one is ready to listen, and listen when the other is embracing the will to share their thoughts. Words could destroy us. Words could expose us. Words could heal us. Words could bind us.

And most importantly, words could create something beautiful.


Chapter 13.1

“Yuri are the twins ready?”


“Can you put Yoona’s shoes?” Yuri asked as she put on Seohyun’s socks.

“Of course,” Jessica said as she walked towards Yoona who was crawling and was chasing after a ball. “Gotcha!” Jessica carried Yoona and playfully lifted her up which made Yoona giggle.

“What time are we supposed to be there?” Yuri asked as she put the completely dressed Seohyun down on the carpet.

“At ten?” Jessica answered as she now had Yoona sitting on her lap and was putting on her shoes.

“It’s already nine. We don’t have time to eat breakfast.”

“We’ll just buy something to eat there,” Jessica answered as she put Yoona down as well.

“I guess…Are the twins’ bag in the car already?”

“Yes. I have everything there already. I’m just waiting for you and the twins.”

“I’m sorry…I can’t believe I overslept,” Yuri apologized.

“Come on…It was my fault. I kept you up all night.” Jessica tucked a loose strand of Yuri’s hair behind her ear.

“I know! I can’t believe you made me watch all those movies,” Yuri protested with a pout.

“You enjoyed them too,” Jessica chuckled lightly before kissing Yuri’s pout away and it made Yuri flush.

Since their date three months ago, they knew how intimate they had gotten with one another. Especially when they were at home or it was just the two of them. Jessica would even sleep in her room every night now. At first it was because of the twins, but lately, even when the twins were sleeping in the nursery room, Jessica would still sleep in her room with her, claiming that she got used to it already that she could not sleep when she was alone— an excuse that Yuri found adorable and honestly she really enjoyed sleeping in the warmth of Jessica’s embrace.

“Come on…or else we’ll be late,” Jessica said as she picked Seohyun up along with her frog stuffed animal while Yuri picked Yoona up, who was hugging her deer plush toy.

“I’m excited to see them. It’s been a while.”

“I know. We both have gotten busy with the babies,” Jessica answered as she shrugged her shoulder and started the car.

It took them less than thirty minutes to get to the park by Hyoyeon’s house and it took another fifteen minutes just to get the twins ready. There was a lot of wrestling before Yoona agreed to sit on the stroller and when she finally sat down side by side with Seohyun on the stroller, she took Seohyun’s plush frog that Seohyun started crying. It was not until they gave the plush deer to Yoona, which she dropped in the car, did she gave the frog back to the crying Seohyun who instantly stopped crying as she hugged her favorite toy.

“Okay…now that the twins are ready. I need to ready my tummy.” Jessica started pushing the stroller with Yuri walking beside her. “I saw a café across the playground.”

“Coffee sounds wonderful right now.”

“Yes. We both need the caffeine to help us through today.”

Yuri chuckled and lightly hit Jessica.

“Sica, stop exaggerating!”

“I’m not!” Jessica defended though the grin on her face and the playful mirth of her eyes said otherwise.

The two happily entered the cozy café. There weren’t much people in the café itself for most people preferred to go to the park across and enjoy the nice fall weather drinking their coffees and eating their pastries before the chilly weather of winter takes over.

“What do you want?” Jessica asked Yuri as she looked at the menu.

“I want the spinach and egg wrap and a Venti Americano.”

“With room for creamer right?”

“Yes. And oh get the twins Madeleines,” Yuri added before she left with the twins to find an empty table.

“Hi, what can I get for you today?”

“Can I get two Venti Americano with some room for creamer? One spinach and egg wrap and one sausage and egg croissant and two Madeleines as well.

“Will that be all for you today?”


“That’d be 21.22 please; and can I get a name for this order?”

“Jessica,” Jessica replied as she handed her card to the cashier.

“Receipt for you today?”

“No, thank you.”

“We’ll call you when you’re order is ready then. Have a nice day.

“You too.”

“Jessica looked around and spotted Yuri sitting down at one of the table in the corner. She made her way towards them but was stopped by a familiar voice.


Jessica turned around to be crushed in a hug.


“Sorry.” Sooyoung let go as she smiled sheepishly. “Where are Yuri and the twins?”

“Yuri’s over there with the twins.” Jessica pointed at the table where Yuri was playing with the twins. “Are you with Hyoyeon?”

“Hyoyeon is here?” 

“Yeah…the kids have a play date today.” Jessica started walking towards Yuri with Sooyoung following her. “So why are you here?”


“There you are Sooyoungie!”

“Sunny!” Jessica was surprised to see her supposedly busy friend with Sooyoung.


“So that’s why you’ve been busy…you’ve been busy dating,” Jessica teased Sunny who turned red with her comment.

“That and work…” Sunny defended.

Jessica ignored Sunny as she motioned the two to follow her. “Come on…you two might as well say hi to Yuri.”

In the end, Sooyoung and Sunny ended up tagging along to say hi to Hyoyeon and her baby boy, Kyuhyun. The children’s play date became a mini reunion between the adults as well.

“Look at Jessica…she’s so domesticated now.”

“Domesticated? Sunny, Jessica is a person not an animal…” Sooyoung was shocked at her girlfriend’s choice of word but she found it endearing. Sunny’s uniqueness was what had drawn her to the shorter girl in the first place.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon, who were feeding Kyuhyun some milk, focused their attention at Yuri and Jessica. The two were on the seesaw with Seohyun and Yoona. The four were happily playing and laughing with nary a care in the world.

“I mean look at her. She’s fitting right into this motherhood thing quite well. And she’s wearing jeans too! The last time I saw her wear Jeans was in college!” Sunny was really surprised with all these nice changes that have happened to her longtime pal.

“Yuri and the twins really changed her then huh?” Hyoyeon interjected.

“Yes…a lot…and I am so happy for her.”


“Hmmm…I smell something good.” Jessica hugged Yuri from behind and gave her a peck on her cheek.

“I’m making your favorite Bulgogi stew and some cupcakes for the twins 9th month. So go wash your hands it’s almost done”

“Yes, Maaam!” Jessica saluted playfully as she released her hug on Yuri and walked towards the twins who were sitting on their high chairs with some cookies.

“And don’t touch the twins without washing your hands Sica!” Yuri yelled when Jessica was about to ruffle Yoona’s hair., She did not even turn around from what she was doing when she scolded Jessica.

“Wow…your Omma has some awesome skills…I think she has a third eye at the back of her head,” Jessica whispered to the twins before heading out of the kitchen to wash up.

“I heard that Jessica Jung!” Yuri said with a little grin.


“Need my help?” Jessica asked as she poked her head into the nursery after she finished washing the dishes.

“Yeah…Yoona is all clean now. Would you dress her while I finish washing Seohyun?” Yuri told Jessica as she passed Yoona to her.

“Come Yoona…we’ll get all dressed up, then your Omma will read for you and Seohyun”

The little girl giggled as she kicked her feet happily as Jessica took her from Yuri.


Both Yuri and Jessica froze hearing the word from Yoona.

“Did you hear that, Yuri? She said Mama!”

“Say it again…come on Yoona…Ma…ma…” Jessica urged the little one to say it once more.

“No fair… I’m with her all the time and she said ‘mama’ first before ‘Omma’…” Yuri whined as she finished washing Seohyun. She wrapped the little girl in a towel carrying her into the nursery where a static Jessica was recording Yoona say the word Mama. The sulking Yuri diligently dressed Seohyun who was happily playing with a rattle that Yuri gave her to play with while she dressed her up.

“Where’s the diaper?” Yuri thought she brought one with her. She turned around to get more diapers on the storage cabinet when she was stopped in her tracks.


“What did you just say?” Yuri turned towards Seohyun who was extending her hands out towards Yuri.


“Sica! She said Omma!” Yuri excitedly said as she picked Seohyun up.

“Say it again…”


“Oh Peanut…” Yuri muttered as she gave the happy baby sniff kisses.

“Yuri, sit on the day bed and carry Yoona too.” Jessica instructed and Yuri complied as she sat down and carried both babies sat them on her lap.

“Yoona say ‘Mama’” Jessica directed as she was filming.


“Yoona said Omma!” Yuri excitedly exclaimed as she kissed the top of Yoona’s hair.

“No fair! I want Seohyun to say ‘Mama’ then…”

“Ma…ma…” The little girl said as if she understood Jessica.

“That’s my girl!” Jessica exclaimed excitedly. She then sat next to Yuri the video camera still recording.

“These are my girls…” Jessica said before giving the twins a kiss on their forehead before she stole a quick peck from Yuri.

“Yah!” Yuri protested as she felt her cheeks turned hot from the unexpected kiss. “Are you still recording?”

“Maybe?” Jessica said as she focused the camera on Yuri.

“Stop recording!” All Yuri could do was stand up and walk away from Jessica.

“But I like recording you,” Jessica said smugly.

“You’re so cheesy, Sica. Quit recording and help me finish dressing the twins. It’s almost their bedtime.”

“Whatever you say Yuri.” Another kiss on Yuri’s cheeks was stolen before Jessica turned off her camera and happily dressed Yoona.


Hot potato hot potato

Hot potato hot potato

“Hot potato hot potato…potato…potato potato…potato,” Jessica and Yuri sang along with the Wiggles, the twins’ favorite show. Yoona and Seohyun were both standing up holding onto the coffee table in front of them, bending their knees and then straightening them again as they dance to the rhythm of the song they were happily watching.

Cold spaghetti cold spaghetti

Cold spaghetti cold spaghetti

“Cold spaghetti cold spaghetti” Seohyun turned around towards the singing voice of her mothers. She let go of the coffee table and started clapping her hands.

“Spaghetti…spaghetti….spaghetti…spaghetti,” Jessica and Yuri sang happily and louder especially when they saw that Seohyun was clapping as she watched them sing.

Mashed Bananas mashed bananas

Mashed Bananas mashed bananas

“Mashed Bananas mashed bananas…”

“Mama…omma,” Seohyun happily said still clapping her hands as she made her first few steps towards her mothers.

“Peanut’s walking!” Jessica exclaimed as she stood up quickly and knelt down so that she was leveled with Seohyun extending her open arms telling Seohyun to come towards her.

Yoona was startled with Jessica’s outburst. She lost her balance and fell on her bum causing the little girl to cry. Yuri quickly aided the little girl.

“It’s okay, your mama is just very excited that your sister is walking now,” Yuri soothed the little girl who quickly stopped crying as soon as she felt the warmth of Yuri’s hug. Yuri carried the little girl with her on the sofa as she watched Jessica film Seohyun’s first steps with a smile on her face.

“Soon, you two won’t be crawling anymore; you’ll both be running around the house!” Yuri touched Yoona’s pert little nose as she smiled warmly at the child.

“Omma…” Yoona was then pulling on Yuri’s shirt.

“Are you hungry?” Yuri asked and Yoona just pulled at her shirt again.

“Okay, let’s go I’ll feed you.” Yuri stood up as she carried Yoona who insistently pulled on her shirt while crying.

“Okay…okay…” Yuri finally gave in as she sat back down and breastfed Yoona.

“Sica, can you get some milk for Yoona, please?”

“But your feeding her already.” Sica went closer carrying Seohyun.

“Remember we’re trying to wean them off breast feed milk and slowly switch them to formula, since two months from now they would have to start drinking cow milk.”

“Okay,” Jessica replied as she brought Seohyun along with her to make some formula milk.

“You know for a baby you eat a lot,” Yuri conversed with Yoona while the latter continued to feed as she was playing happily with her foot, and was grabbing one of her foot with both hands.

“Here you go, Yuri.” Jessica handed Yuri a bottle of milk.

“Thank you.” Yuri stopped breast feeding Yoona and gave her the bottle instead. She buttoned her shirt back before she started massaging Yoona’s foot. It was one of the ways to make Yoona fall asleep. She liked it when someone rubs or massages her feet, it seemed to calm the child and put her at ease, easily lulling her to sleep.

“They’ve grown so much already huh?” Jessica asked amidst the silence.

“Yes…I can’t believe they’ll be eleven months next week.” Yuri looked lovingly at Seohyun who was drinking her milk quietly in Jessica’s arms.

“Time really does fly by so fast huh?”

“Yeah…” Yuri answered with a forced smile. Now that the babies were getting older and with Jessica more than capable of taking care of the twins, she knew that sooner she would have to leave them. After all, there was no reason for her to stay in the first place besides the twins. But she could not always use them as an excuse to be with Jessica. What she really needed was for the blond girl to just say those three words she had wanted to hear.


“Hi! We want to get our family picture taken!”

“Have you chosen what set you would like?” The photographer asked as he pulled out some forms.

“Yes. Can we get set A?” Jessica answered as she sat Yoona, who was dressed as a devil, on the counter, her hand still around the child with the deer plush toy, supporting her. Yuri was standing next to her carrying Seohyun who was dressed as an angel. The two little girls were dressed up for Halloween.

“We can change outfits, right?” Jessica asked as she filled up a form.

“Yes, and once you’re done you can go to the studio and I’ll be there soon to take your photos.”

“Thank you!” Jessica absentmindedly said as she had a hard time filling up the form with Yoona pulling the pen from her.

“Let me get Yoona so that you can finish that,” Yuri offered as she took Yoona from Jessica.

“Come on you two, let’s go over there.” Yuri was holding onto Seohyun’s hand assisting her as she walk, while she carried Yoona who was holding her plush toy and was sucking on her pacifier.

“Come here, Seohyun.” Jessica took Seohyun’s hand from Yuri as soon as she finished filling the forms and assisted the little girl, so that it’d be easier for Yuri.

They entered the studio and they quickly found that taking the pictures with the twins were both fun and exhausting. There were times when one of them would be crying or there were a lot of moments where their attention was somewhere else. It took them two hours just to take pictures and at the end of it, the two babies were sleeping soundly on their car seat. Trick or Treating at the mall was long forgotten as they decided to just head home and rest.

Growing up is a part of life, as we all know. We physically grow taller; begin to see changes as well. We notice extraordinary little things unravel. A child learns in the process of instinct and/or by examples of the environment presents to him or her. The moment a child learns to speak or to crawl and eventually, to walk—the learning never stops. A child learns to grasp before he learns to let go when he’s told to. Hold on and let go. Hold on and let go. The process is unique and simple: holding on comes first before letting go.

To grown-ups like us, this logic wasn’t really appreciated. Because letting go is something difficult for our hearts and minds. We learn it in reverse. The harder we are told to let go, the stronger we hold on.


Chapter 13.2

“That was exhausting,” Jessica said as they got into the car.

“Yes and you’d think we should be used to this by now, but sadly, we aren’t,” Yuri said through her yawn.


“A little bit.”

“You should rest on our way to Taeyeon’s house, then,” Jessica told Yuri as she backed out of the parking lot.

“It’s okay. I should keep you company instead, because out of the two of us, you’re the one who sleeps a lot,” Yuri joked as she turned on the radio to listen to some music.

“In a month, the twins will be a year old,” Jessica started.

“Yes. Can you believe it? It’s been that long.”

“I know…you’ve been with me for about two years now…”

“And I thank you for all your help.”

“No, I thank you for blessing me with two wonderful girls.”

“Why are you so cheesy?” Yuri steered their conversation towards a lighter topic. She knew her time with Jessica and the twins were almost up and she didn’t want to be reminded of that.

“Well, are you excited for your mom?”

“I am. I just want to see her healthy again,” Yuri confessed. “I just want my mom to be there, taking care of me again; cooking for me and even nagging me.”

“Soon, she’ll do that again.” Jessica took Yuri’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Dr. Song said the surgery went well and in a month or two she can leave the hospital.”

“And I have you to thank for that!” Yuri gave Jessica a peck on her cheek.

“Anything for you…” Jessica replied with a big grin on her face.

After that, their conversation was steered to a lighter note, as they talked about their friends and their holiday plans.

“Wow. That house is very pink!” Yuri exclaimed as she saw a pink house ahead.

“Yuri…that’s Taeyeon and Tiffany’s house,” Jessica said as she was chuckling. “I feel bad for Taeyeon.”

“I think it’s cute that Taeyeon was willing to live in a pink house. It shows just how much she loves Fany,” Yuri said, a little annoyed with Jessica’s statement.

“But for you I would live in any house or no house at all, as long as I’m with you.”

Yuri couldn’t help but smile at Jessica’s statement. “I hate how you know the right words to say,” Yuri said as she lightly hit Jessica.

“Easy…Yuri, I’m driving here!” Jessica was chuckling at Yuri’s cuteness.

“But you just won’t say the three words I’ve been needing you to say,” Yuri muttered under her breath, but it was drowned by Jessica’s chuckles.

Jessica parked her car in Taeyeon and Tiffany’s driveway, before bending over to kiss Yuri.

“Why are you so cute?” Jessica pinched Yuri’s nose as she hurriedly got out before the tanned girl could react.

Yuri blushed as soon as she realized what happened. “Sica!” She whined as she rubbed her nose.

“Come on. It’s kinda chilly out here. Let’s bring the kids inside.” Jessica smoothly used the twins as a means to get away from Yuri’s wrath.

“Fine,” Yuri grumbled as she took the diaper bags, while Jessica carried the car seats, and went to the front door where Taeyeon was waiting for them.

“Hi, Sica.”

“Hey Tae!” Jessica greeted Taeyeon who quickly took one of the car seats from Jessica. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” Taeyeon ushered Jessica to enter.

“Hey Yuri, how are you?”

“Hey Taeyeon. I’ve been good, and as usual busy with the twins. Where’s Tiffany?”

“Where are my god daughters?”

“As you can see, she’s doing well.” Taeyeon closed the door as soon as Yuri entered.

“How come you just got here?” Tiffany asked as she hugged Yuri.

“It took us longer to make the rice cakes, with the twins and all, and then we had to pick up the photos we took weeks ago. When we were all done with those…well, the traffic was kind of bad on the way here, since its holiday and all,” Yuri explained as she took the sleeping Seohyun from the car seat Taeyeon was holding.

“Yeah. it took me an hour to buy some paper plates when the store is usually just fifteen minutes from here. Come, let’s finish the greetings in the living room. Sunny is in there with Sooyoung and I think Jessica went there already with Yoona.” Taeyeon ushered Yuri and Tiffany to the living room.

“Peanut’s still sleeping?” Jessica asked as she took Seohyun from Yuri as soon as she saw the tanned girl enter the room.

“Yeah…we should take her jacket off; it’s warm in here. Where’s Butter?” Yuri asked as she took Seohyun’s jacket off.

“Sunny is playing with her.”

“Fany, can we borrow a pillow or something to support Seohyun so she doesn’t fall off the couch if we put her there?”

“I’ll get one,” Taeyeon answered for Tiffany.

Woof woof woof

“What’s that noise?” Jessica asked as she lay Seohyun down on the couch.

“That’s Mushroom. Taeyeon got me a puppy!” Tiffany excitedly told Jessica and Yuri.

“I love puppies! What kind of puppy?” Yuri inquired with much excitement.

“It’s a Yorkie,” Tiffany said as she saw the puppy running into the living room.

“Mushroom! Come back here!” Taeyeon chased after the puppy that was running towards Tiffany. “Sorry, he got out of our room when I was getting the pillows.”

“It’s okay.” Yuri gave Taeyeon a smile as Taeyeon stopped in front of her and handed her the pillow. “The twins aren’t allergic to animals and they’ve been around dogs before,” Yuri explained as she gave the pillow to Jessica.

“Actually, they love animals, Yoona especially” Jessica explained as she pointed to Yoona who was sitting and clapping her hands while the puppy ran around her.

“That’s sooo cute!” Tiffany ran to where Yoona and her puppy were and started taking videos through her phone.

The little puppy, upon seeing her owner, ran towards her; but Tiffany backed away, still wanting to film the dog, especially now that the little girl was chasing after it,

“Look at Butter chasing after Mushroom!” Jessica, amused at the scene, told Yuri who was watching her little girl with warmth in her eyes.

“Mushroom! Stay!” Tiffany tried to make the puppy stay, but hearing her voice, the puppy got even more excited and continued to run towards Tiffany. All the while, Yoona followed the puppy until, much to everyone in the living room’s amusement. Yoona stopped, and, from her crawling position, she lifted her butt up and straightened her knees before lifting the rest of her body into a standing position. She happily clapped her hand as she took her first few steps towards the puppy!

“Oh my gosh! Yoona is walking!” Tiffany, in her excitement, yelled so loudly that the little girl was startled and fell on her bum.

Yoona’s lips started to tremble and she started crying. Yuri, seeing the whole scene, quickly stood up to comfort the crying child.

“I’m sorry Yoona…” Tiffany was panicking and didn’t know what to do with the crying child in front of her.

“Omma!” The child continued to wail for her mother. Seeing her mother approach her, the child with tears in her eyes stood up again and started walking towards her mother. “Omma…”

“It’s okay, Butter…Omma’s here.” Yuri opened her arms wide for the little girl. She was smiling tenderly at the child, happy that she finally took her first step, though it took her a month longer than her sister, she was still proud of the younger of the two. Yuri had always had a soft spot for Butter, her little trouble maker, just like how Jessica had always had a soft spot for Seohyun, though it doesn’t mean she loves the other any less. She loves both twins equally and would do everything she could to protect the two from any harm.


"I’m sorry again for making Yoona cry!” Tiffany apologized once more, as she served cake and coffee as dessert after their thanksgiving dinner.

“Fany, it’s not your fault. It really is okay.”

“Don’t be absurd, Fany! Say sorry one more time and I won’t let you near your Goddaughters anymore!” Jessica threatened. She was seriously annoyed with Tiffany’s endless apologies.

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop saying sorry,” Tiffany conceded as she sat next to Taeyeon.

“You guys said you took photos?” Taeyeon asked as they were all lounging in the living room now after the whole fiasco.

“Yes. Since the twins are turning one soon, we figured it’d be nice to have photos taken,” Jessica explained as she briefly looked up from feeding Seohyun.

“We want to see!” Sunny squealed, “I can imagine them already smiling and acting cute!”

“It’s in that bag.” Yuri pointed towards one of the diaper bags as she repositioned Yoona so that she was lying comfortably, as she was falling asleep.

“I’ll get it!” Sooyoung volunteered as she stood up and found a large envelope in the bag. “Oh my gosh! Yoona as a little devil and Seohyun as a little angel!” gushed Sooyoung adoringly as she took out the photos from the envelope as soon as she got it.

“Yah! Share with us!” Tiffany quickly stood up so that she can see some of the pictures too. “Ohhh they’re in little elf outfits! They’re soooo adorable!” Tiffany joined the squealing.

“Shhh…tone it down guys, the little ones are sleepy,” Taeyeon calmed her friends, especially her wife down, putting her arms around her. “What the? Is that Sica in a Mrs. Santa outfit?” Taeyeon grabbed the photos from Tiffany.

“Awwww…” Sunny cooed.

“Oh my gosh! This is sooo cute!” Tiffany squealed yet again.

“You four look like a happy family here,” Sooyoung commented.

“They all have matching outfits!” Sunny gushed before turning to Sooyoung. “Let’s take a picture with matching outfits!” Sunny said, whilst showing her aegyo so effectively that the taller girl conceded by profusely nodding her head.

“I want a family picture with you and mushroom too!” Tiffany turned around and made her puppy eyes that Taeyeon could never say no to.

“Okay…okay we will!”

“We should wear Mrs. Santa outfits like Yuri and Sica, and mushroom can be our elf… or what about reindeer! He could be Rudolf!”

Yuri and Jessica looked at each other and giggled at their poor friend. They knew how much Taeyeon hated anything that involves costumes, especially those with fur.

“I think you were right earlier…poor Taeyeon…all the things she does for love,” Yuri commented.

“Tiffany’s really lucky to have her,” Jessica said softly, a smile playing on her lips.

“Taeyeon’s lucky too, since she found that someone who makes her really happy.”

“And I’m lucky to have met you. You’ve given me Peanut and Butter and I couldn’t ask for more,” Jessica spoke tenderly as she gazed lovingly into Yuri’s eyes.

Yuri returned Jessica’s statement with a smile. “Me too…” She whispered softly, but deep inside she was more confused than ever. Jessica’s words confused her even more. The blonde said all these sweet things, acted affectionately towards her, but never, not once, had it been entirely directed to her. Her vague words confused her. She often wondered why the blonde wouldn’t just tell her that she loves her or that she’s lucky to have found her, and be someone she would spend the rest of her life with—not puzzle her with these vague confessions. Was the blonde lucky because she gave her the twins? Would it be different if that wasn’t the case? Would the blonde say and do all these sweet things if the twins weren’t in the picture?

She felt soft lips against her forehead and she closed her eyes to savor this moment, after all, her time with them was ticking down faster now.



There it was again: the morning kisses that she would miss dearly.

“Morning.” She shook away those melancholic thoughts and gave Jessica a bright smile. “Are the twins still asleep?”

“Yes, and I made you breakfast. Come on…time to get up…you’re visiting your mother today right?” Jessica asked as she presented the breakfast tray to Yuri. It was nowhere near what Yuri makes in the morning but the thought that blonde took effort to do this was enough for Yuri.


“Sorry…You know I can’t cook, so that’s all I can prepare, knowing for sure that nothing would be burnt,” Jessica sheepishly told Yuri with a sheepish smile.

“No! I love it. Life cereal is my favorite and orange juice! And bananas! I love bananas. It’s my favorite!”

“Glad you like it.” Jessica gave Yuri another peck. “I’ll go check on the twins.”

“Okay,” Yuri answered in between her bites. This is how she would like to spend the rest of her mornings. How she wished she could.


“Hi omma, how are you?” Yuri greeted as she put down the fruits she brought for her.

“Yuri…my pretty daughter!” Her mother greeted her as she bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

“Dr. Song said you will be discharged soon.” Yuri pulled a chair to sit next to her mother’s bed.

“Yes. Thank you…You sacrificed so much for me already.” Her mother tenderly took Yuri’s hands. “I was the one that’s supposed to take care of you, but here you are, taking care of me.”


“Thank you…”

“Omma…you took care of me for more than twenty years. These few years is nothing compared to those.” Yuri squeezed her mother’s hand.

“Yuri ah…those eight years you’ve wasted—”

“They weren’t wasted…look at you mom…you’re all better…all those years were worth it.” Yuri argued as she smiled tenderly at her mother.

“But my poor daughter…your omma is still sorry towards you.”

“Omma…” Yuri wiped her mother’s tears as she tried to hold in her own tears.

“I can always go back to college…I can still finish college and become a pre-school teacher like I’ve always wanted…Live in the house that appa built for us…”

“Oh Yuri…things are a lot different now…with the twins and Jessica.”

“No…it’s not…” Yuri whispered.

“Omma…Peanut, Butter and Jessica are important in my life…but they are but borrowed. This whole thing is like a dream and soon I’d have to wake up from all this…” Yuri couldn’t hold in her tears anymore.

“Yuri…” The older lady couldn’t do anything but hold her daughter as she cried.

She was hurting. As a mother seeing her daughter hurting, a part of her couldn’t help but blame herself for it. If it wasn’t for her sickness, Yuri wouldn’t have been in this situation at all. But at the same time, she was also thankful, for in truth, she hadn’t ever seen her daughter this happy. With Jessica and the twins, she was reminded of how Yuri used to be—her happy-go-lucky daughter who was full of smiles and love to give.

She continued to stroke her daughter’s hair until Yuri’s sobbing turned into hiccups.

“Yuri…You love them…especially Jessica…” Her mother said tenderly.


“I can tell…I’m your mother after all.” She smiled at her tear stained daughter; she was then reminded of a younger Yuri, who would run to her crying because she woke up without her mother at her side. “The twins and Jessica makes you happy…shouldn’t you try to keep them?”

“I can’t.” Yuri’s eyes hardened with determination. “I can’t keep something that wasn’t mine to begin with…I can’t keep them…”

“But they’re fond of you now. I can tell Jessica loves you as well.”

Yuri shook her head in denial. “I wish that was true…but it’s not…You think she loves me because she says she needs me. She only needs me for the twins. She doesn’t need me because she loves me.”

“Trust me Yuri…she needs you because she loves you.”

“Then how come she has never told me that…I only want those three words. I just want certainty this time.” Yuri’s tears started falling again. “I’m so tired of knowing that I only have them temporarily. None of what I have now is permanent. Everything will be gone…and that time…it’s coming soon.”

“Yuri, nothing is certain or permanent, my sweet.” Her mother stroked her cheek.

“Once you’re discharged…it’s time for us to go back home…the longer I stay, the harder it will be for me to leave…it’s best to leave soon…while the twins are still young… when they can easily forget me…”

Yuri’s mom pulled her daughter to her and hugged her tightly. She too was crying, crying for she could feel her daughter’s pain…pain that she indirectly caused her.

And her mother spoke again in a consoling manner.

“There’s this saying I read from a book while I passed the time here. It’s called ‘The Little Prince’ and a fox said to the Little Prince about his rose: ‘It is the time that we have wasted for our rose that makes our rose so important.’ ”

Yuri’s mother sat straight and looked at her deeply and added, “You see, my dear. Once you spend or devote your precious time to anyone or to anything, that certain someone or something becomes important already. And once it becomes important, you’ll learn to love that certain someone or something. It’s how life works, I guess.”

And they both stayed attached to one another while Yuri pondered on this quote.


A leaf fell unnoticed from outside a building. A stray cat walked on the corner. An old woman crossed the street slowly. A boy picked up change in his pocket to pay for his ice cream. A man, in his thirties, read the afternoon paper at a near-by park bench. A woman hailed for a cab. If you look at these as a whole, you could almost see a perfect simultaneous fluidity in one moment. All of the above-mentioned were in motion for less than ten seconds. All interacted. Every detail counted. Even a dot on a painting was significant to an artist. Before we could look at life as a whole, we must look at life in detail. Appreciation truly began when we took note of the little things.


Chapter 14

“It was nice of Tiffany and Taeyeon to volunteer to baby sit for us,” Yuri commented as the two were browsing for the perfect tree.

“If I knew better, those two are just using Peanut and Butter to practice. The two have been talking about having a baby either through vitro or adoption,” Jessica told Yuri as she scanned the expanse of trees for the perfect one.

“I think Taeyeon will be good with kids and despite Tiffany’s clumsiness, she genuinely cares for them. I think they will make very good parents.”

“Yes, underneath all the two’s dorkiness, is a warm and caring heart.” Jessica continued to walk with Yuri following her.

“I love the smell of pine trees! It smells like Christmas!” Yuri took a big breath of air, a smile on her face.

“This is it!” Jessica exclaimed as she found the perfect tree. 

The tree was of medium size, just a little bit taller than Yuri. There was an even an abundance of leaves and Jessica could just imagine how lovely it would look once the decorations were put up. 

“I’m excited, Sica!” Yuri put her arms around the blonde girl’s shoulder and in response Jessica also wrapped her arms around the taller girl’s waist, as they watched the worker tie the tree securely onto their car. 

“It’s really nice that I can wrap my whole arm around you now,” Jessica said as she shifted so that she could bury herself in Yuri’s warmth. 

Yuri just chuckled in response. “Come on Sica…I’m excited to decorate our house!” Yuri let go of Jessica as she headed towards their car.

“Yuri…you know what I just realized?” 

Yuri stopped as she turned around to face the blonde who was still standing at the spot she left her. “What?” 

“We’re alone in the house…with the twins sleeping over Taeyeon’s and Tiffany’s house.” There was a mischievous glint in Jessica’s eyes. “That means Christmas movie marathon!”

Yuri just chuckled at Jessica’s cuteness as she jogged back to pinch the blonde’s cheeks. “You’re too adorable! Let’s go then!” 


“Angel or star?” Jessica turned around holding a star and an angel as she asked Yuri for her opinion.

“Angel…since we have two angels this year.” 

“Angel it is!” Jessica excitedly grabbed the angel, ready to put the final touch on their Christmas tree. She tiptoed to create more height and stretch her arms to reach the top of the tree.

“Here…” Jessica felt Yuri’s warm breath against her neck as the tanned girl was standing really close to her. With their bodies pressing and their arms touching, an electrifying shiver ran through Jessica’s body, as the tanned girl reached upwards to put the Angel on top of the tree. She was oblivious to how much she affected the blonde girl with their closeness. 

“There. All done,” Yuri said with a smile on her face as she finished putting the angel up and surveyed their work. 



The blonde cut Yuri off with a kiss. “You were too close, I just had to do that,” Jessica answered with a mischievous smile on her face. 

“You’ve stolen one too many kisses from me lately.”

Jessica just grinned at Yuri’s statement. “But you love it when I steal kisses from you” 

“I do not!” 

Jessica stole another kiss from Yuri. “Yes you do! Now! Let’s go make cookies”

Jessica pulled the pouting Yuri towards the kitchen. 

The making of cookies took longer than it was supposed to; simply because there were lots of stolen kisses along the process. 

“Next time, we’re just going to buy cookie dough,” Yuri said as she took out the tray of freshly baked cookies from the oven.

“But it won’t be the same,” Jessica argued as she brought out the ingredients to decorate the cookies.

“But cookie dough equals less mess and less time,” Yuri argued as she took out another tray of cookies.

“It’s not as fun and I’ll get less kisses,” Jessica argued foolishly.

“But we’d have more snuggling time…I like snuggling,” Yuri argued back as the two set on the task of decorating their Christmas themed sugar cookies.

“I like snuggling too…and kisses…kisses especially…” 

“That’s because you like taking advantage of me…”

“Only because you like it when I take advantage of you…like this.” Jessica stole another kiss from Yuri to emphasize her point.

“Yah! Enough…or you won’t have any more tonight.”


“We’re home!” 

“Mama!” Seohyun reached her hand out towards Jessica.

“Welcome home,” Yuri greeted as she gave Seohyun to Jessica before running towards her mother to give her a big hug.

“Omma! I miss you!” Yuri struggled to hug her mother while she held on to Yoona.

“I miss you too! And finally I get to spend some time with my grandchildren.” Yuri’s mom instantly took Yoona from Yuri.

“Nana!” Yoona fondly called the older lady. 

“She still remembers me.”

“Of course! My Peanut and Butter are both really smart” Yuri boasted as she ushered her mother in the kitchen. “I made Korean food. I know you miss eating it. You’re finally home.” Yuri kissed her mother’s cheek.

“Aigoo…you’re being too sweet.” She ruffled her daughter’s hair fondly.

Jessica smiled at the scene in front of her. She felt that her family was now complete and she couldn’t ask for more. 


“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Seohyun and Yoona…Happy Birthday to you!” Everyone sang as the two babies clap their hands. 

Yuri and Jessica, who were carrying Yoona and Seohyun respectively, bent down and blew the candles for the two. Unknowingly, Yoona touched the cake and put it in her mouth before trying to feed the cake to her sister who turned her head around, causing the cake to smear onto Seohyun’s chubby cheeks. 

Laughter filled the atmosphere as everyone found the adorable twins entertaining. Yuri took in every little detail that day: how Yoona and Seohyun felt in her embrace; how the blonde girl’s lips felt against her skin and lips as she stole some kisses from her; the laughter of her friends. She engraved in her heart how Yoona and Seohyun called her ‘omma’ and how that one word brought so much joy in her heart. It was a bittersweet word, for she would never get to hear that one word coming from the twins after today. She memorized the feel of Jessica’s arms as it slithered around her waist. She was certain that she would miss Jessica so much. She wasn’t even sure if she can live her life without the blonde. The only thing she was certain of was that she just needed to try and hope that time will dull the pain of their separation.


“Yuri?” Jessica poked her head in Yuri’s room but she found the room empty.

She had just sent off all the guests including the twins. Tiffany and Taeyeon were borrowing them and Jessica agreed immediately. She thought it was a good idea, considering they were both exhausted from today’s party. 

“She’s probably in her mother’s room,” Jessica muttered. She decided to wait for Yuri in her room.

Out of boredom, Jessica started looking through Yuri’s room. The tanned girl had always been neat and orderly. She was very organized with everything she was doing. May it be for cooking or merely changing the twin’s diapers, but everything would always be ready before she would start a task. She actually found that she liked the orderliness that the tanned girl brought in her messy life. Now, she wasn’t afraid to raise the twins. Not when she knew that she has Yuri with her to raise them. Yuri, who she had realized for quite a long time now, was the person she wanted to spend her whole life with—the person she loves.

As she was peering through Yuri’s desk she found the scrapbook Yuri had been working on since the twin’s birth. She hadn’t actually seen the scrapbook; they’d been too busy with the twins that any free time was juggled between work and sleep. Wanting to see how much the twins have grown, she started flipping through the scrap book. But like they always said: curiosity killed the cat. 

Jessica easily got lost with the pictures and anecdotes that Yuri had incorporated in the scrapbook. Jessica felt like she was relieving all those experiences that she had taking care of the twins this past year. It was even more entertaining to read it from Yuri’s perspective. With all honestly, not once had she heard the tanned girl complain, despite the difficulty of rearing a child, much less, twins. From her own experience, she knew how tiring it was to raise two babies - that’s why she just adored Yuri’s patience and strength more than ever. 

When Jessica reached the end of the scrap book, she was surprised to find a stack of letters bounded with a pink ribbon. The letters were addressed to the twins and “Happy Birthday” was written on all of them, labeled with different ages. Jessica smiled at the cuteness of Yuri writing letters for the future. Out of curiosity, she randomly opened one of the letters to read. 

Happy Birthday my dear Peanut and Butter! Today you two are now eighteen! I hope you haven’t been giving your mama Jessica much trouble. She’s a busy woman; you know, trying to care for the two of you all by herself and running a company at the same time. So love her a lot and shower her with kisses and hugs; even though I know that you two probably think you’re too old to do that. Well here’s news for you, you’re not! So go and kiss and hug your mama Jessica now!

It had also been seventeen years since I last saw the two of you. I know you two have grown to be beautiful and wonderful young ladies. So don’t give your mama Jessica headaches okay? Study hard and do well! If you found someone you love, tell your mama Jessica about it and don’t go hiding things like that from her! She deserves to know. Don’t keep any secrets from her okay? 

Just remember that though I’m not there to see you two grow up, you two will always be in my heart. You will always be my Peanut and Butter. I love you so much. I wish I could have watched you two grow…maybe one day, fate will bring us together and I’ll get to see you two again. But for now I’ll content myself in knowing that you’ve been at least reading my letters.

Always thinking of you,

Your Yuri omma.

Jessica crumpled the letter she read and frantically searched through the letters until she found what she was looking for. 

“To my Peanut and Butter, Happy 2nd Birthday!” Jessica read the inscription on the letter.

“Sica, are you in my room?” Yuri poked her head and quickly saw Jessica with the scrapbook and the letters. “Sica…”

“Were you really going to leave us?” Jessica asked as she turned around to face Yuri.

“Sica…I…” Yuri started but Jessica’s tears halted her from continuing and walking towards the fragile blonde.

“You’re just going to leave like that? You entered my life and then you’re just going to leave like you didn’t turn my life upside down!” Jessica said coldly to Yuri, though the tears streaming down her face told of her pain. The tremors of her body showed her anger as she walked forward to the frozen Yuri.

“What’d you want me to do, Sica?” Yuri asked desperately. “I was supposed to leave as soon as I gave birth. I was supposed to have no attachment whatsoever to the baby. I was supposed to just be able to go back to my life. But the accident happened…circumstances changed and I had to stay longer!” Yuri yelled all her bottled up emotions. 

“Yuri…” Jessica was stunned by Yuri’s confession, but more specifically the anger in her voice. Jessica felt selfish. This whole time she failed to realize that Yuri could have been in pain. She failed to realize what the consequences of the agreements were to Yuri.

“It’s not fair for me…You and the twins are just losing me…but I…I’m losing three…it’s not fair…but you know what’s more unfair? Is that all these time I didn’t know who am I to you. You lead me on with your sweet words…you lead me on with your hugs and kisses but not once have you told me who am I in your life…” Yuri was now sobbing uncontrollably as she released all her emotions.

“Yuri...I tell you all the time I need you…I shower you with affections… were my actions not enough?” Jessica asked softly.

“You tell me you need me…because you need me because of the twins…Do you need me for yourself?” Yuri whispered painfully soft. “You know…each and every single day I spent with you and the twins, I was falling in love. I was falling in love deeper with Peanut and Butter…but most especially with you. Tell me Jessica…just please tell me…”

“Yuri…I need you because I love you…I need you because I can’t imagine my life without you anymore…I need you because you’re you and you’re essential to me…” Jessica finally blurted out what she should have said a long time ago. “Truth be told, you snuck up on me. Everything was supposed to be business. You were to take care of them and then leave when I’m ready to be a parent but you snuck up on me…you made me fall in love deeper with each passing day but most of all you made me realize just how wonderful and happier my life is because you were in it.”

“Sica…” Yuri was crying harder now.

“Yuri…I love you…I really do…” Jessica walked towards Yuri, her face drenched with tears, and hugged the tanned girl tightly.

“Sica…”Yuri just continued crying.

Jessica murmured Yuri’s name over and over again as she kissed all her tears away before kissing her fully on her lips. Their lips instantly melted together as all the emotions and passion that were kept buried deep within them had finally been set free. They let their mouth speak what their hearts wanted to tell each other. Their hands roamed and felt each other, build security and confirm that all that was happening was true. Reveling in the feel and warmth of each other, all the while they murmured sweet nothings and all those words that both had wanted to hear from each other as they explored each other’s every nook and cranny, divulging and baring all their vulnerabilities and secrets, not withholding anything from each other until everything erupts and all that was left was the afterglow of their love and maybe…maybe…a future together. 


A child lets go of her mother’s hands to take her very first step. A new kid in school takes courage in introducing himself to his classmates, and making friends with them during recess. A boy musters up his courage to ask his crush out for a date. A woman leaves her husband who had been abusing her. A husband gambles away his savings in hopes of winning to pay for his wife’s hospital bills.

Life is much like a big game of blackjack. One has to make several decisions of whether to hit or stay without knowing what the next card will be. Though there will always be a risk of losing something or someone, there will always be a possibility of having something better too, and nothing will change if one does not wager.

Every day we call the shots. It might be as little as going to school early to make sure you would not be late for your exam, or it could be as big as telling the person you love what you feel for them.

Life is all about taking risks and not letting important chances pass by. 


“Morning,” Jessica gave Yuri a morning kiss on her forehead, a serene smile playing on her lips.

“Morning,” Yuri shyly returned the greeting as she covered herself with the blanket, only letting her eyes peeked through the blanket.

“Yuri…I’m sorry for never telling you how I felt.” Jessica started as she pulled Yuri’s body closer to her own.

“Every night before I go to bed, I imagine how the twins will be when they grow up. I can see you bringing them to school on their first day of class. I see them running towards you as you pick them up from school. I see you reading bed time stories to them every night right after you drink a glass of milk together. I see you helping them with their homework. I see you hastily making sandwiches for their lunch. I see you gossip with them about their crushes. I see you fussing over their first date. I see you crying when they graduate. I see you—”

“But Yuri…I see you with us in that future…you were with me…we were guiding them together…it’s not just me…it’s us Yuri…you and me together. We’ll guide them and support them every step of the way until we are both too old to do so.” Jessica gave Yuri another kiss before tapping Yuri’s nose lightly “I love you…”

“I know that now…” Yuri smiled at Jessica tenderly, her happiness showing clearly in her eyes. “I love you too”

“Are you not leaving us anymore then?”

“I’m sorry…but I have to—”

“What?!” Jessica sat up straight. “But you said you love me too, then why—”

Yuri sat up as well pulling the blanket with her. “If you’d let me finish my sentence first then you won’t be panicking. I have to go back to Korea and settle some things for my mother.”


Yuri tapped Jessica’s nose. “You’re too adorable!”

“You can’t blame me. You were going to leave me.” Jessica pouted.

“You left me hanging too long by not confessing” Yuri scoffed at Jessica.

“Fine…fair enough!” Jessica pouted. “But now I’ll tell you ‘I love you’ until you get tired of the phrase” A grin broke out and graced her face.

“Never!” Yuri smiled back. “As long as it’s you saying it to me…I’ll never get tired of hearing it.” Yuri kissed Jessica fully on her lips and needless to say they were held up on the bed for a while more.


The dark clouds outside an urbanized neighborhood struck a loud thunder. Almost simultaneously, two toddlers cried together, matching the passing of a rumble, a silence, and then the heavy rainfall clattered above the roof.

“Mama!” A little girl with blunt bangs and straight jet black hair with puffy cheeks started tearing up when she couldn’t find her mother. Her crying instantly woke her sister. “Mama! Mama!”

Her sister continued to look at her crying that her own eyes started tearing up and her lips trembling. She could not just take her eyes off the other little girl who was sobbing frantically while hugging her frog plushy tightly, and it made her really sad and afraid too. “Omma! Omma!”

“Shhh…it’s okay Hyunnie…” Seohyun’s cries turned into hiccups as soon as she was picked up. She wrapped her arm around the woman’s neck and buried her face. “Mama…”

“Hyunnie…it’s okay…”

“Shhh…come on, yoona…it’s okay…shhh…” Yoona quieted down from the soothing caresses on her back and upon seeing her sister calmed down.

“Yoong, up!” Yoona raised her arms out, signaling that she wanted to be carried up like her sister.

“Does Yoona want to be carried too?”

Yoona nodded her head as she chewed on the ear of her deer plushy, one of her arms still held up. The woman smiled at her before carrying her up. Yoona quickly snuggled on the warmth that the crook of her neck offered. “Omma…want Omma”

“If only Yuri’s here…then we would not have to go through all this.”


Tiffany felt guilty. She knew how emotional her best friend could get, especially nowadays.

“I’m sorry Jessi…I didn’t mean—”

“Fany, how could you?”

“I’m sorry” Tiffany mouthed an apology.

“Just don’t mention her name.” Jessica said as she continued to pacify the little girl in her arms.

They cradled them both and then a chorus was made by a lightning, a thunder, the two toddlers and the rainfall clattering above the roof.

“I didn’t mean to…it just slipped my mouth!” Tiffany defended as she continued to rub Yoona’s back, her voice joining the choruses of noises made that night.

“Mentioning her name just aggravates the kids more…you know how much they miss her whenever she goes to visit Korea.”

“Are you bullying my wife again, Jessica?” A shorter girl than the two stood at the doorway her finger pointing at the blonde.

“And are you bullying my Sica baby?” The tanned girl asked as she towered over the shorter girl.

“Omma!” Both girls said as they both squirmed, signaling they wanted to be put down.

“You missed me, girls?” Yuri opened her arms to hug her two girls.

“Yesh!” The two girls showered Yuri with kisses so that the tanned girl ended up losing balance and fell down onto the carpet, laughing heartily as they continued to slobber her.

“I missed you both too.” Yuri said as she stood up holding onto the little girls’ hand. “But I missed a certain blonde more,” Yuri mischievously said with a wink as she walked towards the pouting blonde.

“Come girls how about we get cookies and milk? Your Mama and Omma need some alone time…” Taeyeon suggested.

“Cookies!” The two girls let go of Yuri’s hand as they ran towards Taeyeon and Tiffany who were waiting for them by the bedroom door.

“Jessi, take this as my apology for implying that you’re bad at taking care of them.” Tiffany teased with a wink before closing the door quickly.

“Arrghhhh! I am so not granting her request for a leave so she and Tae can’t go on their third honeymoon. She called me a lousy parent…How could she?”

“Sica baby…remember the time when Yoona ate the blue crayola? Or the time you forgot Seohyun in the car? Or the time—”

Jessica pouted at Yuri who was trying hard not to laugh. She loves teasing the blonde girl.

“But it’s okay…That’s why we’re raising the twins together so that I could tell you that the Crayola was non-toxic…to make sure that both Seohyun and Yoona are out the car…You know I wouldn’t choose any other partner to raise my kids.” Yuri said after she kissed Jessica’s pout away.

“Yuri…” The blonde started tearing up.

“Sica baby…are you—”

“Yah! How can you make me cry! You know I’m emotional because of pumpkin!”

“Did you buy a puppy without telling me?”

“You stupid ape! You know I’m pre—”

“I know baby…I was just teasing you.” Yuri hugged Jessica tighter.

“Why am I carrying this time again?”

“Because you wanted to be the girl in the relationship.” Yuri pacified Jessica by giving her a kiss on her temple.

“That’s because you’re my Kwon Seobang”

“I know…and I’ll forever be your Seobang and you, my Sica baby…I love you…”

“I love you too…”


We often heard the cliché phrase ‘actions speak louder than words’. That a relationship built only in flowery words and empty promises was destined to fail from the very start, for we also need to know that communication and trust plays a big role.

Love had always been a two way affair. It needed to be nourished with care, trust, affection and honesty. It thrived when showered with good communication and assurances and often, love dies because of neglect and abandonment.

Showing you care and love someone sometimes isn’t just enough. Sometimes, a word of assurance is all it takes to erase the kernel of doubt that could lead to uncertainties and neglect.

When God created us, he gave us a pair of eyes to never lose sight of what we love – the other half that makes us whole. He gave us a nose; not just for smelling, but to remember the scent of our lover for every morning that we wake up. He gave us ears so we could hear those three words that makes our heart leap, along with a mouth to reassure that those three words would never be overlooked or forgotten. And lastly, he gave us hands, set of fingers, just like locks and keys that fit together; through our actions we were entwined, our words combined into one. With what God gave, we are secure and safe. Our love, through actions and words, is nourished. It was God's greatest gift to us, a chance to experience a piece of heaven on earth, a chance to create something unexplainable, something that couldn't be defined—he made us fall in love.


Extended Epilogue

“We should wait…” A little girl with straight long black hair, blunt bangs and chubby cheeks said hesitantly as she held the hand of another little girl who was staring at her with her big innocent eyes while sucking her thumb.

“Hyunnie…you know mama takes forever to wake up and she always hogs omma to herself.” The girl showed a disgusted face at her mama’s possessiveness of her omma. “So, if you want to still have our party, then we need to wake them up.”

“But Yoong…”

“Are you chickening out on me?”

“I am not a chicken!” Seohyun answered indignantly. “Come on Krys…we need to wake up mama and omma”

“Mama…Omma…wake up…” The little girl stopped sucking her thumb as she attempted to reach the door knob to get into their mothers’ room.

Yoona, the most impatient of the three, opened the door quietly and allowed her sisters to slip inside the room first before following them and closing the door quietly.

“See! I was right! Mama is hogging Omma again…” The little girl huffed at the sight of her Mama hugging her Omma tightly as the two adults were sleeping peacefully unaware of the impending attack of their daughters.

“Mama hogs Omma…” Krystal repeated what Yoona had said.

“See Hyunnie, Krys agrees with me…we need to save Omma…” Yoona stomped her way towards the bed.

“Yoong…I don’t thin—”

It was too late; Yoona was already helping Krystal up onto the bed, and as soon as their little sister was up on the bed, she immediately tried to squeeze herself in between their mothers, while Yoona, who had also gotten up the bed, was already jumping up and down while yelling ‘wake up!’.

Seohyun sighed to herself and proceeded towards the bed, throwing caution to the wind as she joined her sisters in waking up her parents.

The tanned girl stirred from her sleep as she felt Krystal trying to squeeze her tiny body in the little space between her and Jessica. Then Yoona and even her little angel Seohyun was jumping and yelling wake up.

“Hmmm…” Yuri, who was still tired, made space for Krystal to lay comfortably in between her and Jessica, and the little girl quickly snuggled next to her as she sucked on her thumb.

“Omma! Wake up!” Yoona was shaking Yuri. “No Krys! You’re supposed to wake them up not sleep!”

“Why are you kids’ sooo loud in the morning…?” Jessica grumpily said as she snuggled closer to Krystal and Yuri, the little girl giggling at her Mama’s sniff kisses. Jessica then opened her eyes and craned her neck a little bit to check the time. “It’s only six in the morning…”

“But mama, it’s our birthday party today!” Yoona argued, though she had stopped jumping and was now sitting down on the bed.

“Yoong, your party isn’t until three. There’s plenty of time…How about we all sleep some more?” Yuri patiently explained.

“But there’s a lot to do!” Yoona continued to argue.

“Yoong…come on…it’s still early…” Jessica tried to persuade the ever stubborn Butter.

“But Mama…”

“Yoong, how about this…if you let Mama and I sleep some more, we’ll let you have as much chocolate and candy as you want today.”

“You promise?”

“I promise…so we should all sleep some more for now…” Yuri said as she yawned.

“Can we sleep here?” Seohyun asked politely.

“Sleep here!” Krystal yelled through her yawn.

“Of course…You guys don’t even have to ask.” Jessica said as she created some space for Seohyun.

“I want to sleep next to Omma!” Yoong declared.

“Me want omma!” Krystal copied her older sister as she held on to Yuri tighter.

“At least I have my Seohyunnie here…” Jessica hugged her daughter affectionately, knowing full well about Yoona’s adamant insistance of always choosing Yuri.

“Mama!” Jessica saw Krystal break away from Yuri’s hug as she squeezed herself between Jessica and Seohyun.

“And of course! My little pumpkin!” Jessica snuggled their youngest daughter.

“Okay…everyone settled now? So can we please get more sleep?” Yuri asked as she closed her eyes already.

It was picture-perfect. Yuri hugged Yoona who was holding on to Seohyun, while Seohyun who was in the middle holding on to Krystal as well, while Krytal was snuggled cozily with Jessica. And underneath the blanket, Jessica and Yuri’s leg were still tangled. All five of them had a peaceful and contented smile on their face as they drifted off to dream land.


“Can you drive faster?”

“I’m trying to, but there’s an accident, some of the lanes are blocked.” Taeyeon answered patiently.

“But we won’t make it in time,” Tiffany was panicking.

“It’ll be okay, Fany...” Taeyeon gave her wife a peck on her cheek.

Taeyeon thought that things will go a little bit more smoothly since it was to be their second adoption. She could still remember the first time they adopted. They flew to Korea to pick up their little boy. His name was Minhyuk and the first time Taeyeon laid eyes on the little boy, she knew he was the one. Taeyeon fell in love, with his eye-smile, it was almost the exact same replica of her wife’s Tiffany’s eye-smile, but of course nothing could beat Tiffany’s in Taeyeon’s totally unbiased opinion. But before they could meet their little angel, Tiffany almost had a panic attack. They not only got lost on the way to the orphanage, but they also almost got into an accident, in which, Taeyeon vowed to never drive in Asia ever again, it was too crazy and scary for her. That was why after three years, they were picking up the latest addition to their family at the airport. Another little angel, and based on the pictures and the videos they have seen of the little girl, she has the same eye-smile as her wife as well.

“It better be fine…then we have to hurry up to the twin’s birthday party too...Jessi will kill us if we’re late…you know how she is when it has to do with her daughters…” Tiffany continued to ramble on and Taeyon just smiled as she look at the back seat to their son, who was sleeping soundly, then next to him to their well behaved mushroom looking out the window and then finally, at Tiffany, her wife. And in an hour or so, there will be another little angel that will more than complete her family.


Ding Dong Ding Dong

“Coming!” Three loud voices answered the doorbell as three pairs of shoes rushed towards the front door, opening the door excitedly to their first guests.

“Happy Birthday Seohyun and Yoona! And Hi to you too, Krystal”

“Aunt Sooyoung and Aunt Sunny!” The little girls greeted as they let the two adults enter.

“You all look like beautiful princesses!” Sunny complimented as she received her hugs from the girls.

“Krystal! Angel!” The little girl stomped her foot as she pretend to flap her wings.

“I’m sorry…Okay, two beautiful princesses and a beautiful angel then…” Sunny corrected as she pat Krystal, who immediately beamed at being called an angel.

“Seohyun and I are snow princesses and Krystal’s a snow angel” Yoona boasted as she twirled around in her blue dress.

Yoona was wearing a soft blue tulle skirt that was adorned with glittery snowflake embellishments and topped with a glimmer-y blue sheer bow atop white satin. She was also wearing a soft blue long-sleeved leotard top that was trimmed with white marabou all around the neck and on the wrists. To complete her outfit she had on a matching leg warmers and flats. Her hair was curled and she had on a shiny tiara and wand. Seohyun had the exact same outfit, except it was in lavender. Whilst Krystal was wearing a long sleeved white Satin Tulle dress with a silver band around its waist, the cuffs of her dress were lined with fur and she has on angel wings. Her hair was up in a bun and, because she wanted to be like her sister, she refused to wear the halo that matched her outfit and insisted on wearing a tiara.

“Where are your mothers?” Sooyoung asked as she carried Krystal.

“In the kitchen…”

“Goodie! Since Aunt Sooyoung is starving.” Sooyoung said as she went towards the kitchen to greet her two friends and maybe steal some snacks.

“Here are our gifts for the two of you!” Sunny handed the gifts to Seohyun and Yoona.

“Thank you!” The two girls thanked her happily before running towards the living room to add the gifts to the existing pile of presents already there. Sunny assumed that it was from Yuri and Jessica; the two have always spoiled their daughters, especially on their birthdays.

“So, you two have outdone yourselves again this year!” Sunny greeted her two friends as she saw an array of food. She was amused by the desserts and treats that were in line with the theme of today’s party. Even the two were wearing white winter dresses for the event.

“Sunny bun!” Jessica enveloped her best friend in a warm hug. “You know we have to for Peanut and Butter!”

“Well, I like the theme this year…and yah! Choi Sooyoung can you at least wait a little bit before eating…the other guest aren’t even here yet!” Sunny scolded, her index finger pointing accusingly at Sooyoung.

“Sunny…is that an engagement ring?” Jessica pulled Sunny’s hand and examined the simple band with a princess cut diamond.

“Yes, that giant finally had the guts to propose to me!”

“Yah!” Sooyoung protested.

“It did take you awhile to propose to her.” Yuri interjected as she gave Krystal her pacifier.

“Yes, it only took that giant six years!”

“Well, at least the diamond on your ring totally made up for it!” Jessica whistled as she gazed at the big rock on Sunny’s ring. “Seobang! I want a ring like that!” Jessica demanded from the tanned girl.

“But Sica baby, you’re the CEO…while I’m only a pre-school teacher. How am I supposed to be able to afford that?”

“I want a big ring…” Jessica pouted as she went closer to Yuri and latched onto the taller girl’s arm.

“Mama wants ring!” Krystal said cutely through her pacifier, which earned the little girl a kiss from her mama.

“On second thought, we do have a joint account…” Yuri teased the blonde girl that earned her a glare from Jessica.

“This is why I know for sure that Yuri is the one for Jessica.” Sunny laughed heartily at Yuri’s cheekiness.


Soon, Hyoyeon and her husband EunHyuk and their three boys, KyuHyun, Shindong and Key, arrived. The little boys were dressed as snow pirates, just like what was asked in the invitation. After Yoona and Seohyun greeted their Aunt Hyoyeon and Uncle EunHyuk they greeted their friends before handing a silver eye patch, a silver head wrap and a toy sword to the three boys.

And a little while later Dr. Hyori Lee, Sunny’s cousin, arrived with her husband Jung Jihoon (Dr. Lee refused to changed her last name after marriage as she already made a name in her field under her surname before) and their two kids, Miru and Luna, both also dressed for the party.

Then, Minho, the medical assistant that Jessica was jealous of before, along with his fiancée Suzy and their daughter Jiyeon, came soon after.

Dr. Dong Young Bae whom they all fondly called Taeyang now, also came with his fiancée Sandara Park. They even brought their nephews, Seungri and Seunghyun and nieces, Bom and CL along, who happened to be Yoona and Seohyun’s classmates in school and ballet class respectively.

Even, Ms. Narsha graced the party with her witty presence, bringing laugh to everyone as she reminisced of how Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Jessica and Yuri were during the pre-natal classes.

Taeyeon and Tiffany were the last to arrive; finally arriving thirty minutes into the party with their son MinHyuk and their new daughter JinRi. And if it wasn’t for their new daughter Jessica wouldn’t be nice and let her best friend off the hook for being late at her daughters’ birthday party.

Yuri was just standing at the corner of the room next to her mother watching all her friends and family, a small soft smile fixated on her face.


“Yes…I didn’t think I could be this happy in my life…” Yuri answered her mother’s query.

“And as your mother, I couldn’t be any happier than to see you smile every single day.”

Yuri didn’t say anything and just gave her mother a soft peck on her cheek. “I love you omma…”

“I love you too…my pretty daughter…”

“Omma!” Yuri felt someone tugging at the hem of her dress; she looked down and smiled upon seeing Krystal. She lifted the little girl up. “What does my pumpkin want?”

“Aunt Fany and Aunt Taeyeon has a baby…Me want baby!” Krystal demanded to her mother.

Yuri looked at her mother for help on how to best answer her daughter’s query but her mother just smiled at her before leaving to join the crowd.

Yuri sighed and then smiled fondly at Krystal’s cuteness; she was like a mini Jessica, with her demanding ways. But she still didn’t know how to answer that question so she chose to say “I think you better asked your mama that question”

“Ask me what?” Jessica asked Yuri as she drank her juice and stood next to her wife.

“Mama, me want baby! Can we have a baby?”

Yuri watched as Jessica choked on her drink and started coughing after hearing the question.

“Are you okay, Sica?” Yuri was rubbing Jessica’s back as the latter continued to cough.


“Yesh…” Jessica managed to say as she took a deep breath after her coughing fit.

“Pumpkin…instead of a baby, how about we get something like mushroom?”

“Doggie! Me want doggie!”

“We’ll get a dog then.” Jessica smiled as she patted her daughters head.

“Down!” Krystal squirmed as she wanted to be put down.

Yuri put Krystal down and then watched as their youngest ran while yelling ‘doggie’ towards where her sisters were playing with the other kids.

“What was that about?” Jessica questioned Yuri.

Yuri just shrugged as she placed her arm around Jessica’s shoulder. “So, no more kids for us?” Yuri teased the blonde.

“As much as I love Peanut, Butter and Pumpkin…I don’t think we should have another child anytime soon. I want a lot of alone time with you…” Jessica whispered the last bit into Yuri’s ears.

“Not my fault…you insisted on having Krystal since you wanted to be the girl in the relationship when I would have easily agreed to be the man, without you going as far as having a baby.” Yuri cheekily answered.

Jessica just pouted at Yuri.

“Just kidding.” Yuri kissed away Jessica’s pout. “Our family would have not been the same without pumpkin.” Yuri continued as she interlaced her hand with Jessica’s and the two continued to watch their daughters with a content smile gracing their lips.


“Did you girls have fun?” Yuri asked as she tucked her daughters in bed.

“Yes! A lot of fun!” Yoona answered loudly.

“Fun!” Krystal seconded her sister’s opinion.

“It was very fun! Thank you Omma, thank you Mama.” Seohyun thanked her parents.

“Thank you!” Yoona also said as she gave Yuri a peck on her cheek then she jumped out of her bed and also gave Jessica one.

“You girls are welcome…” Jessica answered as she tucked Seohyun in bed.

“Good night girls!” Yuri said as Jessica and herself gave each of their daughter a kiss on their foreheads.

“Good night…” The three said through their yawns.

Yuri and Jessica stood by the door for a while after they turned off the light to watch their three little angels before closing the door quietly.

“Now, that the kids are asleep…what about that alone time you were talking about?” Jessica whispered to Yuri.

“Don’t start anything you can’t finish Sica baby…”

“Oh…did I tell you that I visited Victoria Secret yesterday while I was shopping for some of the decorations for the party today….”

“Sica…” Yuri narrowed her eyes as she watched Jessica sway her sexy hips as the blonde walked backwards towards their bedroom.

“It’s black and red…and it has lace…and—”

Jessica never finished the rest of her sentence as she was quickly dragged by Yuri towards their room.

Needless to say, that night was a very long one for Jessica and Yuri, and the two didn’t forget to lock their room as to not get distracted by anyone. After all, tonight was Jessica and Yuri’s night.


“Yoong…we should let them sleep…” Seohyun chastised her younger sibling.

“Sleep!” Krystal yelled through her yawn.

“Are you still sleepy Krys?” Seohyun asked her little sister who just nodded her head.

“We can all sleep with Mama and Omma again!” Yoona argued as she tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. “It’s locked!”

“Let me try, Mama and Omma never locks their door.” Seohyun gave the door a twist but like what Yoona said, the door was locked.

“What are you girls doing awake so early in the morning?”


“Good morning, kids!” Mrs. Kwon greeted her grandchildren as she picked up Krystal who looked really sleepy.

“Mama and Omma’s door is locked.” Yoona complained to her Nana.

Mrs. Kwon smiled knowingly. “Let’s not disturbed your mothers, how about Nana makes you pancake and hot chocolates for breakfast?”

“Yes! Pancakes and hot chocolate!” Seohyun exclaimed while jumping happily, along with Yoona. “Thank you Nana” Seohyun added at the end.

“Come on then and let’s leave your Mama and Omma to sleep some more…I bet the two had a lot of fun last night…”

“Fun?” Krystal asked.

“Yes, lots of fun…” Mrs. Kwon answered as she poked the little girl’s nose.


“Do you think they’re gone?” Yuri asked as she was hovering on top of Jessica.

“I think so…” Jessica said as she pulled Yuri down on top of her. “Should we continue what we were doing last night Seobang?”

“Sica…” Yuri warned the blonde girl though her breath has hitched a little.

“I think your mother can occupy them for a while…plus, how often do we get alone time?” Jessica tried to convince Yuri through her words, though her roaming hands were probably doing most of the convincing.

“Sica baby…I think we really need another honeymoon...” Yuri said before kissing the blonde senselessly.

“Yes, and this time we’re not bringing the kids with us…” Jessica managed to say between kisses.

“Definitely not! We are not about to have our second honeymoon in Disneyland resort again.” Yuri said in between the strings of feathery kisses she was giving the blonde’s neck.

“I thought you love Mickey…” Jessica got out before letting out a moan when Yuri bit her collar bone.

“Yes…but I like you in bed with me more…” Yuri went lower.

“Oh yes! Bed…good…” Jessica incoherently said, ending their conversation for the rest of the morning as their mouths and hands were too busy doing other ‘things’ with each other.


One thing can lead to another. A minute earlier or later on a bus going to school could lead someone to a different place or miss someone’s hug at the end of a class. Somebody decided to have a coffee somewhere else, rather than their usual place because of the weather or because they felt like going somewhere else. By deciding to do so, they missed an opportunity to talk to the one they might be spending the rest of their life with. They ignored a call from their mom when she was just going to ask how they were and wanted to tell them that their favorite cousin from another part of the world is dying from an illness. A month earlier, somebody shouted at a waitress that all she was guilty for was her bad service. A month later, that somebody got fired and ridiculed by his/her co-workers for poor performance. Time and again, life has made fools of us. The more we wanted to understand life, the more it becomes incomprehensible.

We are busy praying to God for signs of luck or help with making big decisions, but in the end, we almost always yield to what we feel is right and go beyond the signs we see. We blame him when something awful happens based on that decision. We can’t seem to fully comprehend that God doesn’t really have a say on what we choose to pick. He simply gives us free will.

An ailing mother pushed her daughter to agree to become a surrogate. An accident that killed a woman’s brother and sister-in-law had another woman, and babies, to care for. With the new additions in their lives, they decided to stay with each other. Choosing to stay had led both of them to finding love. Love of the romantic kind and the purest love of all, a mother’s love for a child.

Lives intertwine from situation to situation; from a bad one to a good one. We seem to slide into oblivion of web connections or a whole spectrum of choices, decisions, fears, desires and dreams. But every connection can only lead to one aspect. And at the end of the line, we can only say it was worth choosing.

Then we go on to a realization that life is stranger than fiction, indeed—Stranger and better, for we became the writer of our own life stories.

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