arc to the rescue

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In a dark room in the grim lands

Salem: "ok fuck it no more shadow war bull shit we will destroy the world head on listen up you each will go to a kingdom and build an army of grim so great they cant fight back and you all will attack at the same time so none of the other kingdoms can aid each other got it trying to get the maidens powers are taking too long and attack menagerie for good measure the fang has done nothing to make getting the maidens faster so there home is forfeited"

Yes my queen they all say and got up to do as their told

Meanwhile back at beacon

Jaune: "what happend to team rwby! What happened to my friends!"

Ozpin: "they all sustained fatal wounds from their fight with torchwick and the mech we are trying to stablelize them but no success"

Jaune: "no I refuse to allow that! Professor let me help I discovered my semblance in training today ren got hurt by a training bot and by instinct my aura went to him and healed him but thats not all it seems to have an empowering effect on the person please you got to let me try to save my friends!"

Ozpin: "very go quickly ruby was hit the worse she suffering from 2 fatal injuries her aura very strong but its close to breaking"

Jaune: "no no no I won't let you die ruby!"

He runs in to the med bay and quickly got to work and started to pump them full of his aura and like magic all 4 of them started to heal but it wasnt fast enough for jaune

The nurse and the professors could only stare in shock that his semblance can actually heal them

Jaune: "its not fast enough I refuse to lose you guys like I lost pyhrra!"

(An: "pyhrra much earlier she died protecting argus her home over their break when a buch of grim invaded and she got overwhelmed and died)

The 4 girl got a white aura to burst around them with ruby being the thickest and brightest and jaune aura flared up around him to goodwitch worried he would run out of aura gasps in shock and showed everyone jaune not losing a single drop of aura or more like his aura is constantly refilling before it can drop too low

Mean while with the girls they are sitting in a white void since they where so close to death

Yang: "this sucks we do good to try to stop a criminal cause the adult where not doing it fast enough and we die for it now"

Weiss: "I told you all we should have left it to the professionals! We are strongbbut where still students now look where we are in a void waiting to die!"

Blake: "this is my fault my obsession got us killed"

Ruby: "yes yes it did but it doesn't matter cause we would have helped you regardless and your our friends we help you in any way we can"

They then heard something but it was faint then out of nowhere they felt the greatest pleasure of there life as a white aura flares up around them they felt the raw emotion the fear, desperation, the love and care for them ruby though felt it the strongest they then hear the voice again but clearly this time

Jaune: "I can't lose you guys like I lost pyhrra!"

Then the aura intensity

Ruby let out a huge moan the aura they been feeling has felt nice and gentle not it feels like it assulting all of her sensitive spot with a burning heat that just feels ti good he team was no better blake already melted into a purring mess and yang was already rubing her thighs and weiss was trying her best to resist it

Ruby: (oh god jaune what are you doing to us?! And why does my uterus burn so much!)

Back with jaune

Jaune: "it still not enough!"

Goodwitch: "what what do you mean it still not enough mister arc the sheer shockwaves your aura and smblance is causing it destroying the med bay!"

Jaune: "fuck the med bay I only care for my friends there life is what matters not some building that can be rebuilt!"

he pumps all of his aura into said friends so much so a bright white flash happend in the room everyone had to cover there eyes lest the become blind when the light goes away team rwby all sit up and gasps for air

Ruby: "what happend?"

But she sees jaune passed out on the floor and his aura in the negatives

Ruby: "jaune!"

She ran to him quickly and pulls him into her arms

Ruby: "what happend!

Ozpin: you 4 got fataly injured from your fight with torchwick and where about to die but mister arc came here and save you all with his semblance he discovered today during his training he begged me to let him try and help you and I did he saved your lives he pushed his aura and semblance past there limits and passed out his reserves are in the negatives now from his stunt this could have killed him lucky us he only passed out"

Team rwby could only stare in shock at jaune mouth agape

Ruby was the first to recover and hugs him tight

Ruby: "you crazy handsome idiot always doing something crazy, dangerous and heroic to save us your life matters to we would be devastated if you died to save us"

She gently brushes his hair with her hand

Ruby: "but it because your like this is why I love you so much"

She kisses his forehead since he has no way to remember any of it

Yang: "looks like I owe a lot to lover boy now"

Weiss: "why would he risk so much for us?"

Blake: "because I think he doesn't value himself he thinks of himself as a weak and usless leader and friend who can save or protect anyone so he throws himself at danger even if it means he has a bunch of 0.1 percent chance of saving one person"

Goodwitch: "your right he told us your lives are the only ones that matters and if that mean he dies while you get ti stay alive then that all that matter he would do it in heart beat"

Ozpin: "yes it very disturbing having such a promising student be so suicidal i guess is one way to put it i can't stress this enough stay by his side and do your absolute best to keep him from falling down more in this way of thinking"

Weiss: "of course we cant have our friend keep doing suicidal things now can we?"

Yang: "yeah lover boy here need ti learn he matters to ans we will make sure it goes innand stays in"

Goodwitch: "good now please go back to your beds we need to run a full examination to make sure there no missed spots and to see it there any side effects from mister arc semblance"

And right as she said that all 4 of them got hit by nausea and they all puked on the floor at the same time

To be continued

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