Part 1

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"Ouch!" a girl shouts when someone pulled her hair little painfully.

"I am sorry" came a voice from behind. The girl turns around to see a handsome man with a baby in his arms.

"Sana darling, leave aunty's hair." The man says softly to the little baby girl who is firmly holding the girl's hair. Then both the guy & girl at once tried to release the hair from the baby's hold & their fingers brush gently sending a strange wave of current to their body so they immediately pulled away. "Sorry!" both mutter in unison. The girl blushes & then winces again when the baby drags her hair closer to her mouth to lick.

"No, Sana" The guy chides gently & puts a chocolate bar in her mouth. Finally the baby girl got distracted from the hair & took the chocolate bar in her hand to examine what's it & starts messing it with her hand. Then the guy settles the baby girl in his shopping cart & let her enjoy her chocolate. "Sorry, again Miss."

"It's okay" she smiles at him & ruffles the baby girl's hair. Sana looks up at her dad questioningly when the girl ruffled her hair.

The guy laughs & says "Sana, you messed her hair so she is taking revenge on you." then he gently combs Sana hair properly.

"I didn't mess her hair. She is so cute so I couldn't resist doing that & this too" she says & pulls the little girls chubby cheeks.

"You have a beautiful baby girl." she says to the man.

"Thanks" he smiles gently. Then they start picking up the products they want from the shelves. The girl quickly grabs all her necessary stuffs & dumps it in her cart while the guy took more time to check the manufacturing & expiry date of the products before adding it to his shopping list. After sometimes both the man & the girl trolled their shopping cart to the billing counter.

"Please!" the guy let her put her billing first.

"No. it's okay. You go first, please. I can wait." she says politely as she didn't want to keep the guy waiting with his little girl besides she has shopped too much & it will take a lot time to do the billing. "Thanks" he smiles at her & pushes his cart before hers.

"Are you going to bill her too?" the girl asks teasingly from behind pointing to Sana who is happily sitting in the cart like a queen.

"No." The guy chuckles & lifts his baby girl in his arms. The girl stood behind the guy & starts making funny faces making the baby giggle & clap her hands.

"You need some help" the girl offers seeing him taking two shopping bags in one hand & holding the baby with other hand.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I will manage." he smiles & then looking down at her overflowing cart he says "I guess you will be needing a hand." she grins embarrassed. She has emptied almost everything in the munches, crunches, chocolate, cook drink & instant cook sections.

"Um... No..." she hesitates not knowing how to take his offer.

"You put the bill, I will keep my shopping bags in my car & come." he says & walks past her without giving her a chance to deny his offer.

"Thank you, Sir." the girl says when he carried two of her shopping bags while she carried other two bags. He just smiles in reply.

"she slept" The girl says pointing to Sana sleeping in the guy's arm resting her head on the crook of his neck.

"Ah! Yeah!" he says & plants a soft kiss on his baby girl's temple. The girl unlocks her car & quickly dumps in the bags & turns to the man with a smile.

"Um... I am Madhubala Malik." the girl offers her hand for a shake.

"Dr. Rishab Kundra." he says & takes her hand for a gently shake & once again they felt the strange current so they pulled their hands away quickly.

"Nice meeting you, Doctor." Madhu says & then steps closer to him. He frowns when she leans closer to him & smiles when she plants a kiss on Sana's head.

"Bye." she says looking straight at his eyes. "Bye." he smiles & walks off.


"Mama! Mama! I am hungry." Madhu shouts as she walks in carrying four shopping bags.

"Mama, where are you." Madhu shouts again dropping the bags down & heads straight to her mother's room.

"Always! Always sitting in front of your system & surfing on FB! You don't have any other better work to do?" Madhu scolds her mother, as she spots her too engrossed in looking at a matrimonial site. "Madhu, come come come. I have found one nice match for you."

"Uffo! Again you started huh?"

"If you had found a guy on your own then why would I take this bother? You waste four years of your college life without any love shove & now I am looking for the perfect match for you all day looking at this matrimony site." Padmini, Madhu's mother says with a dramatic sigh.

"Who asked you take the bother. Let me live like this and don't lie to me. Just before I enter your room you were chatting with your friends on FB & when I entered in you acted as if you were doing a big favour for me by finding my Mr. Perfect" Madhu says & scowls at her mother.

"You are aging, Madhu." Padmini says trying to hide the fact the she was chatting with her friends. "What? I am just 24 years."

"When I was your age, you were going to school." Padmini says.

"You got married at nineteen mom & that's why you look like my sister rather than my mother."

"Are you jealous that I am looking so young?" Padmini asks teasingly. Madhu makes a face.

"Why should I? I know I am beautiful" Madhu says with a shrug.

"That's what I am saying. Get married before this beauty fades off." Madhu sighs.

"You completed your degree two years back & you are sitting at home without doing anything productive so at least why don't you get married & settled?"

"Mom! I am born with silver spoon then why should I take the strain to work & earn?"

"Why waste your B. Arch degree, Madhu? Why can't you join your Papa's company & help him?"

"I don't want to be an illiterate so I studied but that doesn't mean I should work for a living." Madhu says with attitude.

"Okay fine. Then as you wished I found a guy who wants a house wife."

"Really?" Madhu asks showing some interest now.

"You know? He is a doctor." Her mother says excitedly. I am Dr. Rishab Kundra. Madhu suddenly went into thoughts of the doctor guy she met in the supermarket. She found that guy cute & handsome. The baby girl in his arms made him look even more hot & adorable.


"What the hell? Which Doctor in this world wants a house wife?" Madhu asks in shock recovering out of her dreamland.

"I thought doctor marries another doctor?"

"Who said so?""Just that... they spend nearly 6 years in college so obviously they will find their partners in college itself & professional wise also they will be having good understanding so doctors prefer only doctors right?"

"He might be once exception." Padmini shrugs.

"Even you spent 4 years in college but you didn't fall in love with anyone..."

"Why you are so obsessed in love marriage?"

"Because your papa & I had a love marriage. Even our parents had a love marriage. It's only you who wants the old fashioned boring arranged marriage."

"Arranged marriage is not boring. Its romantic. You don't know how much thrilling it would be to marry a strange & slowly start knowing about him & then fall in love with him..."

"I don't find any difference in love & arranged marriage."

"But I do." Madhu says in finality "Is there any photo of this guy uploaded in his profile?"

"Nope!" Padmini sighs sadly. "I actually chatted with her mother on whatsapp a while ago."

"What?" Madhu asks wide eyed. Her mother chatted with this guy's mother huh?

"Yeah, I found a contact number & sent a message to that number regarding this matter hoping to talk with the guy but then I got a reply from his mother saying she was the one who created the profile for her son like how I created for you."

"So what you guys chatted?"

"I said about you & she said about her son. In fact her husband & herself are doctors. Seems like doctor family. May be that could be the reason why they don't want a doctor or a working girl for their son."

"So they want me to look after their house like a servant maid?"

"May be they want someone to show undivided attention to their son & family."

"Hmm... why don't you ask his mother to send a pic of her son?" Madhu suggests dying to meet the guy.

"They didn't ask your photo so I am not going to ask for his showing that we are desperate to see the guy.""Gah! Then without seeing how will I..."

"They are coming home tomorrow to meet you"


"Yeah. So now go & do some scrubbing & facial work."


"I want your face to glow."

"What's wrong with way I look now?"

"God! Madhu you want me to spell it out loud?"

"What?""If I stand next to you tomorrow then surely the guy will think he was here to see me & not you. So you better do some work & show yourself beautiful & I will also try to cut down my make up tomorrow because I don't want to be a competition to my own daughter."

"Seriously mom, you are under a misconception. I agree that you are pretty but saying that guy will see you instead of me is too much. He will surely know to differentiate a 24 years beauty from a 44 years old aunty." Madhu smirks.

"But I don't look like a day older that 26."

"26?" Madhu's jaw drops down & hits the floor in shock.

"Don't tell me I look like a teenager. I won't believe you." Padmini says with a slight blush.

"Enough, Mom. I can't digest anymore of your nonsense. Now come & cook something for me. I am hungry."


"Papa, how I look?" Madhu asks her father, Malik.

"Beautiful, baby girl." Malik says caressing Madhu's hair.

"Malee, don't touch her curls." Padmini shouts & came running to Madhu to set the curls back properly. Malik rolls his eyes irately & Madhu laughs seeing her father's expression.

"Madhu, you sit here. Don't sweat & spoil your make up." Padmini instructs her daughter. Madhu obliges as she likes sitting jobless.

"So what do you think about this guy Papa?"

"I don't know, Madhu. Your mom says he is a doctor & from a good family. I trust your mother's choice after all her chose me." Malik says pompously.

"You know, you both are made for each other..." Madhu says & before hearing her fully Malik starts blushing. "... as you both are incurably insane." Madhu walks away making her father glare at her. "Welcome! Welcome, Radz" Padmini greets a lady in her early fifties. In one night these two ladies got thick friends & even named pet name for each other.

"Hello, Padz." Radha greets her back & both the ladies cheek hug each other.

"This is my husband, Mohan" Radha introduce her husband to Padmini.

"And this is my husband, Malik." Padmini says interlinking her hand in his.

"And that's my daughter Madhubala Malik."

"Oh darling you look so pretty." Radha says & hugs her gently. Madhu smiles in return for her compliment & nods at Mohan in a way of acknowledgment.

"Radz, where is RK?" Padmini asks.

"Rk?" Madhu asks her mom questioningly.

"Madz, Rk is my son" Radha replies. Madhu wanted to cry in that instant for calling her beautiful name Madhubala as Madz. Seems like not only her family is a circus clan! Madhu mentally chuckles imagining her prospective Mom-in-law as a clown in circus.

"Mohee, where is Rk?" Radha asks her husband.

"You call your husband, Mohee? I call mine Malee. Sounds same right?" Padmini says laughing. Madhu rolls her eyes. She hopes at least the guy is sane like her.

"Dr. Kundra!" Madhu exclaims with a broad smile.

"What a pleasant surprise?"

"You know my son, Madz?" Radha asks.

"Mom, we met each other yesterday in supermarket." Rk tells them.

"How nice." Radha says & turns to Padmini who is frowning now seeing a baby in Rk's hand.

"Hey, Sana baby. How are you? Do you remember aunty?" Madhu asks twitching Sana's chubby cheek. Sana in reply clutches a lock of curls & pulls it closer to her mouth.

"Guess she remembers this long haired lady" Rk comments. Madhu laughs in reply.

"What took you so long to come in?" Radha asks.

"Sana dropped her pacifier & started crying so it took me time to calm her down."

"Oh okay."

"Sana?" Padmini asks with a frown.

"My daughter." Rk says casually.

"Your daughter?" Malik asks.

"Are you a divorcee or a widower?"

"Whatever the case be. We are not getting our daughter married to a man who already has a child." Padmini says & turns to Radha "You didn't mention about your son having a child? How could you even think that we will get our daughter married to a second hand?" Padmini asks rudely.

"Excuse me!" Rk says.

"Padz, let us explain."

"We don't need any explanation. This girl being his daughter explains a lot."

"Mama, please. Let us sit & talk." Madhu tries to calm her mother.

"Madhu, you go inside. We don't want this marriage proposal. I will find you a nice guy."

"My son is a nice guy only." Radha says offended.

"May be! But still I won't marry my daughter to baby sit your granddaughter. Is that why you guys wanted a house wife? A house wife who sits at home & takes care of your son's daughter while your son flaunt around with other girls outside?"

"Mama, please. Don't insult them." Madhu pleads.

"Papa, take mama inside." Malik nods & takes his wife inside while she screams them to get out.

"I am sorry. I am sorry aunty & uncle... sorry for whatever my mom said. She just cares for me. I am really sorry... I know she insulted you by inviting you to our home but... I am sorry" Madhu keeps apologizing to them. Radha & Mohan without a word glares at Madhu & walks out of the house.

"It's okay, Madhu." Rk gently tells her.

"You don't have to apologize. There is no fault in your part. You are really a sweet girl & I wish you get a better man than me" hearing his kind words Madhu starts crying. Seeing tears in Madhu's eyes, Rk flinches as his heart feels a strange pinch in it. Sana, stretches her little hand & messily wipes Madhu's tears & gives her a heart melting toothless baby smile.

"Sorry" Madhu whispers again & kisses Sana's fist fingers & then leans closer to her & kiss her cheek lovingly.

"Your mother is upset. You go to her. Sana & I will leave now. We shall meet sometimes later." Rk says. Madhu nods. Then he turns on her heels & walks out.


*I am sorry, Radz, I insulted you & your family today. I was being irrational but what to do? I am a mother so I want to give the best to my daughter. Anyways, sorry * Padmini sends a message to Radha on whatsapp.

*It's okay * came the reply from the other end.

*but you really missed the best of best man for your daughter. * Radha types back a moment later and for that Padmini didn't reply back.


(two weeks later)

"Bhaiya, is my cake order ready?" Madhu asks the man in the cake shop.

"Yes, Ma'am. It's ready. Just tell me what I should write on top of the cake?"

"Just write 'Happy Birthday, Papa'.." Madhu says. He nods & went in to get her cake packed.

"Excuse me, I need a big barbie doll cake ready by tomorrow evening. Is that possible?" a man asks. Madhu turns to her side hearing the familiar voice.

"Hello, Dr. Kundra" Madhu smiles seeing Rk standing beside him making his order.

"Hello, Miss. Malik." He smiles back & then turns to the guy.

"Yes, Sir. We will get the cake ready but tell us in how many kgs you want us to make the barbie doll cake?" he asks.

"5 kgs!"

"Okay, Sir."

"Whose birthday?" Madhu asks eagerly.

"Sana's! Her first birthday, tomorrow." Rk says with a smile & kisses Sana's cheek.

"Oh wow." Madhu smiles & stretches her hand for him to give Sana to her. Rk thinks for a moment.

"You don't want me to hold her? Are you still upset over the incident happened in our house two weeks back? I said I am sorry right?"

"No. No. It's not that. You can hold her. I don't mind but the thing is your hair is beautifully cascading over your shoulders & if you take her then she will surely mess with it as you know how fond she is for your hair."

"Oh! That's fine." Madhu smiles & takes Sana in her hands & bounces her placing her on her hips.

"Hey, baby girl? Tomorrow is your birthday & you won't invite aunty for your party?" Madhu asks Sana though glancing at Rk through her long lashes.

"You will come?"

"Only if you invite me."

"Please, come to my daughter's first birthday. Here" he passes her a small invitation card to her. "Thanks!" she was about to take the card but then hesitates.

"What?" Rk asks with a frown.

"Your parents? Won't they mind me coming to your house after the way my mother behaved with you?"

"I can assure you, my parents won't mind. Moreover you are like a friend to me so feel free to attend the party."

"Thanks. I will be there tomorrow."


(Next day evening)

"Hey! Why are you standing there? Come in." Rk says & takes Madhu's hand in his & drags her into his house.

"There are so many people." Madhu says taking in the surrounding.

"Ah! Its her first birthday nah so we thought to make it grand."

"Oh! That's nice."

"But most of them are my colleagues & hospital staffs."

"In which hospital you work?"

"MRK hospital. It's our hospital."

"Oh right. You people are doctors nah?"

"Yes. My dad a neurologist, my mom a cardiologist & I am gynecologist"

"Gyn?" Madhu says giggling.

"Why are you giggling?" Rk asks with a frown as he felt there was nothing funny to giggle about what he said.

"Sorry. I just... mostly lady doctors prefer to do specialization in gynecology right?"

"Is it? I don't think so. I have seen many male gyns. In foreign most of the gynecologist are male you know?"

"Oh!" she says & looks around to hide her embarrassment.

"Nice decoration"

"Sana loves barbie doll so we set barbie doll theme" Rk says & takes Sana from the rose petal like velvet sofa where Sana was playing with her barbie doll.

"And here is my Barbie doll. Say hi to aunty, my darling" Sana stretches her hand for Madhu to take her. When Madhu takes her in her arms Sana gives her a kiss on her cheek surprising both Rk & Madhu. "Happy Birthday, Sana baby" Madhu kisses her back. Then Rk's parents warmly greets Madhu surprising her as she thought they will behave rude with her to set score for their insult.

"Rk, it's time for cake cutting. Bring Sana here." Mohan calls his son.

"Yeah, dad." Rk says & extends his hand out for Sana but she refuses to leave Madhu.

"Sana darling, you wont come to daddy?" Rk asks cutely pouting at her making Madhu laugh.

"You look so cute when you pout, Doctor." Madhu says grinning. Rk slightly scratches his temple to hide his blush.

"Rk..." His mother calls for him to bring Sana.

"Come, Madhu" Rk tells as he realizes that Sana is not going to leave Madhu any time sooner. "Me?"

"Yeah, you make her cut the cake."


"C'mon, all are waiting.""

Okay. But you too should hold the knife while cake cutting." she orders gently. Rk nods. Rk & Madhu walks to the center where they have set the table. Madhu leans forward with Sana to blow the cake for her & everyone start clapping while Madhu sent a silent prayer for the well being of the baby girl in her arms. Rk watches this with a contented smile. Then Madhu makes Sana hold the knife & turns to Rk silently asking him to hold the knife too. Rk places his hand on top of Madhu's which is placed on top of Sana & they, three, together cut the cake as everyone sings 'Happy birthday' song for Sana. Then Rk takes a small piece of cake & feeds Sana. Madhu follow suits by taking only the cream & inserts her finger into Sana's mouth which she licks in glee.

After sometime, Rk walks to his friends to greet them leaving Sana to Madhu.

"Excuse me, Dr. Kundra" Madhu calls. Rk excuses himself from the group & walks to Madhu.

"What's it, Madhu?" He asks in concern seeing the worried look on her face.

"It was loud & noisy so I took Sana to the garden and there..."

"And there what?"

"There she slept off."


"Okay? She didn't eat anything but now she is asleep what are we gonna do now?"

"Relax, Madhu, she will wake up again in the middle & that time I will feed her."

"Oh! What if she didn't wake up? Will she sleep in empty stomach?"

"I am sure she will wake up because that's her routine. Besides she had cake right!"

"But she only ate the icing, will that be filling?"

"Give her to me!" Rk says. Madhu immediately passes her to him. Then Rk walks upstairs & Madhu follows him without him asking her to follow.

"Is this Sana's room?" Madhu asks.

"Our room. Sana & I sleep in this room. That's her crib & this is my bed."


"She has her own room but she don't like sleeping alone. She starts crying in the mid night if she finds herself in the other room, then I have to go & bring her here so I thought to put her to sleep in my room itself."

"That's actually nice. She is still small & so dependent on you... she needs someone to look after her right?"

"Yeah!" then Rk puts Sana on his bed without disturbing her sleep & takes her milk bottle from the side table & takes it near to her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Madhu asks him as she stops him by holding her hand.


"She is sleeping & you are going to feed?"

"Just watch!" Rk winks & takes the mouth of the bottle to Sana's mouth & holds it closer & a moment later Sana in her sleep starts drinking the milk. Madhu watches this amazed.

"She is drinking."

"Yeah. Sometimes she sleeps off before I come from my hospital duty without eating, then I just give her milk this way."

"You are an amazing father." Madhu says in awe.

"Thanks!" Rk smiles & looks back at Sana's sleeping form as he continued to hold the bottle for her. "Good! Now my princess tummy is full." Rk tells gently patting his hand on Sana's little tummy & take the empty bottle & places it back on the table.

"Now happy?" Rk asks madhu.

"Very, thank you. I was so worried that she slept without having anything but now I am relieved." Madhu says with a happy smile.

"You have a beautiful smile." Rk tells her.

"Thank you." She blushes hearing his compliment.

"Shall we go out?" Rk asks.

"Um.. yeah... actually I should be leaving now. It's already late."

"You had something?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Then come. I will drop you."

"It's okay. I will manage."

"C'mon, you came here for my daughter's birthday so it's my duty to take you back home safe."

"Thank you" she says & looks down to hide the blush creeping on her face. Then they remain silent through out the drive.

"Thanks for coming for Sana's birthday. She had a great time." Rk says with a thankful smile as he parks his car outside Madhu's house.

"She told you that?" Madhu asks him teasingly.

"Yes, she did."

"you are lying. She hasn't start talking yet."

"Oh c'mon you don't know our 'father -daughter' language." Rk says with a laugh.

"So she really likes having me in her party?""Yes... & I too liked having you in her party." Rk said with a smile. Madhu blushes profusely.

"If you don't mind can I ask you something?"


"What happened to Sana's mother?"

"She died while giving birth to Sana" Rk says softly.

"I am sorry."

"It's okay." Rk gives her a reassuring smile & then Madhu saying her bye to him clambers out of his car.


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