Chapter 2

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Ford was left there in a stunned gaze. He would have never knew that his twin with ever want to go spend time with him out in the woods. The only time they ever did that was when Ford was a a small sphix and Stan a small gargoyle. They used to spend so much time with each other. Now, they're old men who can't go without one day with cracking bones with every movement.

Stan was waiting with a concern look. Waiting for his twin to answer his question. "Well?" Stan looked at Ford.

"Ce-certainly!" Ford stuttered.

"Well c'mon, what are you waiting for!?" Stan ran out the door with his twin following behind. Once he reached the forest, he waited for his brother to get there. "So, what are going to look for?" Stan gave a him a questioned looked.

"Well, yesterday I was trying to look for this small purple crystal." Ford flipped through the pages of his journal until he found the page where the crystal might be located. "We need to go deep into the forest. Once you see a large lake nearby, notify me. Alright?"

Stan nodded his head to assure his brother that he understood what he said. They went their separate ways. Ford going to the right while Stan went to the left.

He discovered many things on his way. Fairies, gnomes, and other mythical creatures. After walking for what seem to be an hour, he lost focus to what he was looking for.

"C'mon brain think!" He began thinking strongly. While thinking he started walking forward until he stepped on something. It was wet and cold. He looked at what it was and realized he was standing in the middle of a lake.

That's when he remembered what he was looking for. "Hot Belgian Waffles, I remember!"

He remembered that once he got close to a large lake, he would find the crystal Ford was looking for. He look at the lake, but it wasn't large as Ford had described. It looked like a big puddle more than a lake. He told himself that it was just and ordinary lake and walked away.

Then a noise was heard. Stan taught it came from the lake. He walked closer to it. Once he didn't hear anything, he taught he was just being paranoid. He began walking again, until he heard the noise again.

Splashes were heard again. The noise was driving him crazy. The splash was heard again, again, again, and again. It just wouldn't stop!

Next thing he heard was a noise behind the bush. Stan was so tired he decided he was going crazy! He couldn't stand it. Stan decided to look behind the bush, but was terrified that it might be a monster bigger than him.

As soon as he was about to, his brother Ford came out of the bush. They both screamed in terror. A few seconds later, they stopped. Realizing that it was only their twin.

"Did you find it yet?" Ford questioned.

"What?" Stan looked at him.

"The crystal? Have you found it yet?" Ford asked again.

"Oh that." Stan realized what he was talking about. "No, but, I found a lake!" Stan gestured to the lake behind him.

"Stan, this isn't the lake." Ford said. "This is just an ordinary lake. In fact, it looks like a big puddle instead of a lake."

"I know, I know." Stan sighs. "I got distracted, alright. I heard these weird noises and they wouldn't stop! Every time I check to see what it was, it turns out it was nothing!"

Ford placed a paw on Stan's shoulder. Stan noticed an gave his twin a smile. Although, they both don't get along all the time, it doesn't mean that they didn't spend time together once in a while.

Ford gave a big heavy sigh. "I think we should head back home."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea!" Stan smiled and they started to fly home. Until, they heard whimpering.

Both of them stopped flying and went to check who made the noise. Then they heard splashes. "Ford! That's the sound I've been hearing!" Stan said.

The gargoyle and the sphinx went to check out the noise. They got closer to the lake and suddenly, to their surprise a young girl popped her head out of the water. Stan and Ford were left there in shock. What would a young girl be doing here out in the woods. The girl smiled showing her braces. She splashed water with her marvelous, long, pink tail.

"Sh-she's a mermaid!" Stan stuttered. "She's the one making noise!"

Ford stared at the little mermaid. Does she have a family? Is she living all alone out here? He decided to go ask her.

"H-hello there!" Ford greeted. "I'm Ford and this is my twin brother." Ford gestured to Stan.

The girl just smiled and began swimming in circles. Ford coughed witch grabbed the mermaid's attention.

"Do you have a family?" Ford asked.

She nodded her head and smiled. Stan and Ford stared at her. "Well, then where are your parents?"

The mermaid looked down. Her bright smile fading away. Her parents left her when she was a born. Stan and Ford got the message and felt sympathy for her.

"Well, do you have any other family members?" Stan questioned the mermaid.

She nodded her head with a smile forming again. Then, she swam away.

"Where is she going?" Stan wondered.

"She's probably retrieving a family member." Ford shrugged.

The mermaid soon came back. Bringing another creature. The creature was part deer part human. He was holding the mermaid's hand while she swam and he galloped after her. She gesture to the boy with a smile.

"Is this your brother?" Ford asked.

She nodded her head again. The cervitaur had brown fur. He looked exactly like her sister. Apart from the half deer body. Other than that, they looked like they were twins.

"Is he your twin?" Stan asked.

She smiled. Ford and Stan tooked that as a yes. "Do you guys want to come with us?" Ford asked.

The mermaid nodded while her twin didn't really like the idea. "Tell your brother if he isn't going to come, he might get taken away by a monster." Stan joked. The boy soon galloped to Stan and Ford so he could be in a safe place. "I'll take as yes then."

Ford flew back home to retrieve a fish bowl for the mermaid. Once he came back, they placed water in it and then placed the mermaid in it. Stan held her bowl and Ford held the cervitaur and they flew back to the shack.

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