Chapter 6

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Ford walked around the woods. He was looking for that small purple crystal, until he found it! It looked so precious. It would be great for the kids. Before, Ford was going to write down more things about it. Now, it will be used as a night light so Mabel and Dipper can sleep well.

Speaking of Mabel and Dipper, Ford hoped that they were doing okay with Wendy. Sometimes the teenager can be irresponsible and a bit of a trouble maker.

Why did Stan hired Wendy anyway? She rarely does her job. Why would he think that Wendy could handle babysitting two kids? All these thoughts came and made Ford worried.

Ford decided to head back to the Shack to see how the kids were doing. Hopefully, they were sleeping peacefully in the attic.
Wendy trudge as she continued her searched. It was dark and cold outside. Luckily for her, she brought a coat along with her. She also brought along a blanket for the twins.

That is, if she finds the twins. If she doesn't she'll have to confess and Stan will surely fire her after this. But for now, all she really cared about is that the twins were safe from danger.

Wendy continued walking until her flashlight turned off. She sighed in defeat and walked in the dark woods. She couldn't see anything. Darkness consumed the woods, that she didn't noticed the log in front of her which caused her to trip over it.

Although she was tired and had small bruises from the log, she still won't give up on finding those two kids.
"Wendy! I'm back!" Stan had returned from his tour and began looking for Wendy and the kids.

He looked to where he last saw them. Which was the living room. As soon as he got there, Stan spotted nothing.

"Maybe they're in the attic?" Stan thought. He walked up the steps while making loud stomps. The gargoyle opened the door slowly in case if the kids were sleeping. Unfortunately, he didn't find anyone.

"Wendy?! Dipper!? Mabel?! Where are you guys!?" Stan shouted searching every room in the Shack.

Stan thought that Wendy took the kids out somewhere. But, his gut told him otherwise.
The twins walked, or in Mabel's case, rolled in the woods. They were figuring out how to get back to the shack.

Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to leave the shack unsupervised. Although, the first couple of minutes were all about fun, they regretted doing it.

If they hadn't done it, they would've been safe and watching a movie while being comfty.

Dipper noticed that Mabel had already fallen asleep in her hamster ball. He sighed and pushed her as he continued to walk.

As he did, up ahead he saw a tall figure. Dipper squinted his eyes to get a better look at it. The figure had his back turned and had big wings and a tail. He was taller than Dipper and Mabel.

Dipper tried not to make any noise so he wouldn't get caught. He pushed Mabel and tried walking without making any noise.

Unfortunately, he snapped a twig which caused the figure to turn around and meeting his gaze.

Dipper pushed Mabel as he started galloping. That caused Mabel to wake up. As soon as she noticed the figure, she began rolling faster.

When they thought that the figure was gone. They sighed in relief. But they thought too quick and the figure started carrying them.

Dipper tried to escape, but, seeing as he was so tired, there was no use.
Not so far away, Wendy heard a twig snap. She decided to head over to where the noise came from.

"Mabel? Dipper? Are you guys here?" Wendy asked.

She walked straight where you could hear someone galloping. "Dipper? Mabel? If you guys are hear please come out! This is not a game!"

Since it was still dark, Wendy didn't noticed when she bumped into someone.

She stood up and dusted herself off. When she noticed the figure on the floor she began apologizing.

"Whoops! Sorry!" She tried helping and once the figure spoke, she knew immediately who it was.

"W-Wendy?" The figure spoke.

"F-Ford? I mean Mr. Pines?" Wendy said in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" Ford asked.

"Well...I'm really really sorry. I just took a quick nap and next thing I noticed the kids were gone." Wendy exclaimed.

"So I thought!" Ford responded.

Wendy gave him a quizzed looked and decided to ask him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I was searching for something and when I found that something, I was going to head back to the shack. But. Not before I wrote a few facts about what I found." Ford explained. "Then, I hear a twig snap. Once I turned around, I notice these two!'

Ford showed Dipper and Mabel already fast asleep. Wendy gave a big sigh of relief.

"Boy am I glad you found them. Just, can we keep this between us? If Stan ever knew I will be fired for sure. Then, I'll be force to get a new job." Wendy explained.

"Sure!" Ford said. Wendy headed back to the shack while Ford stayed in the woods searching for something new.

Once she entered, Stan was pacing around in circles. He then stopped once he saw Wendy and the kids.

"Kids! Wendy! Where were you! I was worried sick!" Stan shouted.

"I took them over to the ice cream shop!" Wendy lied.

"Next time please leave a note!" Stan said and went to the living room to watched TV.

Wendy went up the attic and put the kids to their bed. She went back downstairs, got her check, walked home, and was relief that everything was okay now.
If you guys love up the creek, ciphergirl22 has a sequel to it called Into the Light. Hope you enjoyed this story! BTW, sorry for the long wait! Have a wonderful day! Bye!

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