Fine ass.

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Kiera's Pov (continuation)

"So where are you two coming from." Ashley frowns like a possessive boyfriend.

Tyler ignores him then walks straight to the bathroom.

"Are you cheating on me with him bae." Ashley scowls at me accusingly.

"No babe I would never." I throw my hands around his neck and playfully kiss him on the cheeks repeatedly.

"Yuck, get away from me." He uses his hands to push me away. "Oh my virgin cheeks."

"Do you always have to be such an idiot." Mason comments.

"But.... Its not me... Its.... "

"Save it." Mason cuts him shut.

Me and sky share a smile at their childish behaviour.

Mia and Ethan are no where to be found, probably sucking each others face at Mia's room.

We talk for some me minutes the Mason and Sky had to go prepare for their date while Ashley gave an excuse of having homeworks to deal with.

Funny since he doesn't do homeworks.

I take a glance at baby who is lying on my chest and sleeping soundly.

She now has an habit of not been able to sleep unless am holding her.

I carefully place her on the bed, then head for the bathroom.

Gosh u really need a long shower.

I push the door open and a scream goes off.

Wait that's me.

"What the fuck." Tyler curse then grab a towel.

"Jeez am so... Sorry, I didn't Dee anything." I apologies before running out of the bathroom.

I jump on my bed then burry my head in my hands.

My cheeks hit up at the image of a naked Tyler flashes through my mind.

I can't believe I saw his butt.

To my horror the bathroom doors opens and Tyler strolls out.

"I didn't see anything." I quickly confess. "Just the butt."

"Chill, I know." Tyler smirks making me blush deeper. "But you know I do have a nice ass."

I hang my head low as I sprint to the bathroom.

So embarrassing.


I step out of the lecture hall, my bag slung over my shoulder and head pounding.

What a bad day.

My phone beeps and I quickly open it.

Three new text.

One from Ashley, then two from unknown.

Ashley:party at 8,Mia is expecting you.

..... I don't think I have it me to party.

I scroll to the other text

Unknown:hey kiki

Unknown:call me

A smile grace my lips as I make my way to Mia's room

(Another update. ADIOS) . . . .

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