Bar Buddies (smut whoa)

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[MAJOR WARNING: There is some serious smut in here.  I would recommend a skip for this chapter entirely if you are uncomfortable with very obvious sexual themes.]

But aside from that, if you do in fact like some spicy gays, I hope you enjoy~

Ballora let out a long sigh as she sat down in the bar. Freddy had yelled at her earlier, another one of his drunken outbursts that she had to deal with all too often. She took a sip of her whiskey, the burning sensation slipping down her throat took her aback but she swallowed regardless. Ballora barely ever drank, let alone as much as she had tonight. But she was just finished trying not to drink too much at that point.

The front door's bells chimed, indicating that someone had entered the bar, but Ballora disregarded the jingles, lowering her head in angst as she was beginning to feel the alcohol purse through her. She concluded right then and there that she would have one hell of a hang-over in the morning. The stool next to her creaked, telling her that someone had sat down next to her. Ballora stopped in her sulking, glancing over to see a short redhead sitting neatly at the counter, her gloved hands intertwined and placed gently on the bar. She pointed a finger gun at the bartender as he was cleaning a wine glass.  "Trap, my man," the redhead greeted warmly, the man giving her a glare, "I'll have a Bloody Mary tonight." The woman requested, the man behind the bar gave a gentle nod and turned, preparing the drink requested. Ballora rubbed her temple, a tiny headache beginning to bother her, so much so that she didn't notice the redhead sitting next to her looking her up and down. "Hey beautiful,"

Ballora paused abruptly in the rubbing and glanced at the person sitting next to her. "Um, hello." Ballora replied, her voice straining, giving warning to not attempt anything. But it didn't work, the redhead scooting her chair a little closer, "What's a pretty thing like yourself doing in a place like this?" The younger woman questioned, the redhead's tone seductive. Ballora moved her chair ever so slightly away, "Just trying to relax, I guess." The older woman replied.  The redhead rested her head gently on her hand, fully facing Ballora for a few moments longer before she gave the older woman a soft hum, "Baby," The redhead suddenly told her.

"E-Excuse me?" Ballora asked, her discomfort only becoming more visible. The younger woman caught onto the discomfort, "Oh, no, no, that's just my name." The redhead corrected, her face beginning to feeling warm. Ballora stared at the younger woman for a while longer, her lips thinned in a line before she responded, "Ballora." Said woman replied. 'Baby's lips curved into a soft grin, "That's pretty, it fits you." The redhead complemented warmly.  The bartender gave the drink requested earlier to the woman that asked and Baby gave him a nod and murmured her thanks.

"Thank you," Ballora murmured after Baby's drink had arrived, "I think Baby is an interesting name to go by as well." The redhead took a swig of her drink before setting it back down on the coaster, Baby licking her lips before staring back at Ballora. The redhead gave the older woman a gentle smile, "My mother always calls me that, so it just stuck with me." The redhead responded. Ballora felt a grin creep on her lips, "It's cute." The woman replied. Ballora hadn't realized she even spoke the words until she saw the look on the redhead's face.

Shit. Now this girl would think she was into her. Baby only responded with a sly smile and took another sip of her drink, her movements confident. The redhead held her drink in her hands and swung her legs around, stepping off her stool. "Wanna come and sit on the couch with me?" Ballora locked eyes with the redhead for a long while, blinking slowly, "Yes..." The older woman hesitantly answered.

Baby took another big gulp of the pure whiskey that stood in her tall glass, her mind being drained away as well as her worries.  "You're into toys, right?" The redhead mumbled, her voice incredibly slurred as she asked the older woman that sat next to her. Ballora took a swig of her drink as well, her vision beginning to become blurry, "Who d-doesn't?" The ballerina's reply was cut off by a soft hiccup. Baby raised her glass in the air, "AAAAAAEEEE-" the redhead hiccuped sharply, "SEXUALS." Baby slammed her glass on the table, people beginning to stare as the redhead caused a commotion. Ballora drunkenly laughed, "True that." The older woman replied, gulping down the last of her drink. They were silent for a little while until Baby spoke up again, "So... like," the redhead let out a bubbly giggle, "I'm sure you get some mad pussy with that body, like damn girl." Baby's sentence was pulled to some halts as she softly hiccuped from time to time.

Ballora gave her a slurry, slightly uncomfortable chuckle, "Not at all." The older woman replied. Baby grabbed her glass and took another small sip of her whiskey, "Ahhh come on," the redhead teased, "are you sure?" Ballora leaned back on the couch, it was a lot more comfortable now that she thought about it. The older woman slipped her hands neatly in her coat's pockets and sighed, "Positive.  Just attracted a lot of dicks I guess."  Baby took one more swig of her drink before setting it back down and leaned back on the couch as the older woman did. Baby comfortingly, but drunkenly rubbed the ballerina's thigh, "You poor baby," The redhead mumbled softly, her hand getting dangerously close to Ballora's crotch, "so you've never been with a girl before?" 

Ballora swallowed as she realized where the redhead was going, watching Baby's hand closely, "N-No, I can't say that I have."  The older woman replied, her voice shaking a bit. The redhead gave Ballora a sly grin, biting her bottom lip teasingly. Baby clicked her tongue, "Well, lucky for you, you have a nice pair of training wheels right here." The redhead murmured, gesturing towards herself. Baby wrapped her hand firmly around the older woman's thigh, "So... what do you say?"  Ballora's face burned, silently contemplating whether to take up the chance. The older woman swallowed, "I...  I have a boyfriend..." Ballora murmured quietly, her breathing beginning to come out of line. Baby grinned wider, scoffing, "Girls are much more fun, trust me."  Ballora felt her heart race as the redhead's face got close to her own, "I could give you something that he never could."  Ballora felt her heart stop as Baby gave her a warm kiss, the redhead gently caressing the side of the older woman's face as their lips moved around each other's. Baby pulled away, giggling softly as she stared at Ballora's flushed expression.  The ballerina's tongue moved around her mouth, still tasting a bit of the redhead on her tongue, and as the flavor faded, Ballora's thoughts instantly snapped to her wanting more. 

It was probably the alcohol's doing, but Ballora felt her body leap forward, returning the tiny kiss with much more affection, their lips staying locked as they shared a much rougher and more lustful kiss.  They continued to lock lips, only breaking from time to time to take in a tiny gasp of air after soft moans escaped their lungs.   

"God dammit, how many times do I have to tell you not to fuck on my couch!" Trap exclaimed from the bar, his tone full of annoyance. Baby broke the kiss, "We're not!" Baby called back, her hand placed firmly on Ballora's waist. Trap rolled his eyes and pulled up the bar's phone as the two women returned to their make-out section.  "Taylor, you need to come and pick Baby up again." Trap mumbled through the phone, watching with disgust as the girls sitting on the couch couldn't keep their hands off of each other.  "Yeah, another girl." Trap replied after the male on the other line answered, "Thanks, man, there's no way in hell these two can drive themselves home."


Ballora roughly ground against Baby's body as they laid on the redhead's mattress, the two staying in sweet lip-contact as their hands explored each others' bodies. The redhead's taste was beginning to become addicting, Ballora had concluded, and she loved sweeping up more flavors from Baby as her tongue explored the redhead's mouth. As their lips stayed in contact, Baby took dominance before the older woman could make another move, her hands began to explore Ballora's chest. Baby gave one of the older woman's breasts a soft squeeze, Ballora moaning softly at the unexpected touch. The redhead's other hand slipped inside of the ballerina's top, Baby putting gentle pressure on Ballora's nipple, receiving more muffled moans from Ballora as the redhead continued to squeeze the older woman's breasts, waves of pleasure going down the ballerina's spine.

Baby broke the kiss slowly before tugging at the hem of Ballora's shirt, the older woman taking the hint immediately. The older woman hesitantly began to pull off her tank top, the redhead tsked quietly as she stared at the older woman's bra. "Now this might just get in my way." Baby mumbled as she reached behind Ballora to remove what held her breasts. As soon as the bra was tossed to the side, Baby pressed her mouth to the ballerina's now visible nipple, Ballora biting her bottom lip as the redhead's tongue curved around her tender area. Baby pulled away for a moment to take in a quick breath of air before continuing to suck, Ballora moaning quietly as the redhead went back to squeezing her breasts. Baby's tongue slowly swirled around the ballerina's nipple, hearing as the older woman's breathing got shallow. Without warning, the redhead nibbled her teeth gently, Ballora letting out a tiny squeak of pleasure at the unexpected action. The pressure of the squeezing only got rougher, the older woman beginning to feel a bit shaky with anticipation- Baby knew how to please a girl.

The redhead drew away from Ballora's nipple, a barely visible string of saliva connecting to Baby's lips. Shortly afterwards, the younger woman lightly chuckled before used her teeth to remove her gloves, tugging them seductively off of her hands and tossed them to the floor. Her fingers wrapped around the rim of Ballora's skirt, tugging at it gently, "Be a doll and help me take this off." Baby murmured, her lips curved into a grin, "It's in the way of the main course." Ballora gave a tiny nod, uneasily doing as told. The older woman lifted her lower body upwards, Baby immediately beginning to tug off the clothing. Now fully exposed, Ballora shivered a bit, watching as Baby manually spread her legs. The redhead's grin didn't fade, running her index finger gently from Ballora's vaginal entrance up to her clit, Baby's nail ever so slightly catching the older woman's clitoris. The younger woman popped the finger in her mouth, giving a satisfying hum before slowly beginning to lay on her stomach. Once Baby had gotten close enough, she placed her hands neatly around the older woman's thighs, lightly putting pressure on the sensitive skin. The redhead's grin only widened as she could see the impatience glittering in Ballora's eyes. She had enough of the teasing, it was time to get to business.

Ballora let out shaky moans as Baby's tongue slowly trailed from the down up, the older woman not being able to muster anything else other than placing her hand on top of Baby's head and taking in a sharp breath. "F-Fuck that feels really good." Ballora mumbled, her voice shaking. Baby paused in her soft lapping at the ballerina's pussy, her vaginal entrance already sopping wet with precum and the redhead's saliva. Instead, she pressed her lips to Ballora's clit, sucking gently to see if she would prefer that. The older woman bit her bottom lip roughly, her legs beginning to twitch. Baby inched her mouth away for a moment, a tiny pop sounding from the lack of contact before she continued to flick her tongue on Ballora's sweet spot, the older woman moaning and groaning with satisfaction as Baby's thumbs began to gently rub at her cunt's lips. Ballora huffed, her breathing uneven and all over the place as she felt the redhead's finger poke at her wet entrance, only for it to slip inside moments prior. Baby didn't pause in her tongue movements as she felt Ballora's warm, slippery walls around her finger. She kept the pace slow at first, glancing up at Ballora as the older woman threw her head back in pleasure. After enough time of waiting, Baby slipped in her index finger and went as far inside as she could before pulling it back and ramming it back inside, much rougher this time.

Ballora's hips began to shift, her moans only elevating as the redhead had seemed to find the g-spot for the ballerina, hitting it over and over as the older woman cried in pleasure. At that point, Ballora had lost all control.  The feeling of the Baby's fingers move smoothly in and out of her, the redhead's tongue dancing rapidly around her clit... how good she was feeling was overwhelming. And yet, Ballora was too caught up in delight to realize her phone was giving soft buzzes in her coat's pocket as it lay forgotten on the floor.

Freddy, 11:27 PM:

ballora where are you

Freddy, 11:27 PM:


Freddy, 11:30 PM:

can you pick up a new case of beer while your out

Freddy, 11:31 PM:

please were almost out

Freddy, 11:32 PM:

your really starting to worry me

Ballora threw back her head, closing her eyes tightly as she felt the redhead's fingers ramming inside of her over and over. She clenched her teeth and ground her hips, digging her nails into the cloth of the bed's sheets as she felt herself coming close to ejaculation. Ballora could feel her face flush, her breath becoming incredibly shallow as her body twitched, the feeling of satisfaction was too much, she didn't think she could handle it much longer.

Ballora let out a loud cry of joy as she came, the redhead easily sliding out her fingers shortly afterwards. Ballora tried her best to catch her breath as she watched Baby stick her fingers that were covered in the older woman's cum into her mouth, enjoying the flavors as her tongue lapped the sweet juices up. By the time the ballerina had caught her breath, Baby popped her fingers out of her mouth and gave Ballora a glance, her expression warm.

The older woman slowly sat up, Baby not thinking much of it, assuming that Ballora was just going to leave, but what she didn't expect was for the ballerina to push her down onto the mattress. Ballora practically had the redhead pinned, the older woman now towering over the smaller female.

"What are you doing?" Baby questioned nervously, the redhead's face beginning to burn. Ballora couldn't help but chuckle, "What does it look like I'm doing?" The older woman replied softly. Baby couldn't feel her face as the older woman leaned closer, making short, but sweet lip-contact with her. As Ballora pulled away, she began to nuzzle into the younger woman's neck. Baby opened her mouth, barely able to speak as she began to feel numb, "N-N-No, I'm really o-okAY-" The redhead's voice raised in pitch as Ballora began to softly plant kisses along her neck.

"P-Please I-I-"  Ballora paused in her gentle kisses as the smaller female stuttered, the older woman's breath warm against the crane of Baby's neck. Ballora let out a soft chuckle, "But I want to do this for you." The ballerina murmured.  Her voice was soft, and it only sent a shiver down Baby's spine. Ballora's hand squeezed the redhead's breast through her shirt, Baby giving a tiny groan in surprise.  "Just let me, please?" Ballora whispered, the soft squeezing continuing. Baby gave small whimpers as waves of satisfaction pulsed through her during each squeeze.  "It is only fair..." Ballora mumbled, her hand reaching into Baby's shirt. The redhead flinched a bit as she felt cold fingertips begin to play around with her nipple. The older woman gently pressed on the redhead's breast once again. "C'mon, there's only one way to show a girl that she's desperately in love." Ballora whispered, a warm smile creeping onto the woman's lips.

Baby completely froze, feeling her heart stop. A long while of not moving had passed before the redhead took in a deep breath, grabbing the older woman's wrists firmly. Ballora was taken aback by the rough gesture but didn't move as they locked eyes.  "I appreciate what you're trying to do but I don't want it. I'm sorry." The redhead murmured softly. If her tone didn't give away that she was being serious, her gaze sure did. Ballora pulled away from Baby, sitting neatly on her knees, "Oh, well, okay. I understand." The older woman replied. She didn't understand, but she respected Baby's boundaries, slipped into the bed as the mood vanished in thin air. As Ballora slipped the covers over her nude body, the ballerina gently sighed, "Goodnight." Ballora told the redhead. Baby didn't respond, or move for that matter. Her gaze was locked with the ceiling as her thoughts ran completely rapid. The duo didn't speak another word to each other that night, Baby had eventually sat up to undo her pigtails before she set them on the bedside table, slipping off her jeans before crawling into bed. As the redhead lay her head on the pillow, she could not tear her eyes away from the plain colored ceiling as her thoughts kept her awake.


Ballora squinted her eyes as the light from the sun shone in the room. As the woman began to sit up, she felt that headache she was expecting give a powerful throb to her head. Ballora reached up to her forehead and rubbed her temple in a desperate attempt to at least ease the pain. She felt cold, at first she was a bit confused by the chilliness, but then she realized she was wearing no clothing, and was quick to cover herself up with the soft covers.  As Ballora continued to rub her temple, she heard the soft pattering of feet before a familiar redhead came into view, a half-drunken glass of water in her grasp.  "Oh good, you're awake." Baby murmured gently as she spotted the older woman sitting up on the bed.  The redhead began walking up to the older woman, setting down the glass she was holding on the bedside table before reaching for the pill bottle that stood next to the small table lamp.  "I imagine you have a pretty nasty headache," the redhead told Ballora, an awkward smile on her lips. Ballora gave a nod, Baby sitting herself at the side of the bed, and grabbed the cap of the bottle, easily unscrewing the top.  She shook the bottle over her hand, quite a few pills pouring out.  Baby picked out two of them from her open palm and handed the pair of aspirin pills to Ballora. Baby began to stand up, "I-I can go and grab you a fresh glass of water if you want-" the redhead was halted as Ballora shook her head, "It's fine." the woman replied, popping the pills into her mouth and reaching out her hand, silently asking for Baby's water glass. The redhead gave what was nonverbally being requested, watching as the older woman gulped down what was left of the drink.

Baby seated herself back down and patted on the bed anxiously as Ballora pulled the glass away from her lips, "Thank you." The older woman murmured softly, still covering her nude form with the covers. The redhead gave Ballora a small nod before taking in a deep breath of air, "So... I wanted to ask you..." Baby's voice trailed as her eyes shifted from the bed covers to Ballora's gaze. The redhead quickly glanced away, swallowing shallowly, "Did you mean what you said last night?"

Ballora simply blinked, her memory was unclear, the rough intercourse had been a complete blur. "What do you mean?"  Ballora asked, honestly unsure what she meant. Baby dared to glance back up at the woman. "You... s-said you loved me." The redhead clarified, her voice shaking as she spoke the words. The older woman froze, her mind racing.  "I-I did?" Ballora asked, her simple question difficult to speak as she stared into the younger woman's gaze.  Baby's face twisted into something indescribable, "Oh," the redhead murmured softly, her voice nearly inaudible,  "never mind, then."  The younger woman stood up from her seating place and turned around to face the door before she walked out of the room, not speaking another word. Ballora sat completely baffled for a while until she realized why the redhead had asked in the first place. 

After quickly slipping on her clothing from the night before, Ballora followed after Baby's footsteps, only to find the redhead standing by the kitchen counter with her phone in her grasp.  "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that it's not that I don't like you or anything." The older woman attempted to explain. The redhead just gave her a stare before trailing her gaze back to her phone, "It's fine.  I'm used to it." Baby muttered, "They usually leave right after I fuck them, so at least you decided to stay longer than that." Ballora's shoulders raised.  'They'? Was it usual for her to take someone home...?

"But I don't blame them," Baby mumbled softly, "I'm a sex-driven alcoholic, I'm surprised someone like you is even still here."  Ballora took a step forward, "Well, I think you're alright." The woman reassured, her facial features showing sympathy. Baby spared the older woman a glance, scoffing, "You say that now." The redhead replied, the duo not saying anything more for a long while. Baby huffed sharply as Ballora's concerned look didn't leave her face, "Trust me, you don't want to get involved with anything that has to do with me." The redhead muttered, glancing back at her phone for no particular reason. The older woman opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by a warning glare from the smaller female. Baby brokenly chuckled, slamming her phone to the counter, "Why are you even still here?"  The redhead questioned, her tone sharp with angst, "Is this out of pity?  Because if it is, I don't need it." Baby's voice shook, swallowing, "I don't need anyone's sympathy."  Ballora's face twisted into more pain, "Baby..." the older woman softly murmured, reaching forward slowly only for the redhead to back away, Baby's eyes glistening with grief, "Don't." The redhead snapped.

"If I wasn't drunk as shit I would have gotten to known you better before we..." Ballora glanced away, swallowing sharply as she paused in her response, "I just want to get to know you better."  The older woman finished, Baby refused to look into Ballora's eyes. "Please, give me a chance." The ballerina pleaded, her voice cracking as she spoke. Baby stared at the floor, not moving a muscle.  "Please," Ballora repeated, stepping even closer to the timid redhead. Baby took in a shaky breath, her bangs covering her gaze, "Okay." Baby murmured softly. Ballora's lips slowly curved into a warm smile, walking up to the younger woman and wrapping her arms warmly around the short redhead.  Ballora rubbed Baby's shoulder gently in comfort, receiving a tiny sniff from the redhead. The smaller female's lips quivered into a weak grin, a warm tear falling onto the ballerina's arm, Ballora not minding as Baby softly sobbed in joy.

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