The start of something bigger

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"So you will be taking care of her for about six months..."
"Okay sir. Anything i need to know?"
"Nothing much, she likes music and loves crafting. You start on the first."
"Okay thank you sir."
"I'll mail the money."
He hung up. The first is tomorrow. Oh my god. Well here goes nothing.
<The next day>
I got to the house at about 10 at night. A man walked up and opened the door. The most noticeable thing was the 'fro. "Hey, the name's Ray. My friend told me to wait for you. Well now that you're here, Bandit's asleep, knock yourself out until she wakes up. Later!"
He walked out the door, leaving me to plop down on the couch and flip through the channels on the tv.
Practically nothing was on. I found a channel playing Doctor Who and left it on that. I got up and looked in the fridge. (Don't judge. He said i could.)
I found a coke and passed out on the couch.

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