Then, this happened

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<The next morning>

I was dragging my half-hungover ass back home. But as i pulled in, i saw a little girl sitting on the front steps of my house. And i knew who it was immediately. "Mommy!"
"Bandit! Your dad is probably looking for you! Get in the car!"
She skipped around the car and hopped in.
I nearly flew back to her house. Thank god there were no cops, because i would have been fucked. I pulled in the driveway and grabbed Bandit. I ran up and knocked on the door. He opened the door. The man that inspired me to start making music. Gerard Arthur Way. I nearly fangirled, but i kept it together. "Here Mr. Way. She followed me apparently."
He looked so relieved when i drug a hiding Bandit out from behind me. "Bandit! Don't you ever do that to me again! I was worried sick!"
Then he looked up to me.
"Thank you Miss...?"
"Kane. Ruby Kane."
"Come on in, i haven't got anything to do today anyway."
We sat and talked for a little while, then i realized i had to go. "Nice talking to you Mr. Way. Bye Miss B."
"Please, call me Gerard. Wanna come say goodbye Bandit?"
"Daddy... can we keep her? Please!"
"No Bandit. She has to go."
"Please daddy?"
She had ran over and was hugging me so tightly, i couldn't move.
"Maybe, if its okay with your dad, i could come back later and take you out for ice cream. Does that sound good Miss B?"
I had picked her up and was looking straight into her sad little eyes. She looked at Gerard. "Please daddy?"
"Its fine with me."
"Yay! Bye Mommy! See you later!"
She jumped down and ran off. I chuckled, said goodbye to Gerard one last time, then left.

One thing was running through my head.

What the hell just happened?

I drowned it out with the wonderful sounds of The Black Parade album as i drove off to the interview. Yippee.

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