Chapter 30 page 2 - The Fall

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I hear a discordant sound of passers-by behind me shouting in alarm and urge me to get off the railing but I ignore them. I look down on the busy road to see a black Honda City and a motorcycle pull over to the side before the driver and the rider rush up to the bridge for me.

The concerned voices of anxious citizens surround me pass through my ears like buzzing hornets. Some cry out for 999, a couple of inconsiderate ones just tell me off while some try to talk me over. I only grasp their words like they don't matter since my inner demon provokes me to listen to that 5% voices who hate me. Then, I promptly realise the bottleneck traffic that I've created when a few more vehicles slow down and pull over to help. Damn! I just created another mess!

I feel a pair of strong arms tugging me in while I push myself outward.

"Miss, what's your name?" a female voice asks me.

"Sofia Mohd Safwan," I mention my name and tell them that I was a former staff of TWIB headquarter so it would be easy for them to manage my body and to notify Saint of my demise later on.

"Sofia, you were laid off too?" one of the voices asks but I'm too exhausted to answer.

"Sofia, you deserve better than this. Give your life a chance," another counsels me.

"How the hell do you know if I needed the chance or not?" I rasp forlornly. "I have no one. My husband steals my baby and the police don't believe me!"

"Come, we will talk to the police station for you," a man chimes in.

"Are you hungry? Jom (Come) I belanja (treat) you early dinner," a lady offers.

At that juncture, more encouraging words chip in to boost me up, letting my endorphins emerge through my glands, rousing my sensible sanities. That's when I realise that I don't really want to kill myself, I'm just merely trying to stop the hurt from consuming my heart.

They cheer for me when I finally decide to give myself a second chance. And as I'm eager to get in, I twist my entire body to face inwards instead of pushing my back in, disregarding the risk to my immediate action. My left leg accidently slips out from the platform edge of the railing, causing me to lose balance and trip.

I fall off from the ledge but my reflex is quick enough to catch the railing bars, clinging to it. The onlookers that consoled me earlier scream to my sudden plummet. One of them grabs the collar of my worn out shirt, another had me by my upper arms while another attempts to jump over the railing to rescue me.

But as I frantically fidgeting to jump back in, I subconsciously lose their grip, making my body accidentally drop from the bridge. I hear both of us screaming but it's too late to do anything. The freefalling moment happens so swiftly in less than a second that I can only wave my arms around helplessly with no direction. This is not the same fall I had by the spiral staircase during the nerf gun attack at Freesia Court. This is falling for my death.

However, my body rams onto something bouncy and firm that it decelerates my first fall, giving me the initial pain I deserve. I land on the top of a tarpaulin covered truck before my body ricochet to the side and onto the roof of another vehicle. I can hear the cracking sound of my ribs, my back, shoulders and knees from the impact and it is indescribably excruciating that I'm unable to withstand it further. I'm too overwhelmed with the pain that scorches my internal organs that I don't even have time to breathe. So, this is what death feels like.

My body glances off back and forth a couple of times from one hard surface to another before my head crashes onto something solid and everything turns blank.

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