Chapter 2

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"I'm feline like this villain needs to call it quits; what about you m'lady?" Adrien voices Cat Noir to Manon. He's so amazing at impressions! He'd make such a good Cat Noir...Oh my gosh-Imagine, Adrien being my partner instead of Cat Noir! What a dream...

"Ha, good luck getting me to quit! I think it's about time Ladybug and Cat Noir stopped running and conformed to the law," I voice the Rogercop doll, lifting his arm to shoot pretend lasers at the heroes.

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US ROGERCOP! LUCKY CHARM!" Manon yells, swinging the Ladybug doll around as she does. I glance at Adrien to see him with a big smile on his face. He's so cute when he smiles. I mean he's cute all the time but when he smiles it lights up my world like a thousand suns... He's perfection...

"Rogercop? MARINETTE!" Manon suddenly screams at me. Oops, I must of spaced out.

"Sorry, where were we?" I sheepishly ask, my cheeks getting warm. Can't I ever get through one day without blushing in front of Adrien? Gahhh.


"Bye, Manon," I wave as she runs downstairs.

"So..." A voice from beside me trails off. I jump at his voice. I forgot he was so close.

"So..." I copy, turning to face him. He has a breathtaking content smile on his face, his cheeks rosy from laughing so much while playing with Manon. He's so beautiful.

"Thank you so much for letting me come over to help with this, Marinette. It's helped so much and I really enjoyed it." I grin at him.

"Thank you for helping me! Playing with Manon's great but doing the same old thing over and over again gets a bit tiring. Especially when you have to voice more than one doll. It's great to switch things up by having someone else to do it with me." I almost freeze in shock at realization that I just said more than one sentence to him without being awkward. What's happening to me?!

"Really? Well, I'm glad to have helped you out! Perhaps I could come help every week? Or I could just come over to hang out with you? I feel like you and I are the only ones in the friendship group that don't really talk to each other that much," Adrien says, making my heart explode. Me? He wants to hang out with me?!

"Um..Wow, y-yeah you're right. I'd love to hang out with you. You could actually stay a bit longer now if you like and we could go to the park or something?"




"Awesome, sure!"

I KNEW IT WAS A BAD IDE-wait what?

"Oh, o-okay then, sh-shall w-we go?" I stutter, taken aback by his acceptance to going to the park with me. 


With that we stroll out the bakery-Well Adrien strolls; I'm stumbling whilst trying to concentrate on not tripping over because I'm that freaking excited and I know my clumsiness likes to ruin great moments these.

Let's just hope and pray for the best...


"So, do you like superheroes?" Adrien asks as we sit on the park bench. To be honest, that's a bit of a random question to ask but maybe I can see his thoughts on Ladybug if we go into that topic.

"Um, yeah I do actually...Not as much as Alya of course though," I laugh lightly as he joins in. "What about you?"

His face lights up as if he finally got to talk about his favorite thing in the world. "I love superheroes! Ladybug and Cat Noir are amazing-especially Ladybug..." he sighs dreamily.


Well, he thinks Ladybug's amazing, but I mean Tikki did say that I'm Ladybug with or without the mask so...

"You like Ladybug?" I ask, curious to find out more opinions he has on me.

His eyes go wide and he awkwardly coughs. Is this a touchy subject for him or something? Wait why is it a touchy subject? Is he embarrassed by Ladybug? Is he just making up that he likes her for some reason that I'll never understand? Or has he got hay-fever and he's coughing because of allergies? Do people even cough when they have hay-fever? My brain is way too crazy sometimes I swear. "Um...Yeah. I mean not that much...I mean I love her! Wait no, I like her...She's...She's cool..." Wow. He's beginning to sound like m-Hold up a second. ADRIEN JUST SAID HE LOVED ME, WHAT?

Before I can ask him to elaborate, he coughs again and changes the subject. "Anyway, what do you think about Cat Noir?"

I chuckle as I'm reminded of the flirty kitty. "He's great; I mean he can be a little overbearing at times with his constant flirting and puns but I don't know. He's so loyal to m-Ladybug and he's so selfless too. He's growing on me a little, I think," I smile, hoping Adrien didn't notice my little slip up. He smiles back, before furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Wait, how do you know he makes puns?"

My face drops at the realization of what I said and I mentally face palm. I'm an idiot. "Oh, I'm, um actually good....friends with Ladybug and she um talks about him a lot to me..." I awkwardly say, looking down. His jaw drops in shock, and I worry about whether or not I've blown my cover.

"You're friends with Ladybug? No way! How are you friends with her? Do you know who she is under the mask? What's she like?" Adrien blurts out in his moment of shock. I relax in knowing that he believes my lie and laugh.

"I don't know who she is under the mask, no. But we became friends one day when she saved my life during an akuma attack and we got to talking. She's a really nice person. I think she likes you as well to be honest. She told me about the time she went to your house and she wouldn't stop going on about you. If I didn't think she liked you I'd probably predict her and Cat Noir would be together actually..." I ramble, using my experiences as Ladybug to my advantage. Technically, I just admitted that I liked him, but he'll never know. It's fine?

Poor Adrien. I think I've paralyzed him. He's not moving. I never should've told him about Ladybug, ugh I'm so stupid.
"Ladybug...likes me?" He barely whispers after a few seconds. His cheeks are red and his eyes are wide with wonder. With the expression he has right now, anyone would think I just told him I'm pregnant and he's the father! Haha, you wish, Marinette.

To be honest I don't wish, weird voice in my head-I'm way too young! But maybe in 10 years....


Aaaaand the second chapter is finished! I hope you enjoyed it; I know it took a while to be published but I am coming up to doing my GCSEs so I'm pretty busy with that kind of stuff. Don't worry though, I'm very committed to this book and I won't be leaving it for eternity on a cliff hanger when it's only on the 5th chapter to never be updated again. Updates should be consistent in July because I'll be done with high school but I'll still post in May and June!

Until the next update...Keep voting and commenting! Thank you!✨✨

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