Chapter 20

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Mega early update because I accidentally pressed publish instead of save😂😂😂


"That was really kind of you to visit Adrien like that, Marinette," Tikki says, smiling proudly.

"Thanks, Tikki. It was the least I could do for him considering how much I've pushed him away," I sigh, rubbing my temples in stress. I need to stop feeling guilty. I'm doing it for a good reason!

"You shouldn't worry about that; you have your interview in half an hour so you should be thinking about what you're going to say," she scolds in a weird...sympathetic kind of way-if that makes sense?

I lightly smile at her. "You're right. This is my first super big interview I'm doing after all. I need to prepare myself."

My overwhelming guilt can engulf my thoughts afterwards.

Today is going to be a good day!

...I hope.


It's finally time for the interview. I'm transformed as Ladybug and I'm being ushered into the interview room. Thanks to my superhero persona, I'm not that nervous.

As I walk into the room, my eyes trail upon a huge crowd in front of the 3 interview seats. I catch sight of Alya and Nino in the front row. "Nino! Oh my gosh! Ladybug's here! Stop moving; I'm trying to film for my Ladyblog!" Alya yells at him.

Nino looks at her amusedly. "You're crazy," he chuckles, a loving gaze on his face. Ugh, those two are perfect for each other. Like can they just get married already?

"Ladybug, you're here! Hi," the interviewer greets, shaking my hand before I sit down in my seat. Upon doing so, I realise the one next to me is empty. Where's Cat Noir?

"Hello, nice to meet you," I grin in an attempt to hide my discontent with the fact that Cat Noir isn't here yet. Why can't he just be here already? I don't want to be doing all of the talking.

"So, we should probably wait a little longer for Cat Noir to arrive. In the meantime, why don't you go talk to your fans?" he suggests, glancing back at them.

A small part of me doesn't want to greet them alone and another small part of me doesn't want to get up from the chair seeing as I've only just sat down. But a big part of me is excited to talk to Alya and Nino.

I nod my head, standing up. "Sure. Don't worry, I'm sure Cat Noir will be here soon. He wouldn't miss such a golden opportunity to show off his puns." I giggle to myself, thinking about just how terrible a lot of them are.

The interviewer laughs. I make my way over to my 'fans'-doesn't that sound weird? Clumsy, dorky Marinette has fans? Well not exactly Marinette. Why am I talking in third person?

"Ahhh! Ladybug! Take a selfie with me!" I hear Chloe's obnoxious voice demand. It takes everything in me not to roll my eyes at the fact that she's here. If only she knew who I was under the mask. Then she'd feel a lot differently.

I force a smile as she takes a picture of us. If I didn't then I wouldn't be acting very professional. Besides, last time I acted coldly towards her I caused an akuma and we don't want that to happen again.

She squeals after looking at the picture. "We look totally fabulous! Obviously! Text me, yeah?!" she overbearingly says as I hurriedly move onto the next fan.

After interacting with a few fans I finally get to Alya and Nino. But they're too busy talking to notice me at first.

"Nino, I told you! I need to film this for the Ladyblog! It's sweet and all that you're trying to hug me but I have a very important job to-LADYBUG! Oh my gosh, hi! Sorry I didn't see you there! I know I've already interviewed you but I'm so excited for this one! Can you say hi to my Ladyblog fans for me?" she asks excitedly after noticing I'm here.

I have to distract myself from the fact that Nino was just trying to hug Alya. Now is not the time for me to fangirl.

"Sure. Hey, viewers of the Ladyblog! Thank you for supporting me and supporting my friend Alya's blog, I really appreciate it. Bye!" I say, holding in a laugh as Alya's jaw drops.

"Did you hear that Nino? Ladybug just said we're friends!" she awkwardly says through her teeth after nudging him. I'm not even going to bother telling her that I can here everything she's saying.

"Yeah, and she's also right in front of you," he says through his teeth as well.

So cute!

"Ahhh! Cat Noir's here!" I hear someone yell, and I quickly turn my head to see him smiling in the doorway, his eyes slightly red and puffy. Has he been crying?

"Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late, but I'm feline purretty sure that this interview is going to be pawsome. How about you?" he grins to the crowd, coming down to greet them. His eyes catch mine and his grin widens. "Ladybug, hey!" Before I can process anything, he brings me in for a warm bear hug.

Taken aback, I hesitantly hug him back, trying to drown out the screams of 'Ladynoir' shippers. "Um, hey. You okay? Your eyes looked red." I feel his hug tighten.

"I'm great. It's just been an emotional day that's all. But I'm purrfectly fine meow," he winks after we pull away. I laugh at his terrible puns.

He's a dork.


"So, let's get this first question out of the way. It's for both of you to answer and it's from the fans. Is there any romance going on between the two of you? Is Ladynoir going to rise?" the interviewer asks, and I feel my face burn red. I glance at Cat Noir.

"Sorry, what's 'Ladynoir'?" he asks, looking from me to the interviewer and back again.

"Ladynoir is your 'ship' name. It's what you and Ladybug would be called if you were in a relationship," the interviewer explains. I stare at Cat Noir and watch as the realisation hits his face. He glances back at me.

"Uh, well-I definitely think Ladybug is absolutely perfect and I admit that I used to be quite obsessed with her," he lightly laughs. "But we made an agreement that having a relationship together when we don't even know each other's true identities wouldn't work out," he says, looking down.

"Yeah and I think Cat Noir is amazing but-"

"We've both found new people that we can actually be with. And we're very happy," he smiles, and I look down.

"Yeah...Really...happy," I mumble, forgetting I'm on TV for a moment. I feel Cat Noir's gaze burning into the side of my head and I don't have the courage to turn to face him. The guilt of staying away from Adrien creeps back into my mind.

But then I realise something.

Cat Noir's talking about how 'happy' he is with this new person when he was flirting with me as Marinette just last night! Is he cheating on his new girlfriend? I can say girlfriend, right? I mean if they like each other then they're practically an item so yeah. But anyway, that's such a terrible thing for him to do! Maybe I was right in rejecting him for the past-

"Uh, Ladybug? Are you alright?" the interviewer snaps me out of my thoughts, waving a hand in front of my now burning face.

Did I really just zone out? IN FRONT OF A HUGE AUDIENCE?!

"Ah, I'm sorry. I've-uh-just been going through a lot of stress just lately and I'm-uh-so tired that sometimes I just go into a daze without r-realising, hehe..." I embarrassedly stutter out an excuse.

This is bad; my Marinette is showing!

"Oh, it's okay. The question I asked was ironically to ask you two how you coped with the stress of being Ladybug and Cat Noir. Since you both seem fairly young, I bet you must have so many things on your agenda outside of your superhero lives as well."

If only he knew.

"Yeah, it's difficult having the stress of completely abandoning your everyday life to save Paris all the time. Although, I find that writing down the things you've done everyday in a diary makes everything seem less stressful-probably because it's like you can read through all of your accomplishments and it makes you feel stronger as a person," I explain, hoping that I'm not sounding completely stupid as I do so.

"That's a really good idea," Cat Noir praises me, nodding his head in approval.

Yeah, unlike how you flirted with me when you already had a GIRLFRIEND LIKE WHO DOES THAT?! UGH, I'M SO MAD AND I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THIS AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.

Without thinking, I send Cat Noir a cold glance, immediately regretting so after doing it. He looks confused at my expression.

I'm so stupid! I'm totally getting mad with him for no reason and if he notices too much he'll ask me why and then I'll have to somehow convince him that I'm fine.

"Yes, I agree. It's certainly original, that's for sure. Anyway, so the next question is for you, Cat Noir and it is: When did you decide to start using puns?"


"Ladybug, hey, wait up!" Cat Noir calls after me as I speed walk out of the interview room. For some reason, that interview was so uncomfortably exhausting and I couldn't wait to finally get out.

"What's wrong?" he asks after finally catching up with me, concern written all over his face. I nervously fiddle with my fingers.

Taking in a deep breath, I decide that bottling up my emotions won't help. "It's just, well...Okay, I'm just going to say it. I'm good friends with Marinette and she-she told me how you were with her last night and today you said you're really happy with someone when you were flirting with her just yesterday! I don't know why this is annoying me but I thought you were better than that Cat Noir! I-I don't want to see her get hurt," I confess-well, half confess. Obviously I can't tell him that I'm Marinette.

For some reason, he laughs at my words.

"Ladybug, it's good to see how much you care about Marinette. But the reason I was 'flirting' with her yesterday, was because she's the one I'm really happy with." My jaw drops. But how could he be happy with me if he doesn't even know me outside of his mask?! He's making absolutely no sense.

"But you guys aren't together!" I retort, stopping walking and folding my arms. I watch as he amusedly stops with me and chuckles.

"Yet," he winks. My eyes narrow down at him. What does he mean, 'yet'? I can't date Cat Noir! It'll go against everything I made him agree to.

"Sure, good luck with that. Either way I'm glad to know you're not playing Marinette at least," I praise him, despite the fact that I'm more confused than I am when I'm in math class...and I get really confused when it comes to math.

He nods his head, smiling in a cute childish kind of way. "Don't worry, I would never disrespect her like that."

Internally, I'm trying not to fangirl over how sweet what he just said was. But I'm also going over all the reasons why we wouldn't work out together.

The fact that I'm still crazily in love with Adrien is one of them. If I moved on from him and started dating Cat Noir so quickly, he'd think what I felt for him wasn't real.

Ugh, why is my life so confusing?

"Anyway, we should purrobably get going. Unless you wanted to hang out longer?" he asks, tilting his head.

"I mean, we could hang out longer, I guess? It's up to you," I surprise myself by accepting his suggestion.

But I somehow have a bad feeling about this...



Omg so this is like the longest chapter I've written in a long time-almost 2000 words haha

Anyway that was kinda off topic 😂 I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter :D I added a teeny bit of DJWifi for you and some Ladynoir which I know a lot of you like ;)

I'm not going to say much about the next chapter because I feel like I keep telling you guys what to expect so I wanna just surprise you for once 😂Please don't hate me!

Byeeeeeeee ✨💕


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