Chapter 24

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I can't stop thinking about him. It's Sunday and I'm getting ready to go meet him, but for some reason I have so many butterflies in my stomach that I can't seem to get rid of. What will I say to him? What's going to become of our relationship? Am I ready for my first relationship yet?

Before my thoughts can continue on their worrying journey, I hear a knock at my window. I turn my head to see...Cat Noir?

Oh great, I don't have time to prepare myself! With wide eyes, I make my way to the window and open it. "Cat No-I mean Adrien? What are you doing here? We were supposed to meet at the park," I nervously say as he climbs into my room with a smile on his face.

Without warning he wraps his arms around me, burying his head into my shoulder. I freeze for a second or two before finally hugging back. "I couldn't wait to see you," he grins after pulling away. It melts my heart to see his grin again.

"That's so sweet b-but I'm not finished getting ready yet," I stammer out, pointing at my messy bed hair. He raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, your hair? That's all you have to do? Come here, I've learnt a lot during my time being a model. I'll do it for you," he smiles, sitting on my bed and patting the space in front of him. I give him an unsure look. "Come on Marinette, you should know by now that I'm good at most things I do, so you shouldn't look so scared."

With a sigh, I make my way over to my desk to grab a hairbrush and then to him. "Fine, but only if you turn back into Adrien. I don't need your bad luck messing up my hair."

"Way ahead of you, m'lady. Claws in." I watch as he transforms into Adrien, and have to force myself not to swoon. This is definitely going to take some time to get used to.

"FINALLY," his kwami whines after leaving his ring. He doesn't get the chance to say anything else though because Tikki's dragging him away so he doesn't bother us. Cute.

"Now, sit," Adrien orders, patting the space in front of him again. I would normally tell him to ask me more nicely, but I'm way too flustered by his appearance as Adrien to say anything. It's funny how my shyness around him just comes and goes out of nowhere. That's normal though right? Because some days you'll have a bigger burst of confidence than others. Things can affect you on different lengths that vary all the time, but in the end, you'll hopefully get used to those feelings you have, and you'll be able to control them more consistently.

But what I like about myself as a person is that no matter how much my confidence level changes, my feelings for the people I love always seem to stay the same.

Taking a seat in front of him and crossing my legs, we sit in silence as he does my hair. "You know, I'm still trying to get used to this," he says, breaking the silence. I sigh.

"Me too...It's like now that now that we know eachother's identities, I don't know how to act around you, like are we just friends now or something...something e-else?" I anxiously stutter out the last part of my sentence, turning around to face him due to not feeling him doing my hair anymore. To my surprise, he's closer to me than I expected.

He stares at me. "Do you want us to be something else?" he asks, gently taking hold of my hand and looking down.

"Seriously! D-don't do that," I take my hand out of his grasp defiantly.

He looks confused. "Don't do what?"

I raise my hand to my forehead in stress. "You're being all sweet and then expecting me to answer a really serious question that I can't answer right now because you're really making me flustered so can you just stop please?"

An amused smile plays upon his lips and he grabs my hand again, as if to purposely irk me. "You're so cute," his smile turns into a loveable one and that just makes me blush. Thank you very much Adrien for trying to kill me! Can you not? "How about I tell you that...I want us to be more than just friends?"

My heart rate quickens. "So...Best friends?"

He laughs lightly. "No...I meant...I want us to be able to kiss eachother whenever we feel like it and go on dates and be able to hug eachother just because we can and say 'I lo-"

"He wants you to be his girlfriend, for crying out loud. You didn't have to make a whole monologue Adrien, jeez," his kwami suddenly interrupts him, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

I glance up at Adrien to see him angrily glaring at his kwami for ruining his romantic speech. "Plagg, you're such a pain sometimes!" he groans, seemingly forgetting about the heavy topic he was just expressing to me. I can hear 'Plagg' chuckling an evil sounding laugh from the other side of the bedroom.

"Anyway, as I was saying...I want to have a relationship with you, Marinette. But only if you feel the same way," Adrien finally confesses.

"I-I...I do."

When I answer him it feels like I'm in a dream. This is all going so quickly yet somehow it feels like I've been waiting so long for this moment.

Technically speaking, me and Adrien have been in the feelings zone for quite some time now if you consider our super hero sides as well. So I guess if we do get together as a real couple, it's not rushing into anything because we've been partners for so long.

While I do need to have a talk with Adrien about his flirty Cat Noir side before getting into anything too serious, I trust him with everything in me. And if we don't work out, what's the worst that can happen? (I mean as long as it's not a vicious break up of course😅)

"So, do you want to be my girlfriend, Marinette?" he asks, a wide grin on his face that's too contagious for me not to have one of my own.




Wowwww so Adrienette is now official guys :D

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I know I've been really bad at updating my book lately so I'm gonna try my best to publish the next chapter a week earlier than my usual unorganised routine😅😅

I appreciate you all so much, see you next chapter 😊

-Belle x

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