Chapter 4

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A little Marichat for you linked above/to the side! This chapter has no marichat in it but I'm such a sucker for this ship😂




As soon as I told Cat Noir about Adrien, I instantly regretted it. But at the same time, I kind of didn't. Tonight, I saw a new side to Cat Noir. I saw a side of him that I've never seen before - he was serious. Don't get me wrong, I've seen him serious before, but tonight, he was serious in a...sincere kind of way.

I'm almost ashamed to say that this sincere side gave me butterflies.

I know I like Adrien, but the comforting words Cat Noir spoke to me tonight made me feel like we were soulmates and we'd known each other forever. It just felt so easy to talk to him; to spill my inner emotions; to pour my heart out.
When I was describing everything I love about Adrien, I expected him to be jealous, and I was actually preparing an apology speech in my head.

But the jealousy never came.

Instead, all I saw on his face was euphoria and concern for my emotional state. He acted so selfless. So admirable and caring.

He acted like Adrien.

Of course, I'm fully aware that the two are completely separate, but their similarly charming ways seem to be making me lose my sanity. I mean, it's difficult enough to have a crush on one boy that you see everyday at school, let alone two with another that you fight crime with regularly. It's going to be exhausting dealing with these kind of emotions, I can already tell.

"Marinette, you should go sleep now. You have school tomorrow and you've been late more times than I can count. It's not good for your grades," Tikki wisely advises while yawning. Knowing I'm probably keeping her up by thinking too hard, I nod, resting my head on my pillow.
"Night, Tikki," I mumble, trying to find a comfortable position in bed. Doing so proves as difficult, but eventually I find the right ways in which to situate my body. I feel fatigue rush over me as I pull up the covers; I see Tikki smile at me through half closed eyes.

She whispers, "goodnight, Marinette," and with that I'm drifting into the darkness of my mind.


I wake up to Tikki freaking out. "Marinette! MARINETTE! It's 1o:30am! We're like 2 hours late for school!"

A gasp leaves my mouth and I'm suddenly very awake as I shoot up in my bed. "WHAT?!" Where the heck are my parents? They should've woke me up or something! "Maybe I could just skip today?" I lightly suggest, knowing it's a bad idea. Tikki shakes her head.

"I know you're tired Marinette but school's important. Plus, if you don't go you can't see Adrien...." She heightens the pitch of her voice at the end of the sentence as if to add a more persuasive tone. She didn't really need to do that though to be fair, because Adrien's name alone could motivate me to do anything. Want me to jump off a cliff? Have Adrien do it with me. Want me to bake a fifteen tier wedding cake? Have it be for mine and Adrien's wedding. Want me to clean my room? Tell me Adrien's coming over.

Adrien is my light. And I have no shame in admitting that.

"I know. Honestly, I feel like I only go school for him. Before he came to the school I missed so many days off," I chuckle, pulling the covers off my pyjama covered body. Tikki laughs with me, flying over to my dressing table to wait for me.

"Ain't that the truth," she giggles to herself, while I grab my brush and untangle my hair. Afterwards, she grabs two hair ties and does my pigtails for me. She's definitely the best kwami a girl could have. I don't know what I'd do without her.


I slowly push the classroom door open, trying to be as sneaky as possible. As I quietly step through, I feel everyone's heads turn to me and I immediately blush. Stop paying so much attention to me! Although one person with their eyes trained on me I don't mind is Adrien. I let my eyes wander over to him as I give him a small smile, while hurriedly rushing to my seat behind him. He looks extra cute today. Maybe it's because he's paying attention to me for once or maybe it's because his hair is messier than it usually is. Either way, he's looking amazing in every way possible-but there's no surprise there when he always looks good.

"Girl, I swear you're never on time for school," Alya whispers from beside me. "Are you like leading a secret double life or something?" I nervously giggle at her joking, feeling slightly on edge because she's actually correct without realizing it.

"If I said yes to that question, it wouldn't be a secret now, would it, Alya?" I joke back, addressing the topic head on as an attempt to conceal any suspicions that could've risen.

Minutes pass until the teacher finally lets us speak while working and Alya informs me of something she needs to tell me. "What is it?" She shoots me an excited look and pulls her phone out, tapping the screen a few times before turning it around to show me. My mouth almost drops at the sight.

"Isn't it so crazy? My friend who reads my blog sent it me! Can you believe it? Ladynoir is happening!" she squeals, flailing her free arm in the air.

I should probably elaborate. Well, the picture I am staring at right now is one of me and Cat Noir last night, with him extremely close to me and tilting my chin up to look at him.

How did anyone even see us in that darkness well enough to know how we were standing?

"You know, they could've just been having a serious conversation and that was all friendly?" I try and hint, hoping any rumors going around about 'Ladynoir' can disappear.

"Mhm, yeah sure girl. I very much doubt that was friendly, I mean the whole world knows Cat Noir has the biggest crush on Ladybug anyway. Plus, by the way she's staring at him in this photo, it's proof that she may like him back!"

"She's obviously just shocked in the picture. He caught her off guard!" I argue back.

"And you would know this how?" Alya rolls her eyes, looking at me like I'm dumb.

"Marinette's actually friends with Ladybug, isn't that right, Marinette? Ladybug probably told her." Adrien's voice caught me off guard. Has he been listening to our whole conversation?

Alya's jaw drops. "WHAT?! You're friends with her? And you never told me? BUT YOU TOLD ADRIEN?! Why?"

"She doesn't really like me throwing it out there. Plus now you know, you're probably going to want to know everything about her which is a bit tiring to explain?" I come up with the best excuse I can within such a short amount of time.

"Um...YEAH I AM! Marinette, Ladybug is my idol! How would you feel if I was friends with Jagged Stone and knew about upcoming songs and never told you?!" Once Alya says this, guilt creeps over me.

"I'm so sorry Alya. Ladybug just...She likes her privacy you know and with you running the ladyblog...She'd know I told you if you post any new information on there. Then she might not trust me enough to be friends..." I make up a believable lie and allow guilt to not only wash over me but drown me. I hate lying. I really do.

"Oh...I'm sorry girl. I completely understand why you've did what you did. But...I can keep a secret," she smiles sneakily. "If you tell me everything you know about her purely for the purpose of fulfilling my empty fan girl heart, I promise I won't say anything on the Ladyblog!"

Alya really is the world's best friend ever. "Deal!"


Alya and I walk out of class at the end of the day and we're about to leave the building before a voice stops us in our place. "Hey! Marinette! Wait up!" I turn around and see Adrien running towards us. Alya nudges me and sends me a wink.

"I'll catch up with you later," she smirks, walking away. At that moment, Adrien catches up to me, a little out of breath.

"Hey, Marinette. So I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house? I have a free schedule today and I wanted to talk about a few things," he puffs out, nervously smiling. Why is he nervous? Speaking of nerves, mine go into overdrive at his invitation as my face heats up.

"U-um, I-I'd to love! I mean, I'd love to go to your house with you talking! I-I mean, s-sure..." I nervously stutter out, tripping over my words like they're super high hurdles trying to prevent me from being calm and collected with my one true love.

Well, one out of two true loves.

Wait, did I just think that?

"Awesome! Is it okay if we go in my limo now? I don't get a free schedule very often, so I kind of need to make the most of it while I can," Adrien draws me out of my thoughts, chuckling sheepishly.

"Yeah, that's fine, I'll call my parents when we get to yours," I smile as we walk to his limo and climb in. After around 5 minutes of a comfortable silence in the vehicle however, I grow confused. "Hey, so what did you want to talk to me about?"

At my question, Adrien's face seems to go red. "Um...W-well you-you see, I kind of have a crazy obsession with um...u-uh Ladybug and I was wondering if you could tell me about her? I won't tell anyone anything; I just wanted to know how to talk to her and like what to say if I ever see her again. I know it might seem like I'm just inviting you over to get information out of you as well but I feel like since we're friends, this counts as hanging out. I enjoy your company."

Okay, so my mind has a whirlwind of emotions going through it right now.

First off, he has a crazy obsession with Ladybug!

Secondly, he wants to know what to say to Ladybug when he next sees her!


But he also just friend zoned me at the same time as admit he's obsessed with me.

I'm unbelievably overwhelmed right now.

"Um-of course! I mean, we are friends so I trust you enough not to tell anyone!" I smile, proud of myself for not making a fool of myself. I've been doing really well with not tripping over my words that much with Adrien just lately. Maybe it has something to do with Cat Noir...OR MAYBE I'M JUST DEVELOPING A CLOSER RELATIONSHIP WITH ADRIEN; JEEZ MARINETTE STICK TO ONE GUY.

"Thanks, Marinette. Since you're doing this for me and you're letting me help with babysitting, it'd only be fitting if I did something for you in return. I know you like designing so I could put in a good word about you to my father and show him some of your designs if you want? He could consider a collaboration with you upon me doing so?" he offers, and I almost jump out the car in excitement. Gabriel Agreste seeing my designs? Collaborating with me?

I almost squeal at the blissful idea.

But I know that it's against my morals to accept his offer. Friendship is about giving and not expecting anything in return. If I were to say yes then it'll seem like I only do favours when they're returned. And I'm not that kind of girl. "You don't have to do that Adrien. As awesome as that would be, I don't really want our friendship to depend on favours and returning them. If I do something for you, I want you to know that in doing so I'm feeling better in myself and I'm not doing things for you to get something in return," I tell him, noticing his eyes soften as he stares at me.

"You're awesome, you know that right?"



Aaaaaand Chapter 4 is complete! Next chapter will be in Adrien's POV and Adrienette will be doing some more Babysitting very soon

Also! I'd just like to thank everyone who's ever clicked into this book. I can't believe we're at 150 reads already! Seeing the reads and votes and comments increase just motivates me to update more! So yeah, thank you so much and I might take a bit longer to post chapter 5 because writers block is annoying the heck out of me just lately 😂😩😅

Byeeeeeeee x

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