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It's been more than 2 years!
If anyone's reading this, how are you? are you good? how's life treating you?

So! My last update was me saying my motivation sucks and promising to update within the month💀life really got in the way!

In case anyone cares, when I stopped writing this fanfic I had just dropped out of college after a majorly embarrassing meltdown in front of my teachers and I was depressed and just completely out of it. It took me a long time to get back on my feet.

Looking back on this book I am a little embarrassed and wary of it. I started writing it when I was about 16 and because of that I've been scared to reread it so I can continue where I left off writing it. self esteems not been the best😅

Anyway, I started a new college late 2018 and things started really getting better for me. Obviously depression and anxiety don't go away but being in an environment I liked helped me to cope with it and I got a lot more support!

I recently decided to log in to my account again just out of curiosity and I saw the volume of support so many of you had given me🥺I know I've said thank you in every single chapter of this book but I honestly got emotional! I've been average and unpopular throughout my whole life because I'm shy and socially awkward so seeing everyone's comments and love really got to me😂 I genuinely consider everyone who has supported 'Babysitting' as friends who I feel comfortable with💗

As everyone knows, the coronavirus and lockdown means that a lot of people are indoors all day, and I thought maybe I could use this time to push myself and start writing again.

I won't promise anything, but I'm going to try really hard to revise this fanfic, give it a good ending and make it better! Now that I've finished college and I'm taking a gap year before going to university, I think I'll have plenty of time to focus on writing more❤️

Okay, I don't want to make this too long but yeah I hope everyone's staying safe at this time! And you can possibly look forward to a new chapter coming soon, hopefully with a more developed writing style since it's been so long lmao


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