How it happened

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It was 1:30 in the morning before Raph woke up. He glanced at his boyfriend Swift who was sound asleep next to him. He smiled and shook him lightly. "Wake up babe." he whispered. Swift moaned. "5 more minutes." Raph frowned. "C'mon, we gotta catch our flight." Swift sighed. "Fine." Swift said before got off of the bed. "I was trying to stall for time." he smirked. Raph smirked also well. "And for what reason?" "So we can spend more time together." Raph chuckled. "As much as I wanna stay here with you, I have to meet my father." Swift sighed. "Ok ok let's get dressed."

Raph and Swift both got dressed and went to wake up Caesar. They both went to the baby crib and slowly picked up there little boy Caesar. Swift started to rock him in his arms. "Caesar, wake up." Caesar moved but didn't open his eyes. "C'mon champ." Raph said as he started to poke Caesar's armpits. Caesar giggled and woke up. Raph chuckled. "There he is." Caesar cooed and his dad(Raph is dad and pops is Swift) and reached out to him. "Looks like he wants you to hold him." Swift replied. Raph smiled and took the baby gently in his arms. "Hey champ."

"Hey Swift." "Yea?" "Since Caesar can't come who's gonna watch him?" Swift was shocked. He thought he planned for everything. He planned the time, the date, the airport, the money, the packing, you name it. Yet he forgot about the babysitter. "Hey you okay babe?" Raph asked. "I forgot about the babysitter." "WHAT!?" Raph shouted. "I thought you said you'd handled everything." "I know, but I must have lost track of time and now I have to look for a babysitter." Raph sighed. Even though his husband made a mistake, he couldn't stay mad at him forever. "So, what do you think we should do?" Swift thought about it until an idea popped up. "Let's call Ghost."

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