Introducing Anthony prt. 2

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The doorbell ringed which alarmed Caesar a little bit as Ghost went to go get it. When he open the door, a smiling turtle just a little taller than him stood there with a confused Anthony in his arms. "Hey Ghost, I haven't seen you in a while." Leo said as he patted his back. "Haven't seen you in a while too." he said before he walked over to Caesar who was in the playpen. Caesar looked at Ghost, then at Leo, then at a new figure about the size of him, he never seen before. Leo set Anthony down in the playpen with Caesar as they both eyed each other suspiciously in a very cute way. "Caesar, meet your cousin, Anthony." Cousin? What was he talking about? Caesar kept staring at the baby in front of him who stared back as well.

Baby talk

It has been 30 minutes and Caesar and Anthony couldn't keep there eyes of each other. "Who are you?" he asked. (pretend the're just talking like babies but Ghost and Leo can't understand them) " I'm Anthony. You?" he asked still eyeing him suspiciously. "Caesar." he replied with the same expression as Anthony. "You're not stealing my dad." Anthony replied. "and YOU'RE not stealing my uncle." he spat. Caesar crawled closer to him and when he was done, was only inches away from his so called cousin. Then they both sighed. Knowing that if they fight, either Ghost would put it on Anthony or either Leo will put it on Caesar. Or might just put it on both of them. So instead of fighting, they decided to know more about each other. "So, what do you do for fun." "Play with blocks." Anthony said as he pointed at them. Caesar crawled over to the blocks and picked on up and threw- JK handed one of them to Anthony. Anthony took it happily and started banging it on the ground. "C'mon, I call it music." he said as he continued to bang the block. Caesar didn't know if he should listen, but he was pretty bored so he decided to grab a block and bang it too. He started to enjoy it and started banging two blocks at a time. Anthony saw what he was doing and did the same thing. Caesar still wanted to know more about Anthony, but right now they were starting a band. So he forgot about there ALMOST fight and started banging the blocks as if it was a drum.

Leo and Ghost watched as the duo played there little band. "Heh, I think there band already started." joked Leo as Ghost chuckled. Little did Caesar and Anthony knew that this was the beginning of a new friendship.

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