Mad Ghost

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It was 10:00 pm when Ghost and Shy arrived home. "We're home boys." she replied. "Hey guys." MC shouted. Ghost saw his worst nightmare. Caesar was crawling around the house naked jk he was crawling around in a diaper. Ghost grew furious. "MC.......why is out nephew running around the house in his underwear?" he said while Shy picked up Caesar and put him close to her chess. MC realized this and said, "Oh well one, I was paying attention to the TV and I forgot and two, guess who was finally introduced to soda." MC replied as he referred to his nephew who was trying to get away from his auntie. Ghost was now on level 1000 for his anger. Ghost took the biggest breath he ever took and yell, "MC ARE YOU CRAZY?! CAESAR'S ONLY 7 MONTHS OLD HE CAN'T EVEN WALK YET!" MC immediately fell off the couch as he said that. "Ouch, sorry I just thought it was a good idea." "MC, sense Caesar drunk that soda he's not going to be able to sleep until 2:00 am tonight." ".....oh." Caesar got away from his auntie and before he continued to crawl around faster, he was swooped up by his uncle. Welp, fun's over, he thought. "YOU, are going to bed." he said before he headed strait to Caesar's room. Shy turned to MC who was now realizing what he'd done. "MC." "Yea." "I think maybe its best if you don't babysit Caesar until he's like 5 or something." "Good idea." Ghost poked his head out of Caesar's bedroom. "You better run cause once I'm done with this, I'ma start chasing you." he said as he put his head back into the room. MC turned to Shy who had a 'I told ya so' look. "Better do what he says." "You think?" MC asked before he started finding a place to hide in the house.

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