Day 1: Little furballs of joy (Minus one)

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(Just a little note, if you wanna rp with this scenario, then I'll be more than happy to!)

"Mrs. Vanilla said that she needed help babysitting.........I wonder why? She always take Cream with her wherever she goes." A female two-tailed fox questioned, walking with two others to Vanilla's house.

"I did hear little voices and screaming going on......" A minty green bunny commented.

"But that could be Cream watching T.V. Maybe one of Tails' inventions did it." A white bat answered the orange fox's question.

"But, I know what happened. I'm a psychic bunny, remember?"

"Minty, of course we know. You're probably reading someone's thoughts right now."

"Exactly. I know who you like, Tilly. He's right next to you...." Minty said with a sly smile.

"WHAT???" Tilly blushed. "I don't have a crush on Blade! He's just a friend!"

"Says the person who kisses a picture of me before going to bed." Blade smirked.

"SHADDUP!!!!" Tilly blushed even more. 

"Face it, Tilly. You really like Blade."

"No I don't, and I never will!"

"Oh, really? In a couple of days, you'll ask him to be your boyfriend."

"Curse you and your future telling......."

"We're here. Now......who's gonna open the door?" Blade asked.

"I'll do it!" Tilly walked up to the door and knocked on it. The door opened to reveal a little silver white hedgie in diapers.

"Hi! You must be the babysitters!" Silver said, smiling.

"Um....yeah....." Tilly picked up Silver and walked inside with Minty and Blade following behind her.

Sonic ran up to them. "Hiwo!!! I'm Sonic! And I'm the fwatest thwing awive!"

"Looks like I was right.....We know who you are, Sonic." Blade said, looking down at him.

Silver chuckled. "You're the fattest thing alive?" Sonic gave Silver a huffy face.

Tails flew on top of Tilly's head. "Hi!!! I'm Mwiles Prower, but chu can cwall me Twails!"

"Awww! You're so cute!!!!!!!" Tilly dropped Silver on the ground and picked up Tails. "I'm Melody!"

"I'm Amy Wose!" Amy said, crawling towards them.

"Hi, Amy. I'm Minty." Minty introduced herself to the pink hedgie.

"When are we gonna eat? I want chwilly dwogs!" Sonic yelled.

"Be patient, little hedgie. You'll get your little chili dogs soon enough." Minty picked up Sonic and hugged him for a little while, then sat him down next to Silver.

A purple cat was busy playing with a large ball of yarn when she bumped into Blade's legs. "Hewo there! I'm Bwaze the cwat! I like yarn!" She looked at Blade with a cute smile.

"Hi. I'm Blade." Blade looked back at Blaze.

"I'm Knuckles, and I can punch rocks! Allow me to demonstrate!" Knuckles got a random rock and smashed it to pieces. "Ta-da!!!!" No one was paying attention to him. 

"Can we eat now?????? I'm hungwy!!!" Sonic yelled again and grabbed Tilly's tails.

"Hey! Let go!" Tilly moved her tails just enough to where Sonic had lost his grip on them.

"I wanna eat. NOW!!!!!" Sonic had tears in his eyes.

"Chu bweing a bwad bwaby! Chu get no chwilly dwogs!" Tails said, smiling.

"Tails, you're not an adult.....well, you was, but you can't boss Sonic around like that."

"But Swanic be mean to me!"

"How is he being mean?"

"He wuined my inventwons! And twook my fwavorite bwanket!"

"Hey! I'm nwot mwean!"

"You're not that mean. Just extremely annoying.......and smelly....." Silver held his nose.

"Looks like someone needs a diaper change!" Minty smiled at Sonic.

"Nu dwiaper chwange!"

"Yes, diaper change."

"Nu dwiaper chwange!"

"Yes, you need one."

"Nu dwiaper chwange!!!!!"

"Sonic, don't argue with me..."

"Nu dwiaper chwange!!!!!!!!!!!"


"NU DWIAPER CHWANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonic ran away to his little secret hiding place.

"Hey....." Silver started. "Where's Shadow?"

"Shwadow is in a corner....." Tails said. 

"Is he in time out?" Tilly asked.

"Nope. He was thwere ever since Vanwilla picked us up."

"Something's bothering him. I sense it." Blade went over to Shadow. "Hey....something wrong?" Shadow didn't say anything.

"Shadow, I know you can hear me."

"Something is wrong. It's called, 'Sonic being annoying, me being a baby and Maria's not here.'" Shadow said.

"Well, I can fix two out of the three."

"Really?" Shadow looked at Blade.

"Yep. I have a pacifier that only I can take out, and I can bring Maria here in about......two weeks." Shadow's eyes lit up. He hugged Blade a little too hard.

(Because my hands are hurting, I'm gonna skip to nighttime. DON'T HATE ME!!!!!)

It was 9 p.m., and everyone (except Sonic, Shadow, Cream and Vanilla) was wide awake. The babies were surprisingly quiet. All but one, who was crying. No one knew where the sound was coming from until Minty looked under the couch and found a little bat/fox. She got him from out under the couch and cradled him until he calmed down.

"You poor thing......What's your name?" Minty asked him, hoping to get an answer. The bat/fox just looked at Minty with a worried look.

"That's Sj. He's shy and doesn't talk much." Silver explained to Minty.

"Oh, okay. Don't worry Sj. I'm friendly. I won't harm you in any way or let others harm you. You're such a cutie." Minty nuzzled Sj a little. And to her surprise, he giggled a little.

"Aww! He likes you!" Silver said.


I'm gonna end this part here, so sorry if it's not what you expected!

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