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"MEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL!" Meka shouted as she saw one of her best friends get shot in the chest and hit the floor hard unconscious. "NOOO! Ugh no matter at least I got rid of one of them." The purple dragon shouted in agony. "Now, where were we?" She smirked as she held the gun to Meka again.

Just before the purple dragon can pull the trigger, the window smashed open revealing a figure with green scales and a tail. Sadie thought it was her cousin's but instead it was Dragon (guess what dragon, you're in the story now yeaaaaaaa) Caesar's girlfriend. "DRAGON!" Dragon was wearing all black and what looked like a mask to cover her face but Sadie recognized her from a landslide. "Let them go Marie!" She shouted and Sadie believed that she was referring to the purple dragon. She also assumed it was her name. "I told you know body calls me that anymore." The so called Marie said as she fought dragon with no mercy. Meka dragged Mel towards Sadie's side as she couldn't carry her friend due to her childish body. "We gotta get outta here!" Meka said.

"But we can't just leave her here."

"Well then what should we do?" Meka asked even though Sadie couldn't find a decent answer. During the fight, dragon was starting to lose consciousness. Marie held a knife at her head and just before she can strike at her formal friend, dragon used her reflexes to catch the knife with her two hands and flipped the knife so it can jam into Marie's rib cage. Marie screamed in pain and fell to the floor. "Cmon you three let's get outta here." She said as she helped carry Mel and grabbed Sadie's hand who grabbed on the Meka.

Once they finally got out of the lair, dragon placed Sadie and Meka on the roof and put Mel near a hospital so that the nurses and doctors can work on him. "Is he gonna be okay?" Meka said looking like she was about to cry. Sadie pulled her into a hug. "I don't know, but I know he can take it." Dragon turned towards the girls. "So as for you, what were you guys thinking of going into he dragons' lair?"

"My parents think I'm too weak." Meka blurted our. "Well did they say that?" ""

"(Sighs) Cmon, first I have to take you home and then I'll take Sadie home."

"How do you know-"

"She's CC's girlfriend." Sadie said as Meka make kissy sounds. "-_- Okay were done time to go home." Dragon said as she swooped up both girls and took them home.

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