Time for school (sadly)

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Caesar had to wake up to his alarm clock. He rolled out of bed and on to the floor accidentally. "Ouch! Fun fact, never roll in your sleep." He said to himself as he got off the bed and headed towards Sadie's room.

Once he did, he saw how she was sleeping. It was so cute he almost didn't wanna wake her up. Almost. He walked towards her bed and shook her lightly. "Wake up Sadie you'll be late for school." He said but the only response he got was a moan and a shift to the other side of the bed. "You can do it for me." Sadie said softly as Caesar chuckled. "Cmon cuz, you'll be fine." He said as he shook her again. Again he still got the same response. This time he couldn't take it any more so he rolled his eyes and took her covers which made Sadie shiver a little. "Fine if you don't get up I'll tickle you to death." Almost immediately, Sadie jumped out of bed and started to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Caesar smirked to himself and crossed his arms over his chest as he saw her walk out. "So you changed your mind?" He asked already knowing the answer. Sadie only pouted and went to her closet jestering Caesar to not look. He did as he was told even thought he was still unsure if she was gonna sneak out or something.

He stepped out of the room greeted by his other cousin Anthony who looked like a zombie going to the movies. "You slept well?" He asked. "Actually I didn't." He replied as he walked towards the stairs to go into the kitchen. "What've you been doing all night?" Caesar asked again but before Anthony could say anything Sadie opened the door with her clothes on. She was wearing a purple top that said 'GIRLS DREAM BIG!' with black pants and some blue sneakers. Her hair was in a ponytail. 'Wow who knew a 3 year old girl can do her own hair' Caesar thought as Sadie walked past them without saying a word. The two lizards looked at each other like they saw a sexy girl with her ten friends. "It's like she was a different person." Anthony whispered. "I know."

After breakfast, Caesar got dressed himself. He had on a orange and black t-shirt that says 'I'm the gold' with blue jeans and his luck black belt (not like in karate) with orange sneakers. He put on his cap before he opened his bedroom door to go back downstairs. Caesar gave out a yawn as he saw Sadie and Anthony at the table. Caesar looked confused when he saw Sadie looking like she was having a segure. "What the heck is she doing?"

"Trying to act like she has a sore throat so she can skip school." Sadie stopped fake couching and shot Anthony a glare. "You didn't have to tell him." She whined as Caesar chuckled and picked her up. "Cmon you. Summer's over. Time for school."

"Don't you two go to school?"

"We don't go until the 6th."

"That's not fair."

"It is to Clayton county." Caesar smirked as he and Sadie headed to her school.

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