Wedding bells

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(I know I haven't updated this in so long and I'm sry but here's the update now)

It was time. The time of his life. The moment he's been waiting for. The moment that was going to change his life forever. This was it. Caesar had proposed to her finally and now there wedding is today. Caesar was so excited he couldn't stop smiling. It was too bad that he couldn't see the bride before the wedding. They say its was bad luck. Caesar was walking through his mansion. As he walked he couldn't stop thinking about the first day he proposed. The way she jumped on him with excitement. The way they kissed in the end. The way he put on her ring for her. The way- "Hey Caesar." Caesar snapped out of his gaze and saw his father Swift in his best suit. "Oh hey dad, never imagined you wearing a suit for the first time in your life." Caesar smirked as his father frowned. "Don't get your hopes to high, I'm taking this off the moment its is over." Swift said as Caesar laughed. "CeCe!" Caesar looked to his right and then looked down to see his little cousin Sadie in a little white dress while holding flowers. "Do you like my dress?" Sadie asked as Caesar chuckled. "Yea its pretty cute." he said as he gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Now go play with your friends."

"Okay." she said as she ran down the hall to the girls room. "You better not ruin that dress!" Swift called out as Sadie ran off. "Also I came to tell you that everyone's here and they're all ready."

"Great. Hey where's Anthony? Wasn't he in charge of the guest?"

"I checked with him. He said all of them are here even Ghost and Shy."

"Perfect, I knew they wouldn't resist a wedding." Caesar smiled as he went to the snack bar and saw a couple of people munching on a few strawberries and crackers. Every girl was in a beautiful dress. The maids of honor were dressed in matching white dresses with a black bow around there waist. The best men were dressed in matching suits with bow ties around there necks. Caesar smiled at the sight of Anthony as he saw him munching on a few crackers. "You know you should probably save those for the guest." Caesar smirked as Anthony looked up from his plate of crackers and looked at Caesar with a stuffed mouth. Caesar snorted and shook head as Anthony swallowed his crackers. "What is a lizard not allowed to eat?" Anthony said as he smirked and raised his eyebrow. "Before the wedding, yes." Anthony huffed as he made his way to his seat. As he sat in his seat and talked with his friends, Caesar started to look around. Swift was right everyone was here. Lexi and Raph as they sat together. Leo and Swift as they took care of the arrivals. Shy and Ghost as they were so excited to see there child Sadie walk down the isle with a banquet of flowers. He couldn't wait for it to begin.


A few minutes later, it was time for the wedding. Caesar was standing in the center as he waited for his bride to come. Rebel and MC were standing behind him while the maids Jazzy and RJ were stand behind where Dragon was suppose to stand. Just then, the bell sounded and two small figure skipped down the isle. It was Sadie and Meka. As they skipped down the isle spreading flowers on the floor, Dragon was walking behind them in her wedding dragon. Caesar couldn't help but blush. When it was time for the rings, Mel was in his cute little suit as he walked down the isle with the rings on a pillow. The preacher grabbed the rings and gave them to Caesar who placed one on Dragon's hand while Dragon placed the other one on his hand. 

hen, after the preacher pronounced them husband and wife, they kissed. It was magical. It was destiny. It was amazing. And more importantly, it was real.


The after party started and everything was amazing. Everyone was happy dancing and talking as the day went on and on. The couples started to dancing to the slow music. "You know, I never expected this to happen." Dragon said as she was slow dancing with Caesar. "Me neither, and yet it did."

"What should we do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we have our on place right?"

"Yes and we have jobs so what is it?"

"Well.....what do you think we should do next?"

"I don't know.......I mean we are going on a honey mood."

"But after that......should know..."

"What is it?"

".......I wanna....start a family." Caesar felt like time just stopped for him. A family? Dragon wanted a family? "A-A family?"

"I'm sorry it's just-"

"No, no, it's just....well so soon, I mean do you think we should wait for a few more months before we decide that?"

"I just thought it would be a good idea." Caesar immediately felt guilty. But then he thought about it. Maybe it would be good to have kids. I mean he has a job already and they have there own place. And they pay rent. "You know what?" Caesar said with a smile as Dragon looked at him. "Maybe a few kids wouldn't hurt."

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