Oh crap

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"Are you really gonna go?" Raph asked, as he saw Swift getting his things. "I'm coming back, I'm just needed for an emergency."

"And what is the emergency?"

"Caesar and Anthony." Raph widen his eyes. "What did they do this time?"

"Don't know but they'll be in trouble soon." Swift said as he was about to head out the door. "See you in a few." he said as he finally got into the car and drove off. Raph looked at a sleeping Sadie. Raph had to be careful not to wake her up as he walked towards her room. He laid her down gently in her crib and turned the light off and went out the room so he can close the door. Raph sighed in relief................only to be interrupted by an upset baby girl. Raph groan. "Does this girl ever sleep?" he asked himself as he went back into the room.

Once he did, Sadie stopped crying. "You're not gonna let me leave are you?" he said as he picked her up. Sadie gave him a sly smirk (yes she's one of the smart ones) that said, 'Nope'. "Fine, lets go watch TV." he said as he went downstairs while carrying her.


(Pretend Caesar and Anthony are like 14)

With the duo, Caesar and Anthony, they were sitting on a roof enjoying the beautiful night. "So what's up with your dads?" Anthony asked. "They have to watch our new cousin Sadie."

"I heard she's a smart baby."

"Yea, me too." Then all of a sudden, Anthony's phone buzzed. He picked it up and when he saw it a text message appeared his dad Leo which read, 'Anthony, do you and Caesar have any idea what time it is?' Anthony was confused until he saw the time on his phone. And it said, '12:08 am'. "Uh, Caesar?"


"Its 12 in the morning." Caesar eyes widen. "Oh crap, were dead." he said as both he and Anthony quickly started to run back home. But then, this time Caesar's phone buzzed and it wasn't a text. It was a call. Caesar didn't have a chose so he picked it up. And it was Rebel.

"Caesar, where are you two, I told you to be back at home by 9:30. You guys are 3 hours late."

"Sorry, unc, we lost track of time while looking at the beautiful night sky. Mostly, the stars." Caesar said as he and Anthony where closer to there destanation.

Once they got to the door, Anthony realized it was locked. "Hey Caesar, do you remember them saying something like if were late they'll lock us out until tomorrow?" Anthony asked. "Welp, that's just great." Caesar said as he sat down on the steps

Suddenly, a car pulled up. It was as blue as a royal gown, and its black strips where as black as night. (I didn't mean for that to rhyme) It also had the name 'Swift' on it. "Is that your-"

"Yep, that's my dad." Caesar said as Swift got out of the car. "Looks like you two got locked out." he said as he walked towards them. "Don't wanna talk about it." they two lizards said in union. Swift sighed. "C'mon, you can help us watch your cousin.

"Does that me we can stay for a while?" Anthony asked determined to find a place to rest his head. "Sure, as long as you help us babysit." "Deal."


Once, the two lizards and there uncle/dad Swift arrived at the house, Swift opened the door which revealed a sleeping Raph holding a sleeping Sadie. "Should we move them?" Anthony whispered. Anthony heard a flashing sound and saw Caesar taking a picture. "And ruin this moment, no way." Caesar whispered back. Swift rolled his eyes, even though he did wanted a pic of it as well. "C'mon you two, your rooms are upstairs." he said as he led them to there room.

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