Where is she

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Caesar woke up and held his head from the pain. He was expecting himself to forget about himself and his family but luck was on his side today so he was okay.....for now. When he woke up he was tied to a chair with chains. He tried to break free but the chain was too strong. "Oh you're awake." said a familiar voice. It sounded like a mixture of his pops and his uncle Ghost. But he knew exactly who he was. "Fong" he said in a harsh voice. Fong got closer to the light so he can see him. Hs Smirks was a wide as a dolphin's tail and looked like he can kill almost everyone in the world.

"It's almost surprising that you remembered me."

"Where are they?"

"Don't worry, your cousin's right there." he said as he pointed to the left and that's when he found Anthony. He was also tied to a chair with chains except he wasn't awake. But there was something missing. "Where is she?"


"Where is my cousin?"

"What're you-oh the baby wasn't it?" Caesar started to boil. "Don't worry we won't hurt her." he said as he started to walk out the door but before he did he turned around and whisper so only Caesar can hear. "Much." And then he left. Caesar laid his head down in shame. 2 minutes on the job of babysitting there cousin and they get kidnapped. And what's worse they're going to hurt her. A little girl. A little 7 month old girl who's done nothing to you. Caesar cried silently knowing that if he was going to be the favorite cousin.....well let's just say he wasn't so favorite after all.

Then he heard a noise. It sounded like a moan. He turned to the left and saw Anthony waking up. "Anthony, Anthony, wake up." He said as his cousin was fully awake. "Do you remember me?" he asked afraid he would say no. Anthony turned to his right to look at his cousin and said, "Cae-Caesar?" Caesar sighed in relief. "W-Where are we?"

Just as they were about to talk Fong came in again. "You know since this may be the last time we see each other, I might as well tell you why I'm doing this." Caesar and Anthony stayed quiet even though they wanted to shout his name in vain, break out of these chains, and kill for ever threading to touch there lil cousin again. "You see a few years ago, wenpurple dragons were stealing from a candy shop." he looked down to see the Caesar and Anthony were confused. "It was on a bet."


"Anyway, just as we got out of there, your so called uncle Ghost came in to save the day. But I'm the process, ended up killing my friends. My family. My home." Caesar and Anthony looked at each other. They didn't realize he called them there family. "And now," Fong continued. "I'm going to get my revenge on that Ghost." he said as he started to walk away. "What're you going to do to us?" Anthony asked even though he already knew the answer. Fong turned around and smirked that evil smirk again. "I'm going to kill you, starting with the youngest." Caesar and Anthony's eyes widen in fear. "We gotta think of a plan," Caesar said. "and fast."

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